Betty the All-American Cock Tease by RetroFan

Whenever I put a finger up into my anus I always felt a bit funny at first, like I needed to sit down on the toilet and have a bowel movement, but always got used to it and the feeling of having something inserted up my rear end and Eric watching me doing it drove me wild. I spread my legs wider, and pushed the hairbrush handle up my vagina more, feminine moans escaping my mouth and my bedroom starting to smell like vagina.

I wasn’t sure what to be more aroused by, the thought of my boyfriend’s penis going up my vagina rather than the handle of my hairbrush or the strange boy next door watching me masturbating like this, but with the sticky wetness flowing from my pussy I knew my orgasm was approaching as I writhed on the bed.

The feelings in my clitoris turned to one massive wave of pleasure that went through my vagina and up into my uterus, spreading through my body and into my back passage, the muscles in my anus and rectum closing tight around my finger. I cried out, my face contorted as I reached my orgasm, and sticky vaginal wetness flowed everywhere, the female smell in my bedroom getting stronger. My long legs kicked out, the toes of my bare feet clenched tightly and knowing that Eric could see me in this state made it even hotter.

My orgasm reached my bare breasts, my nipples tingling and I gasped as the climax swept my entire body. Recovering my breath, my heart pounding with excitement at my forbidden display I lay on my bed, my legs still wide apart with my hairbrush handle still up my post-orgasmic pussy, my index finger still up my bottom.

Getting back to normal, I extricated my finger from my anus and the hairbrush handle out of my vulva, the brush as to be expected sticky and smelling of pussy. I took the cloth and wiped the handle, then got off the bed, deliberately bending over and thrusting my bare bottom in the direction of the window so Eric could see more of my rear end.

Totally alone in the house aside from my cat, I walked in complete nudity to the bathroom with my washcloth, the window still wide open. Running the cloth under the faucet and standing naked in front of the bedroom showing off my breasts to my voyeur, it was time for my bottom to have a wash. Well, both my bottoms to be accurate.

First I squatted slightly then dipped the cloth between my legs, giving my vagina a thorough wash. Rinsing the sticky remnants of my orgasm from the cloth, I then turned my back to the window and applied to cloth to my bare bottom, washing my anus and the surrounding areas. Rinsing the cloth again and putting it aside to dry, I got a towel and dried first my vulva and then my bottom.

Feeling nice and fresh between my legs and around my backside, I closed the bathroom window, turned off the light and walked naked back to my bedroom where I put on the finale to my little show for Eric by taking fresh panties from my underwear drawer and putting them on, then my nightdress. I closed the drapes, turned off the light and slid my bare feet under the covers and falling asleep, only stirring when my parents returned home later in the evening.


Sunday meant church but it began in a way that was definitely sinful, me sitting on the toilet emptying for five minutes with the window open while the strange young man watched everything I was doing in my private moments in the bathroom, then me undressing to take my shower and dressing in my ‘Sunday best’ — a pink dress, a pink bra and pink panties underneath, white flat shoes on my feet, my blonde hair pulled back in a prim pony-tail with a pink ribbon.

Normally, the trip to church meant me crammed into the back of the car alongside my three brothers but with the boys away it meant I got to enjoy the back of my father’s car to myself today. As Dad pulled into the car park, I could see that the Higgins family had already arrived, driven by Eric’s Aunt Edna as neither Eric nor his parents could drive an automobile.

The three older members of the family were talking — well Mrs. Higgins and her sister were as Eric’s father stood in silence as usual — and Eric was clearly looking out for me to arrive, while trying to make it obvious he wasn’t.

A look of relief came over his face as soon as he saw Dad’s car with me in the back seat, Dad driving and Mom in the passenger seat. He again tried and failed to make it look like he wasn’t watching me, and I pretended I didn’t notice, but as I exited the vehicle I couldn’t resist being bad again.

Somehow, I allowed my knees to come open, giving Eric a great view up my pink dress and to the matching pink panties I wore underneath. I saw Eric’s eyes bulge even through his thick glasses at my panty flash, and was more than a little amused by what happened next. Eric was wearing a suit — a very dull brown suit that smelled like mothballs despite him wearing it every Sunday — and he very quickly had to remove the jacket and hold it to cover the front of his trousers.

This excited me in intimate ways too, but with the advantage of being a girl I didn’t have any problems walking to church unless somebody happened to look down my panties, which of course wasn’t going to happen.

Eric hoped that nobody would notice that he had taken off his jacket to deal with a certain problem, but his mother did. “Eric, put your jacket on when we go into church,” she hissed.

Her son blushed bright red. “Mom, it’s warm today.”

Today was a grey day, although it didn’t look like rain, contrasting with the spring sunshine we had enjoyed on Saturday. “Nonsense Eric, it is a cool day, put on your jacket right now,” snapped Mrs. Higgins.

“And straighten your tie while you are at it, young man,” admonished Aunt Edna.

Being chastened by his mother and aunt seemed to solve Eric’s problem and he was able to put the jacket on without any embarrassment and walk into church. His family sat through the service on their own as usual, and when it came to an end, I noticed him looking with interest at my bottom as I discretely adjusted my panties through my dress when walking by.

The drive home was a bit more crowded, my younger brothers having been delivered to church by our aunt and uncle and Dad driving us all home. Johnny returned just after lunch with Bobby, and along with some of our friends both male and female we decided to go cycling in the afternoon.

For this, I changed into an old blouse and a pair of knee-length pedal pusher pants before cycling away with my twin brother, boyfriend, his sister and the rest of our friends. I noticed Eric looking wistfully in our direction as we went on our way, and just for a minute or so raised my bottom off my bicycle seat. I could feel him watching my rear end, as he always did when I was wearing my pedal-pusher pants, overalls, blue jeans, shorts or even just a casual pair of slacks.


Monday morning dawned grey, cool and drizzly but as we had high school, it didn’t seem to make too much difference. In the corridor Eric, dressed in his trousers, shirt and pullover was at his locker, my own locker right next to his.

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