Diane and Danny by pdocker5000

Joan quickly tried her best to make herself look decent. She then ran over to the unconscious Danny.
She put her hand on his head and it felt sticky, she looked at her hand and it was covered in blood.
She now started to scream and scream for help.
Luckily for her a couple of park wardens where working not too far away and they heard her screams they quickly ran to her assistance.
After they finally calmed her down one of them got the story out of her.
While the other one quickly called for an ambulance and the police.

Danny was rushed to the hospital so was Joan. A police car stopped at Joan’s shop to pick up Diane and bring her to the hospital.
Danny was rushed into theatre as he had a blead that would not stop.
Joan was taken into a small cubicle where under police supervision she was given a rape test.
It came back positive.

After Joan had been tested she was asked to make a statement by the police.
After she had given her statement.
She was showed into a small room where she could try and get some rest. However she could not rest as she was too worried about Danny.

Joan was now sat on the little bed in the cubicle all alone; she now started to cry to herself.
Joan was suddenly surprised to feel a pair of arms wrapped around her and someone pulling her closer to her body.
Joan looked up to see a worried Diane holding her.
Diane tried her best to give her a little smile.
Joan wrapped her arms around Diane and both women just stood there holding each other tightly.

Diane now ask Joan.
“What exactly had happened?”
The police had told her what had happened.
But she wanted to hear it from Joan’s own lips.
Joan through her heart broken cries now explained everything to Dianne.
After she had finished her little story, she said to Dianne.
“I am so sorry it was my entire fault.”

Both women just held each other and found comfort in being held by somebody who cared.
Diane now kept going up to the ward and asking about her son.
She would then return to wait with Joan in her little room.
Diane now got some good news when she went to ask about her son. He was just coming out of theatre. They had managed to stop the bleeding and there was no other damage which they could see. But they would be keeping him in for a few days for observation.
Diane was so happy she nearly started to cry.
She asked the nurse who told her the good news.
“If it would be possible for her to see him.”

The nurse now smiled at her kindly and then said to her.
“Come back in around 15 minutes and I will sneak you onto the ward.
But you will only be able to stay for a few minutes and he has been sedated.
So he will be asleep.”

Diane was so happy she quickly went to tell Joan the good news, as she got to Joan’s little room a nurse was just coming out of it.
Diane quickly told Joan.
“The good news about Danny.”

Joan was so relieved that she hugged Diane tightly.
Joan now told Diane.
“That she had been discharged, but she didn’t really want to be alone.
So she was thinking of booking herself in to a hotel for the night.
But she didn’t have any clothes to wear. As the Police had taken all her clothes as well as taken her car.”
She was only wearing a hospital gown.

Diane now confessed to Joan, that she didn’t want to be alone as well.
Diane now asked Joan.
“To come home with her.”

Joan gratefully accepted Diane’s offer.
As for clothes Diane picked up her big coat which she had on when the police first brought her to the hospital.
She told Joan.
“To put this on over her gown and they would both go and see Danny before they both went home to her little flat.”

Now both Joan and Diane were shown onto the ward where Danny was resting.
They were both told that.
“They must be quiet and that they could only stay a few minutes.”
Both Joan and Diane were both upset when they saw him laid in his bed with a large bandage wrapped around his head.
However he did look like he was sleeping peacefully.

Before they both left they both gave him a tender kiss on his cheek as the nurse waited for them.
Both women were quite upset when they walked off the ward.
Both started to cry a little bit and held on to each other as they left the hospital.
Diane managed to flag down a taxi outside of the hospital and soon they were both back inside her little flat.

Chapter 04

Once they were back at Diane’s flat and both settled down.
Diane run Joan a hot bubble bath, Joan gratefully accepted the bath and soaked in it.
She felt real dirty.
Diane brought her a glass of wine and sat down on the toilet and both women just started to talk like two normal women.
Joan now started to tell Diane.
“How wonderful her son was for coming to her rescue.”
Joan also noticed that when she mentioned Danny’s name Diane had a little twinkle in her eye.

Diane and Joan continued to talk like two old friends.
Both of them even got the other to laugh at little silly jokes.
Joan now looked directly at Diane and asked her.
“If she could ask her something.”

Diane now looked at Joan oddly but she just nodded her head to her.
Joan took a big drink of her wine then said to Dianne.
“Are you and Danny fucking each other?”

Diane was so surprised by Joan’s question that she nearly choked on her own wine.
She quickly put down her wine glass and looked a little flushed in the face. She then tried not to look at Joan.
Eventually she looked at Joan for a few moments then very slowly she said in a very quiet voice.
“Yes we are lovers.”

Diane now smiled at Joan.
Diane felt relieved that she had finally told someone about her and Danny.
She had wanted to confide in someone for a long time.
She now told Joan everything that had happened between her and her son. Joan listened to her without judgment or interrupting her.

Diane now asked Joan.
“How did she know about her and Danny?”
Joan told her.
“That she did not know, it was only when she saw the glint in her eye when she was telling her how wonderful her son was.
It was a look that a lover would have when she was proud of her lover.
Not a mother proud of her son.”

Joan now stood up in the bath ready to get out of it. Diane could not help look at her naked body. Her breasts were just a little bit bigger than her own. With big hard nipples topping them. Her pussy lips were roughly the same size as hers.
Both Joan and Diane had big pussy lips.

As Joan got out of the bath Diane wrapped a towel around her body. Both women just smiled at each other.
Diane now flushed a little bit as Joan was looking at her intently.
Diane now said to Joan.
“I’ll go find you a nightie for tonight.”

Joan quickly grabbed Diane’s hand at the same time she let the towel drop from her body.
Joan looked directly into Diane’s eyes. Then said to her with passion in her voice.
“Don’t bother I always sleep in the nude.”

Now both women were just looking at each other. And without really being aware of what was happening both women slowly moved closer together.
Joan’s lips lightly brushed Diane’s lips.
Diane did the same to Joan’s lips.
Now both women wrapped their arms around each other and were soon kissing passionately.

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