Lisa 9 by Peter Thompson

We had been drinking all afternoon, and catching up on the news of what each had been up to and getting in quite a sexy mood, and Lisa was flashing herself at Keith from time to time. So anyway while Brenda was putting the little boy to bed, Keith dared Lisa, encouraged by me as well, to see what Willie would do, eventually she agreed and sat in the armchair, skirt pulled up to her waist, a leg over each arm, cunt wide open.

So Keith let the dog in and quick as a flash it was over to Lisa’s cunt and licking her, she giggled at first and tried to push him away after the first licks, then she realised that it was nice and lay back to enjoy it all. Before long Lisa had pulled her breasts free of her tiny top and was massaging her breasts and nipples as the dog went on licking her, several times she stopped her massage and pulled her fanny lips wider apart; In the end Keith and l moved over and we massaged her breasts, while she held her self wide open for the dog’s eager tongue.

The nipple l played with was like a little rock on the end of her milky orb and looking closely l could see how swollen her clit was, really large and very dark red. Within about 5 minutes, Lisa was moaning as if she was being taken by a lover, the dog showed no respite and licked her to orgasm which must have taken another 10 12 minutes.

We both had to pull the dog off her in the end, because her clit became so sensitive that the rough tongue became painful. All this time the dog’s own penis had been hanging out of its sheaf. Keith and l both had the same idea, and between the two of us, we positioned the doggie’s cock at Lisa cunt, she was still lying in the chair, legs wide apart, in a bit of a post orgasmic daze, eyes closed, smile on lips. Keith guided the dog’s penis into her cunt and to my surprise Lisa still didn’t protest, she was actually entered by the doggie’s cock and it started to fuck her, her only visible reaction was a groan. The animal was then actually fucking my wife, without any further support from us, its front paws resting on her breasts and it’s rear end going like a piston engine at her. I couldn’t believe that she was now actually going through with it, just like that.

It was too good to last, before a minute was up Lisa was pulling the dog off herself, with cries of protest from Keith and myself. She explained that the animal was making her sore, looking at her cunt lips, l could see that the dog’s hairy penile shaft had been entering her was well at each thrust and her lips almost had blisters.

Realising what she said was true, one of us suggested she use her mouth on him, Lisa refused, not an outright no, more of a ‘no, I’m not sure l should’ kind of no. l think a bit more prompting and she would have gone ahead. Keith was a bit anxious now about Brenda returning, all the bathing noises had ceased and he told us not to mention it to Brenda.

Later on alone in bed with Brenda l told her what Lisa had done, l could tell instantly that she was turned on by my recol¬lection, so l dared her to do the same. Brenda fetched Willie and he licked her pussy (full of my spunk) just as he had done to Lisa. l tried to persuade her to fuck with him, she asked me if Lisa had really done it, l replied that she had been entered by him and would have done it fully but didn’t have time, she seemed unsure, so l lied and told her Lisa had sucked it’s penis for several minutes. After some more persuasion she lay beside the dog and did suck its cock, while l slowly fucked her cunt.

l hadn’t expected it but that woman sucked and wanked at that dog’s cock till it spunked and a good number of spurts went into her mouth, she made sure l saw that it had climaxed, in fact it kept spurt¬ing for some while, there was spunk all over her lips and face and a drop or two on it’s belly, which she licked up. We mutually agreed not to mention it to Keith, but l could tell Lisa if l wished.

The next afternoon, (Sunday) while Keith and l were having a pint in the garden, while the girls watched T V, we talked about Lisa’s stunt of the night before, He said that He’d loved to see her go all the way with the dog, licking it’s cock and fucking it etc., l agreed with him and suggested that we set the wives up later that day, before we returned home. He said No that he didn’t want Brenda involved in that kind of thing, what he wanted was to come to us one evening, with the dog and Lisa to perform. That attitude got up my nose. So l told him that he had to fix it up with Lisa direct, after that the relationship be¬tween us became strained.

On our way home, l told Lisa what Brenda had done the night before and Lisa told me that Keith did proposition her before we left; she told him that she’d think about it. L explained to her that Brenda wasn’t to be told or in any way involved, Lisa didn’t believe that Keith was being so narrow minded about the whole thing. What got me was that she was so agreeable, to this idea, in fact she had come around to accepting that she would have sex with a dog, it was now a case of when.

Anyway about three weeks later Keith phoned us, Lisa spoke to him, l was in the same room and could hear what he was say¬ing, after some general sexual chit chat, he asked if she had thought anymore about doing things with the dog, after only about 2 minutes persuasion by Keith, she did genuinely agreed to do it, on our next visit to them, which would have been about 3 weeks later. But, he blew it when he said that Brenda was not to know etc…. Lisa told him that she would only do it if Brenda were they’re watching. He tried for ages to get her to change her mind about that and then he blew his top at her, called her various names, she just hung up.

He phoned Lisa regularly for ages after that, apologising etc., every time she hung up on him. l phoned Brenda, she said to me that a couple of times she’d let the dog lick her, but no more than that, Keith didn’t know and ‘Yes she’d love to watch Lisa go the full round with Willie.

However events would take over before anything with Willie would unfold, in that our neighbour dared her to do K9 with a mate of his who had a dog. I had tipped him off that she was probably ready at this point. I knew, because I’d witnessed it, her sister with the same dog months previously although I knew her sister was well experienced in the K9 activity, Lisa had only found out about 3 months before. Knowing that and having seen Steve’s videos, I felt sure she would be ready. Ben told me he gave her the choice of K9 or the boys during her last session when she was in a high state of arousal and she didn’t jump at one or the other, but neither did she tell him to get lost. At the end she said she’d think about both ideas for a few days and let him know. She then told me about Ben’s choice, and asked which she should do; it was obvious she wasn’t adverse to either option. At that time, she was aware her sister had done k9 and also (something I wasn’t aware of) one of her friends who also visited Ben was taking her son with her to watch sessions.

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