Can We Be Saved by NylonDreams,NylonDreams

“I think Sarah said the right thing we can focus on. Our love will get us through this if we take our time to heal, listen and learn. Mind you the only thought in my mind at the moment is you as my clinic fantasy!”

Dorothy laughed, “You’re probably right. My emotions are everywhere but I do hope I can do that for you soon.”

I dropped her off and went to the apartment. As I sat down, I felt drained. My cock was hard at the thought of Dorothy fulfilling my fantasy, so I had to repeat my clinic assignment.

I picked Dorothy up for the next session. She had been crying. She looked at me, “You were right. I did need that space to absorb all that had been said. I’ve been a wreck.”

Sarah greeted us and asked, “How have you both been?”

I spoke softly, “I have found the last few days difficult. I saw the many opportunities to have a deep discussion with Dorothy, I had missed. I recognised I had ignored her body language. Her words hadn’t resonated as they once did. I was so focussed on that deal, I cast her aside as she said.

“If I had been more loving Jeremy rather than business Jeremy, we could have avoided all of this.

I blushed badly, “Having said that, my mind has also dwelled on Dorothy wishing to be my clinic fantasy. It arouses me and gives me hope we can be better.”

Sarah asked, “Dorothy?”

Dorothy was nervous. Her voice trembled. “Jeremy didn’t come home but explained why. He was right. The last few days have been a rollercoaster. I see hope and a future but then I plunge into despair, everything has ended. I’ve cried more tears than I thought possible.”

She looked concerned as she focused on Sarah and then at me, “I found I misled you. Sarah asked about my anger and I told you what fuelled it. It wasn’t the whole truth.

“As I went through everything, my mind told me, I’d lied to you. Underneath my surface anger, if you like, I was at war with myself. My conscious and subconscious minds were in such conflict. I don’t think I was truly aware of how much the battle fought with the counsellor was one which was also taking place within me. I do know, I never felt a moment of peace for months until we talked on Tuesday.

“Jeremy must have felt I had withdrawn from him as I was so short, constantly finding fault with him. I don’t understand why I did that.

“I’m sorry I lied to you as I know only the truth can help us.”

Sarah smiled, “Dorothy, you didn’t lie. Tuesday we opened doors for you to examine yourself. Through that you found this. This battle shows that a big part of you wanted to do the right thing. Understanding that will help you as we go forward. This may happen on further occasions. Our conscious mind does not always know what we have hidden.”

You could see the relief in Dorothy at Sarah’s words.

I started softly, “Dorothy, as Sarah says you’re not alone. I found that we started missing our usual close discussion far earlier. Throughout our time together, you have been the one trying to mend my mum and me. Your family is so close and loving, you want that for me. It must be a year ago, you brought up a holiday to Greece to take in all the mythological sites as I love old Greek myths. I was keen until you suggested taking my mother.

“She loves Greece, Sarah.

“You went on at me, it would give us a chance to rediscover a good relationship. I think it was then, I stopped listening so closely to you. The fracture began then, it just widened due to the other stuff later.”

Sarah took notes, “You’ve mentioned your mum a few times, I think we shall speak more in our private sessions. You may feel you have control of your feelings surrounding her but you are hurting still.

“Your point is well made. Something you didn’t see, caused a fracture, however small. Like frozen water in a crack, it expanded as your work, the clinic and the counsellor all worked on it.”

The rest of the session dwelt solely on how we spoke with each other, what didn’t we like hearing from the other and seeing in their reaction. We both came out feeling battered and bruised, heavily.

We went for a meal again. It was good. We spoke about other things. Dorothy shocked me as we were having coffee.

She said evenly, “Jeremy, I’m not asking you to come home yet. You were right about our emotions and I think today’s session will knock me around for a few days. I’m seeing Sarah on Monday morning.

“I do and I hope you do, see, despite how she has cut us to the marrow at times, she’s raised hope we can survive. Not as we were but as you said, changed for the better. I didn’t know how some of the ways I talked to you sounded dismissive, especially when we talked around your family. I really need to look at that and your response.

“I do think she was right when she suggested we do things together, like this. In that context, I have a question and a request.

“The question is this. My pussy has reached the stage I need to book in for a waxing if I am to keep it bare. I know you loved running your fingers through my pubic hair but you have never experienced my bare pussy, to kiss, caress or fuck. When you described your clinic fantasy, you never said if I was bare or hair. Would you like to experience it bare? If you do I’ll keep it bare until we have fucked a few times. You can say what you prefer after that. I’m open to either.”

I stammered, “I hadn’t really thought about. I suppose experiencing it first wouldn’t do any harm. You may like being eaten, fucked or not, when you are bare. It would be a new experience for both of us.

“What’s the request?”

She blushed, “I’d like you to go shopping with me. What I intend is for both of us. I think I know what you like but I want to have your opinion on what I propose to buy. Also, if I’m right, my cards won’t cover it. If you think I’m wrong about what I intend or you don’t think it worthwhile, you say and I won’t buy anything.”

“What is it?”

She smiled, “I’m not saying. A little mystery to heighten the experience for you. Also, think of a roleplay you would wish me to participate in with you.”

This time it was me who was blushing.

As I pulled up in our driveway, she turned to me and kissed me. While restrained, I could feel the passion behind it.

She was really blushing as she spoke nervously, “If you wish to come in, I’ll wash my pussy. You can eat me out and then fuck me on the settee. I really want to feel you in me and hold you in my arms as you fuck me.”

I was shocked. Dorothy never instigated sex. She didn’t like it being outside the bedroom. I was gathering my thoughts when she began unbuttoning her blouse. Anyone passing could see her.

She smiled as my eyes were held watching her fingers. “I wish I had a nicer bra on for you. Maybe you were thinking about a titty fuck in the car. I should have encouraged you when we were courting. We can court again and keep courting.”

I was mesmerised. When she had all the buttons undone, she did that trick of removing her bra through her sleeves.

“Well, I see some part of you would like to play. It’s your decision.”

I cracked, “Inside!”

Dorothy smiled and ever so slowly, moved to the house. She didn’t close her blouse. She made sure I saw her breasts at every opportunity as she unlocked the door.


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