Can We Be Saved by NylonDreams,NylonDreams

For once Dorothy was honest, “I don’t know. My emotions are everywhere.”

I answered, “Likewise.”

Once at the clinic we were separated. A young nurse explained what I had to do. I was blushing like a teenager seeing his first boob. She did have a nice set. I may not play around but I do appreciate the scenery.

She told me, “Often men find it difficult to cum which is understandable in the circumstances. We have some magazines, graphic or words if these help. There are some DVDs. I’ve found that if you think of your favourite sexual position or fantasy with your wife, how she reacts as you make love or fuck, visualise what you see, you can cum quickly. If you can cum again do so. When you’ve finished lift the phone, it goes to my desk and I’ll come and collect everything.”

The books did nothing so I visualised Dorothy, tied up as I edged her. I imagined fucking her tits and cumming over her face. I came quickly. I didn’t really go down so I started again. This time I ended up fucking her mouth. I came again. It took me longer to get going the third time but I came out of her mouth and fucked her till she was screaming for it, harder and harder.

I must have released any blockage as a huge amount came out. I was done. 27 minutes in total. Ian would have loved my cardiac workout.

When I recovered, I lifted the phone. The nurse came in and smiled as she lifted the tub which was over half full. She turned to me, “The wife?” I just nodded.

I waited in the reception until Dorothy came out. She looked drained. I tried to hug her but she didn’t allow me to.

As it was lunchtime, I suggested we grab lunch. She agreed. I knew her favourite spot but I drove to a new restaurant for us.

It was fairly quiet but the food was excellent. Dorothy asked, “When did you discover this place?”

“I didn’t. I thought a neutral place would be best, one without memories for us.”

I asked, “How did it go for you? You looked so drained when you came out. I know women complain about their cervical smears and breast screenings. My mum said, if they did our balls like her breasts we have a new system within a month.”

Dorothy laughed, “Sounds about right. I’ll give them their due, they were very good. They explained everything they were going to do and used local anaesthetic sprays where necessary so it was a lot better than the last place. Apart from you and doctors no other man has seen my private parts. How did yours go?”

I laughed, “The nurse was a godsend. She told me how men got off easier. It worked. I came three times so filled more than half the tub.”

Dorothy laughed, “Three times. We never managed that.”

I smiled, “Well, this time we did.”

She looked perplexed, “Spill it, what were you thinking about?”

I smiled, “The nurse said to think about how you make love with your wife, one of your fantasies and her response. I had you tied up and was titty fucking you, something I’ve always wanted to do. The thought of your breasts and my cock aroused me so quickly, I came so fast, over your face and tits. I didn’t go down so I started again. This time as I titty fucked you, your mouth was open so I began fucking your mouth. Soon, I came in it. You smiled as you swallowed. My hand was still playing with your pussy. It was so wet, I became hard and began fucking you. “Harder! Harder!” you shouted. It took longer but I came again. I must have broken the dam as so much came out.

“I was shattered. 27 minutes for three orgasms. My cardio workout was through the roof.”

Dorothy looked shocked. “You’ve never said you wanted to do any of that?”

I replied, “I did try but you gave me the frozen shoulder for weeks. I wanted to edge you like you did me but you wouldn’t allow me. I should have been more demanding but I feared losing you if I was.”

If her look was to be believed she found that I feared losing her to be a shock.

I continued, “We never talked much about sex because you shut me down and I didn’t want to cause more rows. I wasn’t happy and I don’t think you were either. I didn’t have the words to say what I needed to say without causing offence. Sarah thinks she can help us but it will take a lot of work.

“You might have already decided, you don’t. I don’t have any say into what you do. It has to be your choice.”

Dorothy looked at me determinedly, “You said our marriage had changed. What did you mean?”

I thought I could fudge it but Sarah said, “lies don’t help.”

“Dorothy, what was sprung on me showed me, how far apart we had drifted. I had hoped that with my work going well and me being home early it would help rebuild what we had. I was home but you weren’t.

“When I said, it had already changed, I meant I realised we had to change what we were doing. We couldn’t rebuild what we had. I wasn’t sure I wanted too anyway. If our relationship was to have any hope, it had to change, for the better. Not by having lovers or an open marriage but communicating better, having a better marriage, a loving marriage.

“When you came home and we argued, I didn’t hear anything from you recognising we had to change together. It was only about you. I’ve never felt so devastated as you didn’t think I was due any consideration. The week was purgatory, the chill between us could have stopped global warming. Then on Friday night, you left, flaunting how you were prepared for your lover. When he sent that tattoo, it was the final straw. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to leave.

“I knew you would try and contact me but I couldn’t speak with you. If I let my anger out, I didn’t think we’d survive. When I saw the messages you sent, I was even angrier.

“Sarah has helped me see there may be hope but it needs both of us. Neither of us can commit to that right now. She sees these tests as a way of bringing our fears out. She thinks you didn’t like what the other clinic told you and reacted to that. Instead of speaking together we ignored our problem.”

Dorothy looked at me. “If you don’t want what we had, what is it you want?”

I looked into her eyes. I saw the pain, “Dorothy, whatever we do, it has to be about the two of us. Maybe we are both so scarred we can’t get over what has happened and may only end up as friends, only being able to be sociable together. Sarah has helped many couples like us, reset their marriages, build a life together with a great sex life. Some couples can’t be fixed but she was hopeful for us. She said my anger was so strong because my love for you was so strong. She’s helping me lose the anger and focus on the love.

“You have an equal say. If you want to work on our marriage as an equal partner, we may survive. To me what you were doing, suggesting, was abusive. It wasn’t love. Honesty is required but I’ll let Sarah tell you herself.”

She looked at me, contemplating her answer, “Sarah seems good for you. Belinda told me she had found someone to help you. I should have known she would pick someone very good. I’ll have to see what she says. What you say and how you react to what I say. It won’t be easy.

She looked down, a very determined look came over her face, “Why did you cancel or restrict all my cards?”


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