Conquest of Elysium Chapter 04 by Hellcat41979

Introduction: The fate of the Goddess Vestus and her followers is decided. , Chapter 04

A warning to readers.

This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like *bestiality sucks” or ” your sick” and so on.



Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be considered under eighteen years of age. With a story of this nature I will not be able to list the ages of every character or make specific notations regarding ages of groups. Please do not read something into the story that wasn't intended by the author.

Chapter 04

Tying up loose ends in preparation for the next phase.

My journey to Desolation Pass had been quite beneficial. Not only we found and captured the Oracles but there were additional benefits. First was the hidden Oracle compound. The second was the enslavement of Pallus and her High Priestess. As well as the turning of the Elite of her temple guards to our cause. Unfortunately it also left a bunch of loose ends to take care of.

Mostly due to the decision that Pallus was more use to us amongst her sisters spreading distrust then as just another slave bitch. This meant the whole incident had to remain secret. So I needed to take care of those loose ends before anything else could be done. Otherwise we unnecessarily risked discovery.

The first order was the Oracles compound. Evan with the eunuchs dead there were others that knew of the compound. Unfortunately just finding these individuals would be problematic let alone silencing them. So I decided to make it appear as the compound was destroyed by a cave in.

All the entrances and openings to the compound were filled with rubble. Next I case an illusion over these to make it look as the roof collapsed. I went a step farther when a cast a spell on the rubble to prevent someone from being able to to dig through it by making the rubble collapse on to anyone that tried. Finally I created a new concealed entrance from the valley below the trading outpost.

The next loose end was the oracles themselves. While both me and Apollon would of loved to parade them before the people in chains before gang raping them all. Unfortunately it just wasn't possible so any thoughts about raping the bitches were pushed a side. Now we had the bitches in our possession their ability of foresight was more valuable then the sexual use of their bodies.

So besides the standard collars and shackles each of the bitches were fitted with chastity belts. They next were paired in somewhat comfortable cells in the dungeon secretly built beneath King Edward's castle. Once they were locked in the secret dungeon we insured they were cared for by deft mutes.

Interestingly we had next to no issue with their obedience. Since we decided not to rape them (at least not yet) and we don't regularly torture them like the eunuchs. It was actually preferable for them to be under our control. Something few bitches could say when presented by our involvement.

The next issue to deal with was Pallus's priestesses. Once Apollon finished with Pallus's initiation as his slave. We came up with a plan. Starting with the two priestesses back in their quarters above the Oracle Chamber we would enslave them all starting with those two. At the same time we would convert their guards to our cause again starting with the remaining members guarding the other two priestesses.

First the guards on our side secretly brought both the remaining priestesses and the uninitiated guards back to the Oracle Chamber. Pallus would give the guards the same orders that were given to the guards we already initiated. This included the restraining of the priestesses and ripping their clothes from their bodies. Once the remaining priestesses were wearing collars and shackles the fun began. All of the guards were exposed to the ritual then turned loose on the priestesses. Once the guards had been fully converted to our cause and of course the priestesses soundly violated we gave them our next orders.

They wouldn't tell anyone what happened to them. They also would began making changes within the temple. To keep their enslavement secret a spell was placed on the priestesses and Pallus to conceal their collars and shackles. Yet once they were back at the temple they would slowly began working on increasing the number of people under our control.

The first part was getting collars and shackles on the remaining priestesses. Next was bringing the remaining temple guards over to our side. Now the only problem was both also required me to be there. So it wasn't until after enslaving Porseron that I would be able to initiate most of the plan.

In both parts of the plan the High Priestess's private chambers proved to be the perfect setting. The guards that had accompanied the High Priestess's party to the Oracles were first granted access to private chambers. Next we would began secretly bringing a few of the uninitiated guards into the fold. Starting with those directly responsible for the priestesses private sanctum. Then the rest of the guards would be initiated after all the priestesses had been enslaved.

The enslavement of the priestesses will be a bit more challenging as it is necessary to get collars and shackles on three of them right away. Those three and the two we enslaved in Desolation Pass made up the High Priestess's inner circle. They also were the only ones allowed in the High Priestess's private chambers. So we needed them under our control before the rest of the plan could be put in place.

This task was also required done immediately upon the return of the High Priestess's party. So before I set out for the Domain of Porseron had to first journey to Pallus's Main temple. Next I had to sneak into the temple. Thankfully it had an identical escape tunnel to Artimos's Temple.

While the other priestesses were distracted by the High Priestess's return I was waiting in her private chambers. The High Priestess would bring each of the priestesses to her private chambers. Once each of them were there a spell was cast to knock them out. They were then quickly collared and shackled before they woke up.

The most problematic of the plan started once they came to. This was the initiation of the rest of the Elite guards. Since we didn't want to be discovered by the rest of the guards or priestesses I couldn't allow any screams to be heard. So I quickly cast a spell on the High Priestess's Private Chambers. The spell would prevent any sounds from being heard outside of the room. Later on I would expand the spell to cover the rest of the sanctum but for now I needed one area safe from ease dropping.

The aspect possesd the most risk so I cast several more spells on the private chambers. The first was to create a pocket of concealment for myself in a corner. Next was a barrier on the doorway that allowed people to enter but not exit the room. Finally I temporarily concealed my staff in the very center of the room. Then each of the priestesses were forced to kneel around the staff. The guards were then quietly brought to the High Priestess's Private Quarters.

Once the uninitiated guards were there I would activate the ritual. Once exposed to the effects of the ritual they would be unable the resist what happens next. They would began removing their clothing before transforming to canine forms. They then would proceed to rape the first available bitch they could find.

Hours later the ritual would have run it's course. Each guard would've raped the priestesses multiple times. But more importantly they would know first hand the benefits of siding with us.

Not that they really had a choice in the matter. Between the effects of the ritual and the fact they'd just raped the very people their sworn to protect. This left them with the only one option open to them. Joining our side and working with us.

Willingly or unwillingly wasn't important to me at the moment. Those that weren't completely loyal could be delt with blackmail once they'd taken part at least once in the ritual. It was as simple as reminding them if they talked about what had happened they would be executed the same as everyone else.

While not perfect it would help keep the ones we were doubtful about in line until we were in better control of the temple. In the meantime we would gradually enslave the remaining priestesses and initiate the remaining guards. Once compete control of the temple had been established we would establish control over the queen and military.

Though with exception of the High Priestess's inner circle and the Elite of the Temple Guards they would be ignored until after the campaign against Porseron. Until then all parties involved would behave normally to avoid discovery of our involvement within the temple. As soon as I had the time I would return and complete the job.

Two months after the fall of Porseron I was back in Pallus's Temple to complete the enslavement of her priestesses and the initiation of the rest of the guards. In that time the High Priestess and her inner circle of priestesses had been repeatedly violated by the elite of their guards. During this time Pallus had establish her own place within the slaves of Apollon.

While she was still a slave and expected to submit to Apollon's will Pallus was given complete authority over her other enslaved sisters as their mistress. This included having her sisters submit the any sexual demand Pallus had. Along with administering any necessary punishments or if she just felt they deserved a whipping. Granted given what Artimos had done to Pallus's daughter Artimos was usually the recipient of such whippings.

Ironically it was the story of Artimos and Pallus's daughter that lead to my encounter with Pallus at Desolation Pass. It seams several generations ago Artimos had Pallus's human daughter kidnapped then tortured in her temple. Pallus's daughter was then trapped for all eternity in a marble statue. This was some sick ritual she'd come up with where the priestesses of her sisters suffered similar fates. In fact these were the same statues I had so many questions about myself.

Now while the other goddesses either didn't notice or ignored Artimos's actions it was more personal for Pallus. So personal for her that she was willing to thank her brother's High Priest for enslaving Artimos. At least until I took advantage of the Oracle's prediction against Pallus.

Then when we learned the story about Pallus's daughter Apollon saw another opportunity. While the collar guaranteed Pallus's obedience having her loyalty would be an even greater prize. So once Pallus had been thoroughly ravaged by Apollon she was given an offer she couldn't refuse.

In exchange for her eternal submission to Apollon's will she would be given a higher slave status then her sisters. This same status would also include the privileges regarding the sexual use of her sisters bodies. Along with administering any punishments upon her sisters as she saw fit.

Artimos was naturally the hardest hit by this privilege. It wasn't uncommon for Artimos to receive the harshest punishments for committing the slightest offense. While Caros and Porseron were Pallus's favorites for their skills at pleasuring other females.

It wasn't uncommon for me to visit Apollon's realm and find Pallus with one of those two kneeling between her legs licking her pussy. Though Pallus even found a way to dominate her sisters when she was required to service Apollon. From making them lick her pussy while she sucked Apollon's cock. To making one of the three suck Apollon's semen from Pallus's orifices after he raped her.

Not that Pallus was against providing pleasure to her sisters. If her sisters were truly obedient to Apollon or herself. Pallus would allow them the privilege of providing them sexual release as a reward. Either from her fingers or if they were really good by licking them through several orgasms herself. This treatment garnered better results then just relying exclusively on fear and the collars so both Apollon and myself had taken to using similar techniques.

Pallus's submission to Apollon and her dominance over her sisters was something we had decided to try with her followers. Once the rest of her priestesses were enslaved we would give them the opportunity to exert control over other slaves. First with each other then priestesses from the other temples. I even had several ideas about how I would proceed with this plan.

The easy part was the enslavement of the rest of the priestesses. All that took was having the High Priestess summon them to her private chambers one at a time. I then equipped each of them with their own collar and shackles. It wasn't even necessary to rape them at that time.

That necessity came in to play with initiating the remaining temple guards. Five or six of them at a time would be taken into the Priestess's Private Sanctum. I would then activate the ritual and they ended up raping several of the priestesses. I would then sit back and watch usually with the High Priestess sucking my cock until the ritual had run it's coarse. We would then repeat this same process with different guards and priestesses until all of the guards had been initiated.

Once that happened we had a special ceremony to celebrate. It even had two special guests. Namely Apollon and Pallus joined us for the festivities. Pallus and all of her priestesses were repeatedly gang raped by every male in the temple. We then took a break while we allowed the bitches to lick each other to several orgasms before raping them some more.

The only difference between this celebatory orgy of rape and those we had with of the other goddesses is we remained in human form. Partially to make better use of the bitches' available orifices. Along with completing the initiation of the guards. But mostly it was so the bitches would gain more experience at sexual subservience to human males and not just those in canine form.

It was easy to get a recently enslaved bitch to drop to all fours and be mounted by her new master when he's in canine form. It was a lot harder to get a recently enslaved bitch to climb on her master's lap and ride his cock when he was in human form. Throw in taking cocks up their asses while sucking other cocks and stroking cocks in each hands was a true test of a slave bitch's obedience. Of course it didn't hurt having Pallus acting as an example of how an obedient bitch was expected to act.

After the orgy we put the next phase of the plan in place. During prayer the priestesses' consciousnesses were allowed to journey to the other realm to commune with Pallus as she went about her own duties. This not only included her sexually satisfying Apollon but also her domination of the other goddesses. They were allowed to experience the rewards and punishments, the pleasure and the agony of their goddess as Pallus set an example of what was expected of them. Along with what we would reward their obedience with.

That just required the enslavement of the next key bitches in the domain. Namely the queen and bitches in charge of the military. The Queen's enslavement was easy. At least once a month she came to the temple for a private prayer session with the High Priestess. I just had to slip the collar on her while she was in a trance.

The head of the Royal Guards was harder. I found this bitch was to highly observant and proficient at her duties to get close enough to get a collar on without an alarm being sounded. Until Pallus herself suggested the plan that ended up working.

Since the queen was already under our control it was a simple matter of extending and invitation for the Head of the Royal Guards to join her private prayer session with the High Priestess. I then place a spell on a statue of Pallus within the High Priestess's Private Chambers that would knock out everyone in the room. I would then wait in a hidden room while watching with the seeing crystal. When everyone was deep in prayer I would activate the spell leaving everyone unconscious and unable to stop me from placing the collar and shackles on them.

The plan worked so well we used it on all the officer bitches in the Royal Guards along with the heads of the military. We even used these prayer invitations to began initiating the males in the Palace Staff and Royal Guards along with enslaving the bitches on the Palace Staff. About the only bitch in the palace we didn't enslave was the princess. Her we had isolated to a secluded section of the palace until we were ready to enslave the rest of the bitches in the domain.

Part two


The time I spent in Pallus's Temple finally made Apollon and me decide it was time to return home and deal with something both of us had been putting off. That was dealing with Vestus and her followers. Early in the campaign we crossed paths with Vestus. While ultimately to our advantage we still had to make concessions we didn't like. Sadly this encounter also cost me the second bitch I'd claimed her High Priestess Kathleen. So I had the additional incentive of getting her back.

This is also where I fill in the the part of the story between the attempted assassination of King Edward and the enslavement of Artimos. I had taken both Kita and Kathleen back to The Temple of Female Subjugation. Along with the two bitches I had brought the small statue I found in Kathleen's possession.

This was a communication idol that allowed the various priestesses to commune with their goddesses. It also allowed the goddess represented by the statue to be summoned to our realm by her High Priestess. In this case Kathleen could communicate with Vestus and in an emergency summon her to provide help should she become endangered during her surveillance mission.

Unfortunately for Kathleen i incapacitated her before she could use it. Otherwise we'd all been at the mercy of Vestus before suffering horrible deaths. Instead Kathleen and the other bitches ended up at our mercy and suffering horrible lives.

Once back at the Temple of Female Subjugation Apollon told me of a special room that had an interesting affect on divine beings like him and Vestus. Once in this room Vestus would be just a powerless bitch the same as Kathleen and Kita. Getting her in this room would allow me to overpower without any difficulty

Now this was where the problems began to come up. First this room was inaccessible due to it being in a collapsed section of the temple. Next I would need to somehow get Vestus into a room she knew would render her powerless. Preferably before she could bring the temple down upon me.

With nothing else possible until I could get in that room I started digging in my free time So between continuing my training and violating the bitches I began to clear rubble. I eventually incorporated this into my training and got quite proficient at moving the rubble with my powers. Until a little over a month later I was able to crawl into the room.

Here I discovered that the room still blocked the use of devine abilities. Mostly by accident when I tried to use my own powers to move some of the debris from it and realized I had finally found the room. This was when I began testing the boundaries of the room's power blocking effect. I quickly learned it was only once you passed the doorway that it took effect.

This knowledge allowed me to form a simple plan as I cleared a larger passage. First I would make Kathleen summon Vestus into the corridor directly outside of the room. I would then immediately pull Kathleen into the room and bait Vestus to follow us through the doorway. Hopefully with the rush to rescue Kathleen from me and the remaining rubble in the corridor Vestus shouldn't recognize the room until she was inside of it.

For an additional precaution I would cast a new spell I'd learned on to the outside of the doorway. This spell would allow someone to pass through the barrier I'd put in place but they couldn't get out. That way once Vestus was inside of the room she couldn't flee before I physically overpowered her. Combine this with other preparations I was ready to act.

Taking a naked and blindfolded Kathleen I made my way through the corridor. Waiting just outside of the room was the communication idol. While keeping a good grip of her hair I commanded Kathleen to summon Vestus.

As Kathleen chanted the idol began to glow. As the chant progressed the glow surrounding the idol accompanied it growing. Until the idol finally reached human size and the glow began to fade away. Finally standing in the idol's place would be Vestus herself.

I only had a couple of seconds to act at this point and moved to seek the safety of the room. I'd love to tell of my grace as I twisted through the doorway as I pulled Kathleen behind me. Then how I fearlessly taunted Vestus to follow me through the doorway with threats about what I was going to do to her High Priestess.

However I was so scared from being in the presence of a goddess that I couldn't say a word. Then in a moment of panic I lost my footing and literally fell backwards through the doorway. It was then Kathleen's screams as she was painfully dragged by her hair behind me that got Vestus to blindly follow us.

Once we were all in the room together that I was able to get control of my fear. Mostly after Vestus tried to use her powers on me and they didn't work. I'm certain she then realized were she was and immediately tried to duck out of the doorway. As she struck the barrier I'd put in place I had finally calmed enough to act.

I shoved Kathleen into a corner as I threw myself at Vestus. The two of us crashed to the ground on top of each other. Disoriented during our tumble Vestus landed on the ground face first with me coming to rest on top of her. With her pinned by my weight I was finally afforded the opportunity to think clearly.

Being able to remember the plan I shifted my body around until I was straddling Vestus's back with both legs. I next pulled the length of rope I had hidden in my robe. Taking ahold of one of Vestus's wrists I pulled her arm behind her back. I let the rope rest on her back as I pulled Vestus's other arm behind her with the other one. I then used the rope to secure her wrists together while Vestus began to scream threats at me.

Though I knew she couldn't do much restrained like this I decided to take things a bit further just to be safe. Using another length of rope I tied Vestus's legs together just above her knees. Yet another length of rope was raped around her arms just above her elbows. Vestus's ankles were next secured together using the other end of the rope tied around her wrists.

The last thing delt with was Vestus's mouth. While I knew she had no power to carry out the threats she'd been leveling towards me. I was tired of listening to her scream at me. Unfortunately I'd not planned for this part but I was able to improvise a gag fairly easily once I ripped Vestus's flimsy garments from her body. Until finally the only sounds she made was a series of mumbles and grunts.

Only once Vestus was completely hog-tied and gagged did the realization hit. Not that I had the Goddess of Passion helplessness and at my complete mercy. But how I was only alive at this moment through the dumbest of luck. If I had stumbled and fell any other way then I had it would've been me at Vestus's mercy.

Looking at Kathleen cowering in the corner made me realize that I needed to be better prepared in the future. Given what I was doing Vestus wouldn't be the last of the goddesses I would come across. Just as I wouldn't have the same advantages that had saved me this time.

Mostly I needed out of the room for a while to clear my head. Rising on shaking legs I moved towards the doorway until I remembered the barrier. Normally I'd worn a charm that would allow me passage through it but the charm wouldn't work in the room. Digging into the layer of dirt covering the floor I quickly found the piece of string. Pulling the string revealed the charm outside of the doorway. Slowly I eased the charm closer being careful not to fully pull it through the doorway. Until finally it was properly positioned to create a gap in the barrier.

Only then could I exit the room but I hesitated just before I could go through. I realized even though both Vestus and Kathleen were restrained they couldn't be left alone together. Looking at both Kathleen and Vestus laying on the ground I realized they could work together and free themselves from their bondage. I knew Vestus would have stay in the room but Kathleen didn't.

So I walked to the corner were Kathleen was still cowering with her arms shackled behind her back. Getting her to her feet was as easy as grabbing a handful of that long strawberry blonde hair. With several painful tugs I had her standing. Instead of having her walk from the room and possibly nocking the charm out of position and trapping us all I decided to throw her over my shoulder.

Before I carried Kathleen from the room I took the single torch providing light. I paused just outside of the doorway to take a final look at the once proud goddess laying face down and hog-tied in the dirt. Looking back at Vestus I saw her focused more on the charm then me. Realizing immediately what she was thinking about I kicked the charm as far down the corridor as I could. As the opening in the barrier collapsed I saw tears forming in Vestus's eyes from the sudden realization of her helplessness.

I could even hear a few faint sobs from the room as I moved further down the corridor. Turning the first corner a saw the canvas sack right were I left it. Even though the contents of the sack would be necessary to truly subduing Vestus I picked the sack up and brought it with me. I still wasn't sure about the restraints I had made and wanted to make one last check before I used them.

Knowing that even if Vestus escaped her bounds she'd still be trapped in the room would give me ample opportunity for this check. It would also give me plenty of time to have my way with Kathleen before I checked on Vestus again. It would also probably be best to contact Apollon and inform him of how thing have progressed so far.

First things first I was going to have Kita give Kathleen a bath. While I did get enjoyment out of seeing a sheltered bitch like her all disheveled and covered in dirt. I preferred her clean and well groomed whenever I raped her. Over the disheveled state she'd usually be in once I finished with her.

Even as terrified as I'd been in Vestus's presence I almost wanted her to see Kathleen that way when we returned. Granted I was also looking forward to the opportunity to getting Vestus's body to a similar state once got a crack at her. Yet first I needed to be sure I could have just as helpless once I took her from that room.

I ended up letting Vestus wait down in that dark room for several hours. Before I leaned my staff against the wall I disengaged the barrier spell on the doorway. This was when Vestus lunged at me and I saw she had managed to free her legs. Even with her momentum I was able to brace myself for the force of her body hitting mine. This left her only accomplishing one thing. Bouncing off of me and falling back to the floor.

Before she had a chance to try anything else I threw myself on to her and restrained her with a choke hold. Wrapping my left arm around her throat I then positioned right between her head and body. Using pressure applied with my right arm I began to slowly and carefully strangle off Vestus's air supply. Vestus was definitely the most terrified one us this time as she struggled to breathe. Realizing this gave me just enough brovado to get the following statement out.

“Bitch either you cooperate or I'll just snap your neck and be done with you. Or you can be the good little submissive bitch you were born to be and obay my every command. But regardless of which choice you make know this I'm the one in control not you. Do you understand me, Bitch?”

With a final sob Vestus stopped struggling with me and nodded her head she understood. Relaxing the pressure against her throat but maintaining my hold on her I helped her stand. I then turned her so she could see the doorway. Taking a breath I called out.

“BITCH!!! Get your ass in here with that bag!”

I wish I could have seen the look on Vestus's face as Kathleen timidly walked up to the doorway. Though based on the gasp that heard she was shocked to see her High Priestess standing before in that state. Kathleen couldn't even look at Vestus she stood trembling with her head bowed and my semen running down her legs.

Wanting to farther demonstrate my control over Kathleen. Gave her series of commands. These were mostly to take the contents of the bag out. But when Kathleen didn't hesitate to kneel before the both of us holding the gold collar Vestus knew she'd get no help from her High Priestess with me present.

This would be proven undeniably when I moved my arms down from Vestus's throat and ordered Kathleen to put the collar on her. Once a trembling Kathleen had finished that task I turned Vestus so she was facing me. My next command was for Kathleen to untie the rope securing Vestus's arms behind her back. Once the rope was off of Vestus's wrists and arms I had Kathleen quickly replace it with a golden set of shackles. A matching set of shackles was next placed on Vestus's ankles before I released my hold of her.

I turned Vestus back around until she was facing Kathleen again just as the enslaved priestess retrieved the three lengths of chain from on top of the bag. The first length of chain went between Vestus's ankles shackles to hobble her steps. The second connected the shackles on each wrist. While the final one was attached to Vestus's collar to act as a leash that I used to lead Vestus from the room behind me and Kathleen.

Once past the doorway I grabbed my staff just as Vestus was passing the threshold. As soon as Vestus cleared the door I saw her attempt to raise her arms trying to use her powers. Before she had a chance I used my staff to signal her collar to give her a jolt.

Vestus immediately fell to the ground thrashing in agony. I decided to let her suffer for a bit longer as I sent Kathleen down the corridor ahead of us. I let Vestus writhing in agony for several minutes before stopped the collar from shocking her. At least for a few seconds until I started the collar shocking her again. This time I only let her torment go on for a minute before ending it.

Once she was done thrashing around I made Vestus kneel before me using the power of her her shackles. Vestus was shocked when her body seamed to move on it's own. Until she was kneeling with her legs spread and her hands behind her head. Looking down at Vestus like this I couldn't help but to torment her some more only this time I choose to use her situation instead of pain.

“You seam quite used to being in that position Vestus and should make a decent bitch eventually. But we really should get you cleaned up for your new master bitch.”

I wanted to say how I'm looking forward to seeing the look on her face as Apollon raped her for the first time. Or made a comment about her future visits to her temple and all the worshipers taking part in her gang rape. But just getting to the point where Apollon could have his way with her was a ways of and it could be year our more until our forces were ready to take control over her domain.

No what I needed to focus on was getting ready to use her power to free Apollon. Once he was free from his underground prison then could we even worry about all the rest. Especially ravaging that delightful pussy Vestus had on display. Or as I watched her crawling in front of me that perfect ass.

Watching Kita and Kathleen giving Vestus the bath didn't help the urge to rape her. In fact the sight the two them cleaning Vestus's pussy almost made me loose control. Thankfully I didn't watch them preparing her ass hole since I was busy preparing the spells. Even when I returned and found Kita helping Kathleen brush out Vestus's long hair was bad enough to seriously tempt me. Yet I was able to resist long enough for them to finish grooming Vestus and at that point the temptation wasn't nearly as strong.

Otherwise when I went to shackles each of their arms behind their backs I would've taken all three of the bitches. I did take that opportunity to grope each of them paying close attention to each of their asses and breasts. Though I also made it a point to give each of the bitches an orgasm with my fingers. Though to humiliate Vestus I made her suck my fingers clean after each of them had their orgasms.

With the three bitches still a breathless fallowing their climaxes i grabbed my satchel of supplies and the three bitches' leashes. Once I had each of them properly leashed and ready for travel I summoned my staff. With everything prepared the sacred tongue started flowing from my lips. A ball of light soon surrounded all of us and we felt our world began to twist and turn.

What seamed like hours passed as the very core of our beings seamed to turn inside out. Every second that passed was a struggle to maintain my sanity as everything around us seemed to be twisting in a swirl of light. Until finally the ball of energy surrounding us began to disappear and we found ourselves in some cavern deep beneath the ground in total darkness.

Using my staff to cast a light spell I was able to quickly see what we came there for. Standing in the center of the cavern was a large oval shaped stone with three golden straps around it. The sound of Vestus's sudden sobbing suggested to me me she was fully aware of why she was here. Yet as she began to plead with me had me convinced she knew.

Regardless of the her pleas and promises I lead Vestus and the other bitches towards the stone prison of Apollon. Looking closely at each of the golden straps I saw a short length of chain hanging from each one. Starting with Vestus I attached one of each of the chains to the bitches' collars.

I knew that each bitch had to be specifically positioned for the sexual use of one of their orifices in the coming ritual. Kathleen was on her knees with her mouth at crotch level. Kita was bent almost completely over at her waist offering up her ass hole. While Vestus had her upper body pressed against the side of the stone with her ass sticking out giving easy access to her pussy.

With the bitches positioned I began preparing the rest of the ritual. First my staff was placed in a hole in front of the stone. Next I pulled a cloth wrapped bundle from my satchel. The bundle held five crystals I placed in the points of the pentagram carved into the cavern's floor. Next from the satchel came a black pouch containing a fine red powder. This was sprinkled on each of the chains connecting the bitches to the stone and the golden strips wrapped around the stone.

Another pouch produced a green powder that used to draw glyphs on each of the bitches' foreheads. Slightly different glyphs were drawn on the center of each bitches' chests. Before a final glyph was drawn just above each bitches' pussy. Another pouch and I was sprinkling white powder in a circle around the stone.

Until I pulled the final items from my satchel. These were half a dozen fake cocks made from a red crystal. These were thrust up several of the bitches' offices. Kita got one in her pussy. While both Kathleen and Vestus got one up their asses. Kita and Vestus were made to suck on another pair. While Kathleen took the last one up her pussy.

With the preparations completed I began channeling my energy. Once my energy reached the desired levels I began stripping my clothing from my body. Even as I removed my robes and advanced on the three sobbing bitches I was chanting in the sacred tongue. With each phrase I spoke a different reaction happened.

First the circle of white powder burst into flame. Next the Glyphs on the bitches began glowing and they started screaming in agony. Then beams of light shot from the crystals towards the stone. Finally red glow arose from the chains connecting the bitches' collars to the golden straps that soon spread over the stone and the bitches themselves.

Until I finished the chant and a beam of blue light shot from my staff towards the stone. As the light from my staff joined those from the crystals they caused multiple cracks to form on the stone. These cracks began to quickly spead until the entire surface was covered in them. This is the moment that Vestus was dreading for was a signal it was time for the next phase of the ritual.

Starting with Kathleen a grabbed the sides of her head and with no other warning I shoved my cock into her mouth. With no consideration whatsoever for her I fucked her face. Until finally I thrust as deep as I could and spent myself directly down her throat. With my release the golden straps connected to her collar crumbled and allowing Kathleen to collapse to the floor once I pulled my cock free.

Before my cock had a chance to go soft I pulled it from Kathleen's mouth and just as quickly thrust into Kita's ass hole. As with Kathleen before her I wasn't interested in Kita's pleasure or comfort. The only thing I was concerned with was sodomizing her tight ass as hard as I could. Until with as much force as I could my cock was thrust completely up Kita's ass and I could and I felt my semen flowing into her bowels.

Again my release triggered another of the golden straps to crumble that allowed Kita to collapse to the floor once my cock was pulled from her ass hole. On the verge of collapse my self I had one final orifice to violate and complete this part of the ritual. With the last of my energy I thrust my cock into Vestus's tight pussy. With each thrust I could feel Vestus's pussy gripping my cock. But I also felt both of our energy being pulled into the stone. Until with nothing left to give and to the shock of us both we had simultaneous orgasms.

As with the other two once I climaxed the golden straps crumbled. Only this time it was accompanied by the stone braking apart revealing a life-sized marble statue of Apollon sitting on a golden thrown. Pulling my cock from Vestus's pussy was accompanied by her dropping to her knees. Only unlike the other bitches Vestus hadn't passed out. Instead she knelt gasping for breath with the crystal cock from her mouth dropping to the ground next her.

Knowing that there was a second part of the ritual I grabbed Vestus by her hair and started dragging her closer to the statue of Apollon. Vestus was sobbing uncontrollably as she saw that the statue had a fully erect cock and realized it would be shortly inside of her. Though instead of being forced up her pussy or ass hole like she was expecting I made her start sucking the marble dick. While at the same time I pulled the crystal one from her ass and thrust it into her pussy.

I had next to no energy left as I dropped to a knee and said a quick prayer to Apollon. Yet as drained as I was I needed to complete my task. Taking little of the remaining drops of my power performed a short chant in the sacred tongue. Even as I watched my staff fly into the open hand of Apollon's statue I began drawing on my final reserves of power. Weakened to the point I had crawl towards Vestus's trembling form I started a final chant that initiated the Breeding Ritual.

I let out a scream as I began to transform. that scream was soon echoed by Vestus around the marble cock as she realized what was about to happen to her next. As the transformation reached it's conclusion I was surprised by the restoration of some of my energy. This I was able to use to climb on top of Vestus.

Even as my fore paws wrapped around Vestus's hips I was shocked to see one of the arms on Apollon's statue move. The arm grabbed ahold of Vestus's head forcing the marble cock down her throat at almost the same moment I thrust my cock up her ass hole. Mercilessly I pounded her ass forcing the marble cock deeper down Vestus's throat. Each of my thrusts was soon accompanied by the sound of Vestus gagging for breath.

Even with what was Happening to Vestus I noticed something different about the ritual this time. Unlike with the other bitches I fucked during the ritual I couldn't feel the regenerative power flowing into either of us. In fact I felt both mine and Vestus's power joining that from the ritual as it flowed to Apollon. Until finally with the last energy I had my knot was thrust up Vestus's ass just as Apollon's statue finally released her head.

As my semen flowed into Vestus's bowels my head was spinning. Stepping over Vestus's back and turning ass to ass with her used the last bit of energy I had in me. As both Vestus's and my body collapsed to the floor a looked at the statue of Apollon. As unconsciousness began to take me I saw glowing cracks to criss cross it surface. Until just as the black shroud of sleep fell over me I saw the marble crumbling away and revealing Apollon's body beneath it.

Days later I would wake to the sounds of Kita and Kathleen sobbing and Vestus's screaming. As I shook my head to clear the fog from my vision I saw a wonderful sight. Both Kita and Kathleen were bent over in prayer as Vestus was being brutally violated by a wolf the size of a full grown grizzly bear. Seeing the golden thrown Apollon's statue had been sitting on was empty made me quickly realize who was raping Vestus. Seeing the puddle of semen beneath Vestus I knew her rape had been going on for quite a while.

But while I was enjoying the show I was plagued with questions. Some I had for Apollon. Several were for myself. Yet others I wanted answers from Kita and Kathleen. But the biggest question I had could be answered by the looking at the shameful expression on Vestus's face.

Apollon had completed her enslavement and she knew it. She would live the rest of eternity with only one purpose satisfying her master's desires. Gone was the high and mighty goddess that was summoned to the Temple of Female Subjugation. In her place knelt this sobbing slave bitch being brutally raped by her lord and master.

Sadly once Apollon finally finished Raping Vestus two days later was also when we reached the decision that I hated so much. It was to risky to keep either Vestus or Kathleen in our possession. We just couldn't afford to have the other goddesses or their followers become aware of the situation yet.

So both Vestus and Kathleen would be allowed to return to Vestus's domain on the condition they both secretly worked to advance our agenda. They both also were made to understand that this limited freedom they were being granted was only temporary. For one day in the future we would come for them and at that point they would become full time slave bitches.

Now the first thing Vestus did to try gain Apollon's favor in the hopes he wouldn't come for her to soon was the control jewels. Apparently Volcas had created them just before the revolt against the Allfather. Then during the ensuing chaos they were forgotten by everyone but Volcas's former bitch Vestus.

I never truly believed this story but felt the use of them was necessary at the time. The problem was while Vestus did tell us of the control jewels. She didn't do it directly instead she had Kathleen relay it to along with some other information about Arisia's troop movements along the border of their domain.

If Vestus had been the one to tell us directly we would then know we could trust them. For we could of used her collar's control over her to ensure she wasn't hiding some sort information from us. This uncertainty about whether or not we'd been given complete information on them made me refuse to use the control jewels after the campaign against Artimos. Instead I choose to use our standard control collars and the spell of concealment we developed for Vestus's and Kathleen's collar's.

This doubt about trusting them would come up whenever the need for them arose. Most recently when I almost used one on Pallus's High Priestess in Desolation Pass. It was this incident with the control jewels that finally confirmed my doubts. It would also lead us to learn Vestus was somehow working her own agenda and that we may need to put a stop to it. But first I needed to figure out what she was up to.

As looked at my home city in the distance glass I felt mixed emotions. I was of course happy to see my home again. Yet I knew that I was still returning to hostile territory. Not only because I was Apollon's High Priest but because I was considered a deserter from the Temple Guards. Either in or out of my robes I wouldn't be able to show my face. This left me with few options when it came to entering the not just the city but the temple it self.

After all my close calls I decided that I wasn't going to blindly rush into this. I'd usually either use a spell of concealment or a spell of disguise to get past the gates. Yet I didn't feel either would work this time and place.

Mostly due to something didn't feel right about the way people were going through the city gates. All the remaining unconquered domains were naturally on guard now and had taken steps to protect themselves. In the case of other domains this was searching everyone entering the capitals. Yet as I watched they didn't search any one and no cargo was inspected.

At least until I saw the shadows slightly shifting as people passed through the gate. Looking closer I saw they were bathed in an practically unnoticeable beam of light that had to have one purpose. They had to have something that could detect magic and other divine powers.

When I looked closer at the watch posts above the gate I saw there were concealed bowmen. But instead of firing outside of the gate they were positioned to fire in. So I knew that if I wanted into the city I wouldn't be going through the gates. This left me only one option short of transporting myself into the temple and I felt that would be just as a bad idea. So I was left with getting around the city and having to navigate the catacombs.

Two nights later a was making my way through the ruins on the other side of the city. After all the effort it took to get around the city I was hoping I was right about this place. Still I wasn't certain if my theory was correct about these ruins. Still based on the stories I'd heard most of my life I may be able to access the catacombs from them.

The stories all told of the ruins held the entrance to a monster's labyrinth and anyone who entered was never seen again. Not that believed there was a monster but I did believe the part about the labyrinth and I was certain that it was part of the catacombs. As for the part about the monster. It was probably made up to scare children from not going into the tunnels and getting lost. At least not getting lost myself wasn't one of the problems I needed to think of a solution to.

I was no closer to thinking of a solution to any of my problems when I reached the entrance to the labyrinth. Part of me hoped there were glyphs or some sort of markings I could decipher. Yet until I got into the tunnels I wouldn't know if there even were any such markings. I wasn't even sure if my powers would be of use as looked at the dark opening leading underground.

Just before I was about to step through the opening I got an idea. It would be a complicated bit of spell casting but I should be able to do it. Though before I could start I needed to find a safe place to work. Unfortunately the only place close by that I could work on the spells without risk of discovery was within the tunnels of the labyrinth. With a plan forming I used my staff to summon light then stepped into the tunnels and starting searching.

Twenty feet in the tunnel split in two directions. Reaching into my satchel I pulled out some chalk and marked the way I'd come. My next decision was either to go left or right. A quick look was all it took to tell me I wouldn't have any glyphs or markings to guide me. So I was left with the only option of just picking a direction.

Looking at the two parallel lines I'd put on the wall behind me I headed to the right. Moving carefully I traveled another twenty feet until the tunnel forked again. After marking the way I came I choose what direction to go. With my position in relation to the city in mind I choose to go to the right again.

This tunnel was different from the others turning right after ten feet then turning left five foot later. After another right and left turn the tunnel opened into a chamber. Looking around I saw tunnels going in various directions. After marking the direction I'd come from again I realized this would be a good place to start working on my plan for mapping the tunnels.

In the center of the chamber I set down a target crystal. I'd created them to allow the use of the transportation spell using charms. This was intended so the Wolf Scouts or even King Edward and Prince Daniel could transport themselves without me using two Target Crystals and an enchanted charm. The charm performed the actual spell while the two crystals established an originating place and the final destination.

While I was still working out a few problems with the charm the target crystals were successful. I even found any interesting thing out. The normal transportation spell took a lot of effort and concentration. But by using the target crystals I only needed to focus on the target crystal at the destination and the rest of the spell was then effortless.

Though I had a different purpose in mind for this one. The next item I pulled out was a small box that I set down a few feet away from the crystal. After I said a quick spell the box grew until it was the size of a trunk. I repeated this process with three other boxes from my satchel before opening each trunk for the supplies I would need.

Selecting a section of the chamber for my work area I laid down a ground tarp for a tent. On top of the tarp I spread out the crystal fireflies I'd created in Desolation Pass. Next I laid out several other charms I'd created back during my training. Among them was amber jewel that allowed me to scan and save the writing on books and scrolls. Then another blue jewel that would display the scanned images from a third item that was a large red jewel where the information was stored.

Once I had what I needed from the trunks I pulled the final items I needed from my robes. This was the seeing and viewing crystals. After creating a chair from a nearby pile of rock I began to examine the spells on each item. As made note of each spell I began thinking about how to combine them and what additional spells would be needed for my idea to work.

After what must of been three days of studying planning I was ready to start. Not only was I going to map the tunnels but I'd also decided to make a map of the city as well. After removing two more shrunken trunks full of the materials I'd need from my satchel I was ready to start. Slowly I began shaping the spells and blending the materials together.

Two more days later I finished several dozen amber colored crystal fireflies and an equal number of crystal sparrows. Sitting in the center of them was a larger viewing crystal with one of each of the blue and red jewels in it's center. With a sweeping gesture of my hand I commanded the fireflies to explore the tunnels. Next I personally lead the birds out of the labyrinth before sending them towards the city. Returning to my camp in the labyrinth I hope I wasn't wasting my time

A week later I had the tunnels and city mostly mapped out. I even had found my entrance to the city. Unfortunately it wasn't going to be through these tunnels. After all that effort and time I found this was just an ancient mine and not part of the catacombs. While I was angered by this waste of my time it did bare some fruit in the knowledge I'd gained.

Amongst that knowledge was a way not only I could actually use to get into the city and bypass it's defenses but the the army could as well. Gathering up all of my stuff I welcomed leaving these tunnels. Unfortunately once I left them I was not going to be above ground long. For of course the way into the city I found was by navigating a system of drainage tunnels by the river.

Two hours later I was in tavern near the center of the city disguised as a merchant. Getting through the drainage system proved to be remarkably easy with only a few steel bars to block my passage. Getting out was a bit harder thanks to heavy grates blocking the opening but thankfully I had a spell to handle that. Though with exception of the spell to disguise myself I'd decided to avoid using my powers unless I felt it absolutely necessary.

Now that I was in the city my next task was to gain access to the temple and that may require a lot more work. For if they'd put defenses against mystical powers at the city gates. There was a high probability they had be at least some some around the temple. Especially if my suspicions about Vestus finding way around our control of her were correct.

My first task was to wait until after nightfall before sneaking out of the tavern. I'd then began an examination of the walls around the temple. I also planned to check if there were similar escape tunnels as at the temple of Artimos. While my objective was to find a way safely into the temple I wasn't going to try to get in myself just yet.

My real agenda was to get my improved seeing crystal into the temple or in particular into the Priestesses' Private Sanctum. Once inside I should be able to locate Kathleen and I could figure out a way to contact her in private. Once I've contacted Kathleen I should be able to get at least some of the answers I want. Though to get all of the answers meant I had to make contact with Vestus herself and that could be fatal for me if she somehow freed herself from our control.

After retiring to my room in preparation for my plans for the night I quietly watched the temple from my window. In particular I made note of the guards patrol schedules around the perimeter and along the walls. To my surprise based on what I saw they hadn't changed much since I was one of them. Granted these same patrol routes and schedules had been in use for generations so I shouldn't have been really surprised.

Though I did see some gaps I hadn't been experienced enough to notice back then. These gaps made me seriously reconsider changing my plan for tonight. Yet I'd promised myself I wouldn't take anymore stupid risks so unless something serious arose I wasn't going to change the plan.

Still these gaps did also afford me an opportunity to avoid one of the risks I was planning on taking. This opportunity was way to get the seeing crystal into the temple and not risk being caught on the streets after nightfall. It also guaranteed I'd be back in the tavern for the morning wake up call.

As the sun was disappearing over one horizon and the moons started to appear on the other one I was chanting in the sacred tongue. As the spell was completed I watched the new seeing crystal I'd created in the tunnels of the labyrinth start floating in front of me before disappearing. Laying down in the bed and closing my eyes it was as if I was flying towards the temple.

As I got closer I began to slowly fly around the perimeter just behind the patrolling guards. Not only was I watching the walls but the guards' behavior. In particular I wanted to see if they were paying any closer attention to objects positioned around the temple. I knew it was human nature to pay closer attention to anything that had recently been changed. So by watching their reactions I could hopefully spot any new security measures put in place since I had left.

On the second circuit of the walls I noticed them occasionally glancing at a jewel outside the main gate that wasn't there when I left the temple. Even though the seeing crystal I could see the mystical energy perminating throughout the jewel. As I went around the temple one more time I saw similar jewels at the other two gates. While I didn't know for certain the purpose of the jewels I did suspected they would sound an alarm if anything with mystical energy tried to pass through the gate.

The next area I wanted to see if the guards were paying closer attention to was along a side wall of the temple complex. This section of wall had a massive relief carved into it of Vestus bestowing her blessings upon her worshipers. While the relief was larger then the one on Artimos's Temple it was similarly positioned to the one hiding the exit for the escape tunnel.

When the guards didn't show any special interest in the relief I decided to give it a closer look. Here I decided to use one of the seeing crystal's new abilities. Gradually the colors I was seeing began to shift until everything that was warmer had a slightly white hue. While I saw everything colder as more of a black hue.

This made the normally invisible outline of the hidden doorway easily noticeable. Looking at the area next where I saw the thin black rectangle on the otherwise white wall I spotted the general location of the hidden latch. Unfortunately I couldn't tell with any certainty it's exact location.

Shifting the seeing crystal back to it's normal field of vision I decided to ignore the escape tunnel for now. Instead I sent it over the wall and started fallowing the guards patrolling the interior of the grounds. Again I was both watching the grounds and the guards'reactions to anything recently added to the grounds.

This time I didn't see them reacting special to anything placed about the complex. I also didn't recognize anything new that had been added. So I was certain that nothing here would be able to detect me and sound an alarm. This left one last area to check and that was in the temple itself.

At each door I found similar jewels as the ones at the gates. Yet I found there was nothing positioned at either the windows or the priestesses' private balcony overlooking the garden. This was the entrance that I ended up choosing. Mostly due to the fact it was direct access to the area I most needed to see in the temple.

Once inside I found myself in a chamber similar to the orgy chamber I found at Artimos's Temple. Only the sex acts the priestesses' were performing were limited to licking each other's pussies. Or rubbing their pussies together.

I did see several of the priestesses get up after having a orgasm and walk to a statue of Vestus standing in the center of what looked like a fountain basin. Only instead of water it held a white liquid I quickly realized was semen. These priestesses would take pitchers and fill them with semen. After using the buckets to throw semen on the statue the priestesses would return to their cushions and reengage in the orgy.

While as tempting as it was to watch the priestesses engaging in this debauchery I had a more important objective to take care of tonight. Moving around a curtain I found the corridor to the High Priestess's Private Quarters fairly easily. But it wasn't hard after being in four other temples with similar designs. While I've become aware all the various priestesses had secret sexual rituals and other antics what I saw still surprised as well as angered me.

Kathleen was knelling between the legs of another priestess licking her pussy. But what angered me about what I saw was Kathleen's body was covered in welts and bruises. More over there was a leash attached to her collar that was obviously no longer concealed by my spell. Between the condition Kathleen was in and the fact that they had put protections in place to detect mystical energy my mind was made up. Regardless of the risks I was going to get into that temple tomorrow night. I would then be getting some answers even if I had to torture Vestus myself.

The next night I decided to forgo dressing in my normal attire of priest's robes for the black clothing of a thief. Next with exception of my satchel I left my staff behind after using it to cast a concealment spell over myself. Not that it wouldn't be available to me. Before leaving the abandoned building I'd moved into during the day. I placed a summoning spell on the staff I could activate with just gesture of my hand.

Next I found a place out of the way but still close to the temple wall to wait for the guards to pass. As I waited as quietly as possible I looked at the one wall of the temple that wasn't made out of smooth cut stones. I took several deep breaths to prepare myself for the risk that I was taking. As soon as the guards passed me I moved to the wall as the guards got further away from me.

Once there was enough distance between me and the guards I started to climb the wall. It was slow going as had to feel out hand and footholds as I scaled the rough surface of the wall. Still I was able to move at a decent pace until I heard the sound of approaching footsteps.

Halfway up I had to stop for the next patrol to pass before continuing.Thankfully even though they couldn't see me anyway they never looked up at the wall. Still I had stay perfectly still to avoid making a sound and alerting them to my presence that way. Once I felt they were far enough away I was moving again.

Finally I was at the top looking all the broken glass meant to prevent people from doing what I was doing. Silently I reached out with a gloved hand and carefully began moving the shards of glass. Once I'd cleared a wide enough path I was forced to pause for the next patrol. This wait was then increased as inner patrol became an issue. Yet soon enough I was hanging off the other side as I put the glass shards back where I found them.

Now I had to time the climb down around the inner patrols while searching out hand and foot holds. I ended having to stop twice until I was close enough to the ground to jump off safely. Once on the ground I then stuck waiting for another patrol to pass. Only this time I took the additional precaution of hiding behind some bushes.

Once the patrol went by I slightly followed behind them until I reached the garden. I then had to scale the side of the temple to reach the balcony to the Priestesses' Private Sanctum. There I'd wait again before summoning my staff. Once I had my staff I'd put the priestesses in the orgy chamber to sleep before searching out Kathleen.

I found her this time hanging from the ceiling by chains attached to her wrist shackles. I quickly saw her body was covered with even more welts and bruises then last night with several of them now bleeding. The same priestess from last night was standing behind her delivering blow after blow with a whip. Between her screams from the whipping Kathleen was saying the following.

“Thank you High Priestess for punishing me for being unworthy of being in the presence of the Sisters of Vestus.”

Not wanting to wait any longer I moved to act. The screams of a priestess soon filled the air only this time it wasn't Kathleen. I stood calmly with the head of my staff pressed against the bitch writhing around on the floor. I let the bolt of energy flow into her a while longer before pulling my staff away from her. Only to press it against her again once she had caught her breath. I repeated this process several times until the bitch eventually passed out from the pain. I then bound and gagged the unconscious bitch.

With the threat of discovery gone I dismissed the concealment spell and looked Kathleen over closely. She was sobbing uncontrollably and hung limply by her wrists as she looked upon me. Yet strangely instead having a look of fear on her face as she looked back at me. Instead I saw hope that didn't match the way she'd looked when she left me. Then she had looked relieved to be getting away from me even if it was only temporarily.

However now it looked like she was actually not only happy I was there but down right grateful for my presence. It was as if the only thing she desperately wanted was to return to me. Even with the abuse she'd suffered under my control she'd rather be with me then here with her sisters. My observation was further confirmed when she started to plead with me

“Master please allow me to return to you and be your bitch again. I promise I'll be a loyal and obedient bitch for you.”

I told her I'd consider it but I wanted answers to some questions first. Starting with changes to the security of the city and temple. Then I wanted to know how her enslavement was discovered. Next I wanted to know what other changes has happened within the temple other then her no longer being the High Priestess.

The story she then told me was surprising in some aspects but not in others. The part about Vestus being angered at Kathleen's involvement in her enslavement wasn't that surprising. Neither was the part about Kathleen loosing her position and being constantly tortured as punishment for this. While I was shocked to learn that Vestus was able to get around our control by using the command do nothing that would reveal her enslavement to help the city better defend itself against us.

As for the changes to the defenses those happened fallowing the fall of the domain of Porseron. The threat my powers posed had the queen demanding something to protect the city. Vestus then gave them the jewels I'd seen positioned around the city. Then told everyone they were from a dark time in the past when a similar evil walked amongst the world.

It was through these jewels that Kathleen's enslavement was revealed. For during a visit to the Palace they were able to remove the concealment spell placed on her slave collar, shackles, and brand. Vestus then ordered her removal as High Priestess and had her replacement brutally torture Kathleen for her betrayal. What Kathleen told me next deeply concerned me to no end.

She had control jewels of her own placed on all of the priestesses except Kathleen and all of the temple guards had them as well. Only in the case of the priestesses the jewels would cancel out our slave collars. While the ones one guards would painfully kill them if they started to undergo the transformation to canine forms. She then told me that the jewels I'd been given allowed Vestus to override our control over whoever we'd placed the jewels on.

There was good news as well other then being able to work around our control Vestus hadn't been able to completely free herself. Also Vestus had said the jewels could be removed from the people they'd been placed on through several methods. But the easiest was to put the person in the very same room in the Temple of Female Subjugation I'd used to enslave Vestus.

With this knowledge I began to make a plan but first I needed to have a little talk with someone. Looking down at the High Priestess I decided to bind and gag the others as soon as possible. Next I'd torture the High Priestess until she summoned Vestus. Only I'd have a little surprise waiting I'm certain Vestus was going to love. But first I released Kathleen from the chains she'd been hanging from and laid her down on the bed as I went to work.

A little over an hour later I was ready to get started. All of the priestesses with the exception of the High Priestess and Kathleen were all hog-tied in the orgy chamber. The High Priestess was kneeling in front of the communication idol. Only it was in the center of a pentagram with small crystals in each point and within a couple. I had Kathleen kneeling next to me as threatened the High Priestess with my staff

It only took me and Kathleen half an hour to get all of the priestesses tied up. The rest of the time was spent torturing the High Priestess until she'd agree to summon Vestus. Though I don't think she truly grasped what was about to happen once she did. Especially considering the High Priestess wasn't aware what the purpose of what I've placed around the communication idol would do. Still I did my best to not react to the smug look on the High Priestess's face as she performed the summoning.

That smug look disappeared quickly when Vestus appeared in the idol's place and my spell activated. Vestus's body was covered in energy that made her scream in agony as she fell to her knees. A quick gesture of my staff had the High Priestess instantly writhing around in similar agony next Vestus. As with my earlier torture of the High Priestess I'd give the both of them temporary breaks from the suffering before starting again.

I did finally stop the torment twenty minutes later but by that time the High Priestess was unconscious again and could hear Vestus pleading for mercy. While I was tempted just to continue the torture I instead started to question Vestus. I got every piece of information I wanted from her. Though I still would shock her every time she hesitated answering my questions.

Finally as she sobbed uncontrollably I stopped my questioning and allowed her a moment to rest. While Vestus lay on the floor crying I went to work. As I summoned more rope Kathleen started to untie the legs of the other priestesses. Then once Kathleen had tied a hobble rope around each of their ankles I bound the High Priestess the same way as the others.

Next I had Kathleen tie length of rope around each of the priestesses' necks and then connect them all in a line. I then positioned Vestus then the High Priestess at the head of the line. Once all of the priestesses were bound together I pulled a pouch from my satchel. From the pouch I poured out a fine powder in a circle around all of them before I placed a target crystal.

Over all of the bitches' whimpering I began chanting the teleportation spell. In a flash of light we all were suddenly transported to the chamber in the labyrinth. I had Kathleen wait there as used the teleportation spell again. This time we appeared in a large chamber within the Temple of Female Subjugation where I'd placed another target crystal months ago.

This was when I started the bitches on the slow walk deeper into the temple and a destination permanently burned into Vestus's memory. This same destination would soon be permanently burned in the other bitches memories. For once those troublesome jewels had been taken care of they all received their own slave collar and set of shackles. After leading the bitches back to the chamber we started at I teleported us all first back to the labyrinth then once I got Kathleen went back to Vestus's Temple.

Once back I gave all of the bitches their orders before casting the spells to conceal their collars and shackles. The target crystal was then placed in the High Priestess's Private Quarters to allow me to transport my self there anytime I wanted. Looking at Vestus and Kathleen I started preparing myself for the next transport. Taking ahold of Vestus's hair and ordering Kathleen to kneel at our feet I started chanting a very difficult spell before we disappeared from our realm.

We reappeared in front of Apollon on his thrown. Kneeling on each side of his legs were Caros and Porseron. While standing slightly behind his thrown with her head bowed was Pallus. She was standing next to a small cage with a mentally broken Artimos locked inside. As I began walking Vestus to Apollon I couldn't help noticing that Pallus was the only one of the bitches not kept naked at all times. Apollon allowed her to wear clothing befitting her status amongst the other bitches.

A tight black leather corset that slimed her waist but also left her breasts fully exposed. Skin tight black high heeled leather boots that came up to her thighs. Finally leather gloves that came almost to the tops of her shoulders. Still over her boots and gloves sat Pallus's slave shackles. This along with her collar signaled despite her status over the others Pallus was still Apollon's slave and was expected to obey his every command.

While this was something I'm certain was shocking to both Vestus and Kathleen we had another matter to handle first. As we reached Apollon I pulled Vestus back against my body. Twisting her head so her ear was closer to my mouth Then with both the memory of all I had to do because of her and what I'd learned adding more venom to my voice I told her what I wanted her to do.

“You WILL kneel at your master's feet. You WILL then tell your master everything you did. You WILL then beg your master for the most brutally painful punishment he could think of. Then only once you've received this punishment WILL you even think of asking for your master's forgiveness.”

I then gave Vestus a shove forward before stepping back next to Kathleen to watch the show. Though I doubt Kathleen enjoyed it as much as I did it should help her put this experience behind her. While me and Kathleen didn't stay in the other realm to watch the whole thing. What we did see before we left was quite the sight.

As I expected Apollon had Pallus handle Vestus's torture. Though for Vestus Pallus showed a brutally she usually reserved for Artimos. The two of us were almost ready to leave by the time Pallus had Vestus was on her hands and knees. Vestus was licking Pallus's boots between thanking Pallus for so brutally torturing her.

We finally left just after Apollon transformed and mounted Vestus. We had just heard Vestus's scream of agony from Apollon's cock up her ass when the teleportation spell took effect. As we were transported back to our realm I couldn't help chuckling at the look I saw on Vestus's face just before we left.

It would take me another four months to get the rest of this mess cleaned up. It took that long for me to get get rid of those problematic jewels in the guards. For that I had introduce a potion into the city's water supply. I followed that up by taking care of Vestus's sentry jewels placed about the city while giving us a strategic advantage at the same time. I have to admit that this plan was probably my greatest piece of manipulation I would ever manage.

While I couldn't figure out how the sentry jewels worked let alone a way to directly remove them myself. I instead found a way to get those running the city to do it for me and at the same time replace them with ones that held a special surprise of mine. Of course it took a lot of deception and a little of Kathleen's help.

We requested the queen come to the temple where she was told the sentry jewels had serious flaw. Basically if they got wet they some of them would stop working. Plus those that didn't shut down right away would eventually. Thankfully Vestus had an even better sentry jewel that would do everything the old ones did but a few other things. We then put on a little public demonstration for the people after we told them about the old jewels.

Before a crowd of thousands a struggling Kathleen was dragged towards one of our new sentry jewels. The High Priestess then proclaimed that Kathleen had shamed Vestus and herself by allowing us to enslave and rape her. Kathleen was then sentenced to burn for this sin against her goddess and temple.

Even as Kathleen pleaded for mercy and forgiveness she was shoved towards the sentry jewel. As the crowd cheered a beam of light shot from the jewel making Kathleen scream in agony. Her screams only got louder as the beam spread out completely covering Kathleen's body.

As a screaming Kathleen disappeared within the light smoke and flames could be seen coming from her location. The area were Kathleen was standing is suddenly enveloped in flames as her screams suddenly stop. Until at last the flames completely disappear revealing a gastly sight.

Laying in Kathleen's place was charred skeleton wearing slave shackles and a collar covered in ash. Once the crowd stopped cheering the High Priestess announced Kathleen's soul had now been cleansed of her sins.

I could only shake my head at the crowds cheers as the High Priestess made her announcement. This was informing the crowd about the Queen's decision. The Queen ordered these new sentry jewels were going to be placed throughout the entire city and not the select few places the old ones were. The Queen also decreed that all of the old ones would be replaced within the next several months.

It didn't hurt that word of King Edward's own little public demonstration had reached the city and in particular the Queen. King Edward had each of the four Queens in his brothel in stocks within the public square. Access to the Queens' sexual orifices were then given free of charge to any man for the next three days. This news was also accompanied by rumors he was preparing stocks in the square to hold other Queens they were planning on enslaving.

This domain's Queen was well aware of the implications and quickly ordered the new sentry jewels be put in place. She then agreed to the public demonstration of the new sentry jewels and Kathleen's execution. Something she'd been refusing to allow done once Kathleen's enslavement was discovered.

Thankfully everyone in the crowd only saw what I wanted them to see. Once Kathleen was concealed by the light she was transported back to the temple. Then a spell of mine created the smoke and flames. Before I transported a skeleton fitted with the collar and shackles along with the ash to replace Kathleen. Though I was almost convinced by Kathleen's fake screams of agony but I've heard the real ones before so I could tell the difference.

With their effectiveness now publicly demonstrated the new sentry jewels went up almost as fast as I could make them. Soon not only were they on every door in the palace and the city gate. But every building and house had them on all the doors. They were placed around the public squares and even along the inside and outside of the city walls.

With the sentry jewels going up all over the city I had other preparations being taken care of back at King Edward's castle. From planning the armies route to some for after the campaign. I also started the priestesses here on their own preparations for their coming violations.

Four months since I started my changes to the temple of Vestus was ready just in time. The centerpiece of the new ceremonies within the temple was about to have it's public unveiling. While I was excited by this the priestesses were understandably not. Granted that was the least of their concerns they like me could see the army gathered outside of the city's walls and knew what it meant. They just wished they could warn the people about what was about to happen next.

I just transported myself and Kathleen to King Edward's tent. From this moment on it was just a matter of watching and waiting. Until suddenly it's like the entire city started to glow and all movement along the walls ceased. Nodding to King Edward we watched as the troops advanced on the city carrying ladders.

Without any opposition the ladders went up and the troops scaled the walls. Before long we saw the main gate open and made our own way to the city. We were joined half way there by Apollon with his own procession only Kathleen and I knew it was short by one. Though we weren't going to tell any body that there should be five goddesses following Apollon in chains instead of the four there.

It was already a big enough shock to King Edward and the others that we already enslaved Vestus and her priestesses so we weren't ready to explain the situation with Pallus yet. Plus was much control as we had over her domain we weren't ready to act. For we still had something even more special planned for that occasion but it going to be a surprise for Arisia.

Tonight the only planned surprises that mattered were those we'd planned for the bitches of this city. The first was in the line of wagons just ahead of us in the form of the slave collars and shackles filling them. Next was the second function of the sentry jewels that would be demonstrated following my special ceremony in the temple.

This started once the troops had gathered up all of the people within the city. This was fairly easy since they were all still unconscious. The bitches were quickly stripped, collared, and shackled then them and the men were taken to the public squares. At the same time special crystals were being placed in the squares the high value bitches were brought to the temple.

While what we were doing wouldn't be as humiliating as making them march before their former subjects in chains. I'm certain the Queen and Priestess wouldn't be that disappointed by keeping that bit of dignity for while longer. Though they will still end up experiencing being paraded before our people.

Personally I'm dealing with getting the last details ready at the temple. The concealment spell was quickly removed from the priestesses. I then removed the enchanted cloth that had been cancelling the new statue of Vestus I added to the temple. As Kathleen leads the priestess to the fountain basin surrounding the statue I add the final touches.

As Kathleen makes the priestess kneel around the basin I start a couple of spells. The first is to the statue and basin. Then another on the priestesses themselves creating chains connecting their collars to the basin. The last spell was to fill the basin with the special contents for the new ritual. With everything ready I just need to wait for everyone else to arrive.

Soon the sentry jewels activate again waking everyone in the city. As the people come to there's shock and terror as they realize the situation. The bitches quickly notice their lack of clothing and their wearing collars and shackles. They then notice they had been brought to the city squares and the crystals I had placed activate.

Suddenly a projection of the queen and princess appears in each square. The images of the two bitches have to be at least twenty foot tall but that isn't what has the people's attention. That honor goes to the fact that both of them have been stripped naked save for their garter belts, stockings, and high heels. Though like the other bitches in the city they are now wearing slave collars and shackles. Only in the case of the Queen and Princess they also have leashes attached to their collars being held by the two men standing behind the kneeling royals.

The crowd quickly recognizes King Edward and Prince Daniel and knows instantly the city defenses have fallen. While most the bitches start sobbing a new image suddenly appears. This is of Vestus kneeling in front of Apollon having obviously been enslaved herself. The bitches are weeping uncontrollably as it is announced this domain is now under control of the followers of Apollon and all the women are now slaves. Eventually Apollon finishes his announcement and the image changes again.

This time it's the new statue of Vestus within the temple.The statue is life sized made of marble standing with spread legs within a fountain basin filled with a thick white liquid coming up to the statue's knees. While the statue's hair is made out of solid gold and perfectly matches the collar around her neck. Her head is bowed in submission with her arms shackled behind her back.

Yet it's the look of shame on the statue's face that the people remember the most since it perfectly depicted the look on Vestus's own face. The statue even appeared to be crying as a clear liquid flowed down it's cheeks the same as on Vestus's face. The image shifted slightly now showing the statue from a distance. Thus allowing the crowd to see Vestus's Priestesses kneeling naked around the fountain basin. The image begins showing each Priestess in greater detail allowing the crowd see how they all are positioned.

The Priestesses are all knelling upright with spread legs and crossed ankles. Their backs are arched thrusting their breasts out. Like the statue their heads are bowed in submission. Yet they all have their hands behind their heads and elbows pointed off to the sides of their bodies. Like the other bitches each priestess was wearing a collar and shackles yet each of their collars had a chain connecting them to the basin they were facing.

The image changed to Vestus know kneeling the same as her priestesses with Apollon standing behind her naked. As he gives Vestus's shoulders a shove she drops to her hands and knees. The crowd have heard enough of the stories to know what's about to happen next as they watch Apollon transforming into his canine form. Yet they are still unprepared for how massive he is in comparison to Vestus. This shock is quickly overshadowed by what they feel when they finally hear Vestus speak.

“Please Master rape this inferior bitch and consummate your claim of ownership of this bitch's body as well every other aspect of it's meaningless existence.”

As Vestus starts sobbing uncontrollably Apollon mounts her. The brutally of Vestus's rape was unimaginable as each thrust of Apollon's cock seamed to rock Vestus's very being. At some point Vestus lost consciousness yet it didn't even slow Apollon's assault. It looked like her helpless body was being thrown around like she was a ragdoll. Until finally he painfully thrust his knot into her pussy bringing her out of her trance.

Vestus is still incapable of doing anything but whimper and cry as she feels Apollon's sperm filling her quickly expanding womb. Vestus's degradation is almost completed when Apollon steps over her back and turns ass to ass with her. That is done when a hand grips Vestus by the hair and forces her to show the shame on her face to everyone watching. Image shifts back the Queen and Princess kneeling on all fours side by side crying like babies.

The crowd would never forget the two Royal's screams as they were raped. While no where as brutal as Vestus's was they still suffered greatly. Mostly due Kathleen kneeling between them turning each their heads to the side. They then we're forced to watch the expressions on each other's faces throughout their rape. Even once they were knotted they weren't allowed to look away from each other.

Though a greater humiliation was still in store for them once they were freed from the cocks within their pussies. For they were then forced to lick the semen from each other's violated orifices. The two felt was nothing but shame for performing such an act. Yet they had no choice for before their rape had begun. They were promised the Princess would be given to the troops along with the Queen if they didn't do it.

Before the crowd of witnesses the Princess laid on her back while the Queen climbed on top of her. As the Queen's messy pussy was lowered over her mouth the Princess felt her mother's tongue make contact with her own violated pussy. Even once every last trace of semen was gone they weren't allowed to stop. They were only allowed to stop once both of them had made the other orgasm.

The image shifted after showing the two kneeling side by side with their hands behind their heads. Both had their heads bowed not only in submission but also in shame and humiliation as each other's pussy juices ran down their faces. The Royal's now degraded the time had come for Vestus's Priestesses' turn to be humiliated and violated.

They were shown once again kneeling around the fountain basin. Only now they were on their hands and knees weeping as me and the Wolf Scouts dressed as Apollon's priests knelt behind them. Kathleen had now joined the rest of her priestess sisters taking her place in front of me. As the robes fell from our bodies all of the priestesses started speaking in unison.

“We inferior slave bitches of the Sisters of Vestus beg the superior male priests of the all powerful god Apollon to brutally violate our inferior bitch bodies. May the violation our inferior bitch bodies then allow the joys and blessings of female Subjugation to be bestowed upon the world. These inferior bitches' ask nothing of our superior male masters but that for all of our violations to always be brutal and violent. For these inferior bitches' sole purpose for existence is for our humiliation and degragration by superior males.”

Once their prayer had concluded we transformed began the bitches' violation. We did everything in our power to ensure the bitches' prayers were answered as we made their rape as brutal as we could. So nothing else mattered but pounding the tight pussies wrapped around our cocks as hard as we could. The outside world disappeared and the only thing we were aware of was the screaming bitch beneath each of us.

The crowd watching saw a lot more as the images shift from the each of the bitches being mounted. Then once each bitch had a cock thrust into them the image shifted to the Vestus's statue as semen began flowing from it's pussy and ass hole. The images shifted back to us raping the bitches until the point they were all knotted. As our semen flowed into each bitch the flow from the statue's pussy and ass hole increased to a powerful spray. This flow of semen only would finally slow to trickle once we pulled our cocks from all of the bitches' pussies.

At this point our involvement in the ceremony was over. Yet for the bitches more was to come after they had given thanks in another prayer.

“These inferior slave bitches thank you for allowing us the privilege of the brutal violation we just endured from our superior male masters. We inferior bitches plead only for opportunity to further degrade ourselves for the pleasure of our superior male masters. So by our degradation may the blessings of female Subjugation once again be bestowed upon the world.”

At this point they all slowly started to crawl towards the basin being sure with movement of their asses was as seductive as possible. In perfect unison they crawled over the sides of the basin and completely submerge themselves in the horse semen filling it. As the priestesses disappear beneath the surface of the semen the statue of Vestus begins sinking itself. Until it appears to be knelling in semen up to it's waist just as the priestesses' arms rise out of the semen raised straight in the air.

The priestesses' bowed heads and upper body began to slowly emerge facing the the statue. Until just their bodies below their breasts is submerged as they submissively kneel in the pool of semen. Still in perfect synchronization they all bow to the statue once again completely submerging into the semen. Several minutes pass before first the priestesses' hands and arms then their upper bodies emerge from beneath the semen.

They proceed to bow to the statue once again staying submerged for a several minutes before emerging. Their arms still raised straight above their heads the priestesses gracefully stand. They then begin lowering their straightened arms to their sides. Before they began to seductively walk towards the statue of Vestus. Only once their at the statue does their synchronization change.

Kathleen presses up to the front of the the statue while the others separate into two groups each maintaining their own unique synchronization. As Kathleen's arms rap around the statue's neck she proceeds to passionately kiss the statue on the mouth. As Kathleen continues to embrace the statue like a lover one of groups of priestess kneel down into the semen. They then began their own embrace of both Kathleen and the statue rubbing their semen coated bodies against both.

The second group of priestesses kneel also only they proceed to crawl back to the edge of the basin. Once there each one retrieves a pitcher before returning to the statue. With the pitchers they began scooping the semen before pooring it over the statue and the other priestesses still embracing it. They continue pooring semen over both the statue and the other priestesses until they all are thoroughly covered.

The two two groups then carefully switch places. The second group kneels down a begins rubbing their bodies against Kathleen and the statue. While the first group pours pitchers of semen over them. All the while Kathleen had continued her passionate embrace of Vestus's semen coated marble representation. After switching another two times both groups of priestesses reform into one synchronized group.

Backing away from the statue the priestesses raise their arms back over their heads. The priestesses' bodies start slowly sinking into the semen as they drop back to their knees. As the other priestesses submissively kneel with their arms straight over their heads. Kathleen slowly breaks the embrace dropping to her own knees in front of the statue. Kathleen's arms move behind her back and she hopefully looks up at Vestus's statue. As the other priestesses bow down and disappear into the semen Kathleen begins another prayer.

“Mistress Vestus may these inferior slave bitches continue to suffer all the degradations inflicted by our superior male masters along side you for the rest of our miserable lives. So through this suffering and degradation the blessings of female subjugation may once again be bestowed upon the world.”

At the moment Kathleen's mouth opens semen begins flowing from the statue's own mouth into hers. As Kathleen's mouth begins overflowing with semen the statue rises out of the semen to it's original position. As the statue moves so does Kathleen so she can keep her mouth under the stream of semen flowing into it.

Once the statue had fully emerged from the semen so did the other priestesses. Only now they are kneeling around the base of the statue. With half of them just below of the statue's pussy and the other half below the statue's ass. Pressing their faces together the other priestesses open their mouths to except the blessings of female subjugation in the form of the semen that started flowing from the statue's pussy and ass hole.

They all maintained those positions for half an hour before the semen ceased to flow from the statue's orifices. Only then did they began crawling towards the edge of the basin. Once they had climbed over the sides of the basin they slowly crawled back to their original positions surrounding it. Only as they bowed down to us they were now facing away from the basin. Just as their semen coated foreheads touched the floor the screams of the rest city's bitches being mass raped began being heard.

What none of the crowd watching knew was once the priestesses had begun crawling away from the basin the final secret feature of the sentry jewels was triggered. Not only could they render the population of the city unconscious but they also could be used to trigger the breeding ritual. By the time the priestesses were bowing the effects were in full effect. Our celebratory orgy of mass rape had begun and as usual no bitch in the city was to be spared from this fate. Read 31233 times | Rated 91.3 % | (92 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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