The Same Old Story – End 01 by NylonDreams

“Today, I assume they said Kat hadn’t been having an affair, did their words and tone resonate with you, your knowledge of Kat and her love for you? Did it sound hollow, a sham?

“If you can set aside the hurt and anger, what’s your conscience saying to you? Act on that message.”

Even Stella looked surprised at James. She smiled at him and I got the impression he would be rewarded later.

I ate slowly, giving myself time to think. I had the answer but I didn’t like it. I tried to find another one but I couldn’t.

I said slowly, “I believe them. Kat’s whole-body language said she was telling the truth. He was very measured but sincere.”

Stella got up and gave me a big hug. She had a great big smile on her face.

She was measured when she spoke, “Andy, you’ll need to let her know. As for the rest, you’ll have to discuss that together.”

I nodded. It was the thought of her doing it again which was worrying me and making me scared they may be lying.

James spoke, “I was going to suggest we head to your flat. You’ll need your car for work tomorrow. Do you want to return tonight or leave it until you are more settled in your mind?”

I thought, “It would be better to go back tonight. Kat and I need to talk. The longer I postpone that, the tougher it will be. I’ll call to make sure she’s happy with that.”

Kat was, in fact, she was delighted so we headed back.

Stella and James came in with me. Kat was so worried. We didn’t know whether to hug or keep our distance. Neither of us wanted to speak first in case we said something to annoy the other.

Stella spoke quietly, “Don’t overthink this. You’ve both been through the mill, it will take a little time to be spontaneous again. Remember who you both are. You’re two lovely, compassionate and caring people. Try to keep the anger out of any discussion. Listen carefully.”

She hugged Kat and then me. “We love you both so hope for the best. If you need anything call us.”

James hugged me and Kat before they left.

Kat asked, “Do you want a coffee?

I answered, “Drugged or undrugged?”

Kat blushed, “Undrugged. I won’t give you that again unless you really annoy me.”

We sat with our coffee. It was an eerie silence.

Kat broke it, “I love you, Andy. I haven’t had an affair or casual sex. I wouldn’t do that to you. You’re the best person I know. I love you so much. I’ll answer all your questions. If there are any I can’t, I’ll ask Brown.

“I’m so sorry but I couldn’t tell you. I told them if they did you wouldn’t tell anyone but they were so scared of it getting out. Those men have people everywhere.

“The last few months have been so difficult between us. I saw the hurt as you watched whenever I was dressing wondering why you never saw me naked, why I never teased you. I had to make sure you never saw me naked or even in my panties as you would see what I’d done. Fridays were the worst. What was going on behind those eyes showed me your suspicions and how hurt that made you feel. You wanted to but didn’t want to know I was having an affair. I so wanted to explain, take away your painful thoughts.

“I felt so bad at not being honest with you, hiding this from you. I promise you, I’ll make it up to you.”

I asked quietly, “Do you want to complete the stings?”

Kat nodded, she was nervous, “I do. I’ve thought about it a lot since this afternoon. This has been so hard on us so to let the last one, one of the main ones go, would make it feel I failed. All what we’re going through would be for nothing. But if you say no, I won’t do it. Our marriage is more important. I wish I’d never agreed.

“Brown will keep his word. He’ll bring you to the control room and you’ll watch everything happen in real time. When I’m finished, I go there to debrief before coming home. We’ll come home together.”


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