Natural Selection by BumblingFool

Chapter 3

Vance found it difficult to muster much enthusiasm to face the challenges ahead of him. But he was looking forward to squeezing six years’ worth of college into just four years. He knew he would have no social life whatsoever, but then again, after it was all over, he could then relax and hopefully find someone to share his life with.

He quickly settled in to campus life in his first summer session. At least the summer classes weren’t as large, so he was able to ask many more questions than he otherwise would be able to during the regular school year. Vance dove right into his established pattern of all work and no play. He didn’t have time for any extracurricular activities so he wasn’t interested in joining a fraternity; that is until he was unequivocally directed to join the Sigma Chi — ΣΧ. He surmised that it was compulsory solely because his benefactor had been a member. He wondered why he was expected to follow in the footsteps of someone else. Why did they want him trained in the specific course studies he had to take? Perhaps one day he’d have answers to those questions. Until then, he just kept his head down and participated in fraternity events as little as possible. He volunteered mainly for set up and clean up for the many frat parties they held, though he attended only when it was mandatory of all members.

He worked diligently the first two and a half years of college, beleaguered by the sheer volume of work he had to complete in order to maintain his mandatory GPA. His only social life consisted of study groups which he avidly participated in to learn different ways of thinking and approaching the challenges of business economics, finance, investment management, investment analysis, derivatives and behavioral finance. The groundwork that was laid in high school and the advance classes he had taken provided him the underpinning that many of the other students lacked. Only now was he thankful for all the hard work he was required to do in preparation. Regular as clockwork, appropriate sums of money were regularly deposited into the special account as provision for his college expenses. It was as if his progress was being independently monitored and funds were deposited before the actual need arose.

It was when his third year was underway that he met Abigail (Abby) Bergstrom. She was in three of the same classes he attended. She was a third year accounting major and her courses apparently intersected with his. They ended up in the same four person study group seeking to pool their resources to enrich their understanding of the material. They ended up enjoying each other’s company very much, but Vance appeared to be obsessed with his grades, putting them even above his potential time spent with her. Abby was disappointed that he wouldn’t let up for hardly a day. She had never seen such academic dedication in any other campus student. Of course she had no idea about his circumstances because he was forbidden to tell her via non-disclosure documents he had signed with the blonde-headed bitch.

She had hoped that by summer, he could lighten up and make more time for them as a couple. She had planned on sticking around a couple of weeks so they could date more steadily but when she learned that he was taking on another maximum load of summer courses, she became disenchanted with his lack of prioritizing more time for her, so she just left him to his studies while she returned home and dated heavily over the summer.

While Vance continued his studies unabated, Abby was quickly becoming disenchanted with the quality of available men, at least back home. The few she had previously dated at Harvard were either pretentious, stuck on themselves, or felt their wealthy family somehow imbued them with superiority. Vance was the only one whose path she crossed that seemed to have his head squarely on his shoulders. He was always open and honest with her, never made promises he couldn’t keep and had some mysterious master plan for his life. He was by far the smartest man she had ever met with the highest GPA of anyone on campus that she knew.

When Abby returned to Harvard in the fall for her senior year, she decided to hitch her wagon to Vance’s star. She would bring him around. She just needed to be patient is all. He was a man on a mission and she would make it her goal to assist him in that mission, thereby ingratiating and focusing her attention solely upon him. She was making average grades toward her accounting degree and was content with that. She had won a full scholarship by her participation in women’s golf. She wasn’t the best, but she was quite good. She had no aspirations for the PGA circuit after graduating; she was just happy to have the free ride.

After reconnecting with Vance in his study groups, she made as much time for him as she possibly could. Apart from her accounting classes and golf, she was never far from his side. She spent many a night helping him herself, just the two of them, calling out questions or asking for formulas, anything and everything he needed to help polish his grades. During the course of the year, they both fell madly in love. Vance had met his soulmate and felt the pain of her absence every time she was gone for the weekend swinging her clubs for Harvard.

It was a Friday night, mid-semester when his fraternity hosted a party inviting their sister sorority and attendance was mandatory. There was no rule against him bringing his own date, so Abby was on his arm much of the evening. She saw how childish and impudent attendees from both organizations were and Vance’s maturity easily elevated him highly above the others in her eyes. They both consumed their fair share of alcohol but never lost control. As the party was winding down, she invited him back to her dorm room. Her roommate, who was also attending on an athletic scholarship was out of town competing in a basketball game.

Tipsy, they managed to walk the distance to her dorm by holding each other up. She was finally seeing a side of him that she had hoped would present itself. They may be in love, but tonight, they also were definitely in lust. They had made out numerous times before but this time was different. The alcohol was apparently lowering his inhibitions. She would have given herself to him long ago if he had only acted on the urges she knew he had. It wasn’t long before his shirt and her top dropped to the floor. She was braless this night, which she often was. Her B-cup breasts seldom attracted unwanted attention, not like many of the other big-chested girls. She quickly tossed her skirt and bikini brief panties. Vance stepped back and was frozen, admiring her feminine form.

“Is there something wrong honey?” She asked.

“Not a thing” he slurred.

“Then why are you staring?”

“Because you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen” he added.

“I bet you say that to all the girls” she chuckled.

“Never” he said abruptly. “You’re my first, my very first.”

“You’re a virgin?” she muttered in awe.

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