At Whorey’s Piers by EmilyMiller

Eden Baker, exhibitionist. I felt that I had found myself. And that I was ready to cum again.

THE END- – -Endnotes & Acknowledgements

Like my fellow Pennsylvanians in Allentown, I did spend a lot of time on the Jersey Shore growing up. I also had a vacation job as a lifeguard one summer while at college. However, most everything else about this story is 100% fiction. None of the characters are based on real people. None of the events are based on real events. But, some — OK all 😬 — of the locations, even down to the specific water park rides, might be just a little tiny bit inspired by reality.I think it might go without saying by now, but yet again massive thanks to my friend and [now, after Traffic] co-author Djmac1031 for being the most encouraging and supportive beta reader.

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