Challenger or Challenged by tdallyn,tdallyn

“So, what’s the mystery surprise tomorrow,” Jake asked finishing off a glass of water.

“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

“Did those photos of me that you took have anything to do with it?”

“Maybe,” Diana answered coyly. She was on her second large glass and knew that she’d need even more.

“You didn’t post nude pictures of me on Facebook or something, did you?”

Diana looked directly at him. “I would never do anything like that without your permission. Your trust means everything to me. I never want to violate that, and I’ll never take it for granted.”

“Thank you. That means a lot.” He paused. “But I’m curious as hell.”

“I like you being curious. Curiosity leads to exploration, and that worked pretty well for you this morning didn’t it?” Jake chuckled. He couldn’t disagree. “What else might you be curious about that we can discover together?”

“I imagine that with you the sky’s the limit.”

“No reason to restrict ourselves to the sky. I recall promising to fly you past the moon, and I intend to keep my promise.”

They spent the rest of the evening chatting and enjoying each other’s company. Jake had never felt so comfortable with another person as he did with Diana. Even being naked the whole time wasn’t odd. Not only did it feel natural having her gaze at his body, it was as if being any other way with her wouldn’t be good enough. They went to bed and fell asleep early worn out from their day of carnal exertions.

“Come on sleepy head,” Diana’s voice roused Jake the next morning. “It’s ten o’clock, time to get up. We’ve got things to do.”

He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and gratefully accepted the cup of coffee she was holding out to him. Jake thought how he could get used to waking up like that, in the company of a vivacious sexy, and naked woman offering him coffee. He took a few swallows and followed her into the bathroom.

“You’re good at this,” Diana said sitting down on the toilet.

“Huh?” Jake asked looking at her reflection in the mirror as he brushed his teeth.

“Sharing space.” She stood and flushed the toilet. “You don’t seem put off by me peeing, or seeing me floss, or stuff like that.”

“I grew up with a lot of brothers and sisters in a house with only two bathrooms. One of those belonged to my parents, and it was strictly off limits to us kids. So there had to be a lot of sharing when it came to the bathroom. Anyway, you don’t seem offput when you see me pee or brush my teeth, so why should I with you?”

“Well said. It’s just that it’s the kind of thing that most people aren’t comfortable with.”

“Hmm? That seems weird to me. Besides, your tits shimmy when you brush, and your ass looks awesome when you bend over the sink.”

Diana laughed. “Jake Brunner, you are a horn dog. I had no idea.”

“How unfortunate for you, I guess.” He leaned down to spit out the toothpaste.

Diana gawked at his ass thinking that she actually might be the most fortunate person in the world. As she did, a spike of fear shot through her, and she immediately pushed the thought from her mind. They had more coffee and finished a light breakfast just as the doorbell rang.

“Perfect timing. I’ll go let her in.” Diana hopped up to answer the door.

Jake jumped realizing that he was naked and Diana was about to let another woman into the condo. He ran into the bedroom searching for his clothes. Not finding them, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. When Jake came out Diana was engaged in a lively conversation with a woman who was at least twenty years her senior. She was pear-shaped, with wide soft hips, weathered, olive-toned skin, and gnarled hands with which she was enthusiastically gesturing as she spoke. He couldn’t understand a word she was saying, but Diana did and was nodding in response to everything the woman said.

“There you are,” Diana said waving him over. The woman said something in what Jake could now tell was a foreign language. She chuckled as she pointed at him. Diana giggled.

“What is she saying?”

“She said that you look ridiculous wearing that towel.” The woman said something else. “And she says that you should just take it off since she’s already seen you naked.” Both women laughed.

Jake gripped the towel even tighter around him and took a half step back.

Diana immediately felt bad. Laughing when Jake couldn’t understand the conversation was not the way to build trust. “Let me introduce you. Jake this is my Auntie Sophia. Sophia, this is Jake.”

The older woman stuck out her hand to Jake and said in heavily accented English, “It’s nice to meet you in the flesh.” Her grip was firm belying her appearance. “And you look even better in the flesh than you did in the pictures.”

“I’ll explain everything,” Diana said quickly, before he could react. She ushered them into the living room and explained that Sophia wasn’t really an aunt, but her deceased mother’s best friend whom she grew up with in Greece before they both emigrated to the United States.

“Her mother and I were a bunch of hippies, you know,” Sophia said. “The whole thing, Woodstock, anti-war, marijuana… free love,” she added with a wink. “We even shared a VW van. It was right out of the history books.” She accepted the glass of water that Diana had brought over from the kitchen. “I helped raise this beauty. We made sure that she understood everything we loved about the Sixties and also about the old country. She’s turned out very well, don’t you think.” Sophia pierced Jake with her eyes. It felt like the kind of challenges that Diana had given him.

“There’s no way I’d dare disagree… with either of you.”

Sophia let out a lighthearted laugh, then said, “You don’t seem like a politically correct wimp. I think you really mean that.”

“I do. But when the time comes that I don’t agree, you will know it.”

‘When the time comes,’ not if.” Sophia raised her eyebrows. “This one has backbone. I like him.”

Diana startled herself when she said under her breath, “So do I.” She quickly sat up straight. “Sophia is my surprise. Well not actually her, but what she’s got for you.” Jake noticed for the first time the large suitcase that the older woman had brought. “She’s a professional fashion consultant and with her help, we’re going to overhaul your wardrobe.”

“What’s the matter with my clothes?”

Sophia slapped her knee and chuckled, “Well right now, nothing at all,” she gestured to him. Jake couldn’t help but laugh along with her.

Diana squeezed his knee. “Like I’ve said a million times, you are beautiful and have a body that is a joy to look at. With a little tweaking we can make the view even better.”

“What you put next to your skin is important, so we will start with a good foundation.” Sophia opened the case and pulled out a handful of clothing. Jake was stunned. She was holding up very skimpy bikini style underwear, some of which looked almost transparent.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Diana said. “But I also know that you’ll look great in these… and I’ll love looking at you in them. Plus, they will feel really good against your bare skin.”

Jake wasn’t sure. Sexy stuff was for women. Guys wore boxers. But Diana sounded so eager, and he wanted her to be happy. “How do you know they will fit?”

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