From Fantasy to Reality in the Naked City – Chap 4 by EdwardKalb

“Business acquaintance?” She regretted saying that. After all, here she was in a cocktail lounge, dressed to the nines in a LBD. And the satin black dress hugged her body like a second skin, leaving little to the imagination. Would she really be dressed like this to flaunt her tight figure to a female business associate? She wondered what this man thought of her, dressed as she was.

“Well, in that case, I’ll just warm this up until she gets here.”

Foregoing her typical behavior, she turned to engage the man. This was highly unusual as Susan would typically be shy and show no interest. But they had role-played scenarios like this in the bedroom, and Edward often pleaded with her to do this in real life. So why not? What harm could come from engaging the man?

The man was in his 40’s, tall, good-looking, and very self-assured. Their conversation was actually very pleasant and spanned the usual: travel, work, social life. Brad was an educated professional, easy-going, and had a great sense of humor. They chatted and laughed and the minutes flew by.

But as they continued chatting, Susan noticed the man glancing down regularly. Sitting upon the tall bar stool, the hem on her black dress had ridden high up her thigh, exposing a lot of leg. She nervously took another sip from her glass in an attempt to calm her anxiety.

She heard her phone ping and saw a text from her husband. “Have not moved…must be an accident 

“Shit!” She thought. She was dressed like this to surprise her husband. She did not want to give the impression she was some sort of a high paid call girl. She needed her husband, here, now!

She took a big gulp of her drink, finishing whatever remained.

“Looks like you are in need of a refill. Can I buy you another?” Brad asked interrupting Susan’s thoughts.

“Oh. Well…ah, sure!” after some hesitation, Susan reluctantly accepted. “Why not? “It’s just a drink!” She concluded.

She picked up her phone. “No worries…a guy just bought me a drink ,” she texted back to her husband.

Edward stared at his phone. “A guy bought her a drink?” he asked himself. His wife’s text excited him. Various sordid scenarios flashed through his mind.

“Are you up for playing The Game tonight?” he texted.

Susan felt a small thrill run through her from her husband’s suggestion. After all, ‘Brad’ was really hot! The fact was, her husband had been pushing for her to tease and flirt and be more open for some time. She had been reluctant, not wanting to be considered a floozy. Although she would have to admit, the few times she did, she was surprised she enjoyed it.

Susan answered, “What did you have in mind?”

Edward replied, “Kind of like that time we were in that bar in the City. Are u dressed sexy?”

“Maybe 

“Just let the guy hit on u and flirt a little!!”

Susan responded, “Edward!” and placed her phone on the bar.

Brad was actually very easy to talk to and Susan welcomed the ability to take her mind off her trepidation for being dressed as she was. Before long, with the conversation flowing freely again, another round of drinks arrived.

She turned to Brad and smiled. “Thank you for the drink!”

“The pleasure is all mine!”

Her phone pinged again. Brad looked at Susan. “You not going to look?” he asked.

Susan blushed. “It’s no doubt my friend giving me an update.”

As she picked up her phone, a text from Edward read, “This traffic is not moving so there is no use you just being bored waiting for me. Have fun!”

Susan placed the phone back on the bar. “Still running late,” she said.

“Well, frankly, if you don’t mind me saying, I’m glad. I was hoping for more time with you!” Brad said while reaching out and touching Susan’s arm, sending a series of pins and needles sensations throughout her body.

Susan swallowed hard. This man’s smoldering eyes pierced straight to her soul. And with an obvious sexual tension rising, she felt her arousal increasing, undoubtedly enhanced from the alcohol she had consumed. She could feel her nipples hardening and poking at the thin material of her satin dress, as if trying to introduce themselves to this man. And she could feel how flush her face had become, not to mention the notable dampness between her legs, her thin lace thong moist from her arousal.

Without thinking, she uncrossed her legs and slowly re-crossed them. Brad’s eyes moved downwards to her legs, taking special note that her dress had ridden even higher, before moving back up to smile openly at her, his penetrating gaze mentally removing the little black dress she was wearing.

“I love your red heels,” smiled Brad.

Susan’s heart fluttered. She had always considered herself a shy, traditionally conservative woman. However now, as she felt her body responding to this man’s admiring scrutiny, particularly dressed as she was, the heat she felt between her legs was no doubt a damp confirmation of her enjoyment of her transformation.

Being lost in her own thoughts and her aroused state, she did not bother to adjust her attire. She was torn between the right and wrong she had been taught, and what her body and mind wanted to explore. She shook off her wandering lurid thoughts and turned to continue to engage the man in more friendly banter.

About ten minutes later, Brad excused himself to use the Men’s Room. Susan picked up her phone realizing a lot of time had passed since she heard from Edward. She nervously typed and tried to explain that a guy was buying her drinks, and she was now on her third cocktail.

Edward stared at his phone. “Have fun with it!” he typed.

Although he was only a couple minutes away, he wanted to give his wife some time and space to explore her newfound sexual liberty. But he needed to get to the bar as quickly as possible. Inexcusably, he desired to watch his wife with another man.

When Edward finally arrived, he ordered a beer and purposely stayed out of eyesight of his wife. He wanted to watch this unfold, and he wanted to watch another man hit on his wife. This was some of that ‘spice’ he enjoyed. It was a huge turn-on for him, not to mention an ego boost, seeing other men checkout his wife.

He found her engaged in a conversation with another man. Edward’s heart quickened. There was something bizarrely arousing about watching this unfold before him. He always enjoyed seeing Susan get dressed up, taking her out, and showing her off in public. When he noticed other men checking her out, it stroked his ego.

As he watched from across the bar, it was clear Susan enjoyed the company of this man. He really saw her open up, hesitations and reservations shed away quickly between the talking and the touching. There was plenty of laughing. Susan played with her hair, and the man touched her arms and shoulders. It was clear they were flirting with each other, and it was exciting as hell to watch.

But when the man leaned in and whispered something to Susan, he saw the look in Susan’s eyes. Something made her uncomfortable, and he knew that was his cue to end ‘The Game’ before it went further.

“Hey, honey!” Susan said as she saw her approaching husband. “Ummm…Brad, this is my husband, Edward.”

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