Challenger or Challenged by tdallyn,tdallyn

“Okay, I’ve got it,” Vanessa’s voice brought Jake back to attention. “We can take care of everything below the waist down today. The rest we’ll do another time. I’ll start with the front.” She prodded him to turn back over. “I need trim everything very short before using the laser.” She picked up an electric razor. “Most of my clients find the vibration quite stimulating. I hope that you will too.” For the next few minutes Vanessa ran the trimmer over his cock and balls and onto Jake’s perineum reducing the week’s growth of pubic air that had accumulated since Diana had last shaved him. He did his best to keep from getting hard as the razor vibrated against him.

Diana saw how Jake struggled to keep from getting erect. It was what most men did, try to hide their pleasure, and that was exactly what she wanted to train out of him. She thought that men in general, and especially her men, should feel comfortable demonstrating arousal. “It’s okay,” she said quietly to him, “Let yourself go. We’d like that very much.”

“Mmm huh,” Vanessa murmured absentmindedly as she continued. “We would.”

A flood of relief washed over Jake as he relaxed. Blood poured into his groin and his cock inflated. “That’s much nicer,” Vanessa said and ran the razor one last time around the base of his shaft, over his tightening sac, and along his perineum. “All done,” she announced. “I’m going to apply some numbing medication.” Vanessa leaned over him, “You’re going to want that. It needs to sit for a while before I start with the laser.” She sprayed a cold mist onto his cock and balls then had him roll over and did the same along the length of his crack. “Lasering does hurt a bit, but I know you can handle it and that you’ll appreciate the end result. All of my men say so.”

For the next twenty minutes Jake and the two women chatted about their lives while the numbing spray took effect. At first, he felt awkward sitting naked in front of two fully clothed women, both of whom openly stared at him enjoying his state of arousal. But after a while it began to feel normal, and even quite pleasant. He was the source of their delight. Even displaying his erection made him feel good. Diana was beaming.

“Time to begin,” Vanessa said. She handed them protective googles, put on her own, and pulled the laser machine toward her. “We’ll go as slowly as you need me to,” she said. “If it gets to be too much, just say so and I’ll stop.” She flicked the on switch and the machine hummed to life. Unceremoniously she gripped Jake’s mostly hard cock, pulled it to one side and placed the probe against his sac. The first laser pulse surprised him. It felt like a taut rubber band striking his skin and he gulped back a yelp of pain, determined not to show his discomfort to the women. Vanessa moved the probe over his genitals as over and over again the machine zapped him, eliminating pubic hair with each light pulse. Jake settled into listening to the hum of the device, feeling the stings, and listening to Diana’s ongoing monologue about how much they’d both enjoy his hair free genitals. After an uncertain period of time Vanessa put the device on pause and directed him to roll over and return to the chest-down-ass-up position he’d been in before. “This part hurts a little more.” She restarted the machine. The laser on his balls had been uncomfortable, the pulses between his cheeks and around his anus were downright painful. It was only because he refused to show Diana weakness that Jake kept from asking Vanessa to stop.

“That’s it for now,” Vanessa finally said as she sat back, removed her googles, and turned off the laser. Jake slumped flat from the ass-up position he’d been in. “You did very well. Especially for the first treatment,” she said, gently caressing his butt cheek, “It’s rare that a guy will let me do as much as you did without stopping me.” She looked up at Diana, “This one is cool.”

“Yes he is,” Diana said resting her hand on the top of Jake’s head and stroking it in a loving fashion that surprised even her.

“You know about the post treatment skin conditioner,” Vanessa said to Diana. She prompted Jake to sit up and got his attention as she pressed a small bottle into his hand. “You should apply it at least once per day. It protects and rehydrates your skin. Be gentle with yourself for the next day, especially after this first treatment. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself,” she said with a grin. “Just don’t overdo it is all I’m saying.”

Diana grabbed the bottle, “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure that we take good care of your handiwork.”

“You better,” Vanessa said.

“Wait a sec,” Jake rasped. “What do you mean by ‘first treatment’?”

“I’ll see you in four to six weeks to repeat this and get the new growth.”

Jake groaned imagining another series of uncomfortable laser treatments. “Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll be with you every step of the way,” Diana said.

“And they get easier with each round,” Vanessa added. She stood up. “You know what to do,” she said to Diana. To Jake she said, “Schedule on you way out. I truly enjoyed working with you. I’m looking forward to our next time together.” The door clicked closed as she exited the room.

Diana descended on Jake as soon as the door latched. “Oh my god, you did so well, and you looked so incredibly hot. I can’t believe that you stayed hard the whole time. It was beautiful.” Jake hadn’t been aware that he’d been erect throughout the painful laser treatment. “It was even better than I thought it would be,” Diana gushed. “Your hard cock and Vanessa just inches away with her hands all over you. She wanted you bad. She was practically licking her lips the whole time.”

After checking out and scheduling his next appointment, Jake and Diana made their way back to her car. “So, how do you feel?” She asked as they pulled out of the parking lot.

“A little sore, but otherwise ok.”

“That’s to be expected, but it’s not what I was asking. I was wondering how you felt about the whole experience; being naked in front of a stranger with a hard on and me watching, and her with her hands all over you so obviously turned on?” Jake didn’t say anything. “It’s not something that a lot of men can do.” She squeezed his knee. “You were very impressive.”

“Thanks,” Jake smiled.

“And I think you also discovered something new.” Jake raised his eyebrows, but remained silent. “You liked when I touched your ass, didn’t you?” It wasn’t really a question, but Jake nodded. “I’m glad that you’ve recognized that’s another way that I can please you.” Diana’s voice took on a more serious tone. “I really want you to be able to enjoy everything without any reservations, even if it feels awkward at first. There’s nothing I won’t do with you if it makes either of us feel good. I love making you feel good, and I want to explore with you and hope that you want to do the same with me.” He could feel Diana’s sincerity.

They pulled into the parking garage attached to Diana’s building and walked up to her condo hand-in-hand without speaking. They had drinks, ate a take-out dinner, watched tv, cuddled on the couch, and settled into bed together early. Diana asked Jake to stay the weekend, rather than return to his own place like he usually did. “I want to take care of you,” she said.

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