The Same Old Story – End 02 by NylonDreams

“I’d come home and want to fuck your brains out but you were asleep. If you were awake, it seemed if I offered, your suspicions meant we rowed. I stopped offering myself to you. You never voiced your fears but I knew you weren’t happy about those nights out.

“When I thought about it the next day, I felt ashamed for considering cheating on you. I turned you down afterwards as I didn’t trust myself not to say, “I want to experience a bigger cock.”

“I know my dress and fanny are as much a surprise as what I’m saying.

“The girls were on at me to experience a big cock once. They said to snare long cock, I had to dress up. He liked a trophy to fuck, to show off. I was beautiful but too demurely dressed. They asked if I was bare there as guys like it bare, they said. I said no so I had to have a brazilian not just shaved as it’s smoother. It took them weeks to persuade me but as it was being done, I thought of what I had said to you. I felt so guilty for calling you that. It does feel more sensual as you suggested. As I bought the dress and lingerie, my conscience was telling me I was a fool. The only person I should be dressed and waxed for was you.

“Tonight, I’m probably meeting the guy who has a big cock, ten and a half inches according to the girls. I don’t know if I’ll fuck him. If I do fuck him, it will just be for the big cock, it won’t mean I love you any less.”

I snorted at that, “You haven’t fucked anyone YET! YET! How delusional are you?

“Love me any less! What you’re saying is you don’t love me at all! You even thinking about fucking someone else says “fuck you”, sticks two fingers up to me. That’s not love. It’s pure selfishness.

“It’s like me wanting a tight cunt to fuck! What if I said to you, I wanted to do that? Would you say go – as it’s just for sex it’s meaningless, you love me?”

She wasn’t happy, “No, I’d probably be just as angry as you are.”

I laughed, “So it’s only you who gets what they want.

“Did your friends tell you how Mr big cock, no morals, makes love? Did they have the time of their lives? Does he spend time on foreplay, eating your tits and pussy until you explode? Does he fuck you slowly, building you to a tremendous climax or does he just fuck you and leave? Not one shred of interest in your enjoyment, you’re just a dump vessel! Does he want you to suck him off? Does he get off on thrusting into your throat until you vomit? Does he demand anal?

“If he’s expecting a sex goddess, he’ll be very disappointed. I mean, when was the last time you took my cock in your mouth or would the next time be the first time? As for me cumming in it! Have you worn anything remotely sexy to tease me? Which year was it we did have sex outside the bedroom? When was the last time you actually really meaningfully tried to instigate sex, even thought about my needs? I get a couple of strokes after you cum and told to get on with it. At least I did. Now I’m just ignored!”

I calmed slightly, “Maybe you’re onto something. We need to move on to someone who has our interests at heart not someone who just looks at the financial side of a relationship. I have a lot of thinking to do.”

Kat said crossly, “I don’t want to lose you. I do love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

She added sadly, “You’re right, I haven’t been as a good a lover to you as I should have been. You’ve always put my wishes first. This dress and naked pussy should have been only for you. I’d offer it to you now but your face says that’s the last thing you want.

“I’ve really fucked everything up. I’m sorry.”

She went back into the bedroom. She looked worried. It didn’t make her change her mind though.

When she came out, she looked like my fantasy model on steroids. Her hair was up showing her lovely neck which has highly erogenous zones which if you kissed or caressed gently had her melting into your arms. The V allowed a lot of her breasts to show. I wondered if they would fall out during a dance. Her legs looked sensational in those stockings and heels. I couldn’t help getting an erection.

She smiled but there was sadness and fear in her eyes, “At least someone is pleased with me. Whatever happens tonight, I’ll make it up to you. I will be more loving, more adventurous for you. I do love you.”

I looked at her, my expression matching my tone, sad, anger “Kat, you’re dressed as my dream but this is a nightmare. When you’re fucking him, know you’re killing our marriage! Nothing can repair that. I hope the experience is worth that.”

Kat was shocked, “Andy, don’t say that. I’ll be the sexual partner you want. We complete each other. I will always need you. You’re the best person I have ever known. I love you!”

The taxi honked and she left with a look over her shoulder at me. She must have known I meant every word. As the door closed, I felt the knife bite through my heart. I didn’t die as I expected. I began to organise my evening. I walked to the chip shop and bought a fish supper. After I ate it, I worked on the computer looking up the laws on divorce. I checked our financial statements to see if there was anything, like hotel bills, which would counter her statement. There wasn’t.

It was shortly after 9pm when I heard the door open. I never looked up from my Solitaire game. I wondered if she had brought him back to rub my nose in it. If she had, she wouldn’t be getting fucked tonight because he would be in hospital!

A contrite Kat said, “Andy, can you look at me please?”

I turned, she was on her own.

“Andy, you were right. I’m so sorry for putting you through this. I want to tell you everything about this evening. If you don’t want to hear, tell me. I never fucked anyone.”

My look must have said, so you say!

She looked at me and removed her dress. As I suspected she looked ravishingly gorgeous in that lingerie. She pulled off the thong and threw it at me.

“It’s probably quite wet. You won’t see any trace of semen. You may think we used condoms to avoid that. The wet is from my arousal which I’ll explain. Come and check out my pussy. You’ll see no one has played with her.”

She sat down on the settee, opening her legs wide. I decided to play her game. I checked it out closely. She moaned as my breath caressed her pussy. Her smell was strong which showed she’d been aroused. There was no sign of any penetration having occurred. I knew what it looked like after I fucked her, let alone what ten and a half inches could have caused.

I sat back in my chair and waited for her to speak. I wasn’t going to make it easier for her.

She began, her voice trembling and soft, “Andy, I meant it when I said I love you and will do for the rest of my life. I saw the hurt, anger and despair in your eyes as I left. All the way to the restaurant I played your words in my head. “Killing our marriage.” Despite what you think that’s the last thing I wanted to do but I knew you meant every word.

“At the restaurant, the girls couldn’t believe how I looked. They said he would be desperate to fuck me. I remembered your words, how you thought, he wouldn’t be looking to give me pleasure. I asked what he was like as a lover.


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