The Same Old Story – End 01 by NylonDreams

I looked at Kat, the shock on my face very evident. She was watching me intently, a sadness, fear in her eyes.

“As he woke, Katrina looked like she was just finishing dressing. The most he would have seen would have been a suspender as she did up her stockings. She would blushingly tell him how great an evening she had had and how many times he had cum. She had to run to be home for her husband.

“She left him to clean up. She went back to you. I’m sorry to say, we drugged your drinks so you were asleep when she came home.

“For the avoidance of any doubt, Katrina was never present when anything sexual was happening. She never removed any clothing nor allowed them to grope her in any way. The fact she didn’t allow anything like that was essential to reinforce those men’s view of her.

“Friday was to be the second last one. When she came into the office, she was a wreck. The driver had called in but even that didn’t prepare us for her at all. Her worse nightmare had happened. She said you had come home early, seen her naked and the clothing. Something she had never worn for you. She said you were almost catatonic, the shock had been so great.

“The only word she said you used was Why? Your eyes told her you believed she was having an affair. She had been so concerned about you, we did leave someone with you until James arrived. He’d have met her on the stairs had he known.

“Katrina slowly recovered but looked like hell, even with her makeup reapplied. The businessman saw her and noted she was upset. We had changed her normal story to one of being let down by her husband who was fucking some younger woman. She didn’t have to act as her emotions were obvious. The man plied her with drinks and had her dance to forget her woes.

“She was struggling so she said she was going to her room to sleep. He came with her. She mixed him a drink and he was asleep within minutes. When he woke, Katrina told him she was ashamed she had enjoyed their time together but that just made her as bad as her husband. He liked that, the perverted bastard.

“After she had left the hotel, a female colleague took her home. She was so nervous as she didn’t know what to expect. When you weren’t there, she was so distraught. She saw your clothes were missing and totally lost it. All her fears had come true. She had lost you. You never answered your phone. We, along with her mother, have been supporting since. Her mother doesn’t know the story.

“We suspected you had left with James so believed you were safe. This helped her a little as she was so scared you would do something stupid, such was the state you were in. Most of her time has been spent wondering about how you are not about herself.

“Now, I wish to explain about Katrina’s appearance. Katrina had to be persuaded that everything was really required, not just me being a sexist male. For her role to be convincing she had to be dressed and groomed as those circles expect. The clothes were therefore upmarket, sensual, not slutty, but very good quality, well-fitting and teasing. The lingerie, exactly the same. While no one saw her lingerie, the style would sometimes be apparent through the dress so it had to be appropriate.

“Katrina didn’t want the brazilian as she had refused you, but it was required as most such woman have that. Pubic hair was a turn off too many of those men. Dancing closely, they could be fairly sure if she was bare or not. If not bare, they would look for other partners. They didn’t want DNA traps as one said when we interviewed him.

“Andy, Katrina is an amazing woman as you know. She is a heroine for her role in bringing these corrupt individuals to court. When I can, if you wish, I will show you the videos we took which will confirm everything I said. I can’t just now.

“I can understand your reaction seeing what you did. It was her greatest fear. It was so far from the Katrina you know and love, you jumped to the logical, if incorrect, conclusion. Nothing is further from the truth. I can honestly say that I’ve never known a woman who loves someone as much as she loves you.

“I said Friday past was the second last one. This Friday was to be the last one. Katrina will not do it without your agreement. If she does, we will have ten corrupt businessmen and four corrupt politicians which is already leading to more. As I speak, we have recovered almost £500 million. This one we believe has access to almost £60 million of misappropriated money, if not more.

“Katrina and I are here to tell you this so you understand she never betrayed you. She played a role fantastically well to snare those bastards. Your lack of a recent sex life is on me. I stopped her having sex with you. When we were briefing her, she said on occasions you both make love so passionately, you can leave bruises. We couldn’t risk any. Again, those men would have walked away.

“I have two requests for you to consider. I have told you the truth, Katrina has never committed adultery. Please understand and return home to her. She doesn’t deserve this pain and neither do you.

“I also wish to ask you to consider giving her your permission to finish this job. If you do, I’ll bring you to our control room so you will see what I said is true.”

I looked at Kat. She was staring at me, while there was hope in her eyes there was sadness as well. I looked at Stella. She was as shocked as I was. I didn’t know what to think. I’d never have come up with a story like that in my lifetime.

Kat spoke softly, “Andy, I love you. I’d never betray your love. You are the best man I have ever met. You treat me so well and each day I love you more.

“I’m so sorry about the hurt I have caused you. I don’t want to lose you. I hope you will understand and support me, return home, knowing what has happened and we can rebuild our love.

“When they approached me, I said No. I knew I couldn’t pull it off. I’m not the hot woman they suggested I was. The more they said about what my role would necessitate, the more I knew it wasn’t me. They said they would help me become that woman as I had everything except the self-confidence to be her. I do admit, that made me think a little bit more about it. I know you wanted me to be sexier, more adventurous for you and I saw this could help.

“I did see the benefit of the enquiry as where I work, the lack of money is hurting many people. Recovering that money would help many. But I couldn’t do it at the cost of my marriage.

“I knew if you found out, it could end us so I refused. It took them several months to persuade me. If I could have spoken with you, made you aware there was never to be any sexual contact, you may have agreed. Not telling you was dreadful, I was so ashamed of this secret and because of this secret Friday happened.

“The deeper involved I became the more I had to lie to you. That was worse than the no sex rule. I saw your look each Friday as you set off for work. You were so sad. You may never have voiced your fears but your eyes said you didn’t fully trust me. I couldn’t blame you. No dates, no sex. What was the message you were getting from me? I saw your conflict. You didn’t want to challenge me as you feared the answer.


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