The Same Old Story – End 02 by NylonDreams

“Somewhere along the line something was going to blow this all up. Your stupid fantasy was the catalyst but it could easily have been something else, something Andy had done. Even something so trivial you’d never have thought it would cause an explosion. It was building, it just needed a light.

“The question is whether or not there is enough love left to hold you together while you work at being a better couple, not just in bed. It will be hard work, there will be tears but if you are both committed to it, it should work. It won’t if one or both of you are not fully committed.”

There was silence from both of us. I searched Kat’s face for any clue of what she was thinking. She was deep in thought. Sharon was allowing us time to ensure we came to a decision which was right for us. I knew mine. I’d already said what I wanted. I was worried about what Kat would say.

Kat spoke softly, “When I set off for this meeting, I didn’t know if Andy would be here. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be here. After Friday, I knew I couldn’t put up with the situation any longer. Andy’s attitude at these sessions and at home, to me, was just a thin veneer to cover he had already decided on divorce. If he was here, I expected more of that or him to say divorce. I wouldn’t fight it anymore. If he wasn’t then it said the same.

“On the way, the accident happened. I was a few cars behind. I stopped to help. I grabbed the emergency first aid kit. A man had a large open fracture on his thigh. It was bleeding so much I had to ignore his screams as I put pressure on the wound to reduce the bleeding. His wife had a head knock and some other injuries but in comparison wasn’t too bad. She was holding him, telling him to hold on, she loved him. She was in tears, in pain from her injuries but she held him.

“The paramedics were there quickly. They put a drip into him and took over the pressure. I was physically about done. They quickly got him out and rushed him away, with his wife.

“All the way here, I couldn’t get the image of them out of my head. If that had been Andy, I would have been as devastated as she was, worrying about losing him.

“If Andy is sincere, I’ll keep working with you. I’m not going home until we have built a better place together. I’ll do whatever it takes as long as it’s mutual. If one of us decides no, we end it.”

Sharon spoke, “We will agree some ground rules before you leave. I recommend a book which covers not only sex but how to build a good relationship. I haven’t before as there was no engagement between you. Some sections, like the first are very difficult as they will expose your inner thoughts, fears as well as hope.

“Firstly, you will both be honest, open and willing to listen. You will be totally exposed. Being open allows us to discuss and help the other understand. It will hurt at times. The other might not say something you like, may not be clear, as at times we struggle to have the right words. Hiding little bits of us in case the other thinks we’re a pervert or worse doesn’t help either.

“Each of you can say you agree, disagree or I need to think about that. A marriage is about equality not domination. Yes, Kat may have a role where she is on top but equally Andy may have time being the same. The relationship you build is about the two of you, no one else.

“As you’re living apart, I suggest that you have a no-sexual partner rule, meaning no sex with anyone else. Trust has to be regained for both of you.

“I would suggest, you have date nights, not to have sex but to learn to speak freely with each other, like you are courting again. Learn again who you really are.”

We did agree and parted. We had to get that book and do the first chapter for our next meeting. It was very tough and many sessions since have been just as tough. As we weren’t together as such, the sessions mostly dealt with how we communicated, or avoided saying what we actually wanted to. Sharon did speak more privately to both of us regarding some sexual stuff we’d need to cover before we started on that, if we arrived at that point.

Kat and I had our date nights, sometimes just the two of us and others with friends, Anastasia, Bill, Stella and James. We were getting along pretty well, almost to where we’d been before we were married. Less the sex.

It changed at a night out. The six of us were celebrating her sister’s pregnancy. I had gone up for drinks. I think I have already said I’m not a good dancer so Kat would dance with others as well as me. I didn’t feel jealous or had any thought she was looking to replace me. She was dancing with a man who was trying to be very close to her. Kat was pushing him away and he didn’t like it. She tried to walk away but he grabbed her roughly.

Within moments I was there and he was down on the dancefloor. I exchanged a few words with him, telling him, “come near my wife again and you’ll be eating hospital food for a long time after your jaw heals.”

Some of his friends came towards me but the appearance of Andy and Bill put them off taking it further.

I was more concerned about Kat. She was with Stella and Anastasia. She was shaken. I held her and reassured her, she was safe. She asked, “Do you think I wanted him?”

I looked at her, “Kat, I have no doubt your feet appreciate you dancing with others rather than me. I don’t think you are looking to replace me. I just like seeing you happy. Dancing makes you happy. I don’t see that as a threat to us. I love you.”

I caught Stella’s grin. I must have said the right words. I must be learning something.

We stayed dancing though Kat only danced with us. I took her home to her parents. On the way, she suggested we park in a place we had made out in before we were married. Our lips would have bruises.

Kat smiled at me, “Have you lost your magic?”

I looked at her trying to work out what she meant. My face meant she started laughing.

“Okay, what’s so funny?”

Kat took a while before she stopped laughing, “Andy, by now your magic would have had my blouse and bra off! I’ve never worked out how you could do that without me knowing. Only three others have had close encounters with my awesome breasts but I knew they were removing my clothes.”

I laughed. “Okay you got me. As Sharon says, no lies. I wanted to but I didn’t want to upset you. I hoped you would feel you wanted me and let me know somehow. I feared if I tried you may think I only wanted you for sex. I want you as my wife which is a whole lot more than just a sex partner. I’ll wait until you are ready for that.”

Kat had a gentle smile, “If I asked you to give me a breast orgasm, would you give me one?”

I smiled, “If you asked nicely.”

She continued, “If I asked nicely, would you want me to do something for you in return?”

I shook my head, “That wouldn’t be necessary. I don’t have any expectations that you’d do anything just because I did something both of us love.”

Kat looked pleased. She asked again, “If I wanted to reward my gallant knight for his services to my virtue, what would he prefer? My breasts or a blowjob!”


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