Disaster by demander

That night after the kids were in bed, Mary basically dragged Paul into their bed. She sucked his cock, and she kept at it, deepthroating him until he came deep into her throat. And she kept on sucking, licking her lips and looking up at him, rubbing herself. Paul got hard again. When he did, Mary lay back on the bed, pulled him into her, missionary. But, somehow, Mary was in control, even though Paul was on top.

“Ahhhh. Harder, harder….Oh…oh…” She was pulling his ass as he fucked her. She had a series of orgasms again. Paul had just come once, and lasted longer than usual. Mary never wavered.

On Wednesday at work Paul felt some discomfort when he went to the men’s room. His penis was a little red, and there was some discharge. He was worried. He made a drop in appointment at his GP’s office for late in the afternoon. When he went, the young P.A. was the one assigned to see him, as a walk-in. The P.A. was a mid-twenties woman. Paul was embarrassed. He explained his problem. Susan, the P.A., knew what his problem was immediately as he described it. She had him drop his pants and she looked. She took a sample of the discharge, and a blood sample. Then she told him that Dr. Mason would see him soon. George Mason had been Paul’s GP since he was twelve. He was also Mary’s, since they were married.

He walked into the examination room. He didn’t look happy at all. Paul got worried.

Mason said, “Paul, I believe that you have gonorrhea. The labs won’t be back until morning, but that’s what it is. I have to report this to the county, and take a sexual history — a recent one.”

Paul was stunned. Since he married Mary he had been 100% faithful to her. And that meant only one thing.

“Doc, is this always transmitted by sex?”

“Yes. Once in a long while, maybe not. But the answer is yes. So who have you had sex with?”

“Mary. That’s it.”

Mason looked hard at him. Paul looked right back.

Mason said, with some resignation. “She’ll have to be notified, and come in. By tomorrow at least. Are you going home now?”

“For now, yes.”

“Women who have this often show no symptoms, and men often do have symptoms. So Mary likely doesn’t know she has it, if she does. Her name will also have to go to the county. I’ll wait until the end of the day to send that. To give the two of you a chance to talk.”

Dr. Mason gave Paul an injection in his arm. He told Paul that that was all the treatment needed, unless the symptoms persisted beyond Friday. If by Monday he still had discharge, he should come back in.

Paul left the building in a stupor. But as he drove home, he started to get angry. Mary had fucked someone else. They had young kids. How could she have done that?

Paul came into the house still angry. The kids came up and hugged him. Mary greeted him, wondering why he was home so early.

“I’ve had some bad news. You and I need to discuss it.” He sent the kids into the small play room, and set them up with a video game. They loved that, and didn’t get it so much.

When he came back into the kitchen, Mary was sitting at the table, looking uncertain.

Paul stood over her. “I have gonorrhea. And I got it from you.”

Mary almost passed out. Her world was turned inside out with those words. It was a total and complete DISASTER.

“Paul…I…I’m so sorry. Oh, God…..Oh shit….” She was crying now. Paul found that he had absolutely no sympathy.

“You have to go in to Dr. Mason tomorrow right away. You’ll have to tell him where you got this. I’d like an explanation.”

“Paul, I never meant to do this. I went out to dinner with Joan. I was drinking. She wanted to go to a dance club next door, just to check it out. The guy on the door gave us a free drink pass. I had another drink, and a guy asked me to dance. And…..and….he was….I mean I found him attractive. We danced close. Then Joan had hooked up with his buddy. She wanted to go back to her place, and I agreed. On the way I thought that I’d just give him a hand job, or maybe a blow job. But when we started, I…..I couldn’t stop. I didn’t want to stop, and I didn’t.”

“And was it worth the price? The sex?”

“No…I enjoyed it. All of a sudden I was a total slut. I cannot explain it more than that. And…there’s one more thing. In the morning, I had sex with the second guy. They were sailors. But the second guy was from a foreign navy.” She looked down. “Sorry.”

“You had unprotected sex with two men you met that night.” Paul was distraught. But that morphed. He started to regain his anger. “Jesus Christ.” He turned and walked out the door. She heard his truck start. He was gone. The kids heard the last shout. They came into the room crying. Mary was crying, too. But she stopped and settled them down. She wondered if Paul would ever hold her again.

Mary picked up her phone when the kids were eating a snack. She walked into the other room and called Mason’s office. She made arrangements to come there in the morning. Then she called Joan.

Joan picked up, “How’s it going, Mary?”

“Oh, Joan. I gave Paul gonorrhea. I have it, I assume. And you, too, probably. But you didn’t fuck Ronnie.

“Shit! Shit! Are you sure?”

“Paul has already been to the doctor. You have to go tomorrow, and tell them who all you had sex with. I’m going to go to Mason at 8:00am. Before the office opens. You can come with me.

“My God, Mary. What did Paul say? Did you tell him what happened?”

“I told him. He turned and walked out, drove off.”

“Maybe you should just leave him alone for a while. I mean, what can you say to him?”

“Not much. I don’t understand myself what happened. So, I can’t explain it to him. If he asks me whether I’ll do it again….you know….how can I say I won’t. Maybe I will.”

Paul had gone to a friend’s apartment — Jerry Williams. He told Williams about what happened to him. Williams was a good buddy, and allowed Paul to stay over, if he wanted to do that. Williams also knew Joan. In fact, Joan’s apartment was about forty yards from his own. He told Paul that. Then he showed Paul where she lived.

Paul went to knock on Joan’s door. Joan didn’t look out before she opened up. She was shocked to see Paul, and scared. But Paul stepped inside.

“Paul, you shouldn’t be here.”

“I only want to figure out why Mary did it. I mean, why???”

“I don’t know, Paul. I should have protected her. But I got caught up with the other guy. By the time I thought to do anything, I was a goner, and I was only thinking with my twat. Sorry.”

“No offense meant, Joan, but Mary…she isn’t like that. I thought at least. I really…if she can do this, I can’t stay. The kids…” He was sobbing, and Joan was also. They hugged, and she patted him on the back. He straightened up.

“Sorry, Joan. It’s my problem. I maybe thought you could tell me more.”

“No. Well, the guy was hot. Can’t deny that. And the other guy was hot, too. Maybe sometimes, women get carried away. Need….sex….hot sex. I do. So I get it. But Mary never seemed like that. Until now.”

Paul left and spent the night at Jerry’s apartment, in agony. He called in late to work the next day, and slipped by his place to change and shower. Packed a duffel. He called his folks and gave them a short description of what had happened. They were both flabbergasted.


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