Naked Punishment by mandywoods

He pulled out the bottle, opened it, and placed it on the table. He then fetched a few wine glasses.

They talked about the latest films and series. Mandy described the fact that she wanted to be a writer. It was her biggest dream.

“Wow, that is great that you like writing. What do you write? Fiction?”.

“Mmm. A bit of everything. But, I just finished my third book. My first was a children’s novel, but the second two were more serious literary novels.”

“I would love to read them,” he responded, generally interested. “Do you think this is what you want to do for a living?”

“Not sure,” she said, sipping her wine. “I don’t really know. That’s why I didn’t want to go to college right away,” she paused looking into her glass. “Besides, I have a few books and stories that I want to write this year.”

“That’s great! Besides, you are young and still have a lot of time to explore.”

This was not a moment to start to lecture her as her mother suggested. There was a lot of time for them to breach this subject. Anyway, what opinion could he possibly have? He still is getting to know her once again.

“Can I tell you a secret?”

“Mandy, you can tell me anything!”

“Please, don’t mention this to my Mom.”

“I wouldn’t mention anything we talk about to your Mom without you wanting it.”

She sipped another glass of wine to try and muster the courage.

“Well, it is nothing. In reality, it is no big deal and rather silly and maybe you will think I am just a stupid girl,” she paused. “I have been writing erotic stories and posting them on a sex site.”

“Really? That’s amazing. And no, I don’t think you are a stupid girl. Quite the opposite.”

She blushed and looked down.

“Yeah. Well, it is kind of funny! I just write about some of my silly sexual fantasies and put them in the context of stories.”

James’ face was one of surprise. He never would have imagined that Mandy would write sex scenes or even have such fantasies. She seemed so…well, proper.

“How did you start?”

“I don’t know. I was looking for some way to post stories and get people to read them. People like sex, so people read these. Previously, I posted a few of my serious fiction on a literature site, but practically nobody read them. It was a bit disappointing. Then, I found this site that has erotic literature. Now, I get lots of feedback. To be honest, it is kind of fun!”

She sipped some wine and continued.

“Some people tell me how hot my stories are. I kind of like it,” she said, trying to hide her true enthusiasm. “And,” she added, “I get to write about me and my antics in the context of a story. Some are true, but most are exaggerated! You know? like smoke and mirrors.”

“What do you write about, if you don’t mind me asking?” he asked almost hesitantly.

Mandy blushed, giggling nervously. Perhaps, the wine had helped her be more honest.

“Mostly about girls — well, really mostly about me — that like to expose themselves. Do you know? exhibitionists,” she laughed. “And have sex, of course!”

He laughed nervously, almost incredulously, along with her.

“Are you serious? Uff… Sounds highly erotic and sexy. Would you let me read them?”

“Hahaha… maybe after I drink a bit more wine!”

A brief moment passed.

“I think the idea of exhibitionism is super erotic,” he said after a silence.

“Mee too. That’s why I write about it,” she paused with a mischievous grin. “Amongst ‘other’ things, as well.”

“Sounds mysterious.”

“Ha-ha,” she giggled. “No, not anything strange or perverted. Just a bit of submission mixed in here and there as well.”

James’ cock twitched in his pants. That was his hot spot. That is what secretly turned him on. “I can’t believe she just said that,” he thought to himself. “It is so hot!”

He finished the glass of wine, took the bottle, and poured more into her glass and then his. As he did this, he thought about how he likes walking around the house naked and with his hard cock pointing upwards. He could never tell her this, but his fantasy is that someone would look through the window and see his hard cock.

He was amazed that Mandy must also fantasize about such things. This put all types of his thoughts into motion.

Mandy only ate a few leaves of salad and pushed the rest of the food from one side of the plate to the other. Perhaps that is why she is so skinny, James thought.

“Don’t you want some rice?”

“No, I’m good. I ate a big lunch,” she answered, telling only a half-truth to avoid further scrutiny. She simply was never hungry. Not knowing what she would do with her life made her nervous. Also, a breakup with her last boyfriend had produced self-doubt and insecurity. This had the effect of eating less and less.

But, she sipped at the wine during their dinner conversation. With each sip, she had become more lightheaded and a little bit giddy. At least it relaxed her and she felt more at ease than before.

She thought about how happy she was to be here with James. She hoped that James was as pleased as she was.

“What type of food do you like? Do you like Japanese?”

He seemed to touch the magic word, and her face beamed with delight. “I love Japanese food!”

“Great. Me too,” which seemed obvious given his Japanese descent. “There is a restaurant in town. It is the best sushi that I know. Maybe someday we can go?”

“Oh, can we go tomorrow night? Please! That would be so cool. I would love that!”

“Sure. Tomorrow, then! It’s a date,” he smiled and was genuinely pleased.

She continued to pick at the leaves of salad on her plate but left most untouched while they changed the subject to other topics. Mandy was animated telling him about her friends in the city and their typical outings in the Village and Soho. James could envision Mandy in that eclectic and artsy environment that suits her demeanor. As she spoke, he thought of how much he loved her personality.

5. Showing more than she should. Maybe?

After dinner, James suggested that if she wanted, she could watch some TV while he finished some work. He took out some papers that he had to review from his briefcase and sat on the couch.

“I think I will just put on my nighty,” she said going to her room. “Do you mind, James?”

“No, not at all. Feel free to get comfortable. This is your house now.”

Leroy followed closely behind Mandy as she went to her room. Within just a few hours, it seemed that Leroy had abandoned James for this newer, more beautiful companion.

Even though James didn’t normally watch TV, he turned it on and left it on a channel that he thought she might like.

When Mandy emerged to the den, she was wearing a very thin nightly pajama. It was so thin that it was nearly transparent. James looked up. With the lamp behind her, as she moved, James realized that he could just make out her naked body underneath the fabric. She didn’t even have panties.

“Hi, again. Are you sure the TV won’t bother you? If you need to work, I can turn it off.”

“No, not at all,” he said as he realized that he had been looking at her body. “It is fine really.”

She sat on the floor. Leroy followed her wagging his tail. She grabbed the TV remote and began surfing through stations. After finding something she liked, she changed her position so that she was lying down on her tummy on the carpet a couple of meters in front of James. Leroy licked her face and wagged his tail.

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