The Barnyard Whore by Tomlin

The Barnyard Whore by Tomlin

James’ New Job is more than he bargained for. , James and his family had just moved from a large city that he had lived in since he was born, to a small, rural town about fifty miles away. His dad worked for a railroad company, and he was moved from the large freight depot in the middle of the city, to a smaller, cattle loading station out in the country. It was a far commute from the city to the rural station, and the small town right by the station had a good reputation, so they just decided to move there. They chose on the outskirts of the town, right next to a large ranch. A few days after they moved, the owner of the ranch came to greet her new neighbors. She was an elderly woman, who James guessed was probably in her early seventies, that introduces herself as Helen. She brought a few gifts for them and then invited them over for dinner. James’ mother graciously accepted, so they went over to the ranch house at around six.

The house was huge. The entry hall had a large staircase leading up to the second floor. An expensive chandelier hung from the ceiling. Helen led them into the dining room, and they all took a seat at the table. As they ate, they started to talk. James’ dad explained how they had moved because of his job and then talked about how much he loved living out in the country. They went on until it was Helen’s turn to talk about herself. She talked about how her husband died a few years back and all of her children had moved away, so she was left with the ranch. It was a large ranch, and she told them that she was starting to get to old to care for all the animals. So she offered James a job caring for the animals. She said it would pay fifteen dollars an hour and he would have to come over every day after school. He hesitated and thought about it for a few seconds. But he knew she needed the help, and being a senior in high school without any plans for college, he desperately needed the money, so he agreed. She seemed relieved and told him to come by on Saturday to start his work. They finished with dinner and thanked Helen for her generosity.

The next few days went by slow for James. He had started at his new school, and, since he was very quiet and kept to himself, he didn’t make friends very easily. There was only a few more months left before he graduated anyway, so he figured he could tough it out. As the week went on he longed for the weekend to come so he could start his job. James loved animals and actually looked forward to caring for them. He had always wanted to ride a horse, so he hoped that she would let him ride one.

Friday finally came and he was free from school. He went straight home and prepared for the morning. It would be a big day. When he woke up, he got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.

“Good morning,” his mother said as he walked into the kitchen. “Are you ready for your fist day at work?”

“Yeah, I’m all set,” he replied. He quickly ate breakfast and then got ready to go. He said goodbye to his dad and then walked next door. He rang the doorbell and Helen answered the door.

“Oh, hello James, are you ready for your job?”

“Yep,” he replied.

“Ok, well let’s head on out.” She grabbed her coat and then led him out to the barn. On the way, she gave him instructions on how to feed the animals. When they got to the barn, she said, “James, I really appreciate you doing this. I’m getting really old and it’s starting to get hard for me to satisfy my animals.” James thought about how “satisfy” was an interesting word to use for “feed” and “care for.” But he didn’t think hard about it and proceeded in the barn after her. When he entered, he realized that two dogs were following him. One was a large German shepherd, and the other was a golden retriever. Both male. Helen showed him how to feed the horses and mules, and the two dogs, Buzz and Goldie, kept following them. Occasionally they would sniff his butt or crotch, but James was busy and just shooed them away, finding them more annoying than anything.

When they finished feeding, they walked back to the barn door. However, instead of opening it to leave, Helen put down the latch and locked it.

“Um, what are you doing?” James asked.

“Well, James, it’s time for you to do the second part of your job,” Helen said. “You see, my animals get very frisky sometimes, especially now during the mating season. As I said earlier, I am getting a bit old to keep relieving them, so I decided to seek someone younger to do the job for me. It was perfect timing for you and your family to move here. And now I’m sure that fate has brought you here to do this job for me. So I’m going to need you to take off all your clothes and set them by the door while I get the animals ready.”

James’ jaw dropped. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Then it hit him. That’s why she had used the word “satisfy,” and why the dogs had been sniffing him. He really should have seen this coming. But, regardless, she couldn’t do this to him. He would find a way out.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Jacobs, but I can’t do this for you. I’m… just gonna head home now.’

Helen grinned. “I’m sorry, dear, but I can’t let you leave. Now that I told you about this job you have to do it. I can’t afford you going and telling everyone. So be a good boy and take your clothes off while I go get everything ready.” James just stood there frowning at her, shocked and slightly amused. This lady was insane.

“Dear, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, so please just be a good boy and do it now.” He just stood there. They stared at each other for a minute before James started moving for the door. Helen sighed. “I’m very disappointed in you, dear. I thought that a strong, polite, 18-year-old, young man like yourself would be happy to help out and old woman. But if it has to be this way, I guess I’ll just have to deal with it.” Then her voice changed to a stern, commanding tone. “Buzz!” she cried. The German shepherd stood up alert. She pointed at James. With that, the shepherd leaped at James and knocked him to the floor. Then Helen walked over and removed a piece of clothe from her pocket and covered his face. He tried to hold his breath, but Buzz gently bit his arm, causing him to take a breath. The room started to get hazy and James entered a deep, dreamless sleep.

When he woke up, he was on all fours and looking at the ground. He was laying belly down on a bench, and his hands and legs were strapped to the ground. His legs were spread out so his ass was completely exposed. He was completely naked. As the drugs started to wear off and he came back to his senses, he felt a weird sensation. It felt like something was stuck up his butt. His ass felt stretched out and full. There was only a little pain, but, to his disgust, James actually liked the feeling a little bit. He looked around and noticed that he was still in the barn, and by the looks of it, it was late afternoon. Helen saw him looking around and started to speak to him. Her voice was coming from behind him.

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