Challenger or Challenged by tdallyn,tdallyn

“I wasn’t just taking pictures of you yesterday. I was using a phone app that takes your measurements. I sent them to Sophia so that she could bring things that will fit you.”

Sophia waved a pair of underwear at him, “Let’s get you feeling as good as you look.” Jake stood, took the clothing from her, then turned to walk toward the bedroom. “No need for that. I’ve already seen you naked.” Her eyes were twinkling.

Diana was sitting on the edge of her seat anxious to see what Jake would do. She’d invited Sophia over to push the boundaries of his public modesty as much as she had to improve his clothing. She loved watching him on display in front of others, and wanted him to learn to like it too.

Jake studied Diana carefully and saw the desire that practically bubbled off her. Not only did he want to accept her challenge, he also wanted to please her. He didn’t know why him getting naked in front of Sophia would do that, but he didn’t care why. Jake dropped the towel.

Diana and Sophia quietly gasped then smiled warmly and invitingly. “Excellent,” Sophia said.

Jake pulled the underwear up his legs. They fit snugly on his butt and swooped from his hips down low to the front letting a few wisps of pubic hair show over the waistband. The pocket that barely restrained his genitals was, as he first noticed, partially translucent. It was easy to see his prominent cockhead, the veins running along his shaft, and his hairless balls.

“Oh, I really like those,” Diana said. “How do they feel?”

Jake had never worn anything like them before and had thought on first seeing them that they’d be uncomfortably tight. He was surprised how good they felt, snug and supportive, but not constraining. The cloth was smooth and comfortable, and extremely breathable. The slight draft in the room tickled his bare skin. He smiled at Diana. “Actually, they feel great.”

“You look incredible,” Diana gushed. She leaned forward and smoothed her hands first over his butt, then over his crotch. Her touch was like delicious electricity, and he began getting hard.

“The fabric will stretch. You shouldn’t feel pinched even when you’re erect,” Sophia said.

“Good,” Diana said and stroked him completely stiff in less than a minute. The tip of his cock pushed at the waistband and the fabric bulged in the front but kept him contained. The strained fabric was even more see through then before. “Beautiful,” Diana murmured and kept caressing him. “What do you think Sophia?”

“If you mean the underwear, I think they fit perfectly and look very good both when he’s soft and more so when he’s hard. If you mean, what do I think about your man, the word that comes to mind is,” she said something in Geek.

Diana smiled and a hint of redness colored her cheeks. She looked up at Jake, “She means that you look good.” Sophia rolled her eyes at Diana’s comment and Jake was sure that whatever word the wizened woman spoke meant something else. He resisted the urge to push the issue and decided to enjoy the surprisingly good feeling of being the center of Diana’s pleasure as well as Sophia’s.

He tried on several other pair of equally revealing underwear. Each time Diana assessed how he looked both without and with an erection. And each time she solicited Sophia’s opinion and approval. Jake found himself savoring the attention. After finishing with the underwear, they had him try on jeans, linen pants, and khakis. “You have a great ass,” Diana said. “Don’t hide it in baggy pants. And here,” she cupped his cock and balls. “This should be shown off too.” Jake thought he was finished after the pants but wasn’t surprised when Sophia pulled tapered shirts out of the seemingly bottomless suitcase. By the time they’d finally finished Jake had a selection of new clothing and Diana looked happy. “Don’t even think about wearing those old baggy jeans to work. Us girls deserve to see you looking hot.” Diana said to Jake. She hugged Sophia. “Like always, you’re a miracle worker, bringing out the best in everyone.”

“Thank you. You’re both very beautiful, and it’s my pleasure to help that show through.”

“Well, with everything that you’ve done today there’s not warm-blooded woman blooded woman in the world that won’t drool over this sexy man.”

Sophia kissed Diana on the cheek and quietly spoke to her in Greek. Diana blushed again and saw her to the door where they hugged one last time.

Jake carefully folded the clothes and laid them on the sofa. “Thank you. That was more fun than I thought it would be.”

“Do you mean getting new clothes, or once again being naked in front of two women who were enjoying the display?”

“Honestly, a bit of both.”

Diana hugged him. “That makes me very happy.” She kissed him on the lips. “Everything you picked really does make you look sexy. I’m especially going to love thinking about you in that underwear.” She shuddered. “I’ll probably be wet all day. I know you’re going to like the way it will make you feel, especially with all of that bare skin Vanessa gave you. Speaking of which, let’s not forget your daily treatment.” She spun him around and gently pushed him toward the bedroom. “I’ll get the oil, you spread a towel over the bed. I only have so many sheets and you used up a set last night.”

“Yes, we did.” Jake walked to the bedroom wondering if Diana was going to treat him to another p-spot orgasm.

“Here we go,” she said walking into the bedroom with the bottle Vanessa had given them. She handed it to him.

“Um, aren’t you going to do it like yesterday?”

“As much as I enjoyed that, I know that you can be self-sufficient. Men who take care of themselves are very attractive.”

Jake shrugged and poured a little of the oil onto his hand and began dabbing it onto his groin.

Diana scowled. “It’s not going to satisfy either of us if you do it like that. You should take care of yourself properly.” She looked him in the eye. In a flash Jake understood what she wanted. “Show me,” she murmured. “Show me how you can satisfy yourself. Show me your ultimate pleasure.” Her voice was low and husky, filled with lust and it entranced Jake. He nodded.

Like every other male, Jake occasionally masturbated. He’d never done it in front of anyone, and certainly not for a woman, but he could tell that how badly Diana wanted him to masturbate for her. Despite his uneasiness, he wanted to thrill, not just to satisfy her. Carnal desire coursed through him as he poured a generous helping of the oil onto his rapidly hardening cock.

“Oh, yes,” Diana breathed. Jake coated his skin, smearing the slick liquid over his pole and down onto his sac, “Vanessa said to treat everywhere she lasered. Don’t leave any part out,” Diana’s eyes were wide. “Please don’t,” she was almost begging.

Jake understood what she wanted and rearranged himself on the bed propping a pillow under his lower back in order to expose his butt, then added some behind his shoulders so that he could reach everywhere and at the same time watch Diana. He poured on more lotion so that it oozed over his perineum and down toward his opening. “This is what you want, isn’t it?” Jake asked already knowing the answer.

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