New Beginnings – Part 1 – The Aftermath by NCfan

They made good time. When Will sensed they were coming closer to the town he led them down towards the village. As expected it was deserted. They stopped for provisions at a small market, then found a store with outdoors clothing. More common up this way. Kelly spent more time than Will would have liked trying on different clothes. However when she came out modeling a warm sweater and tight jeans he noted her firm athletic body, and her breasts pressing out against the material.

“That looks nice. We really should be going. And you need boots that fit.” Kelly acknowledged him while still giving a turn. Will also noticed she had a very nice butt. The feelings had returned. Once Kelly was properly fitted and had a new pack better suited for hiking she found boots that fit and that Will approved. Their last stop was a small bookshop. The teaching materials were limited, but Kelly found a copy of “The Call of the Wild” that she thought Will would enjoy. They stopped for a quick lunch, then much to Will’s comfort they cleared the town and got up into the hills. They hiked through the afternoon, then as the sun decended over the western hills they found a secure area to camp. Kelly was happy to remove the boots which were far from broken in. It was a warmer afternoon than usual so they were able to get out of their heavier clothes and sit around in lighter shirts. Kelly asked Will,

“Is there any place around where I could wash up? I’m sweaty from walking and well I need to clean the remnents of…them…from me.”

“Yes, that’s why this is a good campsite. The stream coming down the hill created a pond just down around there.” He was pointing down the hill from where they were. “It’s going to be real cold. We could collect water and heat it.”

“Oh, that would be great.” Will gathered wood and made a fire while Kelly made trips to collect water. Once they were ready Kelly began to disrobe. Seeing her getting down to her underwear, Will turned away,

“I’ll keep watch.” Kelly thought a moment to herself.

“I might need help with my back. And you might want some of this water while it’s hot.”

“Your privacy.”

“It’s ok.” Kelly stood naked in the failing sunlight. The air was cool on her bare skin, but the warm water felt wonderful. She used a washcloth to clean and scrape between her legs. To clear away the awful memories. To feel renewed. Then she called to Will, “My back please? I’m feeling so much better.” Will turned to see Kelly facing away from him. He saw her bare back. There were marks where she may have been hit over the past weeks. He took in her hips, flaring out and down to her round firm butt, also marked where they had hit her. Her long legs, straight and clear. As he neared she turned to hand him the wash cloth. He saw her breast from the side. Hanging just a bit, turning up at the front, her nipple hard in the cool air. He rinsed the wash cloth in the warm water and began washing her back, then down to her butt, washing carefully so as not to hurt her. The first woman he’d touched in this way. He cleaned her legs then stood. She turned to him. He tried not to look, holding out the cloth with trenbling hand. She simply said, “you next.”

Kelly watched as Will removed his shirt. She watched his lean, strong torso and arms, still so youthful but tight and manly from his outdoor life. He hesitated as his pants. “It’s ok, let me.” Kelly unbuckled his belt, then opened his jeans. He got the idea and pulled them down. She pointed at his plain underwear. He turned away,

“I’m sorry, you’re so…pretty.” Kelly guessed what his issue was and smiled to herself. She used the warm washcloth to clean his muscled back and down to his own tight butt. She was getting turned on. For the first time in a long time she had feelings for a man. She wasn’t ready just yet to have a man inside. The hurt was too recent, the pain too real. When Kelly had finished his back she stood against him and wrapped her arms around him, washing his chest. Will could feel her breasts pressed against him. He felt ashamed to have an erection. Would she think him a pervert for not controlling himself. Or maybe worse, another dangerous man, who might take her against her will. Holding herself tight to Will, Kelly moved a hand down across his flat stomach and down to find what she expected. She sought to calm him.

“It’s ok Will. It’s normal. It’s actually a compliment that you see me as attractive.” Kelly began cleaning his cock. It felt to her like a nice straight firm one. She washed, back and forth. He closed his eyes. She felt his body shaking. “Is this your first time with a woman?”

“No, a woman with a group, um, sucked on me, cause I gave them food. Some days ago. It was ok.” Kelly smiled. This strong virile teen had had one blowjob.

“Good for you. You seem so good at helping people in distress.” Kelly had dropped the cloth and was now stroking his cock with her bare hand. “Sometimes people like to reward those that help them.” Kelly had her free hand around his stomach, her hand open and touching his bare skin as her other hand stroked, back and forth. Her head was resting against his back.

“You don’t have to do anything. Reward me or anything. I would never force you or…”

“I know. You’re an amazing, wonderful man. I’m doing this because I want to. Everything I do is because I want to. I can show you more than just books. Teach you more than just reading. When I’m healed, I’ll show you.” Kelly increased her pace. She felt the body in her grasp tense, the cock in her hand thicken, then Will grunted as his cum shot out into the darkening campsite. He moaned as Kelly coaxed more, squeezing out the last drops. She turned him towards her, glancing down, smiling, then bringing his face to her for a kiss. He obviously had no experience, but she didn’t comment on this. She let him fumble and work things out. She took a trembling hand and let it cover her breast. She felt him crush it lightly in his large hand. So much he can learn. Her pleasure to teach him.

With the air quickly cooling they dressed and prepared their bedding for sleep. Kelly looked at Will who was doing his best not to stare at her. “Will?”


“I’d feel much safer if I was sleeping next to you.”

“Really? You want to, with me. Don’t you need privacy?”

“It’s a cold cruel new world. I need someone who makes me feel safe.”

“I-I’ll try to protect you best I can. I won’t hurt you ever.”

“Then that’s the best offer I’m likely to get for a long time.” Kelly pulled her things over to Will, added her blanket to his and got beneath them as close to his warm body as possible. Will seemed to be wondering just where to put his free hand. Kelly took it and wrapped his arm around her. “There, I feel secure.” Kelly had her best night’s sleep in many weeks.

Will woke at first light. He didn’t dare move. He was lying on his back. Kelly had one leg and one arm thrown over him. Her breast was pressed against his side, her head was on his shoulder. He had a raging hardon. Normally if he had a hardon on the morning he’d go off to the side and rub it until he shot his stuff and it went away. Now he lay there. His normal morning condition enhanced by the amazing creature he’d saved. He wasn’t experienced in the least in how to be with a woman. She said she was not much older than him. But she knew so much more. And her body, last night, as he washed her. It was like nothing he could have imagined. Just the images burned into his mind gave him feelings inside. He lay there as she slowly woke. Her first expression was one of surprise. Then she quickly relaxed when she saw who she was pressed against.

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