Natural Selection by BumblingFool

They were both extremely disappointed to learn that his starting salary would be only fifty thousand during his first year with no raises and no vacation scheduled until after his one year anniversary. At that time, his salary would be adjusted per upper management. He asked what that meant and they were unable to give him an answer. They had never run across that comment concerning salary structure before and said they would make an inquiry to see what they could learn. They both instinctively knew that it would be extremely tight for them to get by on his salary alone. With that knowledge, Abby knew that she would be seeking out employment opportunities for herself to supplement their income and give them some breathing room.

Fortunately, they were both signed up for the company’s excellent health care program but five hundred dollars would be deducted from his monthly pay to cover their part of the expense of the health insurance program. This knowledge only put more of a squeeze on their budget instilling the urgent need for Abby to find something suitable sooner rather than later. Albert took them throughout much of the facility at a dizzying pace because there was so much to see and learn about. He even took them to the rooftop which held a panoramic view of the city even though there were innumerable buildings much taller.

Albert had overheard Vance and Abby discussing her need for employment due to his low income level to start. Albert had been coached to offer her an interview opportunity for a position within the same company.

“Mrs. Rayle, if I may be so bold,” Albert began, “I couldn’t help overhearing that you might be on the lookout for an employment opportunity yourself. Is that right?”

“Why yes it is, Mr. Iddings” she timidly replied.

“Albert, please. No formalities needed here. You guys are practically family now.”

“Yes, thank you Albert. And you can call me Abby.”

“Well, Abby, I kind of keep my ear to the ground around here you know, and I hear things from time to time that may be of interest to others. For example, I happen to know that Steve Crenshaw is now looking for a replacement for his personal assistant. He’s one of the six vice presidents here and his current PA, Donna Griggs is very pregnant and will be leaving her position very soon to have her baby.”

“Thank you…. Albert. But I’m not looking for something part time until she returns. I’m only interested in full time employment. She added.

“I figured that. And that’s why I thought to mention it to you. It’s my understanding that she will be moving out of state, I believe to be a full time mother to her new baby. The job hasn’t even been posted yet, so I could do you and Vance here a favor by sneaking your name and contact information into the right hands. You’ve got nothing to lose and you should receive a call within a day or two one way or another about an interview. I don’t know the pay rate for her job, but a PA for an executive VP at DFSB should command a very decent salary. What do you think?”

“Can you give us a second, please?” She asked.

“Oh sure, sure. Take your time and talk it over you two. I was just thinking that it could be mighty convenient for you two to work in the same building is all. But it’s up to you of course.”

They walked about ten feet away from Albert and discussed it. “He makes a valid point about us working together here in the same building.” She quipped.

“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. We’d probably end up on different floors I imagine, but we could still eat lunch together every day in the cafeteria; that would be a big plus in my book” he added. “But we don’t have any idea what it would pay. If they’re starting me out at a paltry fifty grand, you might end up doing much better as an accountant somewhere else as far as income goes.”

“You’re right, I didn’t even think about that. But he said I should know something one way or the other within just a couple of days. Why don’t we put my name in the hat? And while I’m waiting I can look in the paper for other accounting positions for which I would be qualified in case this doesn’t pan out.”

“That makes sense. Perfect sense as a matter of fact. It wouldn’t hurt to check into it, so I agree. Let’s see if anything comes of it.” He affirmed.

After returning to him, Vance said, “Alright Albert. We appreciate you mentioning this PA position to us. Abby will give you her cell phone number and contact information in case they’re interested in setting up an interview with her. If the position is offered to her, and it pays well enough, then it just may be the ticket. Thank you.”

Albert jotted down her information and promised to put it in the right hands as soon as possible. As the day was waning, Albert led the couple down to the sub-basement, two floors beneath the ground floor. After wending through some twisting corridors he proudly showed them Vance’s new office. It was a very small dingy work space with a small metal desk, one bookshelf and a single file cabinet. Of course there were no windows except for the translucent glass pane in the office door. It look as though it had not been used in years. Abby said nothing negative, realizing that Vance’s thoughts about his budding new job prospect was looking very unappealing right now.

“That’s my office right across the hall from yours” Albert chimed in. “As a matter of fact, I don’t know if Mr. Crenshaw mentioned it to you yet, but you have been assigned to me indefinitely. Now don’t you worry, I’ll be taking you under my wing and showing you the ropes. It’s about time they sent me some help. They’ve left me alone down here for the past seven years and you don’t know how good it will be to have some fresh blood in the place.”

Remembering about the ashtray and not to be deterred, Vance was determined more than ever to complete his year of internship with aplomb. He enthusiastically shook Albert’s hand and said, “I’m looking forward very much to working with you sir. I’ll always give you and the company my very best.”

“Ahhh, that’s the spirit sonny. I’ll see you tomorrow at eight bells sharp. Go on ahead and get a good night’s sleep. And good day to you Abby. I hope to be seeing much more of you very soon.”

That night, the promising young couple made passionate love for several hours. Abby wanted to make sure she sent her new hubby to work with a big smile on his face. She succeeded.

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