From Fantasy to Reality in the Naked City – Chap 4 by EdwardKalb

Susan looked around and was astonished to see the younger Frenchman still there, and he was staring straight at her! She paused, taking in more of the man. He was well-dressed, tall and athletic, with a five-o’clock shadow, and wavy black hair – a ‘GQ’ type man. In other words, her ‘type.’

She slowly crossed her legs, attempting to get her dress pulled down enough to cover her exposed thighs showing above the stockings.

Then she noticed a wicked sly look on the man’s face that suggested that from his vantage point he had a glimpse up her dress. She glanced down and although sitting with her legs crossed, her dress had again ridden up, the uncovered thigh above her black lace top of her stockings again visible. She did little to change her position and wondered if the Frenchman had already received a glimpse of her pussy and, gasp…the pearls of her thong!

Susan blushed; his gaze caused her to fidget just slightly. He remained focused on her, and it was making her nervous but her body tingly at the same time. Half of her wanted to avert her eyes and turn away from the man. But just as quickly, another more playful part of her was taking over realizing the opportunity presented.

She knew Edward loved to show her off and that’s why he bought this dress in the first place. He wouldn’t be threatened at all by another man ogling her. In fact she knew it would no doubt arouse him knowing that another men noticed her, even desired her. He admitted it several times.

And yet it was her body’s reaction that was most surprising. She was conscious of her racing heart, shallow breath, and fully aroused sensations. Although confused by her feelings, she was gratified to have the admiration of this man. After all, what married woman would not enjoy feeling she was still attractive to other men?

Perhaps influenced by her husband’s urgings and greased by the alcohol, she smirked. “Oh, you prefer to watch, do you?”

Feeling tantalizingly naughty, and surprisingly not the least bit self-conscious, she maintained eye contact with the handsome stranger, licked her painted lips and challenged her reticence by uncrossing her legs to give him a quick peak up her dress. While nervously still looking directly into the man’s eyes, she slowly but deliberately parted her legs and held that pose before eventually re-crossing her legs, just like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct.

All the while Susan held her gaze with the Frenchman and smiled slyly as if wordlessly trying to convey – “Yes, you are seeing clearly. These are thigh high stockings and I’m wearing pearl panties!” Her little ‘move’ was noticeable enough to be sexy, but not so noticeable as to be vulgar, she thought.

As she continued direct eye contact, the Frenchman lifted his glass towards her and arched his eyebrows suggestively. All she wanted was to push her boundaries and rid herself of her typical fear and trepidation. But she could not deny, the Frenchman’s simple gesture and acknowledgement of her brazen display sent a thrill coursing through her. Although she tried not to, she couldn’t help but smile back at her admirer.

And Susan felt her body heat up–only this time not in embarrassment, but in arousal, her groin tingling and her nipples hardening into painful nubs. Her natural physiological response gave her a sense of uneasiness, and yet a desire to test her modesty. Why?

Even though she was exposed for only a few seconds and was unsure just how much the Frenchman saw, she felt the heat growing in her pussy and she hoped that she didn’t get so wet that she stained her new dress. As her nipples ached, and her pussy tingled, she was unsure if her body’s reaction was from her own anxiety, or from the small thrill at another man’s appreciation of her body. And those damned pearls kept rubbing on her clit!

Strangely, the ‘unintentional’ yet purposeful wardrobe malfunctions did give her a sense of empowerment. She felt she was in command of this show. The awakened exhibitionist devil inside her liked this. She liked it a lot.

Susan recalled reading an article in a magazine that asserted that there was an exhibitionist waiting to bust out in all women. She recalled reading that with trepidation at the time — all women, really? But now she was realizing the real power of female exhibitionism. And she felt more compelled than ever to keep that door open.

She looked down at her wine glass and smiled proudly. Like on the beach, it was fun to have captivated the attention of another man. And now, a delicious thrill coursed through her in the obvious enjoyment the Frenchman got in watching her, and a really hot and exotic one at that!

Gone was the normal, straight-laced, happily married mature woman living in a nice house in a gated suburban community. The ‘new’ woman was a complete stranger, the opposite of everything she had been. Not long ago she would have considered this new woman to be a floozy, a bimbo, or even a slut. But now she felt more confident and more assured of her own sexuality; a combination that gave her a sense of power over the males around her that often previously dominated her world. It was both empowering and…exciting!

And she felt no guilt; she was absolutely certain her husband would have encouraged this lascivious behavior anyway.

She thought back just a couple weeks ago. The time she agreed to this detour on their upcoming French holiday…


Susan arrived at the bar well before her husband, who was caught up in traffic. They planned to meet for happy hour after work at a local cocktail bar to try to finalize their holiday plans to the South of France.

For this particular meet, Susan wore a classy but sexy short black satin dress with spaghetti straps and red high heels; in acquiescence to Edward’s incessant pleas for her to dress more ‘provocatively.’ She found a seat at the bar and placed her purse on an adjacent seat in order to reserve for her husband.

Before the very busy bartender could take her drink order, she texted her husband, “At the bar…what’s ur ETA?”

Within seconds Edward responded, “Cant say…caught up in this traffic mess.”

“No worries — I’ll be here waiting, my love.”

Susan ordered a Cosmopolitan cocktail and just as the bartender set a glass in front of her; she heard her phone again ping.

“What are you wearing???  Edward texted.

“It’s a surprise!!!”

“Something sexy?!?!?” Edward texted.

Susan responded with a shock emoji.

Just as she placed her phone on the bar she heard a male voice behind her.

“Is this seat taken?”

Susan knew Edward was not going to arrive for some time, and she knew it would be wrong of her to save a seat in this crowded bar. She smiled at the man and moved her purse.

“Do you mind?”

“Not at all,” Susan said.

“Thanks, I appreciate it. My name is Brad, by the way.” The man said as he sat down.


“Nice to meet you Susan. Are you here with anyone? I mean, I don’t want to sound too forward, I just didn’t want to take someone’s seat.”

“No, I am waiting to meet up with an old business acquaintance,” she told him. “She’s caught up in traffic,” making up a story on the spot.

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