Disaster by demander

Paul turned to her. “Who is it that you want to fuck?”

Mary blushed. “I liked the guy who seduced me. Ronnie. He calls. I’ve turned him down many times. He’s persistent.”

“I don’t want that. I wouldn’t be able to take it, I think.”

“Well, even if you got other women? Like an open marriage.”

“I don’t want that. That sex with the guy Ronnie must have been great. For you to say this stuff.”

“It was great, Paul. I won’t lie. And our marriage has gotten so hot after I turned into a slut. Heather is a slut. You like sluts.”

She started stroking him. He responded. She licked him. He lay back as she mounted him. Her favorite position, with her in control. She slowly fucked him, talking to him.

“You want Heather and I want Ronnie. After they fuck us, we’ll have lots of hot sex. I want this. I know you’d like it.”

Paul didn’t say anything. He was hard, and Mary was playing him, speeding and slowing, gripping and loosening. She was smiling down at him. That superior smile that made him feel so helpless, and turned him on more than anything.

Mary sped up one last time, and squeezed the cum out of him.

They didn’t discuss the open marriage idea further that night. But Paul was frightened. It was one thing for Mary to stray on a drunken night out. It was quite another for her to fuck this guy again. He worried that the sex was so much better with Ronnie that she would risk the marriage for more.

Mary thought she was well on the way to convincing Paul to open up. The sex with Ronnie had actually been the best ever. She liked dominating Paul, and she was getting off regularly. But the Ronnie thing was just calling to her.

Mary called Ronnie. They set up a tryst for the next weekend. She’d come to his apartment after work on Friday, and stay until Sunday afternoon. Mary was excited. Ronnie, too.

But he asked, “What about your husband? Is he okay with this? I don’t want trouble. He could go to my CO.”

“He won’t. I told him he could fuck the woman at his work who’s always after him.”

“And he agreed?”

“Well, he will.”

“Mary, if he bucks, we can’t do it. Are we clear?”

“Yep. He won’t be a problem.”

But he was a problem. Mary sat down with Paul after the kids were in bed on Sunday.

“Babe, I set up something with Ronnie for next weekend. Friday night to Sunday. So, if you want to get Heather, we have to get a sitter, or use the parents.”

“Mary. I’m not going to do this. I want you to understand — clearly — that if you go to that guy, or anyone else, that will end us.”

Mary was stunned. She had thought Paul would, well, obey her.

“I’m not bargaining, Paul. I made the date. I want the date. We’ll be fine after. It’ll be great for us.”

“Mary, the answer is no. NO!”

“You’re not going to tell me no. What are you going to do? Divorce? I don’t think so. The kids would be with me. You’d have to move. Maybe Ronnie would move in. So, this is going to happen. Get Heather.”

“I won’t. I won’t get Heather. If you fuck this guy, I will divorce you. I’ll at least get visitation.”

“Shit. It could be so good.”

Paul got up slowly and went to the kitchen. He sat at the table and thought about his situation. What he thought was that his marriage was over. Saying no was okay, but he believed that Mary would go ahead, and try to hide it. Or maybe not try to hide it. Either way, he couldn’t see how to stay with her. He started leaking tears. He just sat at the table silently crying. His mood blackened. He had his head in his hands when Mary looked in on him. She was shocked.

“Paul, please don’t cry, baby. I won’t do it. If it means so much to you, I won’t do it.”

Paul said nothing. He was not sobbing, but still slowly crying. He didn’t look up. Mary put her arm around his shoulder.

“It’s okay, Paul. It’ll be okay. I won’t do it.”

“How would I ever know?” Paul looked at her. “I wouldn’t have known the last time if you didn’t give me the clap. So..?”

“I give you my promise.”

He looked at her. There was no trust in his eyes, and she could see that. She was hurt. But she also knew that, sooner or later, she would have sex with Ronnie. She just had to be more subtle, and convincing.

They went to bed but no sex. The next morning they got the kids off, went to work. Not much talk. Paul set a consultation with a family law attorney. Linda Moore.

That afternoon he outlined his situation for her. She told him that he would be able to see his children, but very likely not get custody, even though his wife might stray. The money — he’d have to pay her some, support for the kids, and for her, since their incomes were not equal. Since he had slept with Mary since her first infidelity, that couldn’t be a ground. If she did it again, that would be a ground for divorce.

Then they spoke about what he could do proactively. She wanted to know Ronnie’s name, and Paul had it from Joan – Jenkins. She found his address. The two of them cooked up a letter to him. The letter said, in short, that Paul was aware of the prior sexual relations between Jenkins and Mary Nevin. Paul was also aware that the two had made arrangements to have further sexual relations on the weekend. Paul asserted that such relations would be illegal, and immoral, and he would in no way condone them. He further indicated that such relations would violate military regulations. He said that, if Jenkins did engage in sex with Paul’s wife, Paul would report that fact to local law enforcement, and to Jenkins’ superiors in the Navy. He further would sue Jenkins, because Jenkins was now on notice.

The put that together, full of legalese, and Paul signed it and had it notarized. Then they hired a messenger to take it to Jenkins and make sure it was hand delivered. Paul also paid for some surveillance to be installed in their apartment the next day, when Mary was out. He also put a program on her cell phone when it was charging in the evening. Paul had another work trip coming up in two weeks.

Paul went back to work, and took off a little early. He went home, and was there when Mary brought the kids in. They had a nice late afternoon, playing with the children. Mary cooked — chicken sauteed with rice and onions.

As the kids were being read their bedtime stories, Paul got a text that the letter had been delivered. He and Mary went downstairs. They were not really speaking to each other, and Mary was not dressed for success — in seduction. Paul didn’t feel like being seduced, either. About forty minutes after the text, Mary’s phone buzzed. She looked at it, and walked into the kitchen, away from Paul. He moved to where he could hear, but not be seen.

“You shouldn’t be calling. I told you……WHAT?” You’re kidding! What does it say, exactly?” A pause ensued.

“That SOB. I’ll get back to you.” Paul had retreated to the living room. Mary stormed in.

“What have you done? You sent Ronnie a letter threatening him. You asshole!”

“I’m trying to save our marriage. He’s a threat to that. I do what I can.”

“I….Jesus….he won’t come near me, now. You….ruined it for me.”

“I sure hope so. If you want other guys, we divorce. You promised me you wouldn’t. You promised when we got married, and then after you fucked up.”


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