A Mining Colony-Prison part 1 by SwampRat & Sir Brucie

A closet held clean sheets and towels. A shower was built in one side and a toilet in the other. The animal watched his new cell-mate take out a towel.. “No! Not while the doors are open..

You want to start a riot?” The male grinned. “Can I wash my arms and face?” A nod as he went over to the sink. Rinsed the dust off, dried. “Upper or Lower?” The male grinned.

“Whichever you prefer..” ‘Definitely a Dipper..’ The rabbit thought, fluffing his pillow. “I’ll take upper, then.” Small talk cut down the noise as they inventoried the closet.

“What yer in fer?” The man unrolled his blanket, and made up the bed like he had done it a thousand times before. “Hey Longen.. Got an extra?” A folded square of warm material was tossed to the mole. “Owe ya.

.” He smacked his wide palm on his hip. Spedal made kissing sounds. “Good deed..” Hmm? Oh.

“What kind..” “Killed a Power.” A whistle.. “How high?” The man grinned.

. “High enough.. He was in the process of murdering a servant with a whip. A cloak girl who probably told him no. She was a mass of blood. I asked him to stop.

He laughed.. Told me if I didn’t butt out he would his sonic whip on me. So.. I broke his neck. For that, I got this.

” His eyes went white, as the animal listened to the tale. Too wild not to be true.. He wasn’t marked, so no slave. And talked too well to be Poor.. Spacer?

Worse trouble. But this one was too friendly for Spacer. They were a stuck-up bunch, Spacers were.. A smile. “I can hear the wheels grinding..

If smoke comes out your ears, should I stick my tongue down them or just pour in water?” The rabbit chuckled. “Alright, Mystery, What are ye?” The man sighed. “Know Galactic?” Longen nodded..

There was a hush from the corridor as something came on the wind. “I am an Outbound Scout. I haven’t seen my home planet in over 200 years.” Spedal wished he could have bitten his tongue. Some information was more dangerous than it was worth.. This one was taught to survive.

Alone. No matter where he was or what he found. And his only contact was once a year at a radio site.. If he made that. “Bastards..

” A grin. “I volunteered. I hated what I saw and wanted to leave. Besides, I have just about tripled my life-span..” A siren sounded and the corridors cleared. “First warning.

.” A quarter of a mark later another sounded. “LockDown.. Anyone out there better have a reason, or be tossed to the Guards as fodder. They will only abuse ya..

The Jungle will Kill Ya. And not so nicely, either.” The doors slammed shut. Longen shucked his clothes off and put them in a chute. “Too small and who wants to drown in a washer?” The man dropped his shorts, and split his shirt down the seams..

“I told them it was too small.” He watched his new friend walk over to the inset ring in the floor. “They don’t call you ‘Longen’ for your ears, do they..” The rabbit reached for the knobs and grinned. “Nope..

” He gave his new bunk-love the soap. “Here.. You need this more than I do.” “Well.. I need somebody to scrub my back and if you are willing, I can trade a hand at combing.

. or do you comb your fur?” The animal grinned. “Every friggin sun-crack..” He ran his paws over the muscular back, giggling to himself. There were many a male who would pay good for the privilege of doing this.

. And lift their tails as well. ‘Wouldn’t mind being under him, myself..’ He did his job well, feeling the muscles move under his claws.. “May I go farther?

” “Sure.. Go as far as you like.. But I warn you…

” Here it comes.. “If you start kissing my toes or telling me how pretty my ankles are..” This time he did laugh out loud. “No such luck..

However I do like your ass.” A shrug. “I can’t see it so I usually ignore it.. Unless it becomes a pain.” Witty too..

Damn! Perhaps he could pull a few hairs and keep the male.. Nah. His was ta get ’em up ta speed, then toss ’em out fer Sop. This one was gonna be a mouthful..

He’d bet matings on it. But time for goodbye’s later.. Right now he intended to maul that wonderful butt.. And did so. With vigor.

. “The soap..” What? “I am sure by now you have removed all the dirt and a few layers of skin.. However I still have a front and entire Masdgh to get clean.

” The being in question growled.. Soaped himself up with rapidity, and stood in front of the male, hogging the water. Fingers dug into his back, pulling kinks and snarls out with gentleness. “Mmmm.. I think I shall stay here all night.

” A mouth nibbled on an ear-tip, making it’s owner grunt. “Well, I intend to get this soap off and sleep. Swinging a pick is hard work..” A strong chest rubbed itself against his back as the male rinsed off. “Don’t you dare Touch That Towel! That’s my – Shit.

” A blast of air told him the male found the dispenser. “It detaches.. This could get fun.. Especially if you had a Romua Slider..

.” Longen groaned and shook his head. Both at the male and to get the water out of his ears. The guard who watched from the corridor thought it might be fun too.. As a new-one he was Paws-Off..

But that status only lasted for a month. Or until the new one showed promise.. And he was showing Much Promise. Lots were being drawn to see who would take him on for humping rights. Favors changed hands daily as the odds got better that he would ‘graduate’ early. ‘I’ll bet my dick he’s a Dipper.

.’ And a Bucket. Look at that throat.. Those muscles.. His cock was small.

. But it probably grew when played with. Most did.. And some hide in a sheath. His own ached for release..

The panther silently continued on his rounds, stopping to watch a mating or a mouthing. Down the line he saw a paw sticking out of the bars. Perhaps the owner fell out of bed.. Perhaps not. He called in a med-report on the cell. No, neither of the males had a medical problem.

. The guard softly crept closer to the paw. A snore came from the cell.. “Please..” The creature held out it’s paws beggingly.

“What is it.. Damn!” The creature lifted himself up, the fell back heavily. “My back is broken.. Give me dick.

” The panther shook his head. Breaker broke another one.. And there was nothing they could do about it.. He was the Captain’s hole..

Or was there… He also understood Galactic. A DeepSpacer, Eh? That meant he could play mean with the best of ’em..

“Please.. Dick! I want Dick!” The pupils were dilated. The nostrils quivered, tongue sliding in and out like a crazed pink snake..

WildWater. “Please.. I beg. Ahhh..” Black furred hips came closer so the being could stroke them.

Nuzzle them.. A tongue darted under his loin-cloth and harvested sweat from the dark globes. Then the claws yanked it aside so a ribbon of muscle could slide deep into the sheath and draw out what lived inside. The penis jackknifed out.. To be swallowed to where it meet the dark groin.

The cat gritted his teeth to keep from groaning. This one was Hungry! It had only been a time-mark since LockDown.. And the creature nursed like one who had been tossed into solitary for a month! He reached forward and stroked the head, being careful not to stick his paw in the cell. It might Still be an act.

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