Saving Elite Magazine by tw_holt

Neal released me, stepped back, his hand grabbing at his crotch. “Not a bad on at all,” he looked me over.

“Put some work into it. Come up with this draft and meet with me again,” Neal sat down at his desk.

I smiled, nodding my head, unable to move.

“Get out,” he waved me away.

“Right, yes. Thank you, thank you so much,” I backed away, nearly tripping over the chair. “I’ll be in touch.”


My mind was racing, I talked on and on at dinner with Alfred about everything. He seemed like a grandpa, telling me “that’s nice, I hope it works out, dear.”

I was on my back later, my legs wrapped around Alfred as he fucked me. “Oh yeah, good girl,” he moaned, falling on top of me as his cock pumped his load in me. I smiled and held him.

I had no money to hire photographers, writers, editors, or any staff at all. I thought of my sisters, Bea and Nicky. They could help. Surely they would.

I cleaned Alfred’s cock, and once again laid in his arms. I was checking out of the hotel in the morning, dropping Alfred off at work, then driving back to Charleston. I kissed him, thanking him for a wonderful time.

“Will my old black ass see your fine white ass again?” he asked.

“Alfred,” I caressed his cheek. “I’m certain you will.”


“Hello?” Eric answered Bea’s phone. I heard her in the background, moaning, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh.

“Hi, Bea’s busy again?” I asked, on the way home from Atlanta.

“Sho is,” Eric said.

“I suspected as much. Can’t say I blame her. Anyway, let her know I’m on the way home. I need to talk to her about something important tonight.”

“You got it,” the 18-year-old told me. I heard an “ah fuck!” coming from Bea as the phone call ended.

I called Nicky next. “Hi,” she said.

“You and Gabe getting busy? I mean, um, busy?”

“No, not yet! And no I’m not busy. He’s playing in the ocean. I’m thinking of joining him,” Nicky said.

“And getting naked?”

“No, silly.”

“I’m telling you, seduce him by taking off your clothes, running your hands through your long, blonde hair, and boom.”

“Boom? Alright, anyway, what do you want?” Nicky asked.

“I’m on the way home. I need to meet with you and Bea tonight. TJ too. It’s about something important,” I explained.

“Ok, well Gabe and I are going to the movies tonight, can we chat in the morning?” Nicky asked.

“Yeah sure. Have a romantic time,” I grinned.

“I’ll try!”

I didn’t bother calling TJ, I was driving right to his house. I’d get naked and get on that big, black dick of his.

He, as expected, wasn’t alone. There she was, long dark hair, nice tanned body, riding that cock like a pro. TJ just lying there in bed, smiling up at her, watching her fuck. I stood, naked, in his bedroom doorway watching my friend, Jessica, work it.

“My turn, bitch!” I surprised her, pulling her back, off his cock.

“Hey!” she scowled at me. I smiled at her, sliding TJ’s cock inside me.


“Ugh, it’s fine. I need to get home, get some dinner cooked,” Jessica grabbed her things. “I’ve been here all day.”

“What are you doing tonight?” I asked her.

“I don’t know, I was hoping him again,” she grinned.

“You two come out with me. I want to talk to him about something, but maybe you can help me out as well,” I asked.

“Sure,” Jessica shrugged. She hugged me and blew a kiss to TJ.

“What’s this about?” he asked.

“We’ll talk tonight. For now, let’s fuck,” I leaned forward, kissing him.

“Good idea,” TJ grabbed my waist, rolling on top of me.


The four of us, one black man with a blonde, brunette, and wild-haired, dyed-redhead – myself, Jessica and Bea – all sat at a table in a nearby club.

I sat across from Bea and Jessica, TJ had his arm around them. I couldn’t see their hands, but I’m assuming Bea and Jessica were rubbing the erection sliding down TJ’s pant leg.

“So? What’s this about?” TJ asked.

I took a sip of my drink. “I had a meeting with one of the men at The Blackwell Group this week.”

“Who?” Bea asked.

“I know who you mean. I used to work for a marketing company they owned, when I lived out in LA,” Jessica spoke up.

“Yes. His name is Neal. He oversaw the buyout of Elite Magazine. I tricked my way into a meeting. I told him I wanted to relaunch the magazine. It’d be different though. It would celebrate black cock, interracial sex, white women loving black men.”

“Porn?” Bea smiled.

“Somewhat, maybe. Graphic photos for sure,” I answered. “I was thinking Nicky could take them. She’s done photography work before.”

“Who would model?” Bea asked.

“Well, I was thinking you could coordinate all that,” I told her.

“Mmhmm, I sure can,” Bea smiled. “I can pose some, but also, I know two ladies that would be even better. TJ you could pose as well.”

“Yes. Jessica, you could help with putting a draft together. I need someone with design experience. You could even put up a website,” I suggested.

“I can do that. I’ll be glad to help,” Jessica said. “I’m sure the current website has been taken down and is off limits. I can register a new domain name and go from there.”

“Great. I’ll write, we all can, about our interracial experiences,” I added. “I need to put together some kind of demo or rough draft for Neal.”

“There’s online magazine creators I can look into,” Jessica said.

“Yes. As long as they aren’t too expensive. And sadly, I can’t really pay any of you,” I admitted.

“I’m sure you can think of something,” Bea winked at me, looking to TJ’s crotch. “In fact, you can start by paying us tonight.”

“Eric?” I asked.

“His parents wanted him home. He’s been spending a lot of time with me,” Bea said.

“We’ll be glad to help you Devin. I think it’s a neat idea,” Jessica chimed in.

“Good. Let’s enjoy our night. We’ll start tomorrow.”


Three nude women stood before TJ an hour later. We were back at his place. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, watching us.

I went to my knees, between his legs, removing his shoes and socks. Next undoing his belt, button, zipper, assisting with removing his pants. Jessica was next to him, unbuttoning and removing his shirt. Bea, on his other side, was simply kissing him.

I was sucking on his cockhead, while Bea and Jessica kissed their way down his body, arriving where I was. Each of them gobbled up one of TJ’s big balls, sucking them like I sucked his cock’s tip. I put my arms around Bea and Jessica, smiling up at TJ.

We took turns riding him, cumming on him, all night. I would sit on his face, Jessica on his cock, and her and I would kiss while we climaxed at the same time. Bea would be sucking his balls, licking her way up his shaft, up to Jessica, then slowly pull her off TJ’s cock, kissing her the whole time.

I’d smile at my sister, while she rode him to orgasm, TJ’s tongue still buried in me. We’d both cum, then Jessica would sit on his face, holding hands or kissing Bea.

In the morning all four of us were in his shower, kissing, washing his body. When TJ picked Bea up, her legs wrapping around him, and guided his cock in, Jessica and I left the shower to have a little fun ourselves.

Bea stayed the rest of the day at TJ’s. Jessica and I went home, staying the rest of the day in my bed.

That night, it was a three way at TJ’s with Jessica, TJ and myself. Bea informed us she had work to do. I smiled, undressed, and climbed in bed with Jessica and TJ. I was looking forward to see what she was doing.

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