The Bedroom Window Pt. 02 by introvertfan

He enters her, their eyes glaring into one another’s. She lets out a light moan of satisfaction, her eyes begging him to go deeper. Man. You’d think they’ve done this together before. They have an obvious chemistry–a chemistry like a married couple. This is nothing like other videos where partners are just banging each other’s brains out as part of their job description. There’s a genuine connection between them, or one that makes them feel comfortable.

He glides in and out of her with a gentle firmness, getting adjusted, getting into his rhythm. Their eyes remain locked. She throws a leg around his waist and her hands explore his dark, kinky-curly hair. He starts to suckle on her neck, kind of like… Mr. Jones did Mrs. Jones. I’m getting turned on again.

I’m in the corner of their bedroom, fully dressed, watching it all go down. Mr. Jones is still at Mrs. Jones neck, Mrs. Jones’s head back in pure bliss. She loves when he does that. I’d love it too.

I take a deep, nervous breath, not knowing what to do with myself. All I know is that the inside of my pussy is pounding, almost in tandem with my heartbeat. I can’t believe I mustered up the courage to present myself in their bedroom, watching them make love. I haven’t done anything so bold in my life. This is nerve-wracking and exhilarating at the same time. Something you can’t stop watching even if you wanted to.

Mrs. Jones turns to me, staring at me like a meal, ready for devouring. We make eye contact briefly and I just as quickly break it, my nerves getting the best of me. I always thought women were beautiful. I’ve kissed a girl or two in my younger days but was never courageous enough to engage with one. Mrs. Jones is definitely a looker. She has thick, lustrous thighs and a curvy waist, a body I’d invest in if I had the funds.

Her long, thick, curly brown hair matched her eyes that continued to pierce through my soul while Mr. Jones was still taking her neck down. Why does she keep looking at me like that? It’s almost like she wants me to join in on the fun. Oh no, I think I’ll just watch, I’m thinking to myself. My assumption was correct. Mrs. Jones took her finger, performing the “come here” motion. Mr. Jones stopped and turned to me.

“Yea, come join us Devine,” he offers.

How does he know my name? Is this really happening? I’m terrified, frozen.

“Don’t be shy.”

Don’t be shy? Yea, he has no idea who he’s talking to. I’m the shy QUEEN. I barely knew how to hold a conversation with strangers let alone have sex with them.

“We’ll make you feel comfortable,” Mrs. Jones promises.

Somehow, she made me feel a bit more at ease. Her voice was soft and comforting, assuring. Her voice could convince you to do anything.

I take a step forward towards the bed. Another one. Closer. Closer.

“UHHH!” I moan, shuddering.

I cum with the woman in the video. It’s time for my nap.


I wake up from my nap to get ready to meet with Court. My pussy is sticky from my session. I definitely need to hop in the shower.

I run the water for a few minutes, allowing the water to get warm. I sit on the toilet pondering on the fantasy the brought me to the peak of bliss. I’ve had many fantasies before, but none like this. Me? A three-sum? And with a married couple? This is a fantasy that’ll remain just that. I can already tell I’ll have to practice controlling my thoughts, as I can slowly feel that they were starting to control me.

My shower is finished. I get dressed and meet Court at one of our favorite restaurants, “Wings And Things.” We love this spot because with the variety of meals they serve, we would eat here every day if we could–wings, burgers, subs, salads, gyros, and much more.

“Devvvv!” Courtney shouts when I walk in.


Our salutations are so dramatic.

“Girl, I’m so hungry!”

“I’m hungry for this tea!” Courtney replies.

“You’re hungry…for tea?”

“Oh my god, shut up!”

We bust out laughing. We’re also very corny. This is just our relationship.

There’s no line. We already know what we want.

“Hi. I’ll have…” I pause looking at the menu as if I’m gonna order something new. I do this all the time.

“The honey hot chicken tender meal, like she gets ALL the time! The four piece.” Courtney finishes.

The cashier looks to me to confirm.

“Yea. That.” We giggle again.

“And I’ll have the honey hot chicken wings meal.”

“Will that be all for you two?”

“Yes,” I confirm.

“Okay! That’ll be $32.55.”

“I got it,” I say, pulling out my wallet.

“Thanks boo.”

“And a name for the order?” The cashier asks.


I pay for the food. The cashier tells us it’ll be about twenty minutes. We sit down in our favorite booth.

“So, what’s been going on? It’s been forever since I’ve talked to you,” Courtney asks. I hate when she gets all formal. She already knows how it goes with me.

“Girl, you know. Working. That’s like all I do. You know I don’t go anywhere.”


“What about you?”

“Same. Working.”

“Working that Asian dick,” I say. I always mess with her about her Asian fetish. She’s had a thing for them since forever. She always talks about have Blasian babies with long, thick, curly hair.

“You know it! At least I’m working a dick. You not working anything but your job.”

“Wow. See we didn’t even have to go there.”

“No, we didn’t.” We bust out laughing again.

“How long you been messing with this guy now? Like a year?”

“A little less than. Like nine months.”

“Wow. You’re usually on to the next thing after a month or two.”

“Fugggg you!” We’re cackling again.

“But how’s that been going?” I inquire.

“It’d go better if he’d let me tie him up. He’s not having it.”

Courtney and I could always talk about these things freely and boldly. They say don’t delve into your intimate life with your friends because they might get “ideas”, but we’re nowhere near on that type of time. I could learn a lot from Court. She’s open and experimental and not afraid to try all types of things–and people. I could definitely use her input today.

“He said, ‘you ain’t gon tie me down’ like Ray J.”

“Oh my god.” Courtney playfully rolls her eyes and laughs. “So, what’s going on? What you gotta tell me?”

“Let’s talk about this over some honey hot wings and tenders.”

“Ugh. You make me sick,” Courtney says, balling her face up.

“Oh, I love you too, boo!”

“No but seriously. You haven’t had none since Julio?”

Ugh. Why’d she have to bring him up? I’d much rather have gotten into last week’s peep show than this.

“No. No I have not.”

“Well, I hope that’s what you’re telling me–that you finally got your back blown out.”

“I’m gonna blow my foot up your ass.”

“It’d be my pleasure.”

“Wouldn’t it be my pleasure?”

“No. It’d be mine.” We start laughing.

“DEVINE!” The cashier yells out, our food ready.

“I’ll grab it,” Courtney says.

I sit in the booth, excited but nervous to tell Courtney about the happening and my thoughts about screwing my new neighbors. She’d have some insightful feedback.

Courtney came back with our trays.

“Thanks girl!” I say, ecstatic about the food. Another thing that makes me cum is good food, that’s for sure.

“All right. Spill, dammit,” she demands. Ugh, so thirsty.

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