Chunky Dunkin

Lydia and her boyfriend Lex, sat in her car on the hill overlooking the old rock quarry. Taylor sat in the backseat but was leaning forward with her elbows on the back of the seat. “You two need to be down there swimming and diving with everyone,” Taylor said.

With a chuckle, Lydia asked, “Why aren’t you down there?”

“Because I look silly in a bikini, even if I could find one that would fit me,” Taylor replied with a sigh.

Lex turned and looked at his friend. “Leave the top off and no one would notice anything else.”

“Yeah, right,” Taylor replied.

Lydia chuckled. “He’s right. I could leave the whole bikini off and no one would notice.”

“I’d notice,” Lex said quickly.

“So would I,” Taylor whispered.

Lydia looked from her boyfriend to her best friend and back again. “But you guys don’t care if I’m flat chested with no ass at all.”

“Taylor more than makes up for what you ain’t got,” Lex said with a wink in Taylor’s direction.

“Like twice,” Taylor said with a frown. “No one would want to see my fat ass.”

“Hey now!” Lydia said. “You have to have something to balance out those big boobs of yours.”

Taylor blew a raspberry and leaned back in the seat. “You guys go ahead. I’ll stay here and watch.”

“Oh! There goes the first bikini top,” Lex said with a laugh.

Lydia sighed. “It had to be Carol Bay.”

“It usually is,” Lex said as he watched the next young woman jump off the high flat rock that was used for a diving platform. She came up with her top on.

“Who will be next?” He asked a moment later.

Lydia shook her head. “Now it is just luck of the draw and who missed the landing.”

“I’ve always wanted to jump off that rock naked,” Taylor said as she sat back forward.

Lex looked around at her with his eyes wide. “I’d love to sell tickets to that. I’d make a fortune.”

“Yeah, a fortune off two tickets,” Taylor said softly.

“I think there would be more than that,” Lydia said.

“Like who?” Taylor asked.

“At least half the guys,” Lex said. “More if they got a glimpse of your boobs as you walked out there naked.”

“I could name a few women who would be so shocked they wouldn’t be able to look away,” Lydia said with a grin.

“And then there are the three lesbians,” Lex added.

Taylor groaned and leaned back. “The splash would wash everyone out of the lake.”

“It couldn’t be worse than some of the cannonballs the guys do,” Lex said.

Lydia looked at her boyfriend hard. “That was mean.”

“Mean but true,” Taylor said with a sigh. “In any case, it will never happen.”

“Never say never,” Lydia said with a grin.

“I’d break a leg on the ice in the pond when hell freezes over,” Taylor said as she sat forward and leaned on the seat back in front of her. Her eyes followed the next young woman who jumped off the high rock. “It does look fun though.”

“It is in a scary sort of way,” Lydia replied.

“So go do it,” Taylor said.

Lee opened his door. “Come on,” he said as he got out of the car taking off his t-shirt. His swim shorts were big and baggy.

Lydia sighed as she opened her door. Looking at Taylor she said, “At least get out and sit on the hood of the car, if you’re just going to watch.”

“I’ll think about it,” Taylor replied as Lydia got out of the car and took off her t-shirt and shorts. She was tall and skinny looking in just her bikini.

Taylor sighed and watched as her friends followed the path down to the point leading out to the flat rock. She had her one piece bathing suit on under her clothes but there were too many people around for her to take the clothes off.

As her friends got in line to jump off the rock, Taylor opened her door and got out of the car. She leaned on the door and watched a couple jump off the rock hand in hand. They hit the water side by side. The girls bikini top was up around her collarbones as she swam toward shore.

The next to jump was a guy who did a fancy cannonball that ended in a big splash. The next guy she recognized from the college diving team. He did a beautiful jackknife dive and made very little in the way of a splash.

She took off her t-shirt and tossed it in the car. She moved to the front of the car and leaned on it as she watched the next young woman jump off the rock. She noted that this young woman had her feet pointed toward the water and her arms crossed below her breasts.

This young woman made a small splash and didn’t lose her top. “So there is technique to this jumping off thing,” Taylor muttered to herself.

Next up was Lee, who did a cannonball that made a big splash. Lydia did a pretty swan dive that ended with a good entry into the water. As they swam toward shore, Lydia waved to her and she waved back.

Taylor studied the big rock and wondered why it wasn’t cut up like the rest of the rock from the pond. “Maybe it’s the wrong type of rock,” she muttered as she watched a line of people climbing up to jump off again.

Between the ones climbing and the ones at the waters edge at the bottom of the hill, there were about twenty people. “Way too many for me to be running around in my swimsuit,” Taylor whispered.

Her eyes caught on the tall topless blonde, Carol, climb up the steep slope along side the rock. Her breasts weren’t that large but they were full with very large nipples. Taylor’s hands found the front of her swimsuit but she jerked them away quickly. Her nipples were even larger than Carol’s were.

She watched everyone jump or dive off. Then it was Carol’s turn. She noted how her breasts rose up as she leaped up in the air and stayed that way as she fell feet first into the water. Her arms were over her head. Taylor winced as she thought about how the water would hurt as it hit the bottoms of her breasts.

Carol seemed not to be effected by it as she swam toward shore. A few moments later, Taylor smiled as she saw the way Carol was rubbing the bottom side of her breasts. “Yeah that stung,” she said with a smile.

About then, several large rain drops hit the hood of the car. Taylor looked up to see a large black cloud rolling over the area. She scrambled to get int the car. As she got the door closed, the bottom fell out. She could barely see through the windshield.

Lydia appeared at one door and Lee appeared at the other. They were dripping wet as they got in the car. As they were drying off, Lydia said, “Damn that rain is cold.”

“Tell me about it,” Lee replied as he looked around at Taylor. “This rain should thin the herd.”

Taylor looked around and sure enough, cars were leaving the parking area. Looking back at Lee, she shook her head. “A few will stick around and just make out in their cars.”

“That’s one way to warm up,” Lee said as he leaned over and nuzzled Lydia’s neck.

Lydia laughed and pushed him away. “But we have an audience. She’s a good friend but….”

Lee moved closer to Lydia and said to Taylor, “Just ignore us.”

“Right. The girl who hasn’t had any in seven months is going to ignore you two,” Taylor shot back.

Lydia looked at Taylor with wide eyes, and said, “Seven months?”

“Who were you dating seven months ago?” Lee asked.

“The who is none of your business,” Taylor said sharply.

Lydia chuckled. “I know who and if I remember correctly, I told you he was only after one thing.”

“Yeah, and he got it in spades. I think I scared him,” Taylor said with a big shiver.

“Scared or scarred him” Lee asked with a grin.

“The claw marks on his back might have left scars,” Taylor replied with a grin of her own.

“Ouch,” Lee said quickly.

Lydia looked at him and said, “You’ve never complained about me scratching your back.”

“From you I expect it,” Lee said.

“She’s the same as me but with longer nails,” Lydia shot back at him.

“Okay, okay, I get it,” Lee said as he moved away from his girlfriend.

Lydia looked at Taylor. “Sharpen your nails, I’m thinking about tossing him over the seat.”

Taylor shook her head. “He’d die very quickly.”

Lydia laughed and Lee said, “Die? What do you mean die.”

“Have you ever had a fat girl sit on your face? Or on the other end for that matter?” Taylor asked. When Lee shook his head, She went on, “We get very, very wet and if you can’t breath through your ears you’ll drown.”

Lydia laughed at Lee’s shocked expression. “How wet are we talking?” Lee asked looking at his girlfriend.

Lydia shrugged and said, “How the hell should I know?”

Lee looked at Taylor, who was laughing her ass off. “I guess I’ll have to take your word for it,” Lee whispered softly.

“You better,” Lydia said. “Or we’ll both hurt you.”

“Uh, at the same time?” Lee asked with a grin.

Taylor shook her head and said to Lydia, “The boy don’t listen. I could kill him by myself.”

“Hell I can almost do it. He has no stamina,” Lydia replied.

“You need to work on that,” Taylor said to Lee.

Lee groaned and scooted over toward Lydia. “I was trying to do that when we got sidetracked.”

“If the rain stops, I guess I could take a walk,” Taylor said looking outside. The rain had lightened up and there were only two cars besides Lydia’s in the parking area and they were far to the right.

“Please do,” Lee said as he leaned over and nuzzled Lydia’s neck again.

She chuckled and grabbed his head. She pushed down on his head and said, “You need to work on that breathing through your ears thing.”

“Okay, that’s my cue to take a hike,” Taylor said as she opened her door and got out. She wiggled out of her shorts and tossed them in the back seat. She closed the door and turned to walk away.

The rain was just scattered drops now and yes they were cold. Taylor shivered and headed down the trail towards the big rock. She hadn’t meant to go that way but she did. When she reached the top of the rock she walked to the edge and looked down.

With a shiver, she back up. The water looked a longs ways away from up here. She looked around. Only one car besides Lydia’s was left on the hill. She moved back to the edge and looked over. “One time, just because,” she said As she took a deep breath and leapt over the edge.

She heard a scream as she fell and only realized it was her own as she hit the water. She came to the surface spitting and sputtering as she hurriedly wiped water from her face. Her heart was beating wildly and she was grinning from ear to ear as she swam toward shore.

Taylor sat on a rock letting her heart calm down but she couldn’t quit grinning. “Holy shit!” she said loudly as she stood up.

She hurriedly found the path and climbed back to the top of the rock. She was breathing heavily as she reached it. “I need more exercise,” she said as she stood on the edge of the rock and looked around. There were still two cars on the hill.

Her hands came up and caressed the front of her bathing suit top. He nipples were already hard and tingles as she rubbed across them. She looked down at the water and over at the two cars. “I wish I had a bikini. I’d jump off topless,” she whispered.

She wondered if she could pull the top of her swimsuit down and jump that way. It wouldn’t stay down as she fell so she discarded that idea. “Without the suit,” she whispered and then she jumped off quickly before she could think on that idea for very long.

There was no scream this time but she did find herself laughing all the way to the water. She swam to the surface and then toward the shore. She was grinning all the way. Her heart wasn’t beat so wildly this time so she passed up sitting on the rock and head up the trail toward the top of the rock.

By the time she reached the flat of the top she was winded and needed to sit down. She sat down on the edge and let her legs hang over. She was swinging her legs as she got her breathing back to normal. She kept toying with the straps over her shoulders as she did.

The straps were off her shoulders as she took a deep breath and sighed. She worked her arms out of the straps and looked at the front of her swimsuit. The suit was tight across her breasts. Her hands came up to caress her breasts again and then the area under her breasts and down across her belly.

She shivered as one hand wandered down between her thighs. The material of the suit was cool bordering on cold except over her sex where it was very warm. She jerked her hand out from between her thighs and stood up quickly. She shivered as she looked at the two cars on the hill.

“Everyone is busy,” she whispered as she shoved the top of the suit down around her waist. Standing topless on the rock made her hips jerk as she groaned deeply. Trying not to think, she folded her arms under her bare breasts and jumped. She wasn’t screaming or laughing this time.

Taylor hit the water. Her arms protected the bottoms of her breasts but not her nipples. She doubled up as she came. She was still coming as she reached the surface and took several deep gulps of air. “Holy shit!” She whispered as she rolled over on her back and floated.

Her hands were by her sides most of the time but ever so often they would come up to caress her breasts. Her nipples had a tingling stinging sensation that felt different from anything she had ever felt before. Different but wonderful.

As her body calmed down, she chuckled and whispered, “I’ll have to remember to keep my legs together. A slap like that on my clit could make me drown.”

With a giggling laugh, she rolled over and swam to shore. She sat on a rock to rest and looked at the trail up to the top of the rock. “With my top up or down?” She asked aloud and then laugh. “Down of course,” she answered her own question.

Standing up, she caressed and massaged her bare breasts. She groaned softly as she headed up the trail. She was breathing hard as she reached the top. “I’m going to hurt tomorrow,” she whispered as she used her hands to cover her breasts.

At the edge, she grinned as she realized her hands could only cover the bottoms of her breast or her nipples but not both. She backed up a couple of steps and whispered, “How bad can it be.” With a grin on her face, she took two quick steps and jumped up in the air.

She had her her hands over her head and her feet pulled back as she fell. At the water she straightened her legs and feet but left her hands over her head. Her feet hit the water and her body rolled backwards slightly. She felt the water slap her ass but her breasts and nipples weren’t effected that bad.

She surfaced and swam to shore. She sat on the rock and thought about the angle of her feet and how that had curved her body to the rear. With a smile, she stood up. “Learning by doing. It works every time.” She had a grin on her face as she headed for the cut back to the top of the rock.

She walked to the edge and looked toward Lydia’s car. Lee was standing at one open door with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. Lydia was standing by the driver’ door with a big grin on her face. Lydia didn’t have her bikini top on. The thought that they both might be naked crossed her mind.

Movement at the other car caught her attention. Carol was standing next to that car naked. The guy with her was coming around the back of the car. He was naked also. His large dick was swaying from side to side as he walked over to stand next to Carol.

Taylor was frozen in place. She had an audience for her next jump. A naked audience at that. A big shiver ran up and down her spine as she thought about jumping naked. Why not, one part of her brain asked. Are you crazy, another part replied.

Not allowing herself time to think about it, Taylor shoved her bathing suit down and kicked it to the side. She backed up a couple of steps and took a running jump off the edge. She heard cheers and whistles from the direction of the two cars.

She had a big grin on her face as she hit the water. The water slapped her butt and her breasts. She came up gasping for air. The bottoms of her ass cheeks stung, as did the bottoms of her breasts. Her nipples had an itchy stinging burn to them. She groaned as she rolled over to float on her back.

“Hey, move out of the way,” she heard someone say from above her a few minutes later.

She looked up to see Carol standing on the edge of the rock. Taylor used her arms and legs to do the back stroke away from the rock. About the time she stopped and relaxed, Carol jumped off the rock. She hit the water and came up gasping. A few seconds later, she laughed and swam toward shore.

Taylor watch her ass as it wiggled from side to side as she swam. She heard a yell and looked back toward the rock in time to see Lydia falling toward the water. She was as naked as Taylor was. She came up laughing as headed for the shore.

Lee was the next one in the air. He was naked but he didn’t do a cannonball. He hit the water feet first. He came up, wave at Taylor and swam toward shore.

Carol’s friend was next. Taylor groaned as she saw his big dick was still hard as he fell toward the water. He came to the surface and grinned at Taylor. “I’ve wanted to do that ever since I was a kid,” he said before he headed for shore.

Taylor rolled over and swam toward the three people on the shore. Swimming naked was different from swimming with a suit on, she realized quickly. Water flowed around and over places it never had before.

As she reached shallow water, she stood up. The water was just below her breasts. “You’re crazy but we love you anyway,” Lee said with a laugh.

“Why haven’t you been down here with us before?” Carol asked.

“No one wants to see my fat ass,” Taylor replied.

The guy with Carol said, “Hey now. You’re our kind of people.”

“Yeah, crazy,” Carol said with a grin. “Not to mention, more boobs that I have.”

“I told ya,” Lydia said as she stood up. “I want to do that again before the crowd shows back up.” With that said, she headed toward the cut up to the top of the rock.

There was a line behind her. Taylor brought up the rear. “I definitely need to find a bikini,” she said with a grin.


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