At Whorey’s Piers by EmilyMiller

“Want to have a swim?”

Caleb seemed doubtful.

“We aren’t meant to. Not here, right?”

I came up with a compromise.

“How about we go back to the line marking the edge of the nature reserve. Still looks pretty empty there.”

Caleb seemed happier with this suggestion, and we turned and retraced our steps. As we reached the line, I didn’t much feel like asking the obvious question, and instead ran towards the water, peeling off my top, dropping my shorts and panties, and splashing into the ocean naked. The water was still warm, so I couldn’t blame that for my elevated heart rate. I sensed a hesitation from Caleb, and hoped it was more to do with checking out my ass than any second thoughts.

I needn’t have worried. As I waded out further, I heard a splashing behind me. I decided not to look round immediately, instead waiting until I guessed he was at least waist deep. When I thought enough time had passed, I looked back and was reassured to see Caleb smiling at me. I was now out of my depth and my modesty was mostly covered by the waters as I bobbed up and down. Caleb still trod on sand, and the waves covered and uncovered his pecs. Taking my second chance, I swam forward, put my arms round his neck, and pulled his face to me. I felt his hands on the small of my back, and he gathered me in to him, my body buoyed by the water. Holding me close, our naked skin touching.

Suddenly Caleb abruptly turned, still cradling me to him, and started wading back to shore. Slightly put out, I asked:

“Was it something I said?”

Caleb really was a man of few words.

“Jelly fish. Lots of them.”

I looked round his shoulder and indeed there was a host of ghostly shapes billowing just below the surface.

We reached the shallows and Caleb put me down, tactfully averting his eyes. I’m not that tactful and calmly put my hand between his legs, closing on the fleshy tube I had been looking for. Even in the fading light, I could see he was blushing.

“Not a shy one, are you, Caleb?”

“No, I like what you are doing, it’s just it was colder further out, and… and I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea. It’s not normally that sma…”

I put a finger on his lips and then knelt in front of him, the waves sloshing around my thighs. I grinned up at his astonished face.

“Let’s see what I can do about that.”

I put his soft head in my mouth and sucked gently, already feeling him swell. Pulling back, I gripped his root and jerked him a little, with promising results. Taking his semi-rigid form back into my mouth, I could almost feel the blood pumping into him.

Again, Caleb started. I wondered if I had inadvertently scraped him with a tooth. But he was looking away from me.

“There is someone there. Someone watching.”

I followed his gaze and thought I saw a figure, more of a shadow really, disappear into the dunes. The moment rather ruined, we grabbed out clothes and pulled them over our wet bodies. Caleb retrieved his bottle as well.

There was now a slight breeze and I felt chilly. Caleb put an arm round me and held me against his side as we walked back to the car. Both scanning the surroundings for any sign of life. Back at the truck, and sitting rather soggily in the passenger seat, I thought to myself, disconsolately, that the evening could have gone a lot better.

Maybe sensing my mood, Caleb leaned across and kissed me full on the mouth. For once, he had something to say:

“Well, Eden, you sure know how to get a guy excited. Next time it will be my turn.”

“I like the sound of next time, is tomorrow evening too early?”

I hoped that I didn’t sound too desperate.

“Tomorrow sounds great. But let me get you home and into some dry clothes.”

I was rewarded with a kiss on the cheek outside my place and went to bed happier than I had thought I would be just a little earlier.

Lying in bed, I reminisced about the feel and taste of Caleb in my mouth. As I did, my fingers traced shapes across the flesh between my legs. Then I thought about our voyeur. Initially my mind was full of indignation, verging on disgust. But then this strangely morphed into something else. I found myself increasing the speed and pressure of my hand movements.

A few minutes later, I was flushed, breathless and wondering about the new feelings I had experienced. Still wondering, I fell asleep.

– – -Thursday we were allocated to different parts of the water park, but we grabbed lunch together. I suggested we try our Cape April outing again, and, fingers crossed, the jellyfish would keep away. As I spoke, I was dimly aware that maybe I had other motivations for returning to the same spot.

This time, Caleb parked away from the boardwalk; not that the concrete strip had any boards. From a secluded side road, an actual boardwalk threaded through sub-tropical vegetation, directly to the edge of the nature reserve. This short-cut was new to me.

Our swim was uneventful, apart from some extensive tongue play. As we waded back to shore, our nudity had ceased to be a source of embarrassment. It felt natural, just how things used to be before the legions of guilt-trippers and power-cravers sabotaged the human race.

Just at the start of the boardwalk we had traversed to get to the beach were a pair of benches. I threw my clothes on one and sat on the other. When I say sat, my pose was perhaps not that ladylike.

“Well, Caleb, you said it was my turn.”

I was treated to his grin again, I put my heels on the bench and made room for his substantial frame between my legs. The boy was clearly not inexperienced and, not that long after his settling down, I was transported to a realm of pleasure.

My moans had become staccato pants when I became aware of a presence. Of course I had no way of knowing for sure, but something told me it was the same onlooker as the day before. A figure, hooded, despite the warm evening, standing where the vegetation became sand. Looking. Motionless and looking.

It was impossible to see their shadowed face, let alone eyes, but I stared into the cowled void, deluding myself that I was locking eyes with them. Caleb continued his diligent and efficacious lapping, and I pushed his head onto my loins as I continued to engage the voyeur’s, apparently dispassionate, gaze. Deliberately, I squeezed a nipple, still staring at the lone figure. Something about the situation elevated my senses and I felt my body lurch and tremble and finally explode in received pleasure. I closed my eyes as my little death swept over me. When I opened them, he or she was gone.

Only then did I tell Caleb about what had happened. I glossed over how long the person had been there, this was something I was far from comfortable to admit to myself let alone Caleb. But, undeniably, the unaccustomed sensation of being watched had been a turn on.

So much of a turn on that I was all for returning Caleb’s favor, and maybe more. But Caleb was shaken and wanted to leave. As we drove back, he suggested a different venue for Friday. Part of me was pleased that he still wanted there to be a Friday. A part I didn’t want to fully acknowledge was a little disappointed about the change in location. What the fuck was going on with me?

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