Saving Elite Magazine by tw_holt

In Bea’s room, she was on top of Eric. “Ah! Fuck me! Yes!”

“Meet in the living room – one hour,” I said.

“Uh huh!” Bea cried out. Eric pausing to suck her tits.

I called TJ next. He said he’d be there. I heard something going on in the background. It was the sound of more than one woman moaning. “Booty sisters?” I asked.

“Heh, you know it, Devin,” he replied. “I’ll see your fine ass in an hour.”

“It’s for a meeting, not sex,” I told him.

I left the house and walked a few houses down to Jessica. I stripped naked on her front porch. “Devin,” she looked me over. “Hi there.”

“We have roughly 50 minutes before a meeting at my house. You’re invited. I’d like to kill some time here,” I told her.

Jessica undressed, “Come on in, sweetie.” She grabbed my hand, pulling me inside, slamming me against the wall, kissing me passionately.

After eating and grinding pussies for a bit, Jessica and I dressed and headed home. Everyone was there waiting for us.

I broke the news to them. I told them about Neal’s investment, I told them everything we could do with the money, and we figured out where to go from there.

I left out the parts about bestiality, being tied and whipped, and exhausting sex with Neal.

We all went out that night to celebrate – dancing, drinking, and fucking.

I fell asleep in my bed with Jessica in my arms. Bea and Eric were going at it all night, so was Nicky and Gabe. TJ went home to meet up with the big booty sisters, Alexis and Jenna. I woke up the next day, feeling refreshed and happier than I’ve ever been.


A few weeks later, the night before Eric was to leave for college, he managed to convince his parents of allowing him one last night out with high school friends. In reality it was Bea who he was spending time with.

Gabe had a wonderful idea. We all went camping.

After we ate, Eric stood before Bea. “Hey, there’s something I gotta tell you, Bea.”

“Oh?” Bea said, slightly confused. Her eyes lit up when young Eric went to one knee.

“Girl, I know you love brothas, I know you fuck around some because you love black dick. But I also know you love me. At the end of the day, no matter what you’ve done, I want that white pussy to be mine. I want my black dick to be yours. I may fuck other white bitches, but you, I want you to be my number one. Bea, will you marry me? Will you make that pussy officially mine?”

Bea was shaking, covering her mouth, holding back tears. “That’s, that’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me.”

I tried my best not to laugh, I smiled instead, awaiting her answer for Eric.

“Your parents, though. They haven’t met me. And college, what about that?”

“We’ll work it out. You’ll meet them. You can visit me at college too.”

Bea paused for a moment, “Yes! Yes! I’ll marry you!”

Eric smiled, scooped her up and spun her around. Then they started kissing, undressing, right there on the beach in front of everyone. Eric grabbed a tit, bringing it to his mouth.

I cleared my throat. They stopped. “Sorry,” Bea said.

Eric picked her up, his big dick flopping around, and took her to their tent.


As the fire died down, the sun already set, Bea and Eric were in their tent having sex, TJ and Jessica were doing the same in theirs, and Gabe and Nicky left me alone at the fire to begin their night of love-making. I stood, smiling around at the occupied tents. I undressed, loving the cool night air against my body.

I wasn’t entirely alone. I remembered someone was in my tent waiting for me.

I opened the flap and smiled at Alfred. I climbed on top of him, kissing him, straddling him.

“How you doing, baby girl?” the old man asked.

“Wonderful, now that you’re living here with me. Is there anything else you need? Your prescriptions are all taken care of, right?”

“Oh yes, I’m all settled in. Glad to be living in a home with a bunch of pretty white women,” he said. “Give me some of that pussy every once in a while, and I’ll live another 30 years.”

I kissed him again, “Mmm, you got it baby.”

All four tents on the beach that night, were filled with the sounds of sex.


I brought home my own copy of the newly relaunched Elite Magazine about a month later. I was amazed we got it out so quickly. Bea and Eric were on the cover. I removed the plastic cover, part of it was solid black to hide Bea and Eric’s nude bodies. They looked incredible. He had his arm around her, her thigh was up, blocking his crotch, her breasts mashed against his side.

I flipped through the magazine, seeing images of black men, their cocks, and white women pleasuring them – all people I knew and have worked it. There were a few articles here and there, written by Bea and myself. Some were written by TJ. They were stories of his past adventures of loving white ladies.

One of the spare bedrooms was turned into an office. Jessica stopped by occasionally to do design work. I was mostly on the phone securing ad sales. Sometimes I’d travel to meet and sleep with clients. It was wonderful.

“Ah! Alfred! Yes!” I heard Bea cry out from down the hall. She missed Eric so much, but Alfred was a great substitute.

Nicky continued taking photos, not just of us, the booty sisters, or TJ, but everyone in our neighborhood who wanted to pose. Some of them volunteered, not accepting payment. She and Gabe had no problems. Nicky was able to take pornographic photos and still be in her son’s bed at night.

“Ok, I’ll see you later. I love you,” Nicky kissed her son. She was going to meet up with some new models for a beach photo shoot.

“Later. I love you too,” Gabe kissed her lips.

“These look great,” I told Jessica, looking over her shoulder. I kissed her head and left my office.

“Well, well, well,” I smiled at Gabe, sitting at the table in the kitchen. “Your mom is gone for most of the day. Here you are, alone.”

“Yep,” he put away some dishes.

I got naked.

“So, young man, what do you say you become the first white guy I’ve ever had sex with?” I asked.

He turned around, eyes wide, mouth hanging open, looking over my naked body. “Uh, really?”

“Well?” I approached him, grabbing his wrists, guiding his hands to my ass. “Think your mom will mind? Heck, maybe she’d even join us.”

He squeezed my ass, then ran his hands up my back, grabbing my breasts. “You know, that’s not a bad idea. You’re a pretty cool aunt.”

“I love you, Gabe. How about I be a substitute if your mom is busy, or feeling under the weather, or traveling?”

“I love you too, and that sounds great,” he smiled at me.

I brought his mouth to mine for a hot and heavy kiss.

Gabe, my wonderful nephew, scooped me up and took me to bed.

The end.

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