Anal Annie by RedHairedandFriendly,RedHairedandFriendly

There are all kinds of customers that enterBusty Bab’s House of Pleasure. There are the married couples that are looking for something to “spice up” their marriage, the eighteen year old seniors that think their going to “get some” on Prom Night, and there are the dating couples that are so close to getting married they practically live together and then there is Annie. She’s single, bright, beautiful, but she has a fetish, one that only Roger Dakar and I can tell you about. This is Annie’s Story. . . others will follow, but for now, let me tell you about Annie.

Anal Annie. . .

Roger Dakar looked out his window and watched the young beauty walk up the sidewalk toward the front door of his wife’s business. He liked living across the street from Bab’s place. He had been ease dropping on customers for years, watching them come and go, always wondering what was in the little paper sacks Bab used for their purchases. Now, the video equipment that his wife set up a few weeks ago added to his pleasure.

She wired the building so that the security feed not only fed into her office in the back of her small Adult shop, but it also fed into their home office. They often watched it when she wasn’t working behind the counter and someone else was. He slipped out of his recliner and made his way to the office. He flicked on the screen, sipped his coffee and took a seat in one of the office chairs near Bab’s desk. His eyes lit up at the scene playing out before him.

Annie Swanson opened the door to the Porn shop and walked in. Her fingers were sweaty, they always were when she came here. She had limited funds to her name, but this was one place where she loved coming. Her small hand lifted and she waved to the young girl behind the counter. “Where’s Babs?” she asked.

Jennifer looked up and sighed, “Some small business owners convention or something like that, somewhere up State. I’m covering for her.”

“Oh okay, I’m just gonna look around.”

“Whatever,” Jennifer said, popping her gum and going back to her comic book. Jennifer wasn’t to concerned, Annie rarely bought anything, unless it was small and cheap, which there wasn’t a whole lot at Bab’s that was cheap.

Annie sighed and began her walk around the shop. Her fingers slipped over the toys, noting their instructions and how much pleasure they were supposed to give a person. Her eyes lit up when she saw the Ben Wan Balls and she held the package for several minutes. She could afford them right now, but she also hadn’t paid her bills for that week. Usually she paid her bills, then bought herself something special.

She’d experienced the Balls before, months ago when she was still seeing her boyfriend, but that relationship fizzled out when she dumped him and he took all their toys with him. He was a loser though; she tossed him out after he refused to help with their apartment expenses. He was out the door that night and she’d been free ever since.

Her feet dragged onward as she touched dildos, vibrators, and plugs. Her hands lifted bottles of lube, read about how they could warm a person, or give the sensation of coolness. She hadn’t gotten to play that much with her former lover, but she could imagine him now, slipping in behind her and inserting his hard cock into her lubed ass. The more she thought about it the more she wanted it to happen again. Her panties were slick with her juices and she trailed her fingers along the firm cocks that were protected behind hard plastic packaging.

Suddenly, the sound of the backdoor, of the shop opening caused Annie to jump and she saw a man in a uniform come in with a box. She watched him from behind one of the aisles, knowing he hadn’t noticed her. Her eyes continued to gaze upon him, noting his handsome features and his lovely tight ass hidden beneath brown shorts. “Nice,” she thought to herself.

“Hey, you wanna sign for these,” the man asked Jennifer, still immersed in her comic book. Jennifer sighed, rolled her eyes and put her comic book away for the time being. Annie watched her sign the clipboard and then open the package.

“Cool,” Jennifer said. She waved goodbye to the man as she pulled out the first of many blown glass phallic dildos. Annie watched her lay out several before slipping to the back office for what Annie assumed was the key to the glass cabinet that Babs kept the phalluses in.

Roger Dakar watched in surprise as the young woman left her “hiding” place in the aisle and walked to the counter. He’d seen her tuck herself into the aisle and admire the UPS Driver, but he was now watching her slim fingers wrap around one of the new phalluses and slip out the door of Bab’s. He immediately was out of his seat and heading to his wife’s business. The phalluses weren’t cheap and he wasn’t about to let the little shoplifter get away with her new toy.

“Hey,” he shouted to Annie and saw her stop. His eyes darting right then left, before crossing the street. He reached her side and grabbed her arm just as she reached the corner of the street.

Annie recognized Bab’s husband as soon as she saw him on the other side of the street. Her pulse raced, but she took several breaths, after all he hadn’t been in the store, he had no clue what she’d done. She looked back at the shop and knew that Jennifer might figure it out even though she hadn’t gotten all the phalluses out of the box. So, Annie pretended not to hear Mr. Dakar and continued walking away. Unfortunately he reached her side and was now holding her arm in a vise like grip.

“What?” she asked her voice full of both annoyance and fear. The phallus lay tucked inside her waist band, hidden behind under her sweater.

“I saw you,” Roger growled into her ear. He pulled her toward the store, dragging her along. He heard her gasp in outrage and disbelief.

“Saw me what?” she asked. Eventually Annie pulled back on her arm and forced Roger to stop. “What are you talking about? Let me go,” she hissed and jerked on her arm, trying to free herself. Her pulse was racing as she thought of how in the world Mr. Dakar could have seen her take the phallus.

“Come on. I’ll show you how I know,” he told her. His anger rising. He didn’t see the phallus on her, but he knew she had it. Sure, she could have dropped it between the time he saw her slip out the door and he left the office, but he knew she hadn’t. Her body language just reeked of thief.

Roger pulled her along, checked traffic and hauled her to his porch. “Get in there,” he told her after opening the front door.

Annie hissed her displeasure, but went inside the Dakar home. “I don’t know what your talking about and when Bab gets back I’m telling her what your doing. I’m a popular customer,” the lie rolled off her tongue. She was a popular browser.

She watched Roger roll his eyes and she glared at him. Nevertheless, she followed him when he order her to. Her horror was apparent the minute he walked her behind a large cherry finished desk. There on the small monitor was a colored screen of the store across the street. She watched Jennifer place glass phalluses from the box into the cabinet. She wondered if the girl knew one was missing. “Fuck,” she muttered under her breath.

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