Whores for the Fatherland-Part 1 by shane36

Whores for the Fatherland-Part 1 by shane36

Sister Klara Wiese,was no pushover and she stood her ground firmly. The Obersturmbannfuhrer was growing weary of the nun…..”Dear Sister,you seem incapable of understanding that you have no choice in the matter.There orders come from as high up as Reichsfuhrer Himmler himself.For the final time read the letter again and do what is ordered !”

There was no need for her to read it again.She had understood it’s content the first time she had perused it.Halfway through the old ladys hands had begun to shake.Sister Klara sat facing the tall blonde man in his immaculate black uniform with the SS lightning strikes on his collar. She pulled her face in disdain at the horrible looking deathshead on his cap.Sister Klara Wiese grasped the crucifix at her neck and closed her eyes.

”Sister you must understand there is a war on.To the East we are facing difficult times.Of course under the leadership of our Fuhrer the situation will change in the summer.Moscow will fall and victory in Russia will be ours……….Rations are short.An army marches on it’s stomach !You should be thankful that the state supplies you with food to feed your orphans…..Who knows,someone may just forget about your rations and the children would starve.OR (He emphasized the word)…..One night you could possibly all be rounded up and sent off to a camp.I’m sure you have heard rumours about the camps,Sister?….Not the most fashionable of places to be.In times of war.Anything is possible,Dear Sister”

Sister Klara Wiese,stared at the man through her thick lenses as if the devil himself was sitting across from her.Her stare made him smile wryly.Obersturmbannfuhrer Helmut Schneider,clicked his tongue.He was not renown for his patience.He slammed his blackgloved fist down on the desk…..”Now Sister !Wake up your girls and let me inspect them !”A fine spray of spittle flew across the desk and drizzled down on the elderly nun’s face.

Sister Klara,maintaining her dignity,opened the top draw and handed him the file…..”Thank you Sister.Your compliance will not go unrewarded !I will inform the relevant authorities that you need cows to provide your orphans with milk.Now,let me see…….Ummm,how many girls do you have here? (The nun didn’t reply)With his gloved finger he counted the list of names.Sooo.. I get a tally of seventy-two.Now sister,get them up so I can see what we have here”

”Herr Officer,may I remind you it’s past midnight and the children are sleeping !”

The man gave her an icy glare that sent shivers down her spine.

The building was a three storey,old and decrepit .The children had their rooms on the second and third floors.Living three to a room.He allowed the nuns ten minutes to awaken them.

They stood at the doors to their bedrooms,sleepyeyed and wearing nightgowns.The first three were of no intrest to him.Helmut gave them each a sweet and a pat on the head.Motioning them back to bedThe three young girls looked pettrified.

His jackboots were loud on the polished tiles as he made his way down the corridor.Echoing loudly in the still night despite the young womens hushed whispers.Two of the second lot,were too young ,barely ten.The 16yr old was big built and ugly.

He smiled broadly when he reached the third door.Sister Klara,a few paces behind him smiled at the girls reassuringly.The young lady he was staring at grew nervous.Her hand came to her mouth and she chewed at her nails…..”Name Angel?”

Her big brown eyes widened……”Charlotte,Herr Officer….Charlotte Bruin”Helmut ate her with his eyes-MAGNIFICENT!…..”Age?”The girl gulped….”Fourteen,Herr Officer”He grinned at her….”Excellent !”.He found and placed a tick next to her name.

The following two rooms yielded no return.He sent the youngsters back to their beds clutching sweets.He hit the jackpot at the sixth room.They would all do just fine……”Names ladies?”

”Anke Straub,Herr Officer”She was gorgeous !Tall with long blonde hair and blue eyes.A true Germanic beauty,Helmut thought to himself.She would be his favourite……”Age?”

The girl looked at him startled…..”Um,aah sixteen,Herr Officer”

Obersturmbannfuhrer Helmut Schneider,had picked out twelve girls.Ranging in age from 13 to 18.Wearing their winter coats and holding their humble belongings they were loaded into the awaiting truck.Helmut,greeted Sister Klara with a smug grin and a click of his heels.The small convoy sped off into the cold night.It was 1:10am and 72yr old,Sister Klara Wiese stood in the dark of the steps of the century old building and wept.

Helmut,disliked Baron Karl Von Treskow intensely.The man however had friends in high places.In his study the Baron had a photograph of himself shaking hands with the Fuhrer from the early thirties.Scrawled across the bottom were the words……’To a good friend and host.Regards,Adolf Hitler’

Helmut stared at the photo as the Baron,spoke……..”Herr Obersturmbannfuhrer from what I have heard you have done a superb job !Apparently,you have an eye for livestock.Good !These young woman don’t know how lucky they are.The hierachy of the Third Reich also have needs. To service these needs is an honour,wouldn’t you say?…..Herr Obersturmbannfuhrer?”Helmut looked at the rotund little man….”Yes,of course Herr Baron”

He smiled at Helmut wickedly and entwined his podgy fingers.Even with his manicured nails they reminded Helmut of thick pork sausages.

”Herr Obersturmbannfuhrer,these young delights need to be broken in.Pick one and take her home for the weekend as your toy.You may have the one who most catches your fancy”The Baron winked and laughed.Resulting in his hanging jowls shaking.

Helmut drove from the Barons vast estate with the girl sitting apprehensively beside him.Her nervousness excited him and as they drove through the gate.Ubersturmbannfuhrer Helmut Schneider,possessed a huge erection.

Anke Straub stared straight ahead.Her mind raced and she was afraid of the man.Something about the way he had smiled at her at the orphanage terrified her.She glanced at the fields as they flashed by,thick with snow.Anke’s coat was threadbare and her teeth chattered.She felt his eyes leave the road on occasion and study her intently.He made her body shiver even more when he looked at her.

Helmut turned off the road and down a country lane,parking next to a snow drenched hedge.Leaving the motor running to keep them warm.He turned to the girl who was clasping and unclasping her boney hands.Helmut could smell her perspiration in the cab and he breathed in deeply.It was the smell of fear.

Removing his cap he tossed it on the back seat and then slowly unbuttoned his trenchcoat.The girls eyes darted about in her skull…….”So,Anke.How did you end up at the orphanage?”

Anke,grudgingly turned and faced him for the first time……”My parents were killed in a bombing raid…..with my younger sister and brother.I had gone to get vegetables and ran to a shelter.I arrived shortly after the bombers had left……..The apartment it had,ummm… been flattened”

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