How Emily Became a Slut – Part 4 – by drewfhart

I got to Jill’s to her surprise seeing me this late letting me in giving me a kiss she asked what I was doing there so late and I said I left Bob, and she said what and I said isn’t that what you asked and she said I told you to think of it and I said I have been for months you just made me take it seriously and rip the band-aid off. This led to us going to her room where we made love all night long and when I mean all night it was all night until the sun came up and we fell asleep until about noon.

Without boring you with the back-and-forth Bob and I did proceed with getting a divorce a quick one splitting everything 50/50. During this time, I continued to see Jill discreetly having the most amazing sex with her. But during this time, she kept pressuring me to go public with our relationship stating she wanted to not hide it anymore, I was not ready for that at all. About a month after the divorce, I thought life was perfect I had my house, freedom, and a discreet relationship with Jill until she cut it off.

Jill came to me and said she didn’t want to live hiding things anymore and wanted to come out of the closet and be a lesbian, she would like to do that with me but if I wasn’t willing, she had to move on, and I couldn’t and after a long weekend of talking thru this and one final passionate sex with her trying to convince me we ended things.

I was really hurt, I think deep down I loved her, but I couldn’t bring myself to put myself out there, so I was depressed for the next couple of weeks. Here I was alone for the first time in my life, in a house with no one. After a couple of weeks of no sex, I started to get horny and realized I had no boundaries no with Bob It was time to play.

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