CEO Slut: A Day of Good Vibrations by Oldbroad76

Kim jumped to her feet, desperately seeking to make herself presentable.

“Just a minute please. I’m wrapping up a call,” she shouted back, desperate to buy herself some time.

She hurriedly buttoned her blouse and tucked it back in her skirt before fumbling to slip back into her high heels. She caught a quick glance at her reflection in her monitor and decided she looked good enough. She made her way to the door and unlocked it. Marcia was waiting outside.

“Come in. What can I do for you?” Kim asked, still breathless from the rush to get dressed. “I’m sorry, I was on a call with a board member that couldn’t be interrupted,” she lied. “Please take a seat.”

“I’m sorry to bother you,” Marcia started, “but you didn’t seem quite like yourself during our meting earlier. You were almost doubled over; I was worried if maybe you had appendicitis or food poisoning. You hid it well, but it looked like something was going on. I just wanted to check back with you and make sure you’re ok.”

As Kim walked back to her desk, she saw her panties still lying on the floor. She casually kicked them behind her desk as she stepped around, hoping that Marcia hadn’t noticed.

“Oh, you’re such a sweetie,” Kim replied. “I promise, though. I just stood in one place too long and then I guess the blood stopped flowing, and my legs went dead, and I just needed some time to get my circulation flowing again.” Kim couldn’t help but observe how her real issue was an overabundance of blood flow and arousal that was the exact opposite of the excuse she was offering Marcia. “It was so embarrassing,” she continued. “I was hoping no one noticed, but I’m sorry you had to see that. Really, I’m fine now, though. There’s no need to be worried.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I’m sorry to bother you, but I really do appreciate you taking the time to meet with my team today, and I hope you’re feeling better now,” Marcia said as she got up and exited the office.

After Marcia left, Kim breathed a huge sigh of relief and decided she’d had enough for the day. Grabbing her things, she picked her panties off the ground and stuffed them in her bag and walked out to her car for the drive home to Chagrin Falls.


Kim was sitting at home and nursing the day’s events with a glass of wine when the texts from Nick started coming in.

Nick: How many orgasms did you have today?

Kim: Fuck you.

Nick: Is that any way to talk to the man who gave you so much pleasure. It looked to me like you enjoyed it. Now how many orgasms did you have today?

Kim: At least 8 times. I think I lost count after a certain point.

Nick: Tell the truth. You enjoyed today, didn’t you?

A long pause ensued before Kim responded.

Kim: Yes, more than I care to admit, but we can’t do that again. It’s over for both of us if I’m exposed, and I can’t control myself with that damn vibrator buzzing inside me.

Nick: I noticed your lack of self-control.

Kim: You took it too far today.

Nick: You had lifelines. All you had to do was ask me to turn it off, but you never did.

Kim’s shoulders slumped. She didn’t have a good answer why she didn’t use her lifelines at any point. Still feeling combative, though, she continued texting.

Kim: You’re having fun, aren’t you? What are you risking? It’s my ass constantly on the line with your games.

Nick: We can fix that tomorrow, but you have a lot of attitude. You know the situation. I still don’t have much to lose. You don’t need to wear the vibrator tomorrow. But lose the attitude. As long as you listen, I can make it mutually fun.

Kim: What do you mean?

Nick: Same dress code like Wednesday. Just keep your phone close by and follow my text instructions tomorrow. You’ll see.


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Nick laid down on his bed after sending the last text of the night to Kim. He was the newest person in the department where everyone else had been there for at least a few years, so he was still feeling out how he fit into the team dynamics. So, it didn’t raise any eyebrows when he purposefully sat by himself in the back of the meeting with Kim that afternoon. He left his phone to the side on the table and propped it upright against his coffee mug. It rested there innocently, and he barely touched it for the duration of the meeting. All the while, he ran the video recorder, collecting a video record of the entire meeting and all of Kim’s struggles, and now he played it back to relive the moment.

He relished watching Kim awkwardly squirm as her body surrendered to her arousal. He noticed the ever so slight facial reaction she gave every time he increased the vibrator’s setting. The way she awkwardly spread her legs. Perhaps she did it to gain better balance when her body grew weaker, or maybe spreading her legs wider is just a natural reaction to a sexually aroused pussy. The odd inflections in her voice and pauses in her speech. The way she breathed slowly and deeply while the room debated benefits and workplace protections for LGBTQ people. Best of all, he recognized the exact moment she climaxed. Her eyes went glassy, and she spaced out for a few seconds before pulling herself back into the moment.

Nick thought back to the first day when he saw Kim enter the New Hire Orientation conference room, and the shock he initially felt. In that moment, he was frustrated that she had seemingly ghosted him, so he lashed out, leveraging her nude photos and videos to force her to follow his dress code. Initially he didn’t have any plan beyond some measure of comeuppance to her; it was all just fun and games. But now, while watching the video, he saw how much Kim struggled to not openly humiliate herself. While that would’ve been a fun sight, he also knew that would’ve ended everything, and he decided to play the long game. He didn’t want her ruined, at least not yet, but he did want to push her limits. After all, once the gig was up, both she and he were likely out of work. No, he wanted to see how much fun he could extract from his leverage.

He found it hard to believe he had first met up with Kim back at Pittsburgh only last weekend. He was amazed how much his life had changed in only a few days’ time. Last Saturday, he was a broke recent college graduate, just excited over a hook-up with a hot, older woman. Fast forward 5 days later, and he’d fucked that cougar ragged, had a job, steady income, and now that cougar had fallen under his command.

Nick remembered back to his first encounter with Kim, when she was a horny cougar on a weekend fling. She was insatiable in bed, letting Nick have his way with her. He knew that women sometimes faked orgasms, but there was no faking her performance. He now knew she’d travelled hours just to get fucked, so he could only imagine how desperately horny she must’ve been.

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