Natural Selection by BumblingFool

But he wasn’t there yet himself. He could feel his tensions roiling and he knew it wouldn’t be too much longer before he’d arrive at the intended destination. He moved one of his hands to her breast and began openly massaging it as if it was his to do with as he wished. Next he planted his lips upon hers, first in a tender kiss, then as his passions grew, his tongue pierced her mouth, probing hers so their tongues could dance together within their intimate embrace. Another few minutes more he could sense that he was getting close. Abby must have sensed it too. Her cravings matched his now, thrust for thrust as her desires peaked yet again.

“Oh God. Fuck me. Fuck me. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, FUCK!” She exclaimed as her second orgasm of the night ripped throughout her entire body. She trembled in uncontrollable spasms which, for her, happened only with her most intense orgasms.

Her ultimate expression of unfiltered lust pushed him over the edge as his own orgasm dropped on him like a lead weight. He inhaled a deep breath and held it for about five seconds before his explosive exhalation signaled his release. The two were fiercely locked together as his guttural groans accompanied the emptying of his balls. His thrusts slowly decayed both in frequency and intensity, yet continued for another full minute before he finally collapsed from exhaustion and rolled off of her spent body.

“Wow, I mean WOW!” She exclaimed. “I’m keeping you forever! If this really was your first time, then you’ll probably kill me with extreme pleasure if you get any better.”

“I feel exactly the same Abby. Tonight, you made me glad I was born a man. I cannot even imagine a better first time experience and trust me, I have quite an imagination!”

After that bonding experience, the couple was nearly inseparable. Each made as much time for the other as possible, however, Abby’s schedule was much more flexible than was his. But she didn’t mind a bit. She took whatever time he could afford to give her. Every minute spent together was a dream come true for them both.

Chapter 4

Since Vance’s parents were not burdened with any expenses associated with his college degree work, several times a year, they sent him tidy sums of money for any other needs he might have beyond academia. He was hobnobbing with a lot of the upper crust of society and they wanted him to be able to dress appropriately considering his surroundings. Vance immensely appreciated the funds they advanced him, however he was not a clothes horse and therefore had accumulated quite a sum by half-way through his senior year.

It was two weeks before Thanksgiving, fairly early on a Saturday morning when Vance grabbed Abby by the hand and said, “Come on, let’s take a walk together, shall we?”

“Where to?” She replied.

“Oh, somewhere nearby. I promise we won’t leave the campus. The shoes you’re wearing will be just fine for the walk.”

He led her to the Science Center. Once inside, he escorted her up the elevator to the eighth floor and exited onto the Science Center Observatory. It was one of his favorite places to go on campus. From the site, they could see all of Harvard, including the Science Plaza, Memorial Church, Lowell House, the Lampoon Tower, and even some of Boston.

“What do you think of the view?” he asked.

“I don’t know why, but I’ve never been up here before. It’s an awesome view, breathtaking; you can see practically all of the campus from this one spot.” She responded smiling.

Suddenly Vance dropped to one knee and took her left hand. Immediately recognizing the gesture, Abby’s heart leaped up into her throat. She couldn’t speak. She hoped against hope that what she thought was going to happen was for real.

“It was at this campus that I met the love of my life, my soulmate, the one I wish to spend eternity with. Thus I couldn’t think of a better place to make known the most important quest of my life. As beautiful as this place is in all its grandeur, it pales miserably in comparison to the beauty that you bring to me every day we’re together. So that brings me to this question, Abigail Dawn Bergstrom, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, will you marry me?”

Tears immediately flooded her eyes as she yelled “YES!” at the top of her lungs. He removed the ring from the box and slid it onto her finger. He thought she would break his ribs as she hugged him with a ferocity he never knew she possessed. She looked at the ring with love and admiration. It could have come from a Cracker-Jack box and she couldn’t have been more pleased. But it was a very nice solitaire mounted in beautiful white gold.

“Oh my gosh! I’ve gotta tell my parents. Do yours know?”

“No, sweetheart. I wanted you to be the very first. My parents know nothing about this yet.”

“Vance, you’ve made me the happiest girl in the world! I LOVE you, forever! I’m not EVER letting you go. When do you think we should get married?”

“Well I don’t have any particular date in mind, but definitely not before we both graduate and have all this book learnin’ behind us.” He said humorously. “I still have to stay focused on my studies until the final bell, but I can at least see the end of the tunnel from here.”

“That’s right. We both graduate next June. We can have a summer wedding. And as far as I am concerned, the sooner the better. I can’t wait to become Mrs. Vance Rayle.”

“Or Mrs. Abigail Rayle.” That works too” he chuckled.

They called her parents to let them know of the engagement and they were delighted. They’d heard her talk about Vance almost to the exclusion of everything else, and though Abby had shown them pictures of him on her cell phone, they had never talked to him or met him in person. They begged her to bring him home with her to Columbus, Ohio for Thanksgiving so they could meet and all of the extended family could join in on their exciting news.

Vance agreed to the trip as long as he could take her home to meet his folks in Greensboro, NC at Christmas. He wanted to surprise them with the news at that time. After some negotiating back and forth, her parents agreed, as long as they could drive over to Harvard to see the couple the day before their scheduled departure to exchange Christmas presents in advance since she wouldn’t be home with them.

As it turned out her parents loved him to death. They had never seen their daughter with a more mature young man who comported himself with such an air of integrity. In their eyes, they could not imagine welcoming a better son-in-law to the family and told him so.

Christmas with his parents went equally well. At first, they thought that he was merely bring home a girl for them to meet, seeking their approval, which in and of itself, would have been an unprecedented event. However, as shocked as they were to see her wearing a diamond, they were equally elated and accepted her immediately as their new daughter. Abby and Mary-Beth grew very close over the Christmas holidays and established an enduring connection. Abby definitely wanted to include her in the wedding planning to whatever extent she wished to participate. Abby was bowled over how much love and devotion flowed among his family members even though they lacked the financial resources of her own family. She was more than grateful to accept them as extended family and looked forward to a great future incorporating them into their lives.

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