Mrs Smith Meets a Celebrity by GarySmith69

Shelly ran over to him and helped him up, but she didn’t look happy.

“Look, Gary, Carrie, it seems my husband and I have made a big mistake, we have massively underestimated both of you and your feelings, I admit I went along with Dave because he promised me a shot at you while Leroy and Dave fucked Janet and Carrie, we didn’t realise you would figure it out and stop it so forcefully.”

At that point Emma and Sandra came out of the toilet, they were helping Janet but she looked alert and focused. She walked up to Dave and slapped him so hard around the face he fell over. She then went to her husband and smiled and said, “He isn’t very good at handling his drink is he?”

She then turned to me hugged me and kissed my cheek,”Gary, you are a true English gentleman, and your wife is lucky to have you. Carrie? This one is a keeper, don’t let him get away.”

Carrie walked over and hugged her, “Don’t worry my dear he is not going anywhere, right my love?”

“Of course my love, now let’s wrap this night up, Leroy, when you get up you will not try to follow us or get revenge on me or my wife, if you try you will regret it, that is not a threat it is a promise.”

I Looked directly into his eyes as I said it he blinked first and nodded. Two of his bouncers helped him up and he was about to say something, but he stopped and with help walked away to his office.

I turned to Janet, “It’s just a suggestion but I would find another job, working with Dave might be difficult from now on.”

Sandra spoke up, “Gary, its fine she can work with us, her husband too. We have a real estate business and we are looking for more staff and from what Janet has told us they are exactly what we want.”

Janet looked at me as if asking permission, “Janet, its up to you, but get to know Sandra and Emma first then make your choice.”

I Looked at Caroline and her husband,

“Caroline, what you do in your marriage is none of my business but I suggest you stop fucking Dave and focus on your marriage, Steven? Its your choice but I if I was you I would grow a backbone and stop taking orders from your wife, if you want a cheating slut for a wife good luck, otherwise I know a good divorce lawyer who will help you get divorced.”

Finally I looked at Shelly, “As with the others its your choice, but if you really want to be happy in your life get rid of Dave, you are worth more than a cheating scumbag like him. And who knows you might find someone you really care for.”

Dave looked outraged and was about to lunge at me, but Shelly grabbed his arm and slapped him around the face.

“He’s right, Dave, goodbye I will accept the number that Gary has for that lawyer. Our marriage has been over for a long time, thank you Gary I don’t deserve your friendship but I hope we can still be friends.”

With that she walked out of the restaurant and called a taxi.

I gave a card to Steven and Caroline sat down in chair and started crying. I’m not sure why maybe because her easy life was over. Steven stood up straightened his clothes and with one glance at his wife started walking away when he got to the door he turned and said,

“Like Shelly said our marriage has also been over for sometime, I’m going home now you can come with me and we can to live together and maybe reconnect or not, but either way I will also contact the lawyer on this card.”

He turned and walked away, a few seconds later a very humbled Caroline walked quickly after him. Dave was just looking stunned by the turn of events. He had lost his wife, lost four staff and lost any chance of fucking Janet or my wife. I also suspect he will be in trouble with Leroy. He sagged onto a chair picked up a bottle of champagne and started drinking from it.

Carrie had contacted a taxi firm and it was on its way. I helped Simon up and half carried him to the door of the restaurant Carrie and Janet walked out first without a backward glance. The taxi was waiting for us, my wife and Janet climbed in and I helped lift Simon into the taxi and then turned around and from the doorway said to Dave,

“Dave, do not personally contact Janet or Caroline or Steven or Simon, and only give Shelly what she wants. Give your ex staff glowing references and make sure they get everything they are owed. And think about your life, if you try and contact your ex employees and if you don’t give Shelly what she wants I will find you and make your life a living hell. This is a friendly warning, you have no idea what my wife and I are capable of or who we know. Goodbye Dave.”


Epilogue: So, Janet and Simon did get jobs with Emma and Sandra who ended up being good friends, they also were married to each other, no they never hit on Janet or my wife. They came out drinking and dancing with us and were good fun but only danced with each other which of course got some attention. Janet and Carrie are definitely friends for life, my wife is showing Janet some hand to hand combat moves and Janet is enjoying it.

I have been working to help Simon build up himself both in mind and body, and Janet is certainly enjoying the more bulked up and confident husband.

Dave didn’t contest Shelly’s divorce request, and he was generous with her settlement, he is still going through lots of women, but he is single and he has told me through mutual friends that he only goes after single women, well that was true until he fucked a wife of an important gang member, apparently his demise was slow and painful, no he isn’t dead but he has lost all his good looks and the ability to use is dick.

Shelly disappeared for three months on a trip somewhere no one quite knows where, but when she came back she was a changed person, and we as a group actually liked the new Shelly.

She started coming out with us but didn’t drink alcohol and only danced with people she knew or knew to be single, yes she still hooked up with the occasional single woman, but mostly it was single men she danced with but she got to know them first before going home with them, and strangely she looked to me for approval when men and women asked her on dates or just a dance Also she wanted to work again so she ended up working with Emma and Sandra as PA, no she didn’t do anything personal with either of them.

Steven did divorce Caroline but a year later they started dating each other again, it seems they are a made for each other. But as far as we know Caroline has stayed faithful and Steven is much more assertive than before. Rumor has it he sowed a lot of wild oats before accepting a date with Caroline again. Caroline has asked if she can join us in our evenings out, so far everyone has said maybe, but not yet.

Okay, in the case of Leroy my wife and I took steps. Various amounts of drugs were found in the restaurants office, also lots of evidence was found to show Leroy and his staff coerced and in some cases blackmailed wives and girlfriends into spending the night with him. Also in the same raid evidence was found of him not paying the write amount of tax.

Apparently things got a bit heated and Leroy and some of his staff had a pitched battle with the Police, obviously they lost. His restaurant was shut down and sold off and his bank accounts were frozen and all his property was either sold off or given away to goodwill.

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