Disaster by demander

“I told you it would be fun for both of us. An open marriage. Lots of people have that.”

“Not me. Not me, Mary. Not now or ever. If that’s what you want, we need to split.”

Mary ran upstairs, and slammed the bedroom door. That woke both kids, and Paul went to settle them. Then he set up in the spare room. He tried to read his book, but just fretted. He heard Mary talking on her phone, but could not hear what was said.

Mary had called Ronnie from the bedroom. In the earlier conversation, Ronnie had told her that they had to cool it. He couldn’t risk all what Paul said he’d do.

Now Mary called him back.

“Ronnie, I’m sorry about all this. I thought I could bring Paul around. I couldn’t. And now, I guess he has no trust that I’ll keep my word. So, he sent that letter.”

“Yeah. Well, it worked. I mean, we could have had a good time, but it’s not worth the risk. To me, and really for you as well. You have kids. A family. I feel bad about maybe disrupting that.”

“Okay. I…again…I’m sorry. It could have been great.”

“It was great. I hope your family survives. But, Mary, if it doesn’t, still don’t call me. I don’t want to be your Holy Grail.”

“Oh. Okay. You mean that, don’t you.”

“Yes. I…I do feel bad. All the stuff you went through — and him, too — some of it’s on me.”

They said their goodbyes. Mary put on a nightie and got into bed. She had some thinking to do.

Paul was also in his twin bed in the spare room. Not very comfortable. He made a mental note to get new mattresses for the room. But he was stuck in his thinking about the future. He was stuck because, although he loved Mary — the old Mary — he was not sure about this Mary. She was a great sex partner, and knew how to appeal to his submissive side. But maybe that was not the basis for an enduring partnership.

Suppose he went through with the divorce, even though he had prevented further cheating — he assumed. For how long? He wasn’t about to spend all his time closely monitoring Mary. And even if he did, she could still cheat and have it go undiscovered.

He made no decision. He decided to let things simmer and see what happened. But he knew that he had to be careful not to have Mary overwhelm him again.

Mary also made that decision, for different reasons. She believed that she was still in love with Paul. He was so good with the kids. He made a good living. He was smart, funny, well read. And, the sex had been fine. Before and after they discovered her power to control him. But the sex with Ronnie, and also with Mace, had been better. She felt as if she could have better sex with other men, than she had with Paul. She could just go to a dance club, and shop for a hot guy. A little risky, as she had learned. But doable.

Not so doable if she was a single mom. She didn’t want to be a single mom, no matter how much Paul could help. She wanted Paul and she wanted stranger sex. So she decided that she had to see how things shook out. It was always possible that the marriage had been irrevocably damaged, with Paul losing all trust in her.

They both had decided to take a wait and see approach. Feel each other out.

The two of them were wary around each other all week. Paul still slept in the spare room. Another set of mattresses came, and he replaced the old ones. He got better sleep. He was getting used to this pattern.

Mary was getting frustrated. Friday came — the day she should have been getting fucked by Ronnie. She left work, texted Paul that she was going to visit Joan, and showed up at Joan’s apartment as planned by them at work. They had some wine. Mary explained what was happening.

Joan said, “It could have been worse. You could be getting divorced. I mean, you did screw up badly.”

“No doubt. But, I’ve had an experience, and I liked it. Why should I be satisfied with less?”

“To stay married. That’s why. Paul’s a great husband. And he does satisfy you in bed. It’s not every woman who can have what you have with him. He might as well be your slave — except for the open marriage thing.”

Mary smiled. The reminder of the power she had over Paul — in their day to day sex life — was pleasant. She said, “Maybe you and I can dominate him together. You could fuck him, and then I could get a guy.”

“You’re offering me your husband?”

“He’ll do almost anything. You can sit on his face for an hour. He’s great at that. And he never gets soft when he’s being ordered around and used. Just think.”

“I am thinking. Jesus. I…you know I always liked him. Would he rim me?”

“Anything. As long as you want. He’s obedient. You could come over one night for dinner. Then we’d just take him, do what we want with him. You could sit on his dick while I sit on his face. He likes you. I see him looking.”

“Oh. That is tempting. But it might screw up your marriage. And, maybe he’d be happy to have the threesome, but still wouldn’t agree to an open marriage.”

“We can only try.” Mary chuckled. Joan, too.

Mary said, “We’ll set it up for Thursday, before he goes out of town.”

Mary went home. Paul had cooked, and he and the kids were eating. Mary sat and ate with them. They played a video game as a family. Then they put the kids to bed.

Paul was watching TV when Mary came down in her seduction t-shirt. She sat across from him, stretched out her legs, pointing her toes.

Paul got erect instantly. He was determined to resist, though.

“Mary, I see what you’re doing. What do you want?”

She spread her legs so he could see everything. “You. My husband.” She started to masturbate. “I want you right here. Right now. You could start with a foot rub.” She rubbed one sexy foot with the other, then spread again.

Paul found himself on his knees in front of her. She put a foot to his lips. He kissed it. Then he rubbed her feet for a while, never looking at her. Then she pulled him up to give her oral sex. She had an orgasm. Then she got up, walked toward the stairs, motioning him with her finger to follow. He did. He was so ashamed, but he followed. She took him upstairs to their bed and rode him until she they both came. She looked down at him after, smiling.

“You have no power here, baby. You have to do what I say. What does that make you?”

Paul was getting hard again, minutes after coming. Still inside his wife.

“What does that make you, Paul?”

“Your slave.” His shame at this filled and thrilled him.

“What does a slave do, Paul?”

“He obeys. Obeys.”

“Just remember your place.” She stared humping him again. She was laughing at him. He groaned, felt the rising feeling, tried not to come….and failed.

The next morning, he awoke next to Mary. He had tried to resist her. Tried so hard. But when he was alone with her, she could do whatever she wanted to him. He was resigned to that. He got up and cleaned up. Mary did as well. She smirked at him at breakfast with the kids, but didn’t say anything. Off they went to school and work.

Paul was truly depressed. He felt he was in a trap. He had to get away from Mary. If he didn’t he would eventually be babysitting the kids while she fucked guys she met at a dance hall. But it seemed like getting away from her was also getting away from the kids. He called Linda Moore, the lawyer. He went to her office and they talked through his options. Divorce meant he’d see the kids, at most, on weekends. That was likely. And he’d have to pay child support, and some alimony. He could afford that, but the prospect depressed him. He also thought that Mary would hook up with some big dick, and move him into her life, and the kids’ lives. If that happened, he’d have to hurt…..well, he’d have had enough.


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