The Chauffeur(#6)… The Plan by PABLO DIABLO

The Chauffeur(#6)… The Plan by PABLO DIABLO

Jill and I are now married. , The Chauffeur……. The Plan


Copyright 2018


It’s been a couple of weeks since Jill and I married. Lots of people from the Happee, Happy Limo company have called to congratulate us. Yet, oddly enough, not Sasha and not Tina.

Jill, at first was disappointed at Tina, but as the days progressed, she just chalked it up to Sasha’s interference. I certainly could understand her disappointment since I finally got the two of them to realize that it was Sasha not each other they needed to be angry at. But, alas, Sasha’s control over Tina was much too strong.

Jill and I got congratulatory calls from virtually every hotel and the key people all asking when Jill will be back on the road. I smiled to myself, knowing the treasure that I have as my wife.

We discussed several ideas: about her going back to work; about her getting out of the business entirely; of both of us starting our own limo service; even us leaving the country and starting over somewhere else. As it turns out, Jill is better with money than I am. She spends only what she absolutely needs and puts the rest in her safe; in her savings account; in her brokerage account; and of course, a small amount in her checking account. Jill only has one credit card, an American Express, that she pays the balance off every month.

I called my attorney to let him know what transpired at the limo company. He laughed long and hard before letting me in on the joke. The limo company must pay me my salary, unless either one of two violations occur. Violation one: I bring or use drugs. Violations two: Physical assault of any employee/manager/customer or client of the Happee, Happy Limo Company.

Neither of those occurred. However, Jill did mention that Sasha and maybe even Tina might ‘accuse’ me of assault. That did give me reason to pause and think about that one. No way she could prove or even point a finger at me about drugs. Hell, she couldn’t even say I drank since I have not had any alcohol for several months. Not that I needed it, I just quite frankly decided it was much more difficult to get over a hangover at my age.

As Jill was recovering, I received a phone call from Mr. Jaxson.

“Hey there David, I heard a couple of rumors about you. Do you have some time to talk?”

“Absolutely!” I replied.

“Great. Let me start by telling you that Mrs. Jaxson is the one who has been following you. She was disappointed that you didn’t call us as soon as Sasha fired you. What happened?” Mr. Jaxson asked.

I took a deep breath and began to tell him the story, “Mr. Jaxson, technically speaking, I haven’t been fired…. yet. According to my lawyer, my contract only allows them to fire me for two reasons: Assault on a manager/employee/or customer or anything to do with drugs. I can’t be accused of the drug thing, but I’m sure that Sasha has a trick up her sleeve. I don’t want to go into what I suspect over the phone, but maybe in person, when I see you next time my suspicions would be better discussed. However, do you remember when I met you the first time?”

“Well, yes I do. Which is why my offer is still on the table. I would love for you to come work for me. Top flight people, such as yourself, are a rare find.”

“Um, Mr. Jaxson, the young lady that drove us that night…. Jill…. I married her. We tied the knot just two weeks ago right after she was in a horrible accident.”

“Really? Oh, my goodness. Is she alright?” He asked while telling his wife.

“Yes. She has bruised ribs, but nothing more serious as her car was totaled.” I explained.

“Hey, David. I would like to see you and Jill, if it’s ok for the both of you to travel. Is she ok to travel?” Mr. Jaxson inquired.

“I believe so, but I’ll check with her doctor in the morning then I’ll let your secretary know. Is that alright with you?”

“That sounds wonderful. David, once you get the clearance from her doctor and call my assistant, I will be sending my jet for you and Jill. I think a week here in New York could do you two well. Any objections?” Mr. Jaxson proposed.

“None, sir.”

I hung up the phone and just sat there looking at my wife. I am still in awe of how beautiful she is. Long black hair with cute straight cut bangs. Pale skin. An ass and chest most men would love to see on their wife and, the sexiest things of all about her…. her personality and brains. Yes, Jill, to me, is the total package.

As I just sat in the chair, I heard Jill say, “Hello, Earth to David. “

I smiled at her. My mind could be a thousand miles away and yet her angelic voice would bring me home.

“Hun, that was Mr. Jaxson. He wants to know if you’re ok to travel.” I said.

“Oh, I’m sure I’m ok, why?” She replied.

“He would like us to come see him in New York.”

“Well, why don’t you just book a flight up to see him. I’ll be alright here while you’re away.” Jill responded.

“NO! He wants to see us BOTH. If you get clearance from your doctor, I’m supposed to call his secretary and they will send their personal jet for us.”

“WHAT???? Oh, my gawd. That would be so amazing. I’ve never even been on a private jet. I’ve flown all over the world in the Marines, usually those big C130’s, but never have I ever had the opportunity to even step on a private jet. Oh, David, I think this calls for a ‘treat’.” Jill said with excitement in her voice.

“Oh really? What kind of treat did you have in mind?” I said to her with a wicked grin.

“Let me show you.”

Jill got up off the couch and sauntered over to me. I was still sitting in the chair as she reached down and began to unbutton my loose-fitting Cuban-style shirt. Her soft hand went inside my shirt and caressed my chest. She tweaked my nipple giggling as she did that.

I reached up and pulled her head down level with mine. As our lips met, we both opened our mouths a small bit allowing our tongues to intertwine. I softly bit her lower lip. She let out a small moan. Somewhere in the back of my head, I was worried about her rib injury. Could we get through a love-making session? Would I end up hurting her? Is she comfortable enough to go through with our physical intimacy? Lots and lots of questions swirled around in my head while I was kissing her.

My own rationality won out and I decided that she will tell me if there’s an issue. However, BE GENTLE my head screamed.

As we were in a sexy lip lock, I could feel my manhood stirring. It has been 2 weeks since we have even attempted to try intimacy. I felt her breathing get shorter and shorter as we kept the magical kiss.

While we were kissing, I reached up and began unbuttoning her blouse. With my other hand, I untucked the blouse from her jeans. As I finished unbuttoning her blouse, I gently slipped it off her shoulders. I caressed her neck, remembering that this was one of the erogenous zones on her body. I broke from our kiss. I stood up and put my arms around Jill. I leaned into her licking and kissing her neck. I licked from the shoulders up to her ear, nibbling on her earlobe. I kissed her ear and blew gently into her ear which drew a low moan from her.

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