Diane and Danny by pdocker5000

Once Diane had finished serving the customer Joan explained to her what Danny wanted.
Diane smiled at Joan then said to her.
“Why don’t you go and give him a hand.
I will look after the shop.”
Joan looked at Diane a little surprised.
But Diane just said to her.
“Go on and enjoy yourself.”

Danny was a little surprised when Joan walked into the bedroom instead of his mother.
Joan then informed him.
“That Diane was busy and she had sent her to help him.”
Joan then said to Danny.
“That getting a shower might not be the best idea.”
She then said to him.
“I think you will be better in a bath where you can sit down.”

Joan now told him.
“To remain in bed while she went to run him a bath.”
Danny watched a little TV until she came back for him.

Joan now helped Danny out of bed and putting her arm around his waist to steady him helped him into the bathroom.
Once in the bathroom Danny suddenly felt a little embarrassed about having to undress in front of Joan.
However Joan just smiled at him and told him.
“Too put his hands up over his head.”
And soon his top was off.

Joan quickly got down on her hands and knees and quickly pulled off his shorts.
Now he was completely naked.
Joan was quite impressed by the size of his cock, it was soft at the moment but it was still an impressive sight.
Danny was a little embarrassed and put his hands over it.
This got a smile off her.

Joan now helped him get in the bath the hot water did feel good and Danny started to relax in the hot bath. He was just about to start to wash himself when Joan told him.
“To just relax and she would take care of that for him.”

She now rolled up her blouse sleeves and took hold of the wash cloth and put some soap on it getting it good and soapy.
She then started to wash his face neck and shoulders. She then started to wash his arms and back.
All the time she was washing him she was lent over the bath and her white blouse was getting wet through.

By the time she had washed everything that she could reach her blouse was really wet and she was getting pretty fed up about having to roll her sleeves back up every few minutes.
Joan now got back up onto her feet; she now started to unbutton her blouse.
Danny watched her intently as she undid button after button.
She now stripped off her blouse and tossed it onto the bathroom floor.

Danny was now looking at her very impressive breasts which where encased in her white frilly lace bra. Her breasts looked to be about two sizes bigger than his mother’s to his young eyes.
Joan was very aware that he was looking at her breasts.
It was getting her very horny him looking at her.
Unlike the two boys who tried to force themselves on her, she wanted Danny and she knew that his mother would not object to her having a little bit of fun with him.

Joan now smiled at Danny then said to him.
“I really don’t want to get my best bra wet so I hope you don’t mind.”
She did not wait for him to answer her.
She reached behind her back and undid the clip of her bra.
He watched in amazement as she removed her bra and tossed it onto her wet blouse.

Danny thought that she would stop there, but soon she unclipped and unzipped her skirt and that joined her blouse and bra on the floor.
Her pantie soon joined the rest of her things.
She now took off her shoes.
Joan was now completely naked.
She now started to rub her own nipples as he just looked at her.
Danny now had a huge hardon which was just sticking up out of the water which caused her to smile and her pussy to get wet.

Joan now took him completely by surprise getting in the bath with him.
She then took him by his hands and gently pulled him up so he was stood up with his back leant against the wall of the bath.
She smiled at him lovingly then she picked up the wash cloth and got it nice and soapy.
Joan now continued to wash his chest and started to make her way down to his groin and legs.

Joan was knelt down in the bath washing him. Her face was level with his big cock which was only about a couple of inches from her face.
She longed to take it into her mouth however she resisted the urge for now.
She also deliberately missed washing his groin area doing his legs first.

Once she had finished washing his legs she turned him around got back up then started to wash his shoulders and back and worked her way down to his cute butt.
She was once again knelt down in the water her face level with his butt.

All the time she had been washing him Danny’s breathing had been getting faster and he was getting more excited.
He suddenly moaned out with pleasure as she parted his butt cheeks and put her tongue into his ass crack and started to lick up and down his asshole.

Danny was amazed that getting his asshole licked could be so pleasurable. He was also amazed that she was prepared to do it.
She continued to lick his asshole for a few minutes, she had her face deep in his ass and his cheeks parted as far as they could go.
She loved the smell of his asshole it was so sweet to her.
Joan loved licking out men’s and dogs assholes.

Joan who was still knelt down in the Luke warm water of the bath. Put her hands on his hips and turned him around so his cock was directly pointing at her face.
She gave him a very seductive smile she then placed her hands on his balls and gently rubbed them this got a moan of pleasure off him.

Joan continued to gently massage his balls with one hand, with her other hand she took hold of his hard shaft.
It felt hot and wonderful in her hand.
She now pulled down his foreskin then moved her mouth only a few millimetres from his cockhead she then blew her hot breath onto his cockhead.
Danny moaned out loud that felt incredible.
Her hot breath on his sensitive cockhead felt wonderful.

She now licked his cock from his balls to his pisshole.
Joan very slowly ran her tongue up his shaft so that it teased his shaft and cockhead.
She then put her tongue in his pisshole.
She did this a few times to him.
Danny’s breathing had increased and he was having to hold onto her shoulders to stop himself from passing out with joy his cockhead was now leaking quite a lot of pre-cum which Joan happily licked up with her tongue.

Joan now said to him in between licking his balls and cock.
“Did he enjoy the DVD she had left in the TV.”
Danny just moaned a.
To her as she continued to lick and tease him.

Joan continued to tease him, she now started to Jack on his cock very slowly and using one finger to tickle his balls.
She then said to him.
“Would you like to see a DVD of me getting fucked by a big dog?”

Danny’s young eyes now lit up and he looked down at her like a child wanting a new toy.
He then said to her through his moans, as she had increased the pressure on his cock.
“That he would love to see her getting fucked by a big dog.”

Joan now gave him a big smile then winked at him; she then took his cockhead into her mouth and gently licked and kissed it.
She then started to take all of him into her mouth and down her throat.

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