Natural Selection by BumblingFool

Carl and Mary-Beth Rayle could not have been more proud of their son. Vance had exceeded their expectations and was proving his mettle, overcoming every challenge set before him. Together, they excitedly checked the bank account to which they had access and were elated to see the newly funded amount of $100,400.00! They threw a huge graduation celebration party for him, inviting all of their extended family and friends. Vance was looking forward to finally having the summer off to rest and relax after four years of grueling effort.

Vance was nervous about getting into Harvard. Even with his high GPA status, there was fierce competition for a place in that institution and few slots to fill, comparatively speaking. He only hoped that his benefactor had adequate clout to assure his acceptance. He considered long and hard what he might want to major in but as yet remained undecided. He heard the phone ring but his parents fielded the call. Fifteen minutes later they came to him eating lunch at the kitchen table.

His mother started, “Vance honey, we’ve repeatedly let you know how pleased we both are at your diligence and hard work in school. Your father and I have checked the account and it is fully funded just as we were told. Your sponsor has delivered on their promise. Because of all your hard work, you have a chance to excel at Harvard. We don’t know what’s in store for you there, but we know you’ll do great at whatever it is you set your mind to. We’re still in your corner all the way.

“That’s right son.” His dad added. “It’s 12:15 right now. We just got a phone call from your sponsor. They want you to meet with them at the same hotel as before, conference room four this time at one o’clock sharp. You have just enough time to shower, shave and get over there. Just like before, we can’t be there with you, so you can drive yourself in the car.”

“Okay, it’s short notice, but I guess I can’t look a gift horse in the mouth. I’ll be there. I guess they’ll have the particulars for my admission and registration ready for me. I’m anxious to have that all nailed down. Let me get going.”

He wolfed down the remainder of his meal and jumped in the shower. He was hoping that a different representative than the one he met four years ago would be there. After quickly dressing, he managed to arrive at the hotel five minutes early. Again, he sought out the room and entered.

‘Oh shit’ he thought to himself. ‘It’s that blonde headed bitch again. Maybe she was on the rag last time. Hopefully she will show me a bit more respect now that I have proven myself.’ Once again, she was seated at a non-descript table with a pitcher of ice water and two glasses. And once again, she didn’t bother to get up to greet him.

“Well as I live and breathe. If it isn’t the illustrious Vance Rayle gracing me with his presence.” She quipped.

“I see you’re just as charming as ever.” He rejoined.

“Don’t get your panties in a wad Mr. Rayle. I’m here again on behalf of your benefactor to offer you yet another proposal.”

“Oh? Are you backing out on my going to Harvard after all the hard work I’ve put in?”

“Hard work? You haven’t a clue what hard work really is Vance. I suppose a modicum of congratulations is in order. Frankly it shocked the ‘you know what’ out of me to learn that you had somehow miraculously fulfilled your part of the bargain. And that’s why I’m here.”

“Quite honestly I owe you a personal debt of gratitude Ms….?”

“Once again, my name remains irrelevant and unimportant at this juncture. Survive the gauntlet you will be challenged with and one day, you just may get to learn it. And just why are you grateful to me?”

“It’s because of you that I’m here right now. I was determined to prove you wrong and I believe I did just that. So I thank you for providing me motivation.” He answered.

“Hmmmm,” she mused. “Again, for reasons unknown to me, your benefactor requires that we offer you two different potential futures. Don’t worry, we will honor our word, get you into Harvard and once there, you can take whatever courses you desire for a four year program. All expenses will be paid for four years and only four years. Your grades will no longer have mandatory minimums. I believe this is the best possible option for you. Once you accept this provision, what you do with the rest of your life is totally up to you. All college expenses will be covered, room and board, books and all associated tuition and class fees. Transportation to and from Harvard is on your dime. If you want to go back and forth visiting your mommy and daddy, well that’s on you. All you need to do is sign right here and it’s a done deal. Here’s a pen for your convenience.”

Vance took the offered pen and held it. “Didn’t you say there were two options? What’s the other one?”

“Oh that? It’s hardly worth mentioning. It has even more stringent requirements than the ones you just faced for the past four years. I’m sure you would have no interest in working your butt off for just a bit more reward than you’ve already earned.”

“Could I hear it anyway? Just so I can agree with you on your assessment?”

“Very well. Option two is this:

#1- We get you accepted and registered into Harvard immediately. You start your first summer session in two weeks and you will carry a full course load the entire summer.

#2- Your four years at Harvard will be hell on earth. You will take the maximum course load allowable each of the four years.

#3- WE will pick and choose your every course, not you, and you must earn a 3.8 average, or higher on every course.

#4- As a result of the extreme course loads and summer sessions, if you survive, you will come out of it with a Master’s Degree in Business Economics and Finance after only four years.” She impassively stated.

“Is that even possible?” He asked.

“I only know of one man who has actually done that.” She said. “Your benefactor.”

“Why the 3.8 GPA?”

“Because that’s the grades he earned when he attended there.

“Who is he? I’d like to meet him.” Professed Vance.

“His identity remains confidential for now. Regardless, I can say with certainty that you’ll never meet him.

“And what if I miss the mark?” He inquired.

“If any of your grades come up short, then we drop all requirements, but that will be the end of the road as far as we are concerned. And you will be obligated to repay the cost of your education.” She inferred.

Vance closed his eyes when he heard that and winced. As good as he believed himself to be, he was unsure that he could take the chance on losing it all by going this route. But he needed to know more. Surely there was more, something she was not telling him.

“And if I succeed?” He queried.

“Nearly impossible. But if you somehow manage to reach the goal with all of the imperatives intact, you will then agree to accept a one year internship with a multi-billion dollar financial investment firm at a fixed salary. If you quit your job or leave the company, or are terminated for just cause before the year is up, you will forfeit the opportunity and still be invoiced for the full amount of your education. Don’t you see? It’s not worth it. No one can achieve that today, even if your benefactor achieved it all before you were even born. Just take the first deal I offered you and walk away with a great education. It’s your only real choice the way I see it.”

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