Best Friend's Journey Pt. 05 by forestofjack,forestofjack

My first year of uni didn’t go how I expected it to go: I made new friends, explored new places, lived with my best friend, had my first experiences with group sex, and fucked my best friend’s girlfriend with him. Twice.

The first time was good; we had both had sex with her and everyone enjoyed themselves. Unfortunately, the second time we tried it, my best friend had not been quite up to task. He had finished before he had a chance to start, and then again while I was still going. So, obviously, his pride must have been hurting, as he was extremely distant with me for the next few weeks. Things got awkward.

This wasn’t entirely new. After the first time, as good as it was, he’d run away home. That only lasted for a short while, and his girlfriend had been fine with me, thankfully. This time, she was distant too.

To make matters worse, since we had all moved into flats in the same house, there was a near constant bombardment of sex. Before moving here, that would have sounded great, but it wasn’t. I would be woken up in the middle of the night by the unmistakable noises of one of my friends, or I’d bump into a dishevelled stranger looking proud of themselves at the front door, and so on. Not to say that I wasn’t contributing to this mess, but that’s beside the point.

It had been around a month since I had slept with her and I could count the number of words that either she or my best friend had said to me since, on like… three hands.


“Look, Sam, your ratings are great, but we’re seeing alarming patterns in your work,” Phil was saying.

He had dragged me into his office at the gym where I ‘worked’ as a ‘fitness instruction guru’ as soon as I had walked through the door.

“I know that university has started up again and we expect you to focus on your studies so allow a level of productivity decrease,” Phil continued, smirking from behind his desk. “But I’m afraid you’re going to-”

“-Wait, so are you telling me off or praising me here? You just said my ratings are great,” I cut in, impatient to destress with some exercise.

“If you would just let me finish,” he sneered across at me. “I’m giving you a warning. You need to take on more clients.”

“Look, mate, I know things work differently here as it’s a uni gym and you pay me rather than the people I help, or whatever, but I’m not doing that,” I stated.

This job had been advertised to me as something easy; I could just go to the gym and occasionally help people out as I was doing my own thing. It had been lucrative, and an easy way to pick up girls though, until now. Something clicked in my mind.

“-keep up then we will have to-” Phil was still looking proud of himself across the table as I cut off whatever he was saying.

“-This is about that Korean bird, isn’t it?” I asked.

His smirk faltered, “Japanese. Yuki is Japanese, and no, it’s not about h-”

“-Yuki, yeah. I saw you giving her an induction as if you owned her. Of course, she chose me over you. I wasn’t creepily staring at her on the-”

“-Yuki was my girlfriend!” Phil snapped back; his smirk vanished.

‘Was’. That may have complicated things here. She had started coming here a few weeks ago, just after term started. She seemed to fall into a pattern that overlapped mine; starting her workouts as the gym began to empty, late at night. She tended to focus on cardio, but eventually asked me for help with something simple, like how to use a kettlebell.

It made sense that she would have started working with me, as I was the one around when she needed it.

That naturally led to what we started doing in the showers after a set, or at my place, or that one time… Oh god, on the desk that Phil was leaning over right now. How was I supposed to know she had a boyfriend?

“Well maybe if you had been here for here when she needed it, then she wouldn’t have come to me,” I replied, immediately kicking myself at the phrasing.

“Get out,” Phil said quietly. “Yuki said the same thing…”

“You can’t do that,” I replied coolly.

“Actually, I can. Obviously, it’s in your contract: ‘no inappropriate relationships with clients’.”

“That’s a stupid rule, what about Sh-”

“-Sam, in case this isn’t getting through your thick head: you’re no longer employed here.”

The colour was returning to Phil, but his smirk had morphed into a maniacal grimace.

What was I supposed to do now? I needed the money, but more than that, I needed the outlet that the gym afforded me. Without this job, I would have to start paying to use the gym and I would need to get another job.

My best friend and current roommate, Carl, had mentioned that his girlfriend, Jess, had been making money online by selling pictures and videos of herself. If things weren’t such a shitshow at home, I would have considered asking her how to start; it sounded easy enough.

“Cheers, mate,” I smiled cheerily at Phil. “Oh, and if you see Yuki again, tell her she left a bra at mine.”

I turned and walked out the door as Phil starting muttering behind me. Three steps into the room and I heard the door slam against the wall as it was flung open behind me.

“Get the fuck out!” Phil shrieked. “You’re not welcome here at all anymore. Your membership is revoked too.”

The gym wasn’t busy, but there were still more than a handful of people who had turned to stare at the commotion. I smiled with exaggerated cheeriness at a few of the familiar faces as I turned to face Phil.

“Look, mate,” I began. “I don’t know why you’re taking this out on me. It was your girlfriend, and how was I to know?”

Phil was a big man. Probably a recent graduate or something, so, young, but older than me. He was muscular and tall, but just a little smaller than me, and I think that hurt his ego. He stepped forward, as if to square up to me, his face red and blotchy.

“I’m sorry,” I lied.

“If I had known she was your girlfriend then I wouldn’t have fucked her,” I continued, smirking, but facing away from the silent onlookers so they could only see his reaction. “She never mentioned you.”

There were a few gasps from behind me, but Phil had stopped advancing.

“Oi, Phil,” a familiar chirpy voice chimed in from the other side of the room. “As shitty as he is, you can’t stop a student from coming here just because he’s a dickhead.”

Phil looked past me, then slowly turned his face back to me, jaw clenched in rage. And then his shoulders slumped and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before turning and walking back to his office without a word.

“Come on big guy,” I felt someone’s arm on my shoulder and turned to look down at a familiar face. “You’ve ruined my session, let’s go before you ruin anyone else’s.”

Abby looked up at me with an expression that somehow conveyed both pain and humour. She had become one of my closest friends before things had gotten weird this year. She was one of Jess’s best friends and I’d met her through Jess and Carl. We’d established a friends-with-benefits relationship as we both thought we were mature enough to be fine with each of us sleeping with other people. That seemed to have changed since we had moved into the same house.

There was a pang in my stomach as I looked at her in her gym gear. Her skin was the colour of caramel, looking smooth and uncovered by sweat, meaning she hadn’t been here long. She wore a tight-fitting grey and black top that entirely exposed her toned stomach, and even tighter matching shorts that did nothing to conceal her tight, round bum.

Her dark eyes were, unusually, unobscured by her wild red, purple and black hair that had been tied back to hang down her back in a mass of curls. Her wide, thick, lips curved upwards in a reassuring smile.

“Nah, have your sesh. I, apparently, need to find a job now,” I grimaced, striding towards the exit.

“Nah, everyone’s looking at us now,” she replied, gesturing subtly. “I’ll just go get changed again and meet you outside.”

I didn’t even take the opportunity to watch her sway away as I walked towards the front desk. This year had barely begun and already it was getting worse.


I slumped against the wall outside and sighed. This was not how things were supposed to be. At least I could still use this gym – that was cheaper than finding an actual gym in the city. Although, if I couldn’t find a job quickly, then I wouldn’t be able to pay for it or go out. I would be trapped in the house of tension.

I sighed. I hadn’t ever had to think about things like this before.

“Hey,” came a squeak of a voice from the direction of the building’s entrance. “Sam?”

I looked around to see a short woman with brown hair and freckles. She was cute, but not beautiful. She was wearing gym gear that hugged her curves, of which there were many.

“Yeah?” I replied, trying to place her.

“Erm… It’s me, Emily?” The girl said, brown eyes narrowing. “You literally gave me my induction here last week.”

That was right. I had. She looked different then, in baggy clothes that were more suited for lazing around in your home than going to the gym in. That was the day the blonde one had split her leggings bending over, so obviously I had helped her into the locker room without anyone seeing, and she had showed me how flexible she could be, later on, in her car…

“Sam?” Emily said. “Are you…”

“Oh, sorry,” I responded quickly. “I’m a bit pissed off about losing my job, so not exactly on the ball. I remember you, Em.”

She smiled at that, before going on, “Yeah, about that. I actually have a way you can make some money… if you want it?”

She seemed to be blushing, and her words were coming out quickly, almost garbled.

“I… know some people who… They, erm, they’re in marketing. They’re always looking for… umm… I… So, they need…” Emily seemed to be floundering, so I tried smiling reassuringly. “They need models!”

She was silent after that outburst for several seconds, so I opened my mouth to speak, but she spoke over me.

“They do stuff on all the socials… If you give me your number, I can give your details to them?” Her smile seemed almost hopeful.

“What would I need to do?” I asked, intrigued.

“Well… I don’t really know…” She looked distant for a second. “They knew I was starting at the gym and just asked if I met any sexy people to-”

Her eyes widened as her face flushed and she began to stammer, “I mean, like, other students who are fit and attractive and-”

I chuckled, cutting her off. She looked down, bringing her hand to her face, “S-someone to be a face for their ads…”

I smiled reassuringly at her. Her blushing was cute and, although I had considered her too fat for my tastes before, looking at her in her tight gym gear gave me a good view of her body; she was voluptuous, curvy, and thick – not fit, but her breasts may even have been as big as Jess’s.

“Sam? Did I offend you?” She asked, pulling me out of my lewd thoughts.

“No,” a sharp voice shot out from behind her. “He’s a shark, and by the look in his eyes right now: you’re bleeding in the water.”

Emily somehow blushed even further as Abby strode past her, but a smile seemed to be pulling at the corner of her lips.

“Leave the poor girl alone, knobhead,” Abby said, stepping between us.

“She was offering me a job,” I responded nonchalantly, sidestepping back into Emily’s view.

“Hmm, what kind of job?” Abby cocked an eyebrow at me and mimed a lewd gesture, tongue in cheek.

I ignored Abby, “Thanks Emily, are you on-”

“-Yes, I follow you,” she said quickly, cutting me off as I raised my phone. “I’ll message you!”

Before I could respond, the door had swung shut behind her as she retreated into the gym.

“I want to lay on her thighs and let her suffocate me with her tits,” Abby stated.

I looked at her, feigning ignorance, “Can’t say I noticed them before now.”

“Wow, a girl you haven’t given it to. I am shocked. Look, this is my shocked face.”

I gave Abby an unimpressed look, but she smiled innocently through it until my expression cracked.

“And look at you, landing on your feet as usual. What was the job?” She asked.

I shrugged, “Something about modelling, I think.”

Abby laughed, “If I see you in any porn then I am immediately sharing it with everyone.”

I joined in with her laughter, and she took my arm to drag me through the campus.

Within a few minutes, Abby had forced a shot down me from the student union pub and dragged me to a corner booth, a pair of short glasses in hand.

“You need to sort out whatever’s going on with you,” she immediately cut to the chase. “The whole house is weird and it’s shit.”

“I’m surprised you even noticed,” I protested. “The nights you’re actually in usually end with Zach trying to hammer you through the floor, or with some kind of temporary zoo opening in your room by the sound of it.”

Abby’s cheeks actually seemed to flush, and she didn’t come back with the usual barbed witticism.

I took a sip, feeling the burn warm my throat as it sunk into me, avoiding eye contact with her.

“Are you jealous?” She asked finally.

I snorted. Jealous? Of what? I brought back girls all the time. Why would I care about one specific girl.

“Sam, you knew what this was,” she continued, quietly. “Anyway, you’ve been bringing back girls too… There hasn’t been a chance for us to be together recently. Especially after Zach’s whole strop last month.”

“I’m not jealous,” I forced a smile at her. “Obviously, I do miss you a bit, but it’s not that. Well, it’s nothing. Nothing’s wrong.”

“Oi, knobhead,” Abby chided, barely letting me finish my sentence. “You literally just said ‘I’m surprised you even noticed’ and ‘it’s not that’, so… you know, you just told me something was wrong.”

She looked at me with something in her eyes I didn’t recognise. When I didn’t respond, she shook her head and took a sip of her drink. A sip, which she promptly sprayed back out, eyes wide.

“What the fuck?” I asked, over her laughter.

She ignored me, alternatively coughing and laughing. Flapping one hand at me while groping the table with the other, eventually finding a napkin and bringing it to her face.

I looked away, irritated, as she continued laughing, dabbing her face and hands with the sodden napkin until finally, she spoke.

“It’s fucking Jess, isn’t it? You fucked again? I knew it! You dirty bastard!” She pointed at me accusingly.

“What?” I asked, stunned at how she’d come to that conclusion.

“Don’t play dumb,” she snorted, before continuing. “That’s why they’ve been avoiding you! What did you do?”

I rolled my eyes, “Abs-”

“Oh my god, has that slut beaten me again? You’re not jealous about me, but her?” Abby pulled a face of faux sadness.


“What a bitch! I can’t believe it! How could you do this to me?” She prodded her finger through the air at me.

“I’m not jealous!” I growled.

“Sam let’s look at the evidence,” she began, her voice taking on an edge of ‘schoolteacher’. “One: you are constantly out – either at the gym or getting fucked up. Two: when you are in, you’re either moping or violently fucking the most exaggeratedly porn-voiced women I’ve ever heard. And you say I’m the one opening a fucking zoo.”

She took a sip, keeping her eyes glued to mine, giving me a chance to speak.

“So, what’s new there?” I asked. “You know that’s what I’m like. You used to be too.”

“No, Sam,” Abby shook her head. “It’s not. We all joke about the way you act, but you’re acting like this exaggerated version of you is you. You’re actually a good guy, believe it or not, but now you’re behaving as if this persona is you. Something has changed!”

“Maybe now that we’re living together, you’re seeing the real me. Not the one-”

“-Don’t be that way!” She interrupted. “We saw each other just as much before we moved into the same building, and it’s just that: the same building. It’s not even the same flat. The only difference is we’re more aware of each other now.”

“You’re not aware of anything other than Zach’s cock!”

Abby slammed her glass down enough to make the table wobble and glared at me.

“Now you’re just acting like a fucking child, Sam,” she said eventually. “Maybe if you grow up, you’ll see that you’re the one creating a problem now. A couple of months ago, if you had that outburst in the gym and caused me to miss my workout, I would have made you give me a workout back at our place, but now I’m here trying to penetrate your thick skull instead. Think about that, dickhead.”

Abby rose quickly and stormed out without glancing back. I turned to admire her leaving and noticed that, yet again, people were staring at me.

I looked away, sipping carefully at my drink. Abby was obviously wrong: she and Jess were too busy with other guys to make an effort with me. I had tried to talk to them – tried to get some time alone with Jess. I’d tried to make light of the situation with Carl… It wasn’t my fault that he couldn’t last long with his girlfriend and so he had to ask for help; it’s only natural he asked me: I’m his best friend.

How was I the one causing a problem?


Abby’s words ate at me for weeks, and now she was giving me just as much of a cold shoulder as the others. Of my ‘original’ friends here, only Zach seemed to be oblivious to the way the others were treating me.

It was going to be coming up to the Christmas break soon, and none of the others had spoken to me about driving them back home yet. I was considering staying here just to spite them.

“Dude, that’s a dick move,” Zach laughed when I said as much.

He had a tiny balcony in his flat that allowed him to smoke without stinking out the rest of the house. He was using it now while I sat on a sofa at a right-angle to him.

“If they don’t ask, why should I offer?” I argued. “So, what are you doing?”

“I was hoping you’d all be out so I could host a few ragers. Bring back some sexy ladies to my crib without keeping it down,” he smirked.

“If Abby’s away, you’re not getting any more pity fucks,” I countered.

He winced, “See, brother, you are acting like a dick these days.”

I studied his serious expression for several seconds before it cracked, and he burst out laughing. I joined in.

After he’d finished smoking, he came back in and sat down next to me on the couch.

It was a three-seater, but I had to shuffle over anyway. We had met at the gym and Zach’s physique was enough evidence that he spent a lot of time there. I was muscular, but Zach was a brick shithouse. His inky bicep, visible as he was wearing a simple white vest, even though he had just been standing in the freezing cold, was perhaps once again as large as mine and that wasn’t the exception.

“Look man,” he looked at my conspiratorially, flipping open his laptop. “I found something you might be interested in.”

“What’s this got to do with your Christmas plans?” I asked, watching him clumsily type his PIN in several times.

“Could explain why they ain’t asked you about a ride.”

“What? Some kind of event going on down here?”

Zach ignored me and pulled his laptop onto his lap, slowly bringing up a browser and looking through his history, or bookmarks, or something.

“Zach?” I prompted.

He grumbled, still slowly moving the cursor around the screen and tapping his keyboard occasionally. I was intrigued now though. Maybe this would give me an answer about their behaviour, or at least let me know if I could have my own plans this Christmas.

Eventually, he let out a satisfied mumble and a moment later turned the laptop to face me.

“You recognise her?” He asked, smirking.

The screen showed a browser window open on a website that had a picture at the top of the screen, under the word “Bubble-gum Goddess” with a bunch of writing below, indented at different levels.

I almost flinched at the sight.

The woman was short with platinum hair and tanned golden skin. Her ice-blue eyes were angled downwards, almost demurely, emphasizing her long black painted lashes and pink and blue eye shadow that blended into high pink cheekbones with absolutely no blemishes. Her luscious lips, cute little nose, and everything else below her cheekbones was hidden by a blue and pink mask that matched the rest of her face.

She was naked, obscured only by a single pink pillow strategically positioned to hide her nipples and pussy from where she leaned over it. Her breasts pushed into it, only the nipples obscured, leaving an obscene amount of cleavage. Her tight stomach could be made out from where she was angled to show the side of her soft, round bum.

Splayed around her were a couple of other blue and pink cushions and pillows, but the only other discernible feature in the photo was a pure white duvet on the bed she was kneeling on, everything else obscured by a white background.

It was Jess.

“That’s your boy’s girl,” Zach stated after I had taken it all in.

A panic ran through me. Carl had told me that Jess was making money by ‘modelling’ on the internet. He had begged me not to let anyone know and told me they were doing everything they could to keep it anonymous. As much as they were pissing me off right now, I couldn’t let Zach know he was right.

“Come on, mate,” I started. “She’s so photoshopped, she could be anyone. It’s the internet. Look at the filters.”

“Bro…” he sighed.

“It’s just a hot blonde girl. In case you hadn’t noticed, there are some of those around,” I stated.

“Mmhmm,” he replied, scrolling down the page.

It looked like the writing below was people’s comments underneath their usernames. It seemed like they were talking about the photo, from what I gathered as Zach scrolled, although a lot of them were just saying “sauce”, whatever that meant.

“Look, there!” I pointed as Zach scrolled. “That just said it was a woman called Viola-”

“-Nah man, they’re arguing about it. Saying she has titties like her or Luci-”

“-What makes you sure it’s not these people?”

“Because these shots would be out there, and it’s only the titties that look anything like those girls. Oh, and…”

Zach scrolled further and clicked, taking us to a website with a yellowish background. On the left-hand side, there were all sorts of images. Zach clicked on a few, showing Jess in various stages of undress with the blue and pink theme.

Then he scrolled further and there were a couple of blurrier photos. None showed her face, but the body was obviously the same. Behind her, the bed in the photo was extremely familiar. I didn’t think Zach would realise it, but I did.

“What do you think now?” Zach questioned. “You recognise any of this?”

“There’s no face,” I swallowed. “Could be anyone.”

Zach grinned, turning the laptop back to him and scrolling almost to the bottom of the page, then he highlighted something, copied it, pasted it into the address bar and, after some adjustments, pressed enter. On the search result page, he scrolled down to a purple link and clicked on it. Several screens flashed up quickly and he clicked around a few times before turning the laptop back towards me, a huge smirk on his face.

Jess was looking into a mirror, her phone obscuring part of her face as she sat on the edge of a bed, totally naked. One arm crossed her body, pushing her phenomenal breasts together, as it ended in a hand grasping the side of the bed between her legs – keeping one part of her entirely private. Again, she looked filtered, but she pretty much did in person anyway – only once or twice had I ever seen her looking less than ‘perfect’ and that was in the throes of passion where the wild hair, sweat and expressions of ecstasy added to her, rather than detracted.

It looked like her room again, from what I could see, but, if so, she had moved everything that I could recognise out of the background, leaving a simple plain wall behind her. The bottom right of the photo had some text in white that I couldn’t understand, some kind of watermark?

“Says she’s called ‘SwedishNympho69’,” Zach stated, repeating the end part of the watermark. “And I’m subbed to her, so get more than just this.”

“Mate, it’s in her fucking name,” I countered. “‘Swedish’. Is Jess Swedish?”

I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was Jess, but I hoped that there was enough reasonable doubt to get Zach to stop. I don’t know why I cared so much. I should let him continue to think it’s her, after the way they had been treating me. But… I didn’t want to betray Carl’s trust and didn’t want to get Jess in trouble.

“She’s obviously not using her real name, fool,” Zach shook his head at me.

“Right, and so, say it is her, then what would you do?”

“Well… you know what I’ll be doing first,” he snickered. “I don’t know man, maybe she needs a co-star. You know what I’m saying?”

I laughed derisively, but my stomach turned. What would happen if he did confront her about this?

“Keep wanking over this Swede then, but try not to mention it to Jess; it would be really fucking creepy,” I stated, getting to my feet.

“Going back to your room to look her up too?” Zach flashed his teeth at me in an unsavoury expression. “I’ll keep it to myself for now, just until I’m certain it is her.”

“I don’t think it would be any less creepy if it was her and you started being some kind of sex pest,” I said between the gritted teeth of a false smile. “You should probably keep this to yourself. If you think it’s her, then others might, and the uni could find out…”

Zach rubbed his stubble, nodding slowly. That relieved me enough to let my stomach unclench. Carl and Jess would probably be okay for now, but I should warn them.

“So, holidays?” Zach asked suddenly.

“Oh, don’t worry about it, mate. I’ll figure something out.”

“Send my girl up if you’re going down there. I need to get my dick wet after seeing that,” he gestured to his screen.

I was hit by a sudden moment of clarity. Was that how I had been speaking to the others since that night? If Carl was already feeling weird because of it and I was acting like Zach… Maybe there was some truth to what Abby had said.

“Fuck you,” I laughed in response, and pushed out the door.

I didn’t stop as I passed the floor my flat was on, continuing down the second flight of stairs and walking towards Abby and Jess’s door.

I knocked, not expecting an answer as I hadn’t heard any noise from the floor below before I’d headed up to Zach’s room. To my surprise, there was a shuffling noise and the door opened.

Abby looked up at me and cocked her brow.

“Jess or Carl in?” I asked immediately.

“‘Hello Abby, how nice to see you. How are you doing today? Why, I’m just fantastic’,” she responded in a high, mocking voice.

I grimaced, “Sorry Abs. Hey… and I’m sorry for the other week. I think you were right, and I was acting a bit too me.”

Abby’s eyebrows seemed to elevate halfway up her forehead and she cocked her entire head at me, pursing her lips.

“You want to come up and bang, now I’m forgiven?” I asked, attempting a cheeky grin.

Her face softened into a smile, and she stepped forward to embrace me, only punching me once.

“You’re such a dickhead,” her muffled voice came from my chest.

I wrapped my arms around her, in response, “I really am sorry.”

“You’re not forgiven,” she stated, stepping back. “You’ve been a right dick, to all of us.”

She grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into her flat, past the empty living room and towards her bedroom door. I grinned, imagining Zach’s expression if he followed up on his words from just a few minutes ago.

Unfortunately, Abby had other plans, pushing me onto her bed and sitting on a foldable chair opposite me.

“Jess told me something and I think I know a bit of why you’ve been acting this way. Not that it’s an excuse, but it’s a reason,” Abby said, face serious. “Did you try to kiss her?”

“No?” I replied cautiously, trying to think.

I’d barely even seen her since we had sex. Had I drunkenly hit on her or something?

“No?” Abby repeated. “So, you didn’t try to turn a fuck session into a lovemaking session?”

“Oh,” my heart fluttered. “Yeah… I think I might have done that…”

Abby huffed and raised her hands to her face, leaning her elbows on the top of the chair from where she straddled it in reverse.

“Oh Sam…” she sighed eventually.

I grimaced, “I just got into it. We kissed all the time when we fucked…”

“Yeah, but we don’t have a boyfriend!”

“I was already fucking her-”

Abby interrupted me with a hiss and moved her finger to her lips in a gesture of silence.

“Shh, she’s in and I don’t want her to overhear us,” she said barely louder than a whisper.

“Sorry,” I muttered.

“Did you catch feelings for her?” Abby asked, a single eyebrow raised. “I am going to be mad at you if you did for her and not me, just so you know. So, think about that before answering.”

Her expression was stern, but almost immediately softened and she smiled reassuringly, “I’m joking, Sam.”

I raised the corner of my mouth in a false smile, “So you didn’t bring me in here to bang?”

She tutted, “Stop deflecting.”

I exhaled a long breath, steeling myself. I had feelings for her, they were strong, but they weren’t that different from what I felt around Abby, or even Carl, excluding the desperate need to drain myself into her magnificent body.

“So?” Abby urged, shifting on the chair.

“I want to see her happy and I can barely hold back the fact I want to fuck her until I can’t fuck anymore,” I said, looking up at Abby sheepishly.

“That’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever said,” she grinned at me, before softening her smile. “I think you might have feelings for-”

“-Nah,” I interrupted. “It’s the same with you, just different. Like, without all the sex stuff I feel the same about Carl. I want you all to be happy, and I’m comfortable around you and I want to protect you and stuff. I just… also want to have sex with you and Jess. A lot.”

“Wow, that actually was almost romantic,” Abby stated, her eyes open in surprise. “But I think you’re just starved for affection. You see us all as friends, two of which happen to be irresistible and, unfortunately, have given you a taste of forbidden fruit.”

“You’re not my only friends, you know.”

“Okay then, Sam,” Abby retorted. “How many of them have you slept with?”

I thought about that. Obviously, I hadn’t ever thought about my male friends that way, so there was Emily, Sarah, another Sarah and-

“You shouldn’t need to think hard about that!” Abby exclaimed, interrupting my thoughts.

“There are a few,” I countered, I need to think.

“Name one.”

“Emily, from the gym.”

Abby slapped a hand to her face, “Who the fuck is Emily? Since when have you been friends with anyone called Emily?”

“You met her the other week. She got me that job?”

Abby looked at me blankly before squinting and looking sideways, “With the tits?”

I nodded and Abby, once again, tilted her head and lifted her eyebrows at me.

“I can’t believe you slept with her!” She exclaimed. “And you remembered her name, so I guess that’s a positive indictment of your friendship.”

I smiled smugly.

“But do you even know her? What’s her birthday? What’s her favourite colour? Would you fight someone for her? Would you take a bullet for her?” Abby asked, animatedly gesturing as she spoke.


“Right, and what about for your other friends?”

I saw her point.

“You see what I’m getting at?” Abby continued. “It’s not big-headed of me to say that your answer to that would be different to your answer for me for Jess and Carl?”

I cleared my throat, thinking on this. The other lads back home… We still spoke, but it was mainly banter in the group chat. I spent more time with Zach than I did with any of the others, and I would barely consider him a friend. I didn’t think I had even spoken to any of the birds from back home this year.

“I think you were jealous, but not because of all that lovey-dovey crap,” Abby said softly.

“Yeah,” I said before she could go on. “I was jealous because I’m clearly the best fuck in this house and none of you wanted a go anymore.”

Abby snorted, rolling her eyes on cue.

“You’re top five; I’ll give you that,” she smiled. “I imagine the Jess and Carl thing complicated stuff too. But I think you’re realising that that’s a bit of this friendship malarkey and a bit of the fact she’s not yours whenever you want.”

I grunted; she had a point. This was the first time I had consistently been cockblocked and it was frustrating.

“I’ll show you top-five,” I grinned, feeling a stirring in my trousers.

“No, you won’t,” Abby replied matter-of-factly. “I understand why you have been acting this way, but I don’t forgive it yet. You have to earn your Abby privileges.”

She gestured down at herself with an exaggeratedly prideful sneer, “Also, you came here to talk to Jess, right?”

I snapped to my feet, “Shit!”

I had forgotten the whole reason I had dropped in, thanks to Abby’s Freud session.

“What?” Abby asked, jumping. “What the fuck, Sam?”

“Will she want to talk to me?” I covered, quickly.

“I’ll come with you, help you explain,” she said, rising to her feet.

“No, it’s fine. I’ll work it out,” I grinned.

Abby sighed before sitting back down, “Go ahead, champ.”


Abby let me go without argument, staying in her room while I left and knocked on Jess’s door. She had come out, after a moment of surprise, and listened to me patiently as I tried to apologise and give her some of the context I had just discovered with Abby. She didn’t kick me out immediately, which was a good sign, but her face paled when I began to speak about the photos online, dragging me into her room.

I couldn’t help but admire her as she turned to close the door behind me. Even though it was cold, she was in extremely short shorts that barely covered her bum, exposing her unblemished thighs and calves, all the way down to her painted toes.

A hoody covered her top half, as well as most of her shorts, and it almost hid the enormous breasts within, making her seem a lot less slim than she actually was. She had the barest hint of makeup on but could still stand toe-to-toe with any model, face unobscured by the golden hair that was tied into a loose braid down her back.

She looked up at me with panic plain to see in her ice blue eyes.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she almost stuttered out.

Dragging me in here suddenly with a panicked look on her face did little to sell that.

“I already know about it. Carl accidentally told me,” I replied, trying to look reassuring.

She sat down heavily on the edge of the bed, bouncing softly as she looked at her feet. I couldn’t help but remember the last time I had seen her bouncing on that bed and I felt the blood rush from my head…

“Fuck!” Jess growled. “You’re sure?”

“Zach hasn’t seen you naked, so there’s room for doubt for him. I have,” I replied, shrugging.

“Show me?” She pleaded.

“I… Err…” I began, suddenly realising I had assumed she would believe me immediately.

I frantically searched my memories for what I had only seen a few minutes ago. Something about Swedish?

“I didn’t think… I… He showed me a couple of sites,” I stuttered. “I didn’t see what they were, but one had people saying you were called ‘Swedish’ something and linked to a site that he said he subscribed to? Why would I lie?”

She slumped, “I didn’t know if you were playing games. You have been a bit of a dick recently.”

“One of the sites had pictures of you with blue and pink makeup and pillows and stuff. You believe me now?”

“Yeah, I believe you, Sam,” she giggled, a slight blush to her cheeks being the only sign she was flustered. “You really don’t remember the name or any of the sites?”

I shook my head, “I didn’t think.”

She smiled, shaking her head, “Don’t worry… I thought… Never mind. Thanks for mentioning it to me. I’ll be careful, but the photos are out there now, and there’s probably nothing I can do about that.”

“They’re your photos, can’t you sue them?”

“I… don’t think that’s how this works… I’ll see what I can do. Thank you.”

“I thought you needed to know. Zach can be… Zach, so… I didn’t want you or Carl getting in trouble.”

Her smile tightened, “You should go now. I have coursework to do.”

“You’re not going to sort this out now?” I asked, surprised.

“No, I don’t think a few hours will matter. Carl can help me later,” her lips drew wider in a smile once again. “Thank you for apologising and thank you for this. I’ll be having words with Carl later though…”

“It was an accident! He thought I had overheard you two arguing about it. You know how bad the walls are here,” I gestured to the ceiling.

Jess’s cheeks reddened further as she stood, “I see. See you later, Sam.”

She opened the door to their living room and ushered me out. Abby happened to be opposite as the door opened.

“You slut, Jessica!” She shouted across at Jess, pointing accusingly.

“He was just saying sorry!” Jess called back, her face reddening even further.

“Judging by the state of you, he apologised real good, eh?” Abby retorted.

“Don’t tell Carl,” I winked at Abby as I passed her, heading towards the door.

A pillow hit me in the back of the head as I reached it.

“He’s joking!” I heard Jess almost shriek as I retreated.


The following night Carl and I stayed up, just playing video games and talking rubbish like old times. I had apologised and he accepted immediately, thanking me for letting Jess know about Zach’s investigation.

“I’m sorry too, mate,” he slurred, several drinks in.

We were sitting on the floor in front of our sofa, looking up at the TV, half empty bottles in our hands.

“I was jealous or something,” he resumed. “I let you sleep with my girlfriend and regretted it in case she left me for you.”

“She wouldn’t-” I objected, before being cut off.

“-She wouldn’t leave me for something like that. I know that now,” Carl interrupted. “But we were in a new place. I liked seeing what you did to her, the effect it had on her. I liked her liking it. But at the time, it felt too wrong.”

I smiled, remembering exactly what I had done to her.

Carl continued, “I didn’t like you acting like a dick afterwards though. She is my girlfriend, and even though you’ve slept together, she’s not yours. I didn’t appreciate the way you talked about it, about her, the way you looked down on me.”

After several moments of silence, I replied, trying to choose my words carefully, “I’m sorry, mate. It was just banter. I mean, I just couldn’t believe someone would let someone else sleep with their girlfriend. Especially one as hot as Jess.”

I faltered, not really knowing where I was going with that, but Carl continued.

“Yeah, we got caught up in exploring certain things… It won’t happen again. It was too much.”

I felt my stomach drop, but had I really expected anything different? Carl was Jess’s boyfriend. He wasn’t just going to let other people sleep with her, even if that’s what she wanted, surely?

The conversation abruptly changed topic and we continued drinking into the early hours, forgetting the last few weeks.

Things were good for a while after this, still strained, but gradually normalising.

I drove them all back home for Christmas, making extra effort to try to get Carl to meet up with the old lads from school, before we returned to uni after the holidays.

Things seemed good again.


Carl barged into my room suddenly, his face drained of all colour.

“Mate, why didn’t you answer your fucking messages?” He shouted, exasperated, as he collapsed on my bed.

“Got a fucking essay due in at the end of the week!” I replied, looking up from my laptop. “I’ve only just found out!”

“I haven’t got anyone else I can talk to about this… I just need a few minutes,” Carl pleaded, his puppy dog eyes fully deployed.

I sighed, turning away from my laptop in anguish. Why was there so much writing at uni? I wasn’t even doing a typically ‘academic’ course and yet still, I had to write things. It just wasn’t fair.

“What’s up?” I asked, taking a deep breath.

Carl smiled, leaning backwards on his arms. His face was pale and clammy, but the smile looked real: reassured.

“Jess wants to escalate things,” he began. “Well, she doesn’t, but she’s being pushed to it.”

“What are you talking about?” I questioned him, still thinking about angles and equations that seemed irrelevant to me.

“Her… page,” he continued. “She’s making enough to consider dropping out of university, but her subscribers are rabid. They crave the new. She’s already started doing more explicit stuff, but they clamour for more!”

“Fuck, mate. I don’t know what to say…” I started, thinking. “Can’t she just take the money and stop? Or just carry on doing what she’s doing now?”

“Well… yeah, but,” he flushed and screwed up his face before speaking on. “The subscribers drop when it gets ‘stale’ and so she makes less money. People don’t want to pay for stuff they’ve seen before. And she… Well, she’s enjoying it.”

“Then what’s wrong?” I chuckled.

His eyebrows knitted as he stared at me, before replying, “I’m scared it will keep escalating, and she’ll be found out. If it ever comes to full length videos, it’s harder to hide her identity.”

“Then stop when it gets that far? I’m failing to see what the problem is.”

“What if she doesn’t stop?”

“Mate, I’m going to be crass here, but you let her fuck another guy, and she willingly gave that up and stayed with you. She let her best friend give you head. You really think she’ll continue against your wishes?”

He flushed again at that; his mouth drawn into a tight line.

“Okay, but… she’s doing stuff with dildos now and they’re still hounding her to do a scene with another person…” He trailed off, looking glum.

“If it gets to the point where she wants to do that, then just do one with her? You can keep your face out of the camera; nobody cares about the lad getting his knob slobbered on.”

I tried to smile reassuringly, but a not so tiny part in the back of my mind couldn’t help but think about offering myself for the role.

Carl rested his face in his hands, “But then there’s all sorts of stuff about her having a boyfriend and ‘tricking’ her ‘loyal fans’… It’s a fucking minefield.”

“Mate, you can only do what you’re both comfortable with. She was making money before; she wouldn’t stop making money if she carried on doing the same. People already pay for that because she’s fucking hot. Her photos were found by our housemate, for fuck’s sake. She’s got to be desirable for that to even become a possibility! She’ll stop if you ask her to.”

As much as I wanted to help them, I needed to write this fucking essay, and I hoped my last point covered all the bases he was worried about.

Seeing as he stood up immediately, then I guessed they had.

“Cheers, Sam,” he said, face tranquil. “Yeah, mate. You’re right. I don’t know why I’m so worried.”

After a little more back-and-forth, I got him to leave my room so I could carry on suffering in this purgatory.


By the time the Easter break had rolled around, I had forgotten all about the trouble with Jess’s side hustle, so it came as a shock when Zach swung his laptop around to face me with a huge grin on his face.

We had been smoking on his balcony so Jess and Carl could have some privacy in my flat – Abby had obviously brought someone back to her place from her last class of the day, meaning that their place was off limits unless they wanted to compete with the noises from her bedroom.

“It’s her, man, I’m sure of it,” he drawled, smile plastered across his face.

“We’ve talked about this before, mate,” I replied, preparing to end the conversation. “There’s no way you could…”

My words trailed off as he made something larger on the screen, a huge grin on his face.

Jess, wearing bunny ears and the kind of mask you saw posh old birds wear to the opera, laid on a bed, pointing the camera down at herself using a selfie stick and giving a full view of her naked body. A moment later, someone else came into the frame, pushing himself between her legs as she looked up at the camera.

The angle on the guy wasn’t great, as it was focused on her, but I recognised the almost lean body. Since starting uni, Jess had been making Carl exercise. This had eventually removed a lot of excess fat from him, but hadn’t replaced it with muscle, taking him from pudgy to almost skinny – muscles visible from where no fat covered them rather than where they were large or pronounced.

The masked man getting between Jess’s legs looked surprisingly like that.

After several moments of groping, squeezing and the slapping of genitals against one another, Carl pushed his cock into Jess, who let out a gasp of pleasure, dropping the camera. The scene faded to black.

All in all, it was less than a couple of minutes, but to me it was painfully obvious that it was Jess and Carl. I didn’t think Zach would have noticed Carl’s body changes like I had; never seeing him out of baggy clothes, but then would he think Jess was fucking someone else?

“Now, I’ve watched that clip about fifty times and you know what I’ve noticed?” Zach asked me when it ended.

“What?” I swallowed.

“That noise at the end there?” His grin somehow got even wider. “I’ve heard that lots of times.”

I thought quickly, “It was a generic porn moan, mate. They probably all do it.”

He shook his head, “Not like that.”

He spun the laptop back round to face him, replaying the last second several times, “That’s your boy’s girl, and if the description is right, that’s your boy.”

I forced myself to laugh.

“You think that’s Carl?” I asked. “You think he’d do something like that on video?”

Zach’s smile faltered and he leaned in to look at the screen closely.

“The dick would explain why she’s with him,” he said with an amused expression. “But yeah, I thought your boy was fatter than this. I’ll see soon enough, anyway.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have a lot of sway in her communities, so my suggestions as to what she does next are listened to.”

“What? Do you think someone like this actually cares what the nerds on the other side of the screen are saying?”

He huffed before speaking, “Yeah, fool. If it wasn’t for peeps like me, they’d be nothing, so they listen to what I have to say.”

I doubted him but remembered Carl’s panicked conversation a couple of months back. I guess it was supply and demand, but surely one loud voice couldn’t influence her that much?

“Even if that’s true, what are you going to do?” I asked, genuinely curious as to how he thought he could suss her out.

“All manner of things, man,” he said, relaxing back on his sofa. “Longer videos, get her to dress up or dye her hair, maybe convince her to chat to us privately, you know?”

“Right…” I dismissed him. “Well, good luck with that. Thanks for the fag.”

I walked to the door, emphasising his fool’s errand by shaking my head and sighing.

“I know it’s her, man,” he spoke softly as I opened the door.

“Then why not just ask her?” I said over my shoulder.

He shrugged and I let the door swing closed.


“I told you it would escalate!” Carl cried, collapsing on the sofa without even taking his shoes off.

I shuffled over to give him room and paused the video on my phone, “What?”

“Jess,” he replied flatly, still collapsed over the arm of the sofa.

I ignored him, turning back to my phone. I would listen when he bothered to talk properly.

After a few minutes, he got up and walked to the kitchen area and pulled a can of pre-mixed whiskey and coke out of the fridge, downing it in one go then immediately taking out a second.

“We’ve got a few weeks left, mate,” I called over to him. “Might want to leave the celebrating until then.”

He wagged his finger at me, drinking the second can with almost as much ferocity as the first, before suddenly spluttering and doubling over, coughing. He raised the hand that was previously pointing at me into a ‘stop’ gesture and eventually stopped coughing, taking another sip and walking back over to me.

He flopped onto the sofa next to me, “We’re doing videos together now.”

I looked over at him, a sudden pang of guilt that I hadn’t mentioned what Zach had shown me. Before I could say anything, he went on.

“After we spoke, she did some dildo videos – just blowjobs and the like. Then they wanted more, so she did the same sort of thing, but… on me… like blowjobs and tit wanks, you know? And they pressed for more, so we did sex videos,” he paused to take a breath. “It was all safe, very short videos with both of us, just clips from longer videos. We hid our faces or wore masks, and so on…”

“Sound like a dream,” I smiled and patted him on the back. “You’re fucking your own girlfriend and she’s getting paid for it!”

He grimaced, “But it’s exactly what I said before. It has escalated. It was just pictures, then videos, then explicit things, then things with me… She’s making me take supplements and drink bottles and bottles of water and pineapple juice for some of these videos. It’s not just ‘turn up and fuck’.”

“Why?” I asked, confused.

“The diet? It’s supposed to make me spunk more,” he looked down, resignation plain on his face.

I laughed, “What? You’re taking cum tablets?”

He spoke over my laughter, “No! Well… yeah, but don’t say it like that. The supplements and the obscene amount of drinking I’m doing make me spaff everywhere. It’s like a fucking volcano, mate. The pineapple juice is to make it better for her. Less bitter, she said.”

I hadn’t managed to stop laughing throughout the explanation, and looking down at his glum face just reignited the laughter.

“Fuck off,” Carl sighed, letting his head drop back onto the top of the sofa. “Knobhead.”

A moment later, I saw his chest convulsing and he raised his head up again, quiet laughter escaping from him. We caught each other’s eyes and broke out into full-on bouts of belly laughter.

“It’s not funny!” He protested when he finally managed to stop laughing.

“Oh no. I have to have sex with a beautiful woman and make all these people on the internet pay me to see, and I have to improve my diet and hydration too,” I squealed in a high mocking voice.

“But they keep pushing for more!” Carl retorted; his laughter subsided entirely now. “It’s going to go too far.”

“Well, what is too far?”

He sighed, “I don’t know. I think their comments are just getting to me. They’re brutal. For every ‘nice cock bro’, there’s several ‘she needs a real cock’ or ‘when’s she going to take some bbc’. It’s just not on.”

“Hey, at least people are complimenting your dick,” I snickered.

A couple of hours later and Carl had worked himself up, drinking the remaining pre-mixed cans from our fridge and pacing around the living room. I had planned on going out, but didn’t want to abandon him in his state, so I sent a quick message and hoped Abby would forgive me enough to open her door for me later on.

“Look, I love her. I want to marry her,” he slurred. “But I want us to have fun, right?”

“Why aren’t you with her tonight then, mate?” I asked calmly.

“I can’t right now… it’s too…” he trailed off. “We’ve talked about doing it again, you know?”

“Doing what?” I questioned, unable to keep up with his rapidly switching topics of conversation.

“Like, swinging,” he explained. “She’s already had you, and I had a bit of Abby. So, we thought, why not do it again?”

“And why didn’t you?”

“I think she’s too jealous.”

Jess? Would she be jealous? Even though she’ll happily take another cock in front of her boyfriend.

“You sure about that, mate? I mean, you just said you’ve both eagerly tasted some forbidden fruit together.”

“I didn’t actually fuck anyone though.”

“She did.”

Carl was silent at that for several long seconds. He tried to take a sip from his can before realising it was empty.

“That was different,” he said finally.


“It was a group thing.”

“Was it though?”

“What do you mean?” Carl looked at me with wide watery eyes.

“Well…” I began, considering. “That second time with us three… you didn’t actually have sex with her.”

He shook his head, “No, but she still gave me a blowjob, right?”

“Well, yeah… but you spent a lot of time… not joining in?” I countered.

Again, he went to take a sip before looking angrily at the empty thing and putting it on the coffee table.

“Okay, well… I was still part of it, and I liked seeing her. It was different. It was dirty,” he took a breath. “When we’re together, it’s mostly loving and nice… I can’t see her as a sex object, but when we did that, I did. It was a different experience… Even in the videos we’re doing, people are telling me to fuck her harder and-”

“-Yeah,” I interrupted. “But you said they’re saying all sorts of rubbish. Don’t worry about them. Worry about you and Jess. You’re happy, right? Do the things that make you happy.”

He snorted, smiling, and getting to his feet. As he reached down for his can, he stumbled and would have collapsed into the table if I hadn’t caught him.

“Whoa, I think you’ve had a bit too much. Let’s get you to bed,” I said, preparing to throw him over my shoulder.

“You’re right,” he said, breaking free of my grip and shaking his head. “G’night.”

He stumbled towards the bathroom, leaving me alone to the sound of him crashing around. I messaged Abby.


Summer had rolled around quickly and this year I didn’t need to worry about finding another place to live. Abby was fine with us staying where we were, even Zach, so we just renewed our contracts with her dad, who owned the building, and went about our business.

As usual, I drove Abby, Carl and Jess back home at the beginning of summer. We decided that we would spend the first couple of weeks at home and then make the most of the rest of summer down by the beach.

It always felt constricting to be back at home now, so when I got a message from Jess saying that they were hiring a suite in the middle of the town to have a party with some of our old friends, I was overjoyed with the excuse to get out of my family’s hair.

Carl sent me a message, asking me to come over the night before in order to help set up, and so I immediately bid my family farewell and bolted.

“You’re taking the piss…” I whispered to myself, stepping off the elevator to the top floor.

The hotel was a standard chain hotel that you got in every city, so when they told me about booking a suite, I was incredulous. I was more incredulous when they told me to come to the “penthouse”. The hallway I had stepped into was pretty short; not the kind you see in the movies when someone’s in a penthouse and the lift goes straight into their room, but a small corridor with a handful of doors.

The ones to either side of me were obviously an emergency staircase and some kind of storage room or staff room, but the two in the corridor were both numbered, so I guessed they were guest rooms.

“Not exactly a penthouse,” I said to myself, walking towards the door at the end of the hallway, assuming that was their door.

I knocked, then waited, wondering who had the other room.

The door opened and I audibly gasped.

Jess stood in the doorway looking up at me in a white lingerie bodysuit, her body barely obscured by the patterned lace. I took a second to drink it all in: her feet and legs were entirely bare and uncovered as far as her wide hips, starting to take on the golden hue that her skin became as soon as a hint of sunlight hit it. The sheer, lacy, fabric began between her legs, obscuring only a miniscule amount of her flat stomach to just below her ribs, where it split into a V-shape exposing a huge amount of cleavage, before wrapping around her shoulders. Only her nipples were really obscured by the fabric woven around her.

I looked up to her face and was taken aback once more. Now, Jess is one of the, if not the, most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen. Even without makeup I could imagine seeing her plastered all over social media. She was wearing makeup, and not just the usual subtle kind she preferred: it looked as if she had had a professional in to apply everything.

I’ve been put off by women with too much make-up on in the past; caked on so much that they’re basically wearing a mask. This wasn’t that.

Her eyes were smoky, contrasting with her white lingerie, but the rest of her face was vibrant – high cheekbones emphasised with a pale blush that matched her lips. I couldn’t tell you what else was on her, but she looked beyond gorgeous with entirely unblemished golden skin.

Her hair seemed to have been done up recently, much longer than only a few days ago and platinum to the roots. It was elaborately twisted in twin braids across the front of her head that met and joined what looked like a looser braid that trailed down almost to her bum. The remaining parts of her hair that weren’t braided somehow seemed to fit naturally alongside the braids, leaving her face entirely free of hair up to just before her ears, that were covered by a curtain of silver blonde.

She raised her ice-blue eyes to mine and cocked an eyebrow, as if amused by my reaction. A moment later, her face crinkled into a smile, and she raised a hand with perfectly manicured white nails to cover her mouth.

“Alright mate,” I heard from behind her. “Welcome to the penthouse.”

I noticed her toenails were painted a matching white as she stood aside and gestured for me to come in.

“Is it okay if we record this?” Jess asked as I passed her.

Her voice was different. She sounded more like a lot of the students down where we went to uni, but with a different cadence to her speech. Maybe we had just been influenced by two years of being surrounded by those accents and coming back home highlighted how different we sounded now.

“Record?” I asked in response, looking around the room.

Jess and Carl both had phones in their hands, although only Carl’s was pointed at me. This was the first time I had taken in the room, being so floored by Jess when I entered. They actually had booked a suite; this room was large, with three sofas positioned around a square table, the fourth side being taken up by a huge TV in front of a wide window. Off to the side, there were a desk and two chairs positioned against one of the walls, next to a closed door. On the opposite side, near to where Carl was standing, was a kitchen facsimile – the usual mini-fridge, a breakfast bar with four stools which partitioned the area from the main section, a coffee machine, a cooler and even a sink.

As well as the door I had noticed earlier, there was a closed door behind Jess, presumably the bathroom, and another closed door by the ‘kitchen’. Although the room was more than just a bedroom, it somehow seemed to fit the aesthetic of these cheap chain hotels perfectly – the carpet matching the one in the hallway, for example.

“Yeah, so, we’re err…” Carl trailed off as I took off my shoes.

“Don’t worry, we’ll blur your face out,” Jess continued, her voice still sounding alien to my ears.

I noticed a camera set up on a tripod, pointing towards me from the other side of the room.

“What’s going on? Why are you filming?” I asked. “Why would I need my face blurred?”

Jess hooked her arm through mine and dragged me towards the settees in the middle of the room. I looked over at Carl, who smiled reassuringly at me and walked out of my view.

“So,” Jess began, sitting and pulling me down on the central seat. “We invited you here under false pretences.”

“Hmm?” I replied absently, caught off guard by the new view I had down into her perfect breasts.

Carl sat down heavily on the other sofa, to my right; the camera on the tripod behind him now pointing directly at the ‘square’ of seats. He placed a glass filled with a dark brown fizzing liquid onto the table in front of me and gestured as Jess spoke.

“We’re recording all this for my fans,” she continued, smiling emphatically.

Her voice still seemed odd to me, but as she was speaking it seemed less and less unnatural. I couldn’t really complain about the sound though; the sight was spectacular.

“Your fans?” I asked.

“Yes, so…” she giggled, seeming embarrassed. “So, I have a page online where my fans pay to hang out with me… Sometimes I post videos…”

She trailed off, blushing. I knew all this anyway, and she knew I knew, so why was she phrasing it like that.

She giggled again, rubbing a hand against the back of her neck, “I’m just going to come out and say it.”

She took a deep breath, and I reached over and took the glass from the table, raising it at Carl in thanks.

Jess began to speak just as I took a sip, “I want you to have sex with me on camera in front of my boyfriend.”

I breathed in in surprise, taking the remnants of the drink I’d just swallowed into my lungs, causing me to cough explosively.

A moment later, I felt Carl patting me on the back as Jess laughed next to me and continued.

“So that’s why you might want your face blurred! Oh, and they like the whole behind the scenes stuff, so I’m recording the whole thing from start to finish and edit it into pieces…” she continued.

As she was describing her process, Carl leaned down to whisper in my ear, “No names, mate. Obviously.”

He pulled away and returned towards his seat while Jess went on.

“So, what do you think?” She finished.

“And C- he- your boyfriend’s okay with it?” I asked, looking over at Carl. “He’s not part of it?”

She smiled sweetly, but Carl answered.

“I am fine with it,” he said simply. “I won’t be joining it, but I will be watching and recording it.”

“Why?” I snapped back a little too quickly.

I had realised over the last year that although I had come to like Jess, maybe that had blinded me to my original suspicions. Maybe she was guiding Carl down this path so she could have her cake and eat it too. I wasn’t sure. I couldn’t be sure, but I had to try to find out. As painful as it would be, I would leave if there was the slightest hesitation in Carl’s response.

He didn’t hesitate, “It’s true that her subscribers have pushed for this, but it was my choice to go ahead.”


“Yeah… I love having sex with her, seeing her in pleasure. I want to see it from a different angle, like she’s my own porn star. It lets me treat her as an object for my desire – something we can’t do in our daily lives because I… love her too much, I think. I just don’t see her that way most of the time.”

“You don’t find her attractive?” I stuttered, stunned.

“Oh god, don’t get me wrong; I’ve never been attracted to anyone more in my life, but I just want to make love to her, protect her and be happy with her. It takes something more for it to become… carnal.”

Jess interrupted, as Carl seemed to be blustering and turning red, “We’ve had threesomes before, privately, and the sex we have is the best we ever have – even when we’re not taking out lust out on each other, it heightens everything.”

“Yes, exactly!” Carl cut in. “We’ll fuck during the act and it will be new and fun, then afterwards we’ll make love and feel closer than ever. I hope that this will give us a feeling like that. Fucking hell, mate, and it would be a shame to not show off this work of art now and then.”

I sighed, smiling. It seemed like this really was what he wanted, even if I couldn’t understand it. But that was enough reassurance for me to go through with it.

“-even if it doesn’t, then I still get to see her in ecstasy from a different angle!” Carl said, laughing, and I realised I might have zoned out.

“So, you’re both ok with it? I get to have sex with you if you get to record?” I asked, almost redundantly.

Carl nodded as Jess, through a broad grin, said “Exactly.”

“I couldn’t say no to this,” I said, gesturing to at Jess.

“Great!” Carl exclaimed, jumping to his feet. “Let’s go then.”


They had two bathrooms in this suite. As well as the one attached to the ‘main’ room there was an ensuite attached to their bedroom. I showered quickly in their ensuite while they “set up” in the attached bedroom, whatever that meant.

I dried myself off and wrapped a fresh white towel around my waist, checking myself out in the bathroom mirror. I hadn’t had as much time to exercise this year, with the amount of uni work being thrown at me, but it was barely noticeable; if anything, it gave me a softer edge – something for a woman’s hands to sink into. My abs were still visible without tensing, my pecs were defined and firm and my biceps were still probably two or three times the size of Carl’s. I smiled at myself and turned to open the bedroom door.

It looked as though they had started without me, even though Carl wasn’t supposed to be part of it this time. Jess was on her knees in front of Carl, who sat in a small, plush, chair in one corner of the room. He was pointing his phone at her, while the camera that was previously in the main room, had been moved to this room, pointing at them from the parallel corner. I noticed the bedside tables were scattered with lube, condoms and little boxes and plastic card things, but my sight was immediately drawn away from them.

I hadn’t seen Jess from behind in that lingerie before, and the sight was almost as captivating as the front. Her bum was fully visible where the white lace disappeared between her buttocks; tanned and round and firm; large, but not overly so – still smaller than Abby’s, but still perfect nonetheless. The fabric was barely patterned on the back, unlike the front, so I could see every contour, from the dimples above her bum, to the curve of her spine as she kneeled on the floor.

“I thought he wasn’t part of this?” I asked, causing Jess to spin around to face me, flustered.

“We got too into it… Sorry, mate,” Carl said, almost unapologetically.

From where Jess had turned, I saw Carl’s cock standing to attention in her hand, dripping with precum. Jess wasn’t a tiny girl, but she was on the smaller side, and her hand followed this trend, so where it had stopped midway up his shaft, it obscured about half of it. I couldn’t help but notice he was groomed this time; I guessed Jess made him do this for the camera.

“No problem, but she’s mine now,” I stated, stepping closer to the bed, and letting my towel fall.

“Where’s the f-” Carl began, but Jess shushed him.

She turned around fully, letting Carl’s cock fall onto his stomach, and gave me an impish smile, appraising what she saw.

She was as gorgeous as earlier, the white bodysuit barely hiding an inch of her body and amplifying the natural curves of her body. She crawled to the opposite edge of the bed and beckoned me over.

“I know something they’ll like to see,” she whispered as I passed the foot of the bed.

I began to sit down, but she shook her head and her smile widened, “Perfect.”

I stood above her, and without any sign or signal, she rose up onto her knees and took my almost flaccid cock in her hands, guiding it towards her mouth.

“Good girl,” I said, feeling myself sinking into her.

She gestured with her free hand, and Carl stepped up beside me.

“You’re mine tonight,” I reminded her, gently.

She pulled my rapidly hardening cock from her mouth and gave it a gentle kiss before responding, “This is just something so my subs can see what I’m working with…”

I remembered this was all being filmed and looked over to the camera in the corner of the room. It was facing us now, so I guess it was somehow tracking Jess, unless Carl had moved it. Carl still had his phone in his hands, recording as he struggled with his belt, and even Jess reached out and grabbed a phone from the bed and tapped a few times to put it into selfie mode.

I narrowed my eyes. She was still holding my cock and very gently stroking it as she looked away from me and began talking to the phone.

“So, guys, you asked for this and I’m ever the obedient slut,” she said throatily, exaggerating her fake accent.

She turned, sliding my rapidly hardening cock into her mouth again, recording the whole thing as she looked at the screen.

After a few seconds, she pulled it out with a popping sound from where she sucked it, giggling.

“This,” she said, turning slightly and re-angling the camera to fit Carl in too. “Is my boyfriend’s. Go on, let them see.”

Carl murmured something, but let his belt go and his trousers immediately dropped, exposing his own hard cock.

Jess inched forward, away from us, and I saw all three of us on the screen – my muscular body visible to just below the chest, Carl visible to just above. The angle she used seemed to emphasise the difference – I took up a lot more of the screen and looked to dwarf him.

She giggled again and came closer to us, taking my cock in her hand again and pressing it to her face, smiling.

“Isn’t he big?” She cooed into the camera. “I mean…”

She turned again, taking Carl’s hard cock, and pressing that to her face instead.

“Mr Nympho isn’t exactly small, but…” she pulled me closer, framing her in the centre, between our two cocks. “This guy’s not even fully hard and he’s already a little bigger.”

She laughed, smiled into the phone, and then said, “Hold them against my face, guys.”

I did as she said, in a state of shellshock over how slutty she was acting. I knew I shouldn’t have been as surprised by now, but I couldn’t help it.

She posed, between us, turning to each of our members in turn and stroking, holding and even licking them both, before eventually throwing her phone back onto the bed.

“Sorry for neglecting you,” she said, turning back to me. “One last thing though, before I’m all yours.”

She squeezed Carl and I closer together and looked up into his camera as she grabbed each of our cocks and pointed them at her face.

“Sorry baby, but this isn’t a threesome,” she stated eventually, pushing Carl backwards and turning her body fully towards me.

With all the gentle touching and playing with my cock she’d been doing, she’d coaxed all my blood into it, making it stand out like the mast of a ship.

“I almost can’t wait to have it in me,” she purred, biting her lip, and looking up at it.

Carl had edged around us and was recording from a few steps away. It felt weird, but it wasn’t enough to stop my cock from twitching at Jess’s words.

She stretched up on her knees and took the head of my cock into her mouth.

I was reminded that she was a pro at this immediately. The tip slid past her lips and teeth with no resistance at all, causing me to groan unintentionally.

The corners of Jess’s eyes crinkled in a smile as her mouth was unable to, stretching around my cock as it was.

She moved slowly, sliding her lips along my shaft, treasuring every inch of it before it reached her throat, pulling it free again and repeating. She then continued this process, making most of my cock disappear into her hands and mouth, occasionally stopping for a second or two to lick the underside before going back for more.

I found myself holding my breath each time I felt her tongue swirling against my glans; trying to savour the pleasure without being consumed by it.

She pulled back and looked up at me, her makeup still immaculate, “Get on the bed.”

I did as she commanded, stepping around her and sitting on the side of the bed. She looked to the corner of the room and then pushed me further towards the head of the bed, before kneeling in between my legs.

Her eyes were locked onto mine as she leaned down towards my cock and pressed it to her cheek. She licked gently, once, across the head before teasingly rubbing the top with her thumb and forefinger, all the while keeping her gaze on me.

Carl stepped closer, continuing to record, but his cock poked out of his fly where he hadn’t bothered to put his trousers back on properly. Somehow, it was rock hard, even as his girlfriend descended on my dick once more.

I felt her hand run up my inner thigh, tracing her way up until her fingertips brushed my balls. She wrapped her fingers around my scrotum and squeezed lightly, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from me.

“Suck my balls,” I commanded, surprising even myself.

She pulled back, arched her eyebrow for a moment before smiling and tilting her head, moving it downwards. She opened her mouth and sank her lips into my sack, massaging my balls softly as she sucked one then the other in turn. The wet sounds caused goosebumps to prickle over my body.

I groaned in pleasure as she took one hand and began to stroke my shaft. My breathing grew shallower and faster, matched by Jess, whose chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as well. Her breasts bounced and swayed slightly with every movement, and I could see they were straining against their confinement – the sheer fabric stretching with them.

Carl moaned, taking me out of the zone, but Jess’s thumb began to rub the head of my penis in time with her tongue’s caresses on my balls, immediately grabbing my attention. She shifted slightly so that her right hand could slide along the underside of my length, while her right cupped my balls.

She continued sucking my testicles, sometimes flicking them gently with her tongue as she pulled back to take a breath. Occasionally she would look up at me, smiling, before closing her eyes again.

Eventually, she stopped stroking my cock and let it fall onto her cheek as her hand quested around the bed, coming back with her phone. She unlocked it with her thumb and activated the camera, one-handed.

“I want to see what it’s like from your view,” she asked, handing me the phone, before sliding her mouth down my shaft, all the way to my balls again.

I hit the record button and tried to point the lens down at her. The sensation of her masterfully massaging my most sensitive areas with her soft hands and warm, wet, mouth made it difficult.

My cock obscured a lot of her face, as she stroked it up and down above where she licked my balls and the base of my shaft. I was glad I had groomed before this, noticing how good the whole thing looked on her phone screen.

She looked up at the camera as she ran her hand over the head of my dick, catching some precum on her fingers and using it to lubricate me further. Then, after teasing me for another minute or so, she slid me into her throat.

It was such a sudden thing that it caught me unaware. One moment, she was alternating between licking my balls and the tip of my penis, and the next, my cock was thrust into her mouth, going further and further.

I almost dropped the phone as I felt the first hint of discomfort as her throat almost collided with my cock, but she held me steady with one hand as she slowly bobbed her head up and down, until I was fully inside her.

I was amazed. She had done this to me before, and it had surprised me then, but for it to happen again, and so seamlessly. The pleasure was overwhelming, and I dropped the phone, groaning as I collapsed back on the bed.

She took me out of her mouth only long enough to say, in a ragged voice, something like, “You like that? You like it when I take you all inside me?”

I didn’t get a chance to respond, as she shifted, sitting up even taller before taking me into her mouth once more. I groaned, biting my lip to stifle the sound as my best friend’s girlfriend continued sucking on me; two hands on my shaft, sliding up and down in time with her mouth, before one hand would pull away and she would take me into her throat again.

Her lips rubbed against my glans, overpowering me each time she pulled away. After a few minutes of this, she stopped, looking up at me and smiling before opening her mouth slightly to show me the slick shine of my pre-cum on her tongue.

I could barely contain myself. I needed to have her now. But I knew if I fucked her now, I would barely last, my desire for her was so overwhelming.

Instead, I grabbed the back of her head and said, “I’m going to fuck your face now.”

Carl began to say something, but Jess spoke over him, “I want you to fuck my mouth.”

My hand slid through her platinum hair, careful not to get tangled in the complex braids. Her makeup still looked perfect, even after what she had just been doing to me; the slightest of haziness around her eyes was the only indication that she had just had a dick in her throat. I don’t know what came over me, but suddenly I had an impulse to make her gag; to make her eyes water and her makeup run.

I pulled her head towards me, watching her mouth stretch open to take my cock. She gasped softly, tearing her eyes away from mine to look down at the thing pushing into her. I saw her cheeks make a concave shape as I felt her begin sucking, rather than resisting at all.

I began to pull her down further, feeling my cock slide deeper into her with the smallest amount of resistance. She didn’t even gag. I pulled her back again, letting her catch her breath, and then repeated the motion.

I slid into her mouth, watching her lips spread wide around me each time, making around half of my cock disappear each time before pulling her back. I began to use her face faster and faster, wanting nothing more than to fill her mouth with my seed.

She groaned, shaking her head side-to-side against me while she sucked, taking more and more of my cock each time I pulled her down, but the only signs of discomfort were the hand she cupped the base of my cock with and the occasional noise that could have been her gagging, but sounded suspiciously like moaning.

Carl interrupted, stepping towards us, and lowering the camera, “You should stop… You might hurt her.”

I held Jess in place, her tongue swirling around the shaft of my cock, before letting go and raising my hands. I felt the smile on my face; I knew she was hooked – aiding me to use her mouth like a toy. I knew she was fine.

He obviously didn’t expect what happened then. Instead of pulling away, Jess held her head in place, even moving forward a further inch or so, her nose almost touching my pelvis.

“J-” Carl stuttered. “-Baby… are you…”

Jess raised a hand to silence him, but, pulled herself off my cock and gave him a sweet smile.

“I’m okay, baby,” she said melodically, pulling the tip of my cock into her mouth before continuing. “I love you baby.”

Carl seemed reluctant as he raised his phone again, recording as she focused on pleasuring the tip of my cock; licking, sucking, and swirling it around her mouth as she looked sweetly towards him.

“Take off your top,” I demanded.

Jess looked up at me, then reached for the phone on the bed, “Okay. Record it and I’ll send you the uncensored video you take.”

She unlocked the phone and handed it to me, almost absently, as she continued pleasuring my dick.

I pointed it her and began to record. She seemed to double down at the attention and grabbed my cock in both hands, pumping slowly up and down its length as she looked up at me from below it. The tip grazed her lips as she began to speak.

“You want to see my big tits? Do you like it when another man’s woman sucks your cock? Tell me what you want,” she slurred the words as she intermittently slipped my cock into her mouth, keeping her eyes glued to the phone.

“I want to see your sexy body. I want those tits out,” I almost gasped. “And then, I’m going to fuck you in front of your boyfriend and show him how it’s done.”

Jess smiled broadly, stroking with both hands. She licked the tip of my cock one last time, before kissing it and standing up.

I followed her with the phone, keeping her central and trying not to get Carl in the shot.

The rise from her knees to her feet was fluid and feline, graceful and erotic. The room suddenly felt tense and too close.

She raised both arms, elbows pointing towards me, pushing her enormous breasts together, as she grabbed the tiny pieces of fabric that hung over her shoulder and pinched them.

There must have been clasps or something, as immediately, the lacy garment peeled away from her body. Within a single breath, her breasts were free and exposed; golden, large and pert, even for their size. Then her stomach was free, flat and tanned, the merest hint of muscles visible beneath her skin. By the second breath, the lingerie had fallen to the floor and her long legs were visible beneath her entirely smooth pelvis and soft pussy.

“Wow,” I did gasp.

“Were you just threatening me with a good time, or what?” Jess asked, a slight pink tint having risen to her face.

My cock ached to release inside her. I could feel it pulsating with every heartbeat; its solidness almost acting as a barrier between us. I had a thought though. If I busted too soon, then that would put an end to things too quickly and make me look bad on the video.

I smiled and took a step towards her, before remembering I was still holding the phone. I ended the recording and placed it on the bedside table, turning back to Jess. I almost leaned in to kiss her, before remembering her rules from before – the longing from last time we fucked wasn’t here this time, so I had no difficulty simply picking her up instead.

“Oh!” She exclaimed as she was lifted into the air and spun around.

I laid her down diagonally on the bed, her head near the corner of the bed closest to the camera. I noted that other than her slight blush, her face and hair were still almost entirely unmarred from our activities so far, even after I used her face like that…

I crawled onto the bed between her legs, and she seemed surprised as I opened them and moved my face towards her glistening pussy.

“Oh?” She exclaimed, a question evident in the single syllable. “You’re…”

Her sentence trailed off into a sigh as my tongue lapped upwards between her glistening lips, tasting her desire.

I leaned on one arm, using it to stroke the soft skin on her bum, hips, and stomach. With my other hand, I gently helped my tongue probe her open enough to find what I was looking for. My tongue flicked against it, and I was rewarded with a squeal.

I continued flicking my tongue against her, until she grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling me closer to her. I changed my rhythm to a stronger, slower stroke, emphasising pressure as my tongue pressed over her clit.

She let out a high sigh and her fingers curled against the back of my head. I heard her other hand slapping on the bed, and felt the covers go taut as she balled them in it.

I continued, and her legs began to rise up, feet sliding closer to my head, so I was enclosed in her thighs.

“Ohhh,” she moaned. “Pass it…”

“Pass it”? I assumed she was talking to Carl. In any case, I didn’t understand what she meant, so I kept on licking.

After several more passes, I felt a shadow on my face and looked up to see Jess holding that phone and pointing it down at her body. I winked up at it and turned my attention back to her enflamed pussy.

I gave it an extra slow, strong, push with my tongue, causing her to moan, and then went right back to my previous tempo.

“Fuck, does my pussy taste good?” Jess asked breathily.

I didn’t want to stop what I was doing, so I nodded; giving her several quick licks and causing her to grasp the back of my head again, letting out a squeak of pleasure.

“Oh, fuck, keep going!” She moaned. “Don’t stop!”

Her legs to either side of me were tensing, so I knew it was time to strike. I moved my right hand to below where my tongue was hard at work and slid it between her slick folds. I gave an extra strong push with my tongue and slid my finger into her all at once.

“Oh fuck!” She cried. “Oh fuck…”

I tried to continue licking at the same pace as I began moving my finger back and forth, coating it in her natural lubricants.

“Ahhh…” Jess whimpered. “Fu…”

Her noises emboldened me to continue what I was doing, pushing further into her until my finger began to graze a different surface inside her, less soft, more… spongy. I pulled my finger towards me, pressing on it.

“Ah!” Jess squealed.

I did it again, trying to stroke in time with my tongue’s lashings.

“Ah- ah! Ahh!” I was rewarded with Jess’s immediate reactions each time.

Her legs began to tighten around me; I saw the angles of her golden thigh become more pronounced and then her stomach was pushing against the top of my head. Was that her breasts I could feel too?

I needed to concentrate; she was almost where I wanted her.

I continued to press against her most sensitive areas from within and without, noting the heightening pitch of the squeals she let out in turn.

The hand on the back of my head began to grasp and I heard her other hand slap down on the covers next to me, before it also clenched my head for just a second, before moving away, up her body.

“Ah! Ah! Ohh-” Jess cried between short sharp breaths.

I felt her body tense around my finger, squeezing and pushing it away. Almost immediately, her thighs tightened around my head, and she squealed out in pleasure.

“Fuck!” I heard, muffled from elsewhere in the room and was reminded that Carl was still here.

Jess’s body contracted against me, and she tried to pull me away with the hand on the back of my head, but I continued licking.

Her stomach began shaking and she pulled away from me, flopping back against the bed with an explosion of pleasure, “Aaahhh!”

That was my cue.

Her movements had pushed her backwards; head almost reaching the corner of the bed, so as I crawled towards her, I pulled her closer to me – her smooth thighs shuddered under my grip. I was above her now and I pushed my rock-hard cock against her labia. With a deft movement, I felt the head of my cock part her and become slick with our combined fluids. I pushed, still feeling her contracting.

“Ah!” She moaned, one hand going to my chest.

“No! Not yet!” Carl shouted from behind me, reminding me he was even there.

I pushed deeper into her, her slickness overpowering most of the resistance and letting me glide deeper. Her pussy seemed to spasm around my cock, the aftershocks of the previous orgasm apparently continuing.

“I thought you wanted the shot?” Carl whined, stepping instantly next to us, and pointing his phone towards us.

“Uh- oooh!” Jess crooned in response.

I pulled back quickly, feeling her convulsions dying down, and pushed into her again.

“Oh fuck…” she managed, her nails digging into my chest. “W- wa- aahhh!”

I grinned. Her pussy tightened on my cock, and I saw her stomach tense again. Her nails dug further into me as her other hand reached around to grip my hip.

“Mmmm!” She exhaled in pleasure, as her stomach raised upwards to meet mine.

Jess’s glorious tits shook on her chest, moved by the shaking of her body. Her left one held onto her chest by the arm that groped my chest as her right one swayed more vigorously. Her chin pointed downwards into her chest as she panted up at me, her ice blue eyes staring at me from below her brows.

“Oh fuck…” she moaned, collapsing down again, her breasts heaving in time with her body’s squeezing of my cock.

I grunted in satisfaction, and her look of pleasure changed to a contented smile; her moaning, pitching lower to become panting, almost laughing.

I slowed my rhythm, assured with my performance.

“Oh baby, did you like that?” She asked, looking at Carl past where he held the phone. “Did you like watching your girlfriend cum on someone else?”

She paused, smiling wildly, then laughed before Carl could reply, “I can’t believe that just happened!”

Carl grunted, moving out of my view. I noticed that his trousers had fallen down entirely, and his cock was hanging limply now.

“Ahh… He’s right though,” Jess said, looking up at me. “I- ahh… want you to record this from where you- aahhh… I want to see your cock sliding in and out of me.”

“I’ll give you something to remember this by,” I agreed, still thrusting slowly.

Carl appeared on cue, dropping the unlocked phone onto the bed next to us.

“Get me a towel,” I asked, somehow taking my eyes from the goddess beneath me.

As Carl complied, I shuffled back, pulling Jess by her hips further onto the bed. I savoured the feeling of her ass and hips in my hands, as well as the view of her swaying breasts as her body flowed towards me. It was too much, and I leaned down to take one of her nipples into my mouth.

“Mmm,” I groaned, gently pulling it in and flicking it with my tongue.

Jess answered with her own moan, and I leaned over to attack her other nipple, using one of my hands to knead the breast I wasn’t sucking on.

I heard Carl re-enter from the ensuite, so I pulled back up again.

“You’re a lucky guy,” I grinned at him.

He handed me a towel in response, saying something in a low voice before retreating out of my view. I wondered why he hadn’t just handed me my used towel but didn’t linger on the thought.

I wiped my face and hand before taking up the phone, starting the recording and pointing it down at Jess.

I had stopped thrusting to focus on her tits, so I pointed the camera at where I was half buried in her still, focusing the shot where our bodies connected. I pulled my cock out slowly, inch after inch, watching it appear from inside her like a handkerchief from a wizard’s sleeve.

Jess let out a soft groan as my tip sprung free. My cock was visibly coated in our fluids, and I smiled to myself, wondering if the videos with Carl had ever shown her as obviously turned on as this.

I tapped my cock against her gently, pushing it through her labia and stroking it up and down without pushing it in.

“Ohh…” She responded huskily. “Stop it…”

“Then tell me what you want,” I replied, continuing.

I pointed the camera up her body as I spoke, ending on her face, the pink flush from earlier that had been fading away rising once more.

“Just…” she began, as if unsure. “Just put it in…”

“Tell me what you want, properly.” I countered.

She blushed further, looking away from me, “I…”

“Come on,” I said, pushing the head of my cock against her vulva. “You were so confident a minute ago.”

“I want you to fuck me,” she stated. “I want you to put your cock in me.”

I felt my smile broaden, “Do you think you should ask your boyfriend?”

Her expression on the screen looked almost panicked as she looked right at it.

“I…” she began, looking to where I imagined Carl was sitting.

Her face turned back to me, and a smile tugged at the corner of her lips, “It’s too late to ask him now. He wants this.”

That was good enough for me. I aimed the phone down at where our bodies met and thrust. On the screen, it looked as if my cock wouldn’t fit inside her. I didn’t know if there was a filter or a strange lens on it, but it looked almost like an obscene third leg.

The head of my cock spread Jess wide open as it pushed past her lips. It disappeared into her, causing her to let out a moan of pleasure. I debated pointing the phone up her body to where she had her eyes closed in pleasure, but both of the other recordings should have been capturing that. Instead, I slowly inched into her, making sure the recording caught every inch disappearing into her.

“Oooh…” Jess sighed with a couple of inches left to go. “Oh, fuck…”

My cock twitched at her reaction, causing her to squeak. Instead of pushing in further, I began to thrust slowly; in and out, savouring the feeling – the way she reacted to me.

Her pussy gripped my cock as if it was trying to hold me in. Each inward thrust felt like she was pulling me deeper into her and was accompanied by a gasp of pleasure.

“Shit, you feel so good,” I grunted out, keeping the slow rhythm. “I need to fuck you now.”

“Mmhhmm,” Jess moaned in response.

I had raised the phone in order to stop the recording but happened to capture her face at that moment – her sensual lips were parted the smallest amount, beneath heavy-lidded eyes and eyebrows creased in what looked like concentration.

I stopped the video, dropped the phone and grabbed her hips.

Jess squealed as my cock plunged all the way inside. The angle wasn’t great; she was laying on her back as I kneeled in front of her, but my desire for her was unquenchable and urgent. I held her hips upwards as I began to thrust into her, my pace quickening immediately.

Her tits rolled around her chest chaotically, before she wrapped an arm around them, holding them in place so they almost rippled in time with my thrusts.

“Oh fuck!” She murmured, “Oh…”

I needed more, so I lifted her higher as I thrust into her faster and faster.

“Ah!” She cried in a mixture of surprise and enjoyment.

Her legs bent to hook around me just beneath my chest and I took a moment to enjoy the feel of her silky flesh before I continued thrusting.

“Fuck!” I exclaimed, masking my involuntary grunt of pleasure. “You’re so fucking hot!”

She didn’t reply with words, but her lips tightened into a smile, before drawing back she bit the bottom one, letting out a soft whimper.

Eventually, Jess’s moans began to escalate, and her hips began to rise and fall by her own power. I almost lost grip and dropped her, causing her to cry out as she slammed down hard on my cock. She recovered immediately, tightening her legs around me and continuing to bounce.

I couldn’t help but gape at her body; her stomach was tensing with each bout of motion – her abs becoming partially visible beneath her skin. Her breasts were still contained by her arm, but they shook hypnotizingly.

“Fuck me,” Jess moaned urgently, her voice little more than a husky whisper.

I tried, but her own movements had become wild and unrhythmic. I slammed up into her, over and over, crashing into her at the peak of her movement.

“Oooh…” She sighed, beginning to shudder.

I felt her buttocks tense against my fingers, and she crashed down onto me. I followed her last directive and continued thrusting into her despite this.

“Aahh!” She cried, voice undulating in time with my thrusts.

Her pussy tightened around me, and it became almost impossible to continue thrusting, so I pushed as deep into her as I could. She shook violently in my hands before letting out a high-pitched whimper and suddenly going limp.

“Babe?” Carl said, yet again reminding me he was in the room.

I let her fall back onto the bed and crawled on top of her, pushing her legs apart. I took hold of those magnificent tits of hers again, squeezing them and rolling her nipples between my fingers.

“Babe?” Carl repeated, coming closer. “Are you okay?”

She looked lazily up at him and smiled, “Mhmm…”

I heard him swallow before he responded in a quavering voice, “Are… D-do you… Should we carry on?”

“You’re not having second thoughts, are you, mate?” I asked, turning to look at him from inside his girlfriend.

“I…” he began, before Jess spoke over him.

“We’re only just getting started.”

“Sh- should- do you think we should try a different position?” Carl croaked.

This was different to the last time. I couldn’t tell from Carl’s expression or voice how he was feeling about this. He seemed to have loved it before, when he was part of it, but this was different. He was acting strange, jittery almost. I guess I couldn’t blame him: I was railing his girlfriend right in front of him and he was letting it happen.

“You should stop and change position,” he restated, voice still timid, but less croaky this time.

“Oh, for the video,” Jess said, looking almost surprised. “Let me on top.”

I acquiesced, pulling out of her, feeling almost grumpy that I had to stop for a time.

“Hmm,” Jess mused, getting to her knees, lips pursing.

Carl must have remembered that he was her boyfriend, as he spoke up again, “Ride him facing the door, so the camera gets it.”

Jess smiled, pushing me back against the bed.

“No,” I interrupted, my head on the pillows at the top of the bed. “I want to see your tits while you fuck me.”

She hesitated for the briefest moment, bringing a perfectly manicured nail to her lips as a smile began to appear on her face.

“Sorry babe,” Jess said, turning her smile to Carl. “You can record from the front if you want.”

“This is supposed to be my fantasy…” Carl complained, voice straining.

Jess ignored him, slipping her leg over the top of me so that she was straddling me, her knees either side of my hips.

“I’ll turn in a minute,” she said absently, reaching down to take my cock in her hands.

The view was amazing. Looking down on her, before, to see her perfect body respond to my assault was good, but it didn’t compare to this. Her breasts, now at the mercy of gravity, hung down tantalisingly close, her peachy areolas looking soft and ‘fluffy’ even though the nipples were still pointy and stiff. They swayed gently as she fumbled with my cock, somehow pert and perky despite their size.

Since I’d last slept with Jess, I’d fucked a couple of girls with tits near enough the same size. Emily: a bigger girl from the gym had larger breasts, but they were more pillowy and softer, sagging under their own weight, although not unattractively so. Even though Jess’s were slightly smaller, they were still huge and somehow still looked entirely full as they hung down from her.

“Oh my…” Jess sighed, closing her eyes, and opening her mouth in a small ‘o’.

I felt the tip of my cock push into her as she sank down on me.

“Oh fuck,” I groaned, feeling her slipping further and further down onto me.

I couldn’t help but notice Carl kneeling next to the bed, pointing his phone up at her as she began to sway her hips back and forth.

I couldn’t help myself any longer and groped for her breasts. My hands wrapped around her tits, and she moaned. I squeezed them in my palms, pressing my fingers against her hard nipples and stroking, pinching, squeezing.

It was like any sense had been taken out of me. I just wanted to maul her breasts with a hunger that I hadn’t known before. I wanted to shove my face into them and just… I didn’t know. All I knew was that I needed them and the sensual grinding and swaying she was doing on top of me was all that was stopping me from throwing myself at them fully.

The smooth, tight skin on her stomach moved hypnotically as her pussy rocked back and forth on me. She tilted back her head and let out a moan, hands coming down on my thighs. She continued like this, leaning backwards and grinding against me sinuously while Carl recorded, pointing his phone up at her.

For me, the feeling was okay, but the view was amazing. I was enraptured by her swaying breasts, flat stomach and gorgeous, somehow still perfect, face that occasionally looked down glazed with obvious pleasure.

“How is it?” I asked Carl, keeping my eyes on the sight of his girlfriend.

He took a second to respond, and I struggled to hear his reply, “She’s so beautiful… I…”

When he didn’t carry on, I tuned him out, looking back up at Jess, “Do you like taking cock in front of your boyfriend?”

She looked down at me, pleasure still written across her face, but her eyes had widened. She moaned an animal noise of pleasure before looking at Carl.

“I do.”

Her reply was simple, but it’s all I needed. I stopped groping her tits and slid my hands down her slim waist to her hips and bum, holding them tightly.

“My turn,” I smiled up at her.

I began to bounce her up and down on me. I was already balls-deep in her, but the impact of her coming down on me again made it feel like my cock was encased in a physical manifestation of pleasure. I assumed a similar feeling from Jess as her moans intensified.

“Oh fuck!” She cried. “Fu- fuck! Ahh!”

She let go of my thighs and leaned forward, pressing her hands onto my chest and looking down at me.

“Ah!” She let out a shrill squeak and it felt like I had hit a wall inside her.

“Oh- Ow! Ah- ah ah… Ow?” Jess let out a series of noises as her face contorted.

I was tempted to slow down, the look on her face could have been pain or pleasure. She made no move to stop me though, so I carried on.

“Fu- f-f-fuuuuuuuuhhh…” She screamed, her eyes locking onto mine.

Her eyebrows furrowed, and her eyes widened, even as her pupils seemed to do the very same thing right in front of me, narrowing her iris to a thin strip. Her face, which had taken on a slight blush before, was now rapidly pinkening. Her mouth made a perfect ‘o’ shape as she let out short sharp breaths.

“J- Babe?” Carl tried, from beside us.

She didn’t even look away, and I didn’t stop what I was doing.

“I-I-” Jess stuttered. “I feel… Oh- oh- oh- k-kee- aaahhh… Keep-”

I got the gist of it and kept going, moving my hips in time with her undulation on top of me. Her tits were so close to my face that I just wanted to smother myself in them, and my dick was begging for more action; not that this didn’t feel good, but I needed to fuck her harder.

I resisted my urges and continued.

“I think we should take a break,” Carl said, but I could see he was still pointing the phone up at her from beside me. “Ba-”

“-N-n-no- oooohhh…” Jess squeaked out, almost harshly. “Mmm…”

I carried on doing what she wanted. Long strokes, pulling her down onto my cock until my balls pressed against her arse, my cock feeling like it was pushing against something inside her each time.

Jess suddenly stopped moaning and started breathing rapidly, almost hyperventilating. Her fingertips began to dig into my chest, the nails scratching and sending short lances of pain through me. Her hips began shuddering in my hands, like she was having a seizure, and her legs tightened against me as I pulled her down onto me.

“Ba-” Carl began but was immediately cut off.

“-Oh my god!” Jess screamed, the most coherent she had been in several minutes.

She flattened herself against me, her soft tits hot where they pressed into me. Her face was buried in my chest, and I could feel the hot breath and the vibration of her throat against me from where she still cried out. Her body continued to shudder and I felt her pussy clamp around me, almost painful it was so tight.

“Did you cum?” Carl asked, into the saturated silence.

“I didn’t,” I replied, smirking.

Jess continued breathing sharply against my chest, almost vibrating, before I felt her relax, softening against me. Her breathing deepened and she turned her head to look at Carl, moving some hair off her face with a shaking arm.

“I’ve never cum like that before…” she whispered gently.

I looked to see her boyfriend staring at her, his face bright red, eyes watery. Yet he still pointed the phone at her. He reached out to her, and it looked like she was going to take his hand in return.

I began thrusting up into her like I’d been dying to the whole time she was on top of me, using my hands to raise and drop her hips in time with my own movements.

She croaked out a sharp moan of pleasure and I saw her hand grab the duvet just inches away from Carl’s own outstretched hand.

I continued slamming into her, no longer feeling the “wall” that I had felt previously from this angle. The noise immediately filled with the sound of flesh thwacking on flesh. Jess began to let out short squeals of satisfaction with each thrust.

She pushed down onto me, her tits pressing into my stomach as she groaned and began to bite down on my chest when she did so. I pushed her up, but she resisted, crouching over me so that her tits swung wildly towards my face.

“Ah! A-aahhh!” She cried.

I finally had my chance. I took one hand from her hips and pressed it towards her breasts, even as I pushed my own face towards them. Her nipples were rock hard and salty from where she had begun to sweat. I desperately kneaded each breast as I took the opposite one in my mouth rolling the stiffened tip around inside with my tongue and gently biting, sucking, and licking everything I could without any plan or reason.

Jess quietened above me, her breath now coming heavily through her nose like a panting dog, and I could feel the heat emanating from her body.

I could feel my own orgasm distantly approaching now that I was free to cut loose.

“Oh, fuck yeah…” Jess moaned quietly, seeming more composed than before.

My desire overwhelmed me, and I began to slam into her harder making sure to keep my hands firmly on her hips to control how fast or slow she moved up and down on me. Each time I slammed up into her, it sent waves of pleasure crashing through me and every time we made contact, it caused a loud smack which reverberated through the room.

“Oh yeah,” she crooned. “Oh, fuck!”

For a handful of minutes, the silence was only broken by the sound of our bodies clapping together. Her breathing quickened, as did mine. Waves of pleasure filling me and a tension building in my balls.

“Ah! Stop!” Jess cried. “Oh… St-Stop!”

My desire absolutely railed against me. But I listened, slowing, and then stopping. Pulling away from her tits and feeling my orgasm retreat.

She looked down at me, her pupils still wide with desire, face flushed and pink. I could even see a bead of sweat on her forehead where several strands of hair had fallen into disarray.

She sighed, “You can’t finish yet…”

I grinned sheepishly, “You’re too fucking hot.”

“Let’s take a break,” Carl cut in.

“If we take a break, are you going to want to start again?” Jess asked, her voice laced with something I didn’t recognise from her, as she dismounted me.

“I…” Carl began, stuttering.

To my surprise, Jess continued smoothly from the dismounting motion to spin and put her other leg over me, so she was facing away. The soles of her feet pointed at me from where she sat astride me and, somehow, even they looked perfect; soft, and unblemished. She really wasn’t from this world.

“This is all for you, baby,” Jess said huskily, groping with my cock again. “I want you to get everything out of this that you wanted. It would be a shame for you to have this opportunity and not explore it… Ahhh… Fully.”

I groaned in pleasure as she took me into her once more.

“Yeah…” Carl muttered, moving from where Jess looked down at him, over her shoulder, to the chair in the corner of the room.

Jess began, once again, to ride me gracefully, rolling her hips back and forth on me rather than rising and falling.

“Besides… Ahh… We’ve got to- ooh…” her words were punctuated by the moans driven from her with each lithe movement. “Give my fa- aah- fans a good show.”

I noticed that even though Carl’s face was red, his eyes watery and expression stony, his cock was rock hard and glistening. I looked away to enjoy the current view I had of Jess.

Her shoulders rippled in time with her movements, and somehow even the indent of her spine that traced down her back seemed erotic as it swayed back and forth, braided hair swinging wildly above it. Two dimples sat above her soft arse that looked as though they were made as a thumb grip if I were to grab her around the waist. I couldn’t help comparing her arse to Abby’s; it was smaller and tighter than Abby’s, but I imagined I could probably still slide my cock between her cheeks like I could with Abby.

After some time, Jess’s sensual riding seemed to be working for her, even if it wasn’t great for me. Her moans began to escalate, becoming more forceful, and she began grinding down on me harder. She was clearly losing control of herself again, so I reached up and grabbed hold of her breasts from behind, squeezing the stiff nipples roughly before she batted me away.

As I collapsed back on the bed, I felt my cock push deeper into her and she let out a cry, her hands came around and found my hips as she frantically escalated her movements, turning from graceful and fluid to urgent and wild.

After only a few seconds of this, she took one of her hands from my hips and wrapped it around the front of her body, where I couldn’t see it, only her elbow gently tracing circles in the air above her hips.

“Oh fuck!” She moaned, stiffening on top of me, her bum tensing to make the dimples more prominent, and I felt her pussy contracting lightly around me. She went still on top of me other than the rapid movement of her arm. All at once, she let out a sigh and let her arm drop to the side.

My cock slipped out of her as she collapsed gently backwards onto me, and then rolled to my side.

“Sorry,” she said, smiling up at me and looking almost embarrassed.

“Nothing to be sorry about,” I replied, getting to my knees.

Instead of asking where they wanted me next, I took the initiative. I shuffled off the side of the bed away from Carl and gestured for Jess to come towards me. She looked over to Carl, who nodded, his cock in his hand.

“What are you-” Jess began to ask as she crawled over to me.

I dragged her legs towards me, so that her bum almost hung off the side of the bed and leaned down to put my cock inside her again.

“Ooh,” she sighed, as it slipped into her.

I pushed in a few times before pulling her right against me and pressing down on top of her on the bed.

“Wrap your legs around me,” I insisted, feeling her comply before I had even finished speaking.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, enjoying the sensation of her soft body pressing so closely against mine, and lifted her up, stepping back.

Jess wasn’t a size zero, but if it weren’t for her breasts and bum, she would have been tiny and I was strong. I lifted her with ease.

“Oh god!” She gasped, tightening her grip on me.

“I’ve got you,” I smiled at her, and moved my hands to her hips.

I saw her smile relax as I picked up the pace, lifting her faster and then letting go, allowing gravity to assist me with each thrust, supporting her bum with my hands.

“Oh my-” she moaned, and I couldn’t tell whether it was physical pleasure or at the sensation of being manhandled.

I grinned, picking up the pace.

Jess began to grunt. It started with little whimpers escaping through her mouth each time I lowered her onto me. These grew more intense, with each thrust, until they became loud shrieks that seemed to shake us both. She dug her fingers into my shoulders hard enough to that I thought she would leave bruises.

The noises she had begun to make were like nothing I had heard from her before. She seemed to be lost in ecstasy now as she rode my cock with her legs tight around me, thrusting herself against me as much as I was lifting and dropping her.

“Aaaah! Aaahh… Ah! Fuh- fuck, I- oh god! Oh fuuu-ck yes- ah! Fuck, fuck, f-fuck- ahhhh- fuck! Fuck! Fu-uck yeeeessss- ahhh- aaaaaaaaahhhhh,” the continuous stream of ecstasy escaped from Jess.

Carl said something, but I didn’t hear it over her. All I could think about was how amazing Jess looked right now; finally, something beyond perfect – all flushed pink and wild eyed. Her face was contorted by euphoria and excitement and her hair had begun coming loose from the tight, perfect braids.

Carl said something again, getting to his feet. Jess turned to him, slowing, but not stopping in her movements.

“What?” She asked, breathlessly.

Carl paused, looking up at the beautiful girl riding me with abandon. His girlfriend. He bit his lip as he gazed upon this sight.

“Let’s take a break…” Carl stammered, watching me continue to lift and lower his gorgeous girlfriend onto me.

“What do you mean?” Jess said, slowing further.

Her hips still worked with me as I continued to use her like a toy, but she had turned her face to Carl now, expression worried.

Carl shrugged, “I… don’t think this is a good idea…”

Jess laughed sharply in disbelief. She was breathing heavily.

“Why not?” she asked, stilling entirely.

“I don’t know…” Carl said, sitting back down. “Never mind.”

Jess continued to look at him for several seconds before I felt her legs tighten and her hips begin to grind against me.

“It’s too late to stop, baby,” she whispered at him, before turning back to me.

She began moving faster and harder than before on my cock until we were both grunting loudly. Her screams seemed more exaggerated than before, and I couldn’t help but notice Carl begin to masturbate as he continued watching us.

After several minutes of our bodies crashing together, Jess’s cries got more urgent.

“Fuck me on the bed,” she commanded. “Now.”

I stepped back towards the bed and let her down in front of me, continuing to thrust into her. As soon as her back was against the mattress, she unwrapped her legs from my hips and pulled them wide with her arms.

I took that as an invitation and pulled them over my shoulders, folding her up and pressing her into the bed. Her screams immediately intensified. She went stiff beneath me, then started bucking wildly, pushing against me each time I buried myself inside her.

“Aaaahhh!” She screamed, pussy tightening on me over and over.

The night continued like that for what felt like hours. Each time I felt like I was going to cum, Jess would somehow sense and make us change it up. She seemed to bounce between wildly enjoying it to putting on a good show, meaning that I frequently had to do a position that she thought would look good, but felt rubbish.

Carl, too, seemed to flip-flop around different emotions. He hinted at stopping several times, but I would then catch him wanking himself off and the next moment he would be trying to direct us.

I could feel the tension rising in my balls as I fucked Jess from behind while she faced Carl, who furiously flogged his own cock, phone shaking wildly in the other hand.

“Fuck!” Jess cried as our skin slapped together. “Give me your cum!”

“I’m going to fucking cum!” I growled, feeling my orgasm rising.

“On my face! Cum on me! Give it to me!” Jess cried, looking over her shoulder at me.

An ice-cold moment of revelation came over me. Maybe this was my chance to finally fuck her tits. Surely that would be good viewing for her fans.

“Finish me with your tits,” I demanded, pulling out of her.

I moved to the other side of the bed, grabbing the lube that was on the bedside table and quickly squeezing a load out on to my cock, sending a shock of cold through me.

Jess had obediently kneeled on the floor next to the edge of the bed nearest the camera, and Carl was standing nearby, phone still in his hand, plugged into something in his other hand.

I shuffled over, and Jess took over immediately. My heart leapt as I saw Jess’s gorgeous breasts jiggle as she positioned herself between my legs, letting them slide along the shaft of my cock which disappeared between them.

She frantically started stroking me up and down with one hand, massaging the lube all over my cock. Her other hand wrapped around her chest, to pull her breasts around me.

She pulled her hand out and used it to press her tits together, smothering my dick. It felt amazing, like a blowjob from every possible angle. I moaned in ecstasy as she began rubbing back and forth in an almost frenzied way.

Her tits enveloped me, sliding up and down, almost entirely obscuring my cock. The sensation of having nothing but soft, hot, wet, skin surrounding me was indescribable – she knew what she was doing though; within seconds, I could feel myself starting to throb between her boobs.

“I’m going to…” I began to groan.

“Give it to me! Give me your cum,” Jess demanded, frantically stroking her tits around the length of my cock. “Cover my big tits in cum!”

I couldn’t hold it anymore. She had worked me so hard and now my balls were begging for release. With a cry of pleasure I let loose on her tits.

“Oh fuck!” She exclaimed.

The overwhelming release of pressure and pleasure sent me reeling. I reeled back as the first spirt escaped me. With the next, I collapsed down onto the bed, feeling my cock continuing to release a steady flow of spunk.

“Fuuuuck!” I grunted, pleasure emanating from my whole body.

I heard Jess gasp as my cock continued pulsing, but I could barely move.

“Fucking hell,” I heard Carl gasp.

I felt something around my cock and another bolt of pleasure shot through me, revitalising me enough to sit back up.

Jess was kneeling between my legs still, breasts pressed together as she held my cock in one hand. Her mouth was open, and eyes scrunched closed. She was drenched in cum. Not just her breasts, which were glazed in a sticky white coating that pooled in her cleavage where one arm held her tits together, but her face. A thick rope hung down from her forehead, over one of her eyes and onto her cheek, while lower down on the same cheek was spattered several globs. It looked as if she had tried to stem the flow with her mouth, because several strands ran down from her lips and chin, and where her mouth was open, I could even see a pool of cum on her tongue.

She swallowed, licking her lips, and bringing one hand to her face to wipe at it, eyes still screwed shut.

“What the fuck!?” She began giggling.

“What do you expect, you’ve been edging me all fucking night,” I shot back, feeling drained.

“Jesus Christ, mate…” Carl sighed, seemingly forgetting his phone as he let it fall to the side, before raising it again and pointing it at the mess that was Jess.

I laid back on the bed, feeling the pleasure draining away from me alongside all my energy.

I gasped, as I felt the tip of my cock descend into warmth.

Looking up, I saw that Jess had slipped the tip into her mouth again and begun sucking the remaining cum out of me.

“Oh shit,” I sighed, another wave of pleasure throbbing through me.

“I hope you enjoyed that,” Jess said sweetly. “I definitely need to clean up now!”

She giggled, and I heard shuffling, but couldn’t muster the energy to do anything other than bask in the afterglow.

When I finally sat up, Jess was standing near the ensuite door, Carl holding her as if to guide her – his phone on the floor near the camera, which no longer had the red indicator glowing, and was pointed towards the floor.

“Can you get the other phone, mate?” Carl asked over his shoulder.

“Are we not done yet?” I complained at being asked to move.

“Nah, let’s get some ‘behind the scenes’ stuff; Jess cleaning up and so on.”


“Yeah, come on. Bring it in here,” he said, stepping out of my view.

When I entered to hand him the phone, Jess was already in the shower. I still couldn’t help but admire her body. Her hair was finally dishevelled, strands hanging loose from the previously tight braids and her face was pink and flushed where it wasn’t covered in my seed. Her eyes were smoky, and she was coated in a sheen of sweat.

“You’re so fucking lucky, mate,” I sighed in awe.

“Thanks…” Carl said with little warmth.

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