Diane and Danny by pdocker5000

Danny now burst into tears and ran into the bedroom slamming the door closed behind him.
Diane was just about to go after him when Joan stopped her.
Joan said to her.
“It would be best if she’d just left him alone for a little bit.”

Joan now asked her “when she was thinking of going? And what she was going to do about Danny and the flat?”
Diane now told Joan that she would have to give up the flat and that she was going to take Danny with her.
Joan now suddenly got angry and said to Diane.
“So you want to take him with you so he can sit in the living room of were ever you are going to be living and listen to you getting fucked by your two nicker lovers every night.”

Diane was shocked and also a little hurt now by the way Joan had talked to her.
She now said to Joan.
“That Danny was her son and he was going with her.”
Just then a voice from the bedroom doorway said to her.
“Why don’t you just fuck off with your two nicker boyfriends and leave me and Joan alone.
Why don’t you pack your bags and go now. I don’t ever want to see you again.
You are just a nickers whore now.”

Now it was Diane’s turn to run into the bedroom crying, she stayed in there for about an hour. When she came out she had a couple of suitcases with her. She had called Dominic and Leeroy and they were waiting outside for her.
She did not say a word to Joan or Danny and neither of them said anything to her.

That night Danny cried himself to sleep, nothing Joan could do helped to comfort him.
Diane also cried herself to sleep that night.

Around 11am the next morning a car turn down the road where the paper shop was towing a caravan it stopped directly outside of the news agents.
Diane let out a big sigh and looked at Dominic and Leeroy.
They both gave her a big comforting smile.
She then got out of the car and walked into the shop, Dominic and Leeroy remained in the car.
When Diane walked into the shop Joan was just serving a customer.
Diane waited until the customer had left the shop.
She then walked to the shop door and locked it and put the closed sign on.
She then went back to the counter were Joan was waiting for her with a face like iron.

Diane now asked “If Danny was at home or had he gone to college?”
Joan told Diane “that Danny was upstairs in bed, he had cried all night. So she decided to keep him off college today.”

Diane now asked Joan “if she could see her son before she went?”
Joan was silent for a couple of seconds she was thinking it over in her head.
She wanted to tell Diane to fuck off.
But would Danny be upset without saying goodbye to his mother.
So she said to Diane “that she would call him and see if he wanted to come down and see her.”

Joan now called Danny on his phone she put it on loud speaker so Diane could hear everything that she said.
Joan told “Danny that his mother was in the shop and that she wanted to say goodbye to him before she left and would he please come down and see her.”

Joan and Diane waited for a couple of seconds, Danny did not say a word then suddenly the phone just went off as Danny hung up.
Diane was just about to go into the flat but Joan moved in front of her and blocked her way.
Joan now said to Diane in a very harsh and determined voice.
“You are not welcome here anymore. I think its best you just leave; you have hurt your son very much.
He was in love with you and you have thrown it away for what a couple of nickers. Why don’t you just go?”

Diane was just about to say something to Joan when she decided not to.
She turned around unlocked the door and left.
As she was walking to the car she turned and looked up at the flat.
Danny was looking out of the window at her.
Diane now had tears in her eyes, she tried to blow him a kiss but Danny just turned and walked away from the window.
Leeroy got out of the car and opened the back passenger door for her; he put his arm around her and helped her into the car.
Danny went back to the window just as the car and caravan were pulling away.

Diane never saw her son again.
A week after she left Joan put the shop up for sale at a very cheap price.
It sold within the month.
Joan and Danny got married on his 19th birthday and were very happy.
They both moved to Spain and changed their names so no-one could find them.

Diane stayed with Leeroy and Dominic for just over 6 months, at first it was good both of them were very loving towards her.
But soon they had met some-one younger and she was kicked out of the caravan.
She was forced to stay with a couple of Russian workmen who just used her for sex.
Soon she was just the camp whore and everyone just fucked her.

By now she was an alcoholic and hooked on hard drugs which Dominic and Leeroy gave her to keep her in line.
One day she ran away offering sex to anyone who would drive her back home.
When she finally got back to the little shop her heart broke when she saw the shop had a different name and a different owner now.
When she enquired inside the man who now owned the shop told her.
“That they had sold it and moved away, and he had no forwarding address for them.”

That night after drinking a full bottle of vodka.
She walked onto the train line and was killed by the London Express.
She was buried as a Jane Doe nobody came to her funeral.
Danny and Joan never knew what happened to her and they never ever enquired after her.


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