From Fantasy to Reality in the Naked City – Chap 4 by EdwardKalb

For the next fifteen minutes, she half-listened to her husband talk more about how their relationship might benefit from the Hotwife lifestyle. As Edward poured the last of the wine in Susan’s glass, she found herself getting over her earlier trepidation and bitchiness. Perhaps it was the soothing effects of a really nice French wine, or perhaps it was the continued assurances of her husband as they talked about boundaries and expectations, she actually considered what she wanted to experience with the remainder of their time at Cap d’Agde.

“So, just how far would you want me to take it?”

“I am not going to lie. You are a beautiful woman and if you go over there he may outright ask you to have sex,” Edward said swallowing nervously. “Just to be clear, I will never ask you to do anything outside your comfort zone. But I would love to watch you in a way I can’t when I’m making love to you. I want to see the way your body reacts…and I think hearing your moans of pleasure with someone else would be so hot!” he said. “It would give me great pleasure to see you experience uncontrolled pleasure.”

“How far do you want me to go, Edward?” Susan asked again curtly. “Remember what I said earlier. Once this door is open, we may not have the ability to close it.”

This time it was Edward that took a deep breath and then a large gulp of wine. “For as long as I have known you,” he continued. “Education, then career, then motherhood always came first. Your own pleasure was secondary – you had been a good girl all your life. I know we married young and you have only been with me since we were married. I do not want you to feel like you missed something. I want you to feel empowered to enjoy your sexuality, and I want to see you pleasured in ways you had never experienced before.” Edward whispered, trying to assuage his wife’s concerns while carefully trying to reasonably explain his boundaries.

His words sent a series of pins and needles sensations throughout Susan’s entire body and caused her to feel flushed. Society always portrays that a man should stick to one woman and a woman should stick to one man, so the notion or thought that a man would willingly share his wife with another man sexually was wrong and…thought of as taboo.

“Once again…Edward pressed further, “I didn’t suggest coming here just for me,” “While I loved watching what you did today, and I absolutely love how you are dressed right now, this is for both of us to enjoy, to experience, and to explore. So now I am really focused on your enjoyment. I have no desire or intention of fucking another woman. You are, and always will be, the only one I want to fuck. But I also know I was the only man you ever been intimate with, at least since we were married, and I do not want you ever to wonder if you’d missed out on something in life.”

At this point, Susan was only half-listening; her moral compass spinning in circles and out of control. How could her very own husband say he would not mind if another man fucked her? What kind of man thought such things of his wife?

And yet she could not dismiss the strange eroticism building within her as wild salacious thoughts flashed in her mind. Susan looked at her husband, seeing him give her a gentle, subtle nod towards the Frenchman as if to say ‘go for it.’

“Look, we are two adults in a loving relationship who both share a desire to enhance our love life. I know that this may be a bit more than what some may consider…” Edward paused as he saw his wife nervous and breathing erratically.

“We are just trying to explore some things, you know, spice things up in our marriage. So here, while on a holiday where nobody knows us, why not let our fantasies run wild? I mean, now is a chance to let go of your inhibitions – to simply live for the moment without holding back; something you would never do back home!”

Susan looked down and noticed the conversation had resulted in a large bulge in her husband’s pants. She looked up and saw pure arousal in his eyes.

“This conversation is arousing you?” There was now little doubt his desire to watch her with another man was real. But she was still unsure what long-term effects this would have on their relationship.

“Sometimes fantasies should remain just that,” Susan chided. “Some things cannot be undone.”

“Yes, this conversation is turning me on, and whether you wish to admit it or not, I believe you are turned on as well,” Edward continued. “I mean, right here, right now, you are glowing and your breathing is heavy, almost like you’ve never been so turned on in your life!”

Susan blushed and looked down, not wanting to meet her husband’s eyes for fear of confession.

“So sweetheart, in this judgment-free zone, I will admit, it would be exciting for me…and I really think it would be exciting for you as well. But if it makes you uneasy for me to remain here, watching, I can leave and you can go alone – as long as we agree in advance and you tell me every sexy detail when you come back to me. But again, it would be totally up to you how far you want to take it – you don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable…”

“Okay Edward, that’s enough! Besides…it’s too late anyway,” Susan said interrupting Edward, and almost disgustedly looking back and motioning towards the Frenchman’s table. “He’s already found another woman!”

Susan seemed uncomfortable not only by the discussion with her husband, but distracted by the fact that the Frenchman, who she flirted with and who flirted back, had already found another woman. It was a strange feeling of jealousy that seemed to be coming to the forefront.

Her head was spinning as she refocused on her husband’s words as it all sunk in. It was a lot to digest.

Silence prevailed for what seemed like minutes. His suggestion was beyond her comprehension – why would he want that? She couldn’t understand how any husband would allow that? But the way he opened up to her, and the sincerity in his words…Susan knew her husband had been holding on to it awhile.

But Edward knew their marriage was strong; they were both fully comfortable with each other, secure with each other, and trusted each other, and he believed they communicated with each other completely. And most importantly, at this state of his life he didn’t have any hang-ups or jealousy issues. He was fine exploring things to keep that fire alive – whether it was Susan’s teasing, role-play, or perhaps something more. It was such a turn on for him to watch his wife tease other men and see them lust after her. The idea of other men craving his wife was the most erotic thing he ever felt.

“Edward, I think this is a dangerous game we’d be playing. I fear for our relationship…” Susan started, her words tailing off in thought. Strangely, something inside her prevented her from outright dismissing her husband’s absurd suggestion.

She took another big gulp of wine and slammed the near-empty glass onto the table before adding cynically, “Plus, I am not sure you could actually handle it if you saw me flirting with someone, and having another man’s hands all over me, or going even further as you suggested, right in front of you. I just think deep down it would bother you and you would get more jealous than you think. And if I am truly your fantasy object, I’m certain you would feel very different about me, and about our marriage, afterward.”

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