Young Wife Finds a Lover at Work Ch. 03 by LovingWife69

She walked up to the car, and told me if I ever brought my whore ass anywhere near her boyfriend again, that she would send that video to everyone she could, including my husband. I tried to call her bluff, saying she wouldn’t know how to contact him, but apparently Tom had taken his number from my phone, so they both had it now. I knew it was over. I was a stupid whore who had risked everything in my life for some mediocre sex on the side, and all I got out of it was shame, guilt, anger, and embarrassment.

Well, all of that and a few orgasms, but it doesn’t come close to leveling out. As they drove away, I closed the door, and got dressed. I had no idea what to do, other than to drive home. Seeing as that was obviously going to be my last encounter with Tom, and how I was still horny, I consoled myself knowing that at least I could feed my hubby a secret creampie when I got home.

I thought about that all the way home, and by the time I was pulling into our driveway, I was pretty well worked up at the thought. I had planned it all out. I was going to walk in, he’d be sitting there on the couch. I’d walk up to him, pull his pants down, suck his cock a little bit, and then we would sixty-nine. And, if he noticed a strange flavor, I would just say I was really horny, after all, that had worked before.

When I opened the door, my plans were immediately ruined. He was sitting there on the couch all right, and on the other couch were sitting my parents. The people I had claimed I was visiting tonight. My mom had clearly been crying, and my dad looked equal parts ashamed, disappointed, and pissed.

My husband was the worst though. He didn’t have any emotion at all on his face. He didn’t look mad, or sad. He certainly wasn’t crying. He just looked as though he was completely done with me. And that’s when I felt it. The feeling that my entire stomach had dropped down out of me, and that I was falling backwards down a long black endless hole. I fainted.

When I came to, my husband and father were picking me up, and putting me on the couch. I had no idea what to expect. But my husband quickly solved that. He explained that he had called my parents after I was gone for a few hours because I wasn’t answering my phone.

They had explained to him that they hadn’t seen me in a little over two weeks, and asked why he thought I would be there, and he told them that I had told him that I was visiting them, and would be staying for dinner. After that, they knew something was wrong, and offered to come over right away. By the time I got home, my husband had filled them in on pretty much everything he knew. That I was leaving home regularly, and they verified that there were two other times that I said I was going to be with them when I was not.

My husband kicked me out that night. He said he was done with the lies and obvious cheating, and said he didn’t even want to look at me. The pain I felt when I heard that last part is how I knew that neither of my affairs had ever meant anything to me, and that I had just lost the only man I had actually ever loved. I packed a bag, and went to stay at my parents’ house.

They of course were very upset with me, and made it clear that if I continued any of these actions that they would toss me out on my ear in a heartbeat. On the way to their house, as they lectured me, I just silently cried, and watched my phone, hoping to see any message from my husband. Then, right as we were pulling into my parents’ driveway, I got a text notification. I opened the phone, hoping to see my husband’s name. It was Eric, no flirting, no picture, just a simple five-word text, “I know what you did.”

I couldn’t handle it. I just shut my phone off, walked inside, dropped onto the couch, and cried myself to sleep. It wasn’t until the next morning that I realized that I hadn’t given my children a single thought when I was leaving. I had totally forgotten about them until just then.

And, as I got ready to go to work, I just pictured my husband and kids sitting down at the table eating breakfast, like every morning, and I couldn’t remember the last time I had stopped to eat with them instead of rushing to work. Now, all i wanted was to go back and undo everything. To appreciate what I had, to cherish my children and family life, and to love my husband and only him. But it was just too late.

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