CEO Slut: A Day of Good Vibrations by Oldbroad76

The vibrator’s stimulation had her feeling good, and it gave her an energy boost as she worked the room. She soon found that pacing around the room only stimulated her more, though, as every step compressed her pussy harder against the vibrator. Kim took a deep breath to steady herself, then she moved to the lectern as her arousal overcame her willpower to effectively work the room.

She desperately wished she had her phone and could text Nick for relief. She tried to sneak glances at him, first with a dagger stare and then with pleading eyes, but all he delivered in response was a cold dispassionate stare and an amused smile. At one point, he gave an ever so slight shake of his head, and she was resigned to just endure it all after that.

Kim considered leaving the room, but her legs were becoming so weak, even if she excused herself, she wasn’t even sure if she could make it the few steps to the door. As she stood behind the lectern, she spread her legs wider, hoping she didn’t appear too awkward. The intensity on the vibrator was steadily increasing, and her resistance to its effect was crumbling. All the while, Nick sat with a grin on his face, clearly aware her odd mannerisms and voice inflections had nothing to do with corporate pride and everything to do with his control over the vibrator in her pussy.

Someone asked her a question about a somewhat controversial HR topic. “Oh, my,” she replied a little too enthusiastically.

As she felt the climax near, she leaned forward on the lectern, her hands gripping the reading top. Luckily it had a solid base, and, as her legs turned to jelly, her arms supported her weight. She subtly bent over even farther, and her nipples instantly hardened as they brushed against the bottom of the reading top.

Kim felt her pussy’s muscles spasming. Sweat formed on her face, but still she pressed forward. Folks in the room were having a spirited back and forth discussion on the merits of a current company policy on LGBTQ workplace right and protections, so Kim was able to silently observe. She drew long, slow, deep breaths to hide her own excitement. As Kim climaxed, she scanned all the faces seated before her. Many of them stared right back at her in seeming curiosity. She knew her mannerisms were odd, although she told herself they had no reason to suspect anything more than social awkwardness.

All the while, Nick’s gaze was focused on Kim, his face indicating he took pleasure in her dilemma. Nick must’ve recognized her climax had passed because she soon felt the vibrator turn off. Evidently, he’d had his fun.

As the meeting wound down, Marcia stepped in to publicly thank her, saying “Kim, we’re so glad you could come for us today. You’re always welcome to come anytime you like.”

The unintended double entendre wasn’t lost on Kim, although she was left to wonder if Marcia didn’t somehow suspect if Kim had put more than corporate enthusiasm on display.

“Thank you, the pleasure was all mine,” Kim replied, barely able to suppress a nervous laugh as her legs recovered, and she was finally able to stand on them again.

In the back of the room, Nick sat still, his eyes focused on Kim and a smug grin of self-satisfaction plastered on his face as the meeting ended and people started filing out of the Orion conference room.


After Kim got back to her office, she sat down, threw her elbows on her desk and her head in her hands. She couldn’t risk anymore. Her hands were shaking, and her body was a nervous ball of energy. Her heart was still racing, but the day’s events proved exhausting.

After the meeting with Marcia’s team, Kim no longer trusted she could control herself when the vibrator was activated. Her own body had repeatedly betrayed her, and she had dangerously flirted with disaster too many times to count. And yet, she had gotten away with it all, and she knew the danger factor only fueled her arousal. She loved the nervous excitement that had filled her for much of the day; the fear that others might realize she was having orgasms right in front of them; the fear that she might be exposed for the sex-loving slut she really was. She remembered the look of amusement on Nick’s face as she desperately tried to conceal her arousal. For just a moment, they had shared a glance. It excited her to know that he knew exactly what she was going through. He knew she was climaxing. He controlled the vibrator in her pussy, and she was at his mercy. She, Kim Barnes, company CEO, was at the mercy of a lowly Procurement Associate. As much as she wanted to hate him for blackmailing her, there was something incredibly erotic about the whole situation. But it still wasn’t worth risking her career for that thrill, was it? It worried her that her answer to that question did not come automatically.

She had two more meetings scheduled for that afternoon, but she called the administrative assistant and asked her to reschedule them to next week. Then she sat in her office with the door locked, her chair pulled back, and her feet propped up on the desk. There in the safety and privacy of her office, she spread her legs and let her skirt raise up to her waist as she enjoyed the effects of the vibrator. As Nick remotely activated it again, she slipped her panties down to give her hands full access, and then Kim used her fingers to enhance her pleasure. One hand teased her clit, and the other took the vibrator and pulled it out. Then she worked it on her labia as she leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. As she felt the familiar wetness quickly returning, she slipped the vibrator through her slit, moving it in and out of her pussy.

She climaxed several more times that afternoon, deciding to forego her job duties and just give in to her sexual desires. Even though she was in a locked office, it turned her on to know she was surrounded by dozens of her co-workers, all hard at work just outside her office walls while she was laid out with her panties on the floor, her stockinged legs raise and spread, her titties exposed, and a vibrator relentlessly teasing her pussy.

She thought back to everything that had transpired that day. The site leadership meeting that ended early out of concern for her well-being. The mentorship meeting where she fingered herself under her desk to orgasm while holding a conversation with Lilly. The humiliation of exposing her private parts to another of her employees on video, even if that person had no idea it was her. And then the disaster that was her meeting with Nick’s department.

With one last thrust, the vibrator disappeared inside her pussy again as her fingers pinched her clit, and she climaxed. By the end, she had masturbated off and on for nearly two hours in the seclusion of her office. Her high heels and panties were kicked to the floor, and her blouse was undone, her tits out in the open.

Just then a knock on her office door jolted her, sobering her back to reality.

“Kim, can I have a minute with you?” a female voice called out. That sounded like Marcia, she thought.

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