Arrested for Public Exposure by born2rebellis,born2rebellis

Kayla was leaving Club Kitten around 3 am with 4 of her friends after a night of blowing off guys, cock blocking and scabbing drinks.

Her black dress was so short you could see her lower butt cheeks, such was the trend at the time. Her dress was black and hugged her body tight, it looked like the dress had slight slash marks up the sides revealing a hot pink material however it was just the way the dress was designed and the contrast of the hot pink beneath the black was striking and borderline ‘tacky.’

As she walked down the steps of the club, Kayla was laughing about a guy just she’d just blown off.

“OMG, I can’t believe he bought us all drinks! Did you see his face, he thought he was a chance with me!”

Right at that moment, Kayla felt a strong hand grab her by the shoulder from behind and stop her in her tracks.

“Not so fast miss,” said a rugged, firm voice.

Kayla turned around and stood before her was a man dressed in black. His personality is one exerting authority and cockiness.

“You’re under arrest for public exposure.” he continued as he pulled out his ‘badge.’

She was now under the impression he was an undercover cop and didn’t dare speak back to or question him in fear of making matters worse.

At that moment, Kayla felt a huge surge of humiliation and embarrassment sweep through her entire body—a lump began forming in her throat, constricting her speech.

As if it weren’t embarrassing enough she was being stopped by an authoritarian figure, she was being stopped in front of her friends! Making matters so much worse.

Her friends began arguing with the ‘police officer’ causing a scene and a few other people gathered around to watch the show unfolding.

“The law is the law, there’s old woman and children that believe or not, are often out at these hours, you think they need to be seeing what you had for breakfast?”

Followed by the words, “come with me” as he marched her towards his ‘black patrol car.’

Kayla began protesting, when the ‘officer’ said her aggression must be heightened by drugs and accused her of being in a substance abuse rage.

He then pinned her hand behind her back and spoke aggressively to her “I’m going to ask you one more time to hand over the drugs before we get back to the station.”

The ‘officer’ made Kayla place her hands onto the bonnet of his ‘patrol car’ and stand with her legs spread.

Because she was leaning over the bonnet, Her ass was now fully on display revealing her skimpy black thong.

Her dress was short enough to see her ass when she wasn’t leaning over so you could imagine the sight.

By now, about 10 people had gathered around the dark street corner which ran out of an alley, most of them drunk guys who began cat-calling, they were circling Kayla like a pack of hyenas drooling over vulnerable trapped prey—she was reduced to a piece of meat!

Covering his double standards about public exposure, the officer was saying it was now the lesser of evils as she was now being charged with affray and assaulting an officer.

He padded her down then and there and began frisking her.

“Ah-ha! What’s this he said?” And pulled what he felt was a bag of drugs from her bra, only to realize it was a condom which he threw down on the ground and started shaking his head and the by-standers began laughing hysterically, even her friends at this point just looked at each other and attempted to mask their humor with a shocked look whilst at the same time saying ‘it’s going to be okay,’ and to ‘just calm down,’

“We’ll continue this back at the station for a more thorough search before you’ll be detained for public exposure and resisting arrest.”

Kayla was then forced into the back of the patrol car which was shaped like a station wagon and she was shoved into the cabin where she crouched down with her legs apart feeling like a caged animal, her dress now fully above her waistline, the position she was in revealing her tiny black thong, she began to feel like the slut she truly was and incredibly skanky. She started to wonder if maybe she deserved this, after all, the experience was completely humiliating, they began to drive for some distance taking corners quite fast and Kayla was thrashed about and bouncing around like a pinball off the walls, she could hear laughing from the front of the car.

After what seemed to be about a 20-minute journey they began to enter a compound and Kayla heard a security gate open, Kayla waited for about 5 minutes in the back of the car as the suspense grew before the hatch on the cabin was opened where the man in black then reached in and grabbed her by the ponytail, as Kayla’s back was now facing the adjacent hatch with the man pulling her by the ponytail and she began to crab walk through the exit.

It was then Kaylas was handcuffed and marched through a door into a large room where the lighting was quite dim and she was shoved up against the wall, The man in black held her from behind by the throat, he took what appeared like a box cutter and cut her thong away and before smelling it himself began smearing it all over Kayla’s face and she got a good whiff of her musky slutty scent before the thong was shoved into her mouth serving as a makeshift gag, The man in black. didn’t require duct tape as Kayla bit down on her thong via her own will and was now enjoying the experience.

The man in black kept ramming her face up against the wall as he shoved his middle straight up her asshole and proceeded to tell her what a filthy little slut she was, He whipped out his massive erection and began dry fucking her in the ass as he yanked down the front of her dress and bra and began twisting her nipples before leaning in and holding her throat and biting her ear whilst whispering all kinds of filth to her.

“I’m going to make you cum just by fucking you in the ass!”

Kayla moaned and moaned “do we understand each other clearly,” said the man in black as he thrust his cook deep into her ass and tugged tightly on her ponytail.

“Yes sir!” said Kayla, in a muffled tone due to her thong in her mouth, she was enjoying his authoritarian demeanor, he never even asked to be called Sir.

“I’m going to send you back to the club with no panties and cum deep inside your asshole, and you’re going to go back and enjoy your night with your friends, are we clear?”

Kayla was relieved! She wasn’t being detained and thought the proposal sounded wonderful.

As the man in black kept pumping her asshole he reached both of his hands around her waist and started massaging her clit at the same time, bringing Kayla to a muffled climax before shooting his massive load deep inside her whilst slamming her about and pulling her hair as if he was taking out his anger and using her as a stress ball. It was then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a zip lock bag with an ecstasy tablet he’d confiscated earlier and inserted it into Kayla’s anus.

The man in black then marched Kayla towards the back of the car and forced her into the cabin as if he was discarding trash and after a rough ride, she was back in the dark alley around the corner from the club where she re-entered and danced the night away with her friends with no panties, sore nipples and cum leaking from her asshole, much to her delight which served as a constant reminder of the events that preceded.

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