Dancing My Night Away by surelyhotstuff,surelyhotstuff

I had been going out dancing quite a bit lately. I’d been going every three or four weeks and for me that’s quite a bit. My husband doesn’t mind and I love the feeling of being on the dance floor and knowing that there are a number of guys watching me.

He always tells me that I need to do more things that bring me enjoyment. He says I’m “ too married to my job “. I do spend a lot of time there, maybe as much as sixty hours plus a week. I want a career and part of that is sacrificing your personal life in order to move up the corporate ladder.

Anyway he says I don’t take care of myself and that reflects in our relationship and he doesn’t mind my going out and having some fun. Usually when I go dancing I have such a good time and I really enjoy the attention and the flirting that by the time I get back home I’m fairly excited and I take it out on him.

We have discussed where it might lead and he has always reassured me that whatever decisions I make are all right with him. There have been some times when it was pretty hard to tear myself away and come home but basically I’m very comfortable with the little bit of holding hands and kissing that I’ve experienced, until this last weekend.

I had gone to the same club that I had been to for the last three or four times and I was feeling very edgy- almost provocative. I’m not sure why. I certainly don’t dress in a provocative way. I always wear something very comfortable because I want to be able to enjoy myself when I’m dancing.

I was wearing some loose fitting slacks and a sleeveless cotton shirt. I had arrived early, before nine o’clock, and there was hardly anyone there. I went to the bar and got some water. I never drink alcohol because it makes me so dehydrated and then I just don’t feel very good.

It was very warm so I knew that I would need to drink a lot of water. After I had arrived I had only danced a few times and there still were not too many people there. One guy in particular kept asking me to dance and I just did not like him.

Every time he talked to me I felt like he was leering at me. I decided that it was just not meant to be and that I might as well head on home. As I was going to the door two young men came in together. They were both very nice looking and in their early twenty’s.

I found out later that they were both twenty-one (I’m in my mid thirties). Andy; said to me “ I sure hope you’re not planning on leaving because we just got here. “ I could tell he had been drinking but he was not obnoxious at all.

In fact he was very cute and before I could even answer, his friend Eddie, also quite cute, took me by the hand and said as we moved out on the dance floor “ don’t worry I’ll protect you from him , he’s actually quite harmless “. I think that really sort of set the tone for the rest of the night, I mean these guys were a team.

Eddie and I stayed on the floor together for several songs and I was enjoying the dancing but not nearly as much as I was enjoying the attention. He was flirting like crazy telling me he liked my eyes, that I moved so hot, I had a great smile, he just kept going on and on but it was fun.

He really made it sound like he meant it. The next dance was a slow dance and as he held me close he started to tell me how sweet I smelled and how soft and how warm I was. He had one hand around my waist and the other was holding my hand in between us and we were very close and he started to nibble on my ear and for some reason I could not say a word and I felt myself actually getting wet.

Thankfully the song ended and I excused myself so I could go to the girl’s room. I stood there in the restroom trying to gather my wits. I could not believe what my body was doing. I was somewhat intimidated by the whole experience but more than that I was awash with feeling’s of heat that were steadily increasing in intensity.

I was beginning to think that I was not going to be able to leave the restroom. After what seemed like an eternity I finally felt composed enough to go back into the club. I walked out the door and straight into Eddie, he had been waiting there for me the whole time.

It was so unnerving. He didn’t say a word to me – just smiled. I was sure he knew exactly what was going on and I could feel the blood rushing to my face, I was sure I must have been bright red. I felt the rush somewhere else as well.

My pussy was feeling very hot and wet and I wanted to run and hide but just as we got to the table Andy stood up and took me by the hand and started for the dance floor. I was actually relieved to be dancing again and I let the way I was feeling express itself in my dance.

It was certainly not lost on Andy that I was feeling very sexy and very hot. He was so different from Eddie. Not the smooth one at all, he was very blunt and to the point, he was tall and he had the most beautiful blue eyes. He just kept staring at me with those incredible eyes the whole time we were dancing and smiling at me and I know I was grinning back at him and batting my eyelashes like some moon struck 7th grader.

The song stopped and he stepped up to me and put his arms around my waist, pulled me into him and kissed me on the mouth. His lips were so sweet and we kissed for a long time before we started dancing again and when we did start dancing again he just started smiling again, he never said a word.

We danced a couple of more dances and then the band played a slow song and I knew I was in serious trouble. I should have run right there. I should have gone for the door and not looked back but I didn’t.

He held me close with his arms around my waist and his hands on the small of my back, my hands rested on his shoulders. He had to bend over slightly to kiss me but I helped by standing up on my toes. As he kissed me he tucked his hands inside my slacks and my knees started to feel weak.

He passed his hands inside my panties and pulled me close at the same time he was rubbing the very bottom small of my back. I thought I was going to cum right then and I reached behind me and pulled his hands out of my pants and put them on my waist.

I looked up at him and he had that same adorable little devil smile on his lips and he kissed me. He was trying to make me fall apart. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and nibbled on my lips with his teeth. Of course the whole time he was doing this he had slipped his hands back inside my panties.

This time his hands went further down my ass, one hand on each cheek and as I melted into his kiss and felt the warmth of his hands and the sensuousness of his touch as he moved one of his hands to my front rubbing my mons pubis.

As he was rubbing me he kept moving his fingers closer to my clit and it was more than I could bear. With a finger on either side of my pussy lips he gently rubbed them together caressing my clit very lightly. I could not help myself, clearly I was not in control.

I came right there in the middle of a crowd of people in a club on the dance floor in the arms of someone that I had known for only a short while. The dance floor was fairly dark but still I felt so exposed and I mean it was not earth shattering or anything like that but I had an orgasm and I knew it and I was certain everyone else there must have known it also.

“Andy, I said I’ve got to sit for awhile.” “Okay, he said I’ll get you some water.” I said I need to go to the restroom first and he said OK and walked me to the door.

I went into the first stall and pushed down my slacks and panties and sat down to pee. I looked down and saw a wet spot on my panties as I was definitely losing control of the situation but at the same time I was really enjoying the buzz.

I got up and went to the sink to wash my hands and as I looked in the mirror I had to ask myself “what’s next”. I mean these guys were both so cute and they were both very interested in me.

I walked out of the restroom and straight into the arms of Andy, I mean is this a routine they have worked out or what. He took me into his arms and melted me with those incredible blue eyes and hesitated for just a moment before he gave me the most passionate kiss.

Fortunately he had one arm around my waist as I was having difficulty standing. He placed his other hand on my breast and rubbed me lightly the entire time he was kissing me. We slowly walked back to the table arm in arm.

I sat down at the table and Eddie took my hand in his and I felt electricity flowing through my fingers and into my body and I felt so flush. Eddie must have realized this because he suggested that we should step outside so I could get some fresh air.

We went outside and started walking through the parking lot. The air was warm but so much cooler than the air inside the club and I soon started to feel very refreshed.

Eddie took my hand and started telling me how pretty I looked in the moonlight. I think it was probably more like neon lights but he was saying all the things a girl likes to hear. We had stopped next to a bench and I was leaning against the back of the bench while he stood in front of me.

He stepped up to me and put his arms around me and kissed me. I kissed him back with all the emotion I was feeling and we stood there for awhile kissing one another with no concern for where we were. He pressed his body into mine and one hand slipped into my pants and the other slipped up my blouse.

I pulled his hands out as we continued to kiss and he would put them back and he pulled us closer together. He was wearing fairly light trousers and I could feel his cock through our clothing, he was very hard and it made me feel powerful that I was having such an effect on him.

I reached down so I could pass my hand over his cock and as I touched him through his pants I could feel his heat. While I was doing this he was touching me all over with his hands. He put his hand in my pants and down the front of my panties and just as his fingers reached my swollen and drenched lips I pulled him back and his other hand reached inside my bra and brushed my nipple.

I literally gasped as I pushed myself away saying, “no… this is to fast…. Stop, I don’t want to…. I can’t…please let me catch my breath”!

Eddie was looking at me, then telling me how good it would feel and how much I would like it and that he knew I wanted to and he was so right. But I was telling him no I couldn’t and I wouldn’t and I wasn’t feeling very well at all.

We went back and forth for awhile and finally he stopped and said “okay, you going to go home then”? I realized that I had been saying I had to go over and over and as soon as he said okay you could go I felt miserable.

I stood there for quite awhile saying nothing and feeling perfectly foolish when Eddie said “maybe you could give me and Andy a ride back to our hotel. It’s just down the road here but the shuttle driver gets off at ten and it’s close to ten now and we could just call a taxi…. No, I blurted out I can take you. I’ll be happy to give you a ride”.

I was so thankful that we were not going to part on such awkward terms as we had almost just done. I pointed out my car and told him I had to go freshen up before I left and he said he would get Andy and meet me by my car.

As I walked back into the club to the girls’ room I kept going over everything that had transpired over the last hour or so. I was definitely enjoying myself but I was also somewhat out of control and I’m just not the type that ever wants to feel that I’m out of control.

I sat down on the toilet to pee and I noticed I was even more wet than before. My panties were extremely wet in the crotch and so was the inside of my thighs and I noticed that my bra was undone. I started to laugh out loud at the realization that I was definitely out of control.

I put myself back together and headed out to my car. When I got to the car I could see Andy and Eddie standing very close to one another and they appeared to be arguing with each other.

I said hi before I got any closer and they turned away from one another and as I unlocked the doors no one said a word. It was very awkward and as I started up the car I asked, “what’s wrong you guys”.

Andy said, “He’s an idiot”. “Shut up Andy”. “You had to push her. You couldn’t leave it alone. She liked me but you had to harass her, now she’s taking us home, man you are such a moron”! “Shut up Andy”. “Hey look you guys, I interjected I like both of you and I had a great time and nobody did anything wrong and the last thing I want to do is part company with you guys on a bad note”.

There was no answer and when I looked in the rear mirror into the back seat where Andy was sitting I could see he had passed out. Eddie turned around at the same time and said, “It figures, the guy can be such an ass”.

“Come on Eddie, don’t say that, I like him. And you too”. When we got to the hotel we parked the car and went into the side entrance close to the elevators. We still had a fairly long hall to walk down and we were trying to steady Andy, which was a bit of a task for me. He was helping, sort of, and he started to apologize and I told him not to worry about it.

He sounded rather indignant when he replied that he was talking to Eddie and not to me. I don’t why but that just cracked us all up and as we went through the door of their room we were all laughing pretty hard. It was one of those rooms that has a separate bedroom then another bed with an area with a couch and chairs.

We half dragged half carried Andy to the bedroom and unceremoniously flopped him face down onto the bed. Eddie started to take off Andy’s shoes and I had the sense that this was something they had done before. I also had the sense that despite the display I had seen earlier these guys were pretty good friends and that they took care of each other and looked after one another.

I was going to leave when Eddie came out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him. “ Look I’m really sorry if I upset you earlier or spoiled your evening….” I cut him off in mid sentence by walking up to him and giving him a kiss and told him to “Shut up Eddie”. I kept kissing him, being very aggressive and as he backed up I moved forward until he backed into the wall and couldn’t go any further.

I put his hands on my waist and kissed him over and over. I started to rub his chest through his shirt and then move my hands around his back and down his pants but he was wearing a belt so I undid his belt and than put my hands in his pants and grabbed his ass digging in my finger nails and pulled him into me.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled it out and started to unbutton it. I was amazed that he was able to contain himself for so long. I think that at least partially he was intimidated. He must have regained his nerve because he put both his hands on my breasts. I slapped his hands away and started to undo his pants.

He was trying to undo my blouse but I wouldn’t let him. Only this time I wasn’t letting him because I was in charge and I was loving it. As he was trying to undo my blouse I would pull his hands away and work on his pants rubbing his cock through his pants as I went. I got his pants unbuttoned and unzipped.

I reached inside his underwear and took his cock into my hand wrapping my fingers around his dick. It was such a rush to feel his cock. It was so hard and so red and I felt so powerful holding it. Just as all this is happening I feel my pants sliding down my legs.

This is crazy, I mean Eddie is trying to feel my breasts I’m pushing his hands away we’re kissing passionately I’m stroking his beautifully hard cock and somehow my pants are around my ankles and I’m stepping out of them?

So everything sort of comes to a halt and Eddie and I unlatch from one another and I turn around and there’s Andy with that same sweet smile and those beautiful eyes looking at me.

And than all of a sudden they’re both walking towards me and I’m backing away putting my hands up and saying “no way you guys get away” only they’re not listening and I backed right into the wall and stop.

Now I’ve got four hands tickling me like crazy and I am definitely having a hard time keeping them away because I’m laughing so hard. As I’m being tickled I feel one button go and than another and than another and another and then my blouse is gone.

As soon as my blouse is gone the tickling stopped and the nibbling began. With Eddie on one side and Andy on the other they both started to bite and lick my ears and neck. My bra came off and I felt lips and tongues on my nipples and breasts.

I just leaned against the wall with my eyes closed enjoying the sensations running through my body. Four hands took a hold of the waistband of my panties and slowly slid them off my ass and down my legs leaving me completely naked. As I stood there leaning against the wall I had such an incredible feeling of power.

I knew that neither of them could take their eyes off of me and they really liked what they were looking at and I felt so glorious being naked and being wanted so much. The heat and the wetness from my pussy were sensational and the smell of sex in the air was absolutely overwhelming.

I was rubbing the backs of their heads as they continued to nibble on my neck and my breasts while their hands covered my body with loving caresses. The whole time this is going on I am experiencing countless orgasms. Little shock waves starting in my cunt and running through my whole body.

Andy knelt down in front of me and I spread my legs apart and put one foot up on one of the chairs in anticipation of what was to come. I could feel Andy’s hot breath on my pussy and I placed my hands on top of his head stroking his hair and pulling him closer to me.

At the same time, I was kissing Eddie hungrily on the mouth, trying to swallow his tongue and biting his lips. Andy’s tongue passed between the lips of my pussy and found my clit. I actually felt my clit responding to the caresses of his tongue and as he moved his tongue faster and faster I could feel myself moving closer and closer to climax.

My whole body got warmer and warmer and I almost felt as though I would pass out. I could feel my vagina start to contract and I sort of lost control of my muscles. I think the only things holding me up were Eddy’s hands and Andy’s face. I started to cum and I mean really cum.

My cunt was ejaculating and I could feel the hot juices splashing against Andy’s face and running down my thighs. I think it surprised him because he pulled away and placed his hand over my pussy as I continued to pour juice and my vagina continued to go through its contractions.

Whenever I have one of those orgasms I’m overwhelmed with a myriad of emotions and desires but in this particular case more than anything I wanted to be fucked! I mean like right away, without further delay I wanted to feel a hard cock in my pussy.

I sort of threw myself unto the bed landing on my back and with my legs spread and my arms outstretched in invitation. I very anxiously anticipated the most proper fucking I imagined that I could get.

I should have known better. While I waited they remained fixed having a very heated whisper. They actually sounded like a couple of leaky radiators. After what was probably only several seconds but seemed like minutes I could stand no more. “Look guys, I said, it doesn’t necessary contribute to a girls confidence to be in this position and to be ignored”.

That got their attention and they looked over at me like they were seeing me for the first time. “We were just deciding who was gonna leave” said Andy, and he shot a look at Eddie.

“Listen, I said, the three of us have been together all evening and for the life of me I can’t imagine why you would think of breaking up such a nice relationship. As far as I’m concerned I want both of you here in bed with me right now and I mean like without any further delay”.

They both looked at each other and smiled and than Eddie said jokingly “do you think it would be okay if we undressed first”. ”Not only would that be all right, I replied, but why don’t you do that one at a time so I can carefully observe and make sure that you do everything correctly, Eddie we will start with you”!

Andy sat down in a chair as Eddie began to slowly unbutton his shirt and pulling it off and flinging it across the room. He pulled his socks off next and then turned his back to me as he slowly moved his pants down over his ass and onto the floor and stepped out of them. He was slowly playing with the waistband of his underwear but not really moving them at all.

He turned around to face me and he was rubbing himself through his shorts. They were tight and I could see that he was hard and the anticipation was wonderful. Then he started to pull them down and his penis sprang out as he pulled his shorts down his thighs. He was so hard and his cock curved straight up I motioned for him to come over by the bed.

As he came to the end of the bed I got up on my knees and moved down to greet him. I stood on my knees and wrapped my arms around him pulling him close to my body. I could feel the heat from his cock as I held him tight.

I bent down to kiss him and I gave him several quick kisses and flicked my tongue over the tip of his cock. I was only going to give him a few kisses and than continue on with Andy, but somehow I just got too distracted.

I put his cock in my mouth and played with the head with my lips. I was moving my lips down and than just took the whole length in my mouth working slowly back up to the head and then down to his balls again. I did this about three times and than somewhat gathered my wits about me enough to have him sit next to me while I ordered Andy to remove his clothes.

Andy got up and stood right in front of me, his eyes fixed on mine. He moved toward me. I was still at the end of the bed and Eddie was right behind me. Eddie had his feet tucked underneath him and his hands were on my waist and shoulders and rubbing my back.

As Andy moved closer I found myself swaying back and forth a little bit, in time with Eddie rubbing my body. Andy was right at the end of the bed by now and he was out of his shirt and was working on undoing his pants. He peeled them open so very slowly and started to pull them down his legs.

As he stepped out of his pants I reached forward and stroked his very flat stomach with my fingernails. He took my arms by the wrists and moved them back as if to say look but don’t touch. He then started to very slowly remove his shorts, the whole time looking directly into my eyes.

He took his time and it was wonderful watching him as he slowly uncovered himself. As he stepped out of his shorts I raised up on my knees so I could get closer to him.

He kept looking directly into my eyes as I reached forward and put my hands on his waist, he placed his hands on my shoulders. Eddie was behind me with his legs still tucked underneath him.

His hands were reaching around my waist and up to my breasts and as his fingers found my nipples and started to twist and pull them I started to cum and as I did I sat back right onto Eddy’s lap.

I felt his cock on my pussy lips and the tip was just visible as I looked down. His shaft was rubbing my clit as the three of us all swayed back and forth. I started to lean forward very slowly putting my hands on Andy’s waist and bringing him closer to me.

As I leaned forward Eddy’s cock was moving backward. I could feel the head passing by my outer lips and over my clit giving me the most wonderful tingly feeling. When his cock was right at my vagina I pushed my hips down sliding Eddie all the way into me.

At the same time I had moved Andy and with his cock right in front of me I took a hold of it with both hands and was stroking and kissing and licking and sucking him. I placed my hands on my knees for support and as Eddie stroked my pussy Andy was filling my mouth with his cock.

They were both moving very slowly giving me ample time to gain the greatest enjoyment from their very hard and wonderful cocks. I have trouble trying to describe the sensations that I was experiencing.

I had to force myself to pay attention to what I was doing with Andy’s cock because I was so distracted by Eddy’s cock in my cunt. As Eddie kept the same constant rhythm I matched it with Andy.

Andy would slowly move his cock out and then right when the head would reach my lips he would start to move back into my mouth until he was pressing his body up against my face. Then slowly he would start to pull out again.

As the head of his cock would reach my lips I would tickle the underside with my tongue. He seemed to be particularly sensitive there and would gasp as my tongue flipped over the head of his cock.

The next time the end of his dick reached my lips I moved my head to the side and as he moved forward I was licking and kissing the side of his shaft. As his body reached my mouth I turned my head some more and started to lick and kiss his balls.

Now he gasped and started to moan as I tried to swallow his balls. At the same time I had taken his dick in my hand and was stroking it. By this time Eddie had picked up the pace and he was pounding my cunt with his cock. I had moved forward and was on my knees and one hand as the other hand had a hold of Andy as I sucked on his balls.

Eddie was up on his knees and fucking me doggie style and the rhythm was increasing in intensity. The faster Eddie moved the more furious I stroked Andy. Andy was moaning and I knew he was going to cum and as his balls got tight I put his cock in my mouth and went bezerk.

I have never experienced anything like this guy before or since. He was shaking like crazy and I thought he was going to faint or fall over and he just kept cumming. Guys are supposed to have something like a couple of teaspoon worth of orgasm.

This guy had what I swear seemed like a couple of tablespoon and more. As soon as it hit the back of my throat I felt like I would choke and I pulled my head back. Andy was still squirting and as his cum hit my face I caught my breath and took his cock back into my mouth.

He kept cumming but I was a little bit better prepared. I let my mouth fill and the excess was rolling out the side of my mouth and down my chin and neck and onto my breasts. I swallowed the cum in my mouth and as I licked his penis clean I was watching him and looking in his eyes.

He was smiling at me and he got down on his knees so he could kiss my face and mouth. While all this is going on Eddie has been increasing his pace and his intensity. As Andy and I kissed we rubbed our faces and I could smell the cum on our faces and the aroma made me so hot.

Andy moved his hands to my breasts and as he squeezed my breasts he took a hold of my nipples. They were absolutely rock hard and extremely sensitive. As he pulled and twisted and turned my nipples I started to ejaculate. It was actually somewhat embarrassing as the amount rivaled even Andy by at least twofold.

I’m sure some of it was Eddie but I couldn’t really say for sure because I was so busy cumming I had no idea of anything that was happening at all. We all sort of fell back onto the bed in a heap and I had one draped over each half of my body as I lay on my back.

We just drifted in the warm afterglow and the most wonderful odors, I just closed my eyes and I felt so satisfied and at the same time so hot.

As I opened my eyes I was laying on the beach, the sun was shining and I could hear the sound of the waves as they broke on shore. I was actually buried in the sand except for my head.

What was unusual was that I was in the sun yet I wasn’t hot. I’m very fair skinned and blond and I never go out in the sun without sun block and hats and so on and so on. The sun was up in the sky – mid day and yet the temperature was just right.

I was buried in the sand standing up which was also a bit unusual. I decided to go swimming so I started to walk forward as though I were climbing steps. I walked right out of the sand and started for the water.

The sand wasn’t like what one would expect at all. It was more like beads than grains and they rolled off my body, which was naked. I thought to myself how nice that the sand is like this here because it doesn’t cling to your skin or get stuck in your belly button or between your toes.

The ocean was the most beautiful shade of blue and so very clear. I seemed to be able to see for miles into the water. The waves were white and foamy where they were breaking and as I stepped into the water there was no change in temperature at all just the feeling of wetness. I dove into a wave and started to swim underwater.

I was swimming very fast and through an incredible amount of fish of every description. It was like those identification cards you get when you rent diving gear. Every fish on the card was right there in front of me.

There were literally thousands of them all around but I didn’t run into any of them. They seemed to part just as I was about to touch them. I was swimming very fast now and I had been doing this for several minutes when I remembered that I couldn’t even swim.

I realized that I must have been dreaming and as I realized this a pair of Dolphins swam up next to me, one on either side. They were absolutely gorgeous and it filled me with the most incredible sense of joy just to look at them. They both swam right up against me and their bodies were so soft and smooth.

I remember thinking how odd, because they should have rough skin. I was stroking each one on his head when one of them rolled onto his back and was swimming directly underneath me. His penis was erected and I spread my legs so he could enter me.

As he penis went inside of me I was overwhelmed with a sense of beauty, peace and serenity unlike anything I had ever known. He rose to the surface and was swimming on his back while I sat upright and his friend swam along side of us.

He was leaping all around us much in the same fashion as the dolphins do when they play with ships they meet at sea. I remember thinking he must be careful or else he may bump into us and spoil everything.

At that moment we left the water and took to the air. As I realized we were flying my mate dissolved underneath me and I was flying by myself over the ocean.

I was only a few feet over the water and I was moving very rapidly now. The ocean was crystal clear and extremely deep and yet I could see all the way to the bottom.

There were whales below me now and they were dancing and singing with one another. I watched them intently as I flew along, with occasional waves softly rising to caress my body. I became concerned that one of the waves may knock me down.

I decided to fly straight up into the sky. As I turned my body skyward and flew up, the dolphin rejoined me. He was not a dolphin however he was an Angel. He was naked and as he flew up to meet me he entered me as he had before. At that moment I realized he had always been an Angel and of course I had always known that.

That was the reason I was having intercourse with him, because he was an Angel. As we rose higher and higher I was overcome with feelings of spirituality and a oneness with my soul. I felt so perfect that I began to weep from the sheer joy of my emotions.

As we continued to rise we were enveloped in a white light that became increasingly bright until I could see nothing but white. At that moment I awoke. I instantly knew where I was and what had just transpired.

I lay there with Eddie and Andy on either side of me. My dream had left me with a feeling of cleanliness that defied description. I took a moment and let the memory of my dream sink into my consciousness.

I looked at the two men next to me and my thoughts immediately changed direction. I started to rub and kiss the two of them, rousing them from their slumber. “Hi, I said did you guys have a nice rest? Because I sure did. I hate to say this but I really should get going”.

“Please don’t leave, Eddie said besides where are you going to go at this time of night”? “I’m going to go home silly. I do have a home you know.” I looked at them and watched as they struggled against sleep forcing themselves awake.

I noticed that they were both aroused. I must say that is one thing about guys that I’ve always loved. Their ability to have an erection – even when they’re asleep. I reached down and took a cock in both hands and started to stroke them. Boy that woke them both up in a hurry.

“There is something I would like to do before I go, I said. I would really like to feel you, both of you inside of me . . . together, at the same time. Silence. “So what do you say guys”?

Andy said nothing at all but took my head in his hands and started kissing my face. Eddie was rubbing my neck with one hand while the other went to my pussy and stroked me. Eddie was actually built very well for being behind me and his cock was normal length. Andy had a long curved cock and so being in front of me he was able to reach my cunt without having to get in an awkward position.

I guess the normal position for double penetration is one guy on his back with the girl on top and the second guy behind her. I didn’t know that then but I was laying on my side facing Andy and as I lifted my leg into the air I moved my body back into Eddie and pulled Andy toward me.

I then reached down and took a hold of both their cocks with one hand and guided them toward my very wet and very ready pussy. I sort of anticipated a certain amount of difficulty in performing this maneuver. I mean I didn’t think I was built for taking two guys at once.

Their cocks just slid in without any difficulty and no pain at all. I’m sure it helped that I was both extremely relaxed and very, very wet. I couldn’t really move very well, so I had to leave that to the two of them.

They were very deliberate in their stroking me but they were not in sync. Actually this was very nice because it made it very noticeable that there were two cocks in my cunt at the same time.

As they fucked me they both were playing with my breast and nipples. It did not take long at all for this to lead me right into a wonderfully protracted period of multiple orgasms.

When I finally stopped cumming I could feel both of their bodies tense in anticipation of their own orgasms. They started to cum and as soon as they did I too started to cum all over again. It was wonderful and as my body calmed down I realized those loud noises had been coming from my mouth. Sure hope I didn’t wake anybody up.

I lay there for just an instant and then jumped out of bed. I had to scramble. It was after 2 am and I was hoping my husband would be asleep. I really needed to get home in a hurry. I started looking for my clothes. I found my panties and my slacks right away but I could not find my bra anywhere.

I kept asking them where’s my bra but they were in a love hangover so deep they couldn’t even speak. They just watched as I ran around the room tossing clothes in the air slipping on my shoes and finally deciding that leaving was a bit more important than finding my bra.

I put on my blouse and as I buttoned the first two or three buttons I bent over my two very wonderful new friends and gave them kisses goodbye. Then I was out the door into my car and on my way and . . . out of gas.

I mean the car was running but the needle was below the E and I remembered my husband saying as I left the house that I shouldn’t forget to get gas before I went to far because the tank was nearly empty.

All of a sudden it occurred to me that I now had the perfect excuse for why I was so late. I would just say that I ran out of gas. Of course I would have to stop and get gas or else I might actually run out of gas and then end up being even later than I already was.

There was an all night station near the club and I pulled in there jumped out and started pumping. I was thinking how strange that it takes so long to pump gas even though I’m the only one here, the pumps just seem so slow. Then I realize I don’t need to fill the tank and I let go of the handle and it stopped right on five dollars. How cool, I jumped into the car and peeled out, literally.

I must have gone close to a mile when I realized that I had never paid for the gas. Oh great, now what do I do? I figure if I don’t go back they will have probably called the cops. They’ll catch me, take me to the police station and than call my husband. Of course that could also be a great excuse.

Except that he might want to know why I was getting gas at 230 in the morning. So I do one of those stunt driver U turns and headed back to the gas station. I come screeching up to the office and jump out of the car and I’m rifling through my purse looking for money and telling the guy how sorry I am and he’s yelling at me for driving off and how his buddy had to go chasing after me.

I say did you guys call the cops and he says no but maybe they should have and I’m thinking to myself these are not the brightest guys. I mean not only did they not call the cops but if the other guy went after me I have no idea where he could have gone.

I mean I never saw any headlights in my rear view mirror and when I did my U turn I didn’t see any cars on my way back to the station. Anyway I say I’m here to pay and I’m sorry I just had other things on my mind and I forgot to pay.

Than as I’m shoving the money from the purse into his hands I realize I’ve only got four bucks. I just shouted OH FUCK I’ve only got four bucks. I think I scared him because he dropped a couple of the bills.

I picked them up and I’m swearing to him that I’m honest and I’ll bring the other buck tomorrow or leave some sort of collateral and I’m digging through my purse again but I’m having trouble looking because I’m holding my purse with one hand and the two dollars I dropped with the other.

So I shove the two dollars into his hand and that’s when I finally notice that he’s saying it’s okay and not to worry about it. Well how nice I think and I look at him only he’s not exactly looking at me he’s looking right at my body. So I look down and see why he’s so distracted and so nice.

My blouse is sort of hanging open. I mean like quite a bit hanging open and I’m hanging out so to speak. HEY I shouted at him what’s the big idea? Pretty clever, don’t you think?

Anyway I went back to my purse and resumed looking, which was now even harder because I’m holding my purse and clutching my blouse closed with one hand while I search with the other. I found four quarters and dropped them into his hand and I was out of there!

Finally I made it home. I pulled up and the house was dark. I crossed my fingers, hoping that he was asleep. I let myself in as slowly as I could so as not to make any noise. I stood inside the front door not moving.

I wanted my eyes to adjust to the darkness before I proceeded to the bedroom. As I stood by the door I could feel my heart pounding. It was very fast and very loud. I swear I could actually hear my heart pounding.

I started to move toward the back of the house and I seemed to find every uneven board in that floor. Every creak the floor made sounded loud enough to wake the dead. I got to our bedroom and pushed the unlatched door open.

The light in our bathroom was on and the door slightly closed, so there was a soft glow in the bedroom. It was enough to see my husband there asleep. He was under just a sheet and as I looked at him there I was filled with some fairly strong mixed feelings.

Before I could get lost in any feelings at all he raised up on his arm and turned to look at me and said “Hi there . . . what time is it . . . are you okay”? I did not know what to say, so I said nothing, I just smiled at him. He stretched out his hand to me and said come here.


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I remained by the door, almost as if I were going to turn and run away. He was staring at me and I realized he had probably asked if I was alright because of my appearance. My hair was mussed up and one tail of my blouse was hanging out.

My slacks also had a wet stain on the crotch but I’m not sure that it was visible. However a good way to eliminate the possibility was to eliminate the slacks. I slowly pulled my slacks down as I approached the bed. I tossed them to the side and as I continued to move to the bed I unbuttoned the bottom three buttons of my blouse.

I slipped the blouse down over my shoulders and tossed it across the room. He sat up as I did this and I realized that he had noticed that I no longer was wearing a bra under my blouse. He motioned with his hand for me to come closer.

I was still moving very slow, and I started to run my hands over my body and through my hair. I was still very uncertain as to how he would react or how I was going to tell him what had happened.

He has always said to me that he feels so special that I share myself with him and also that when I do go out dancing he knows any decisions I make will be the right ones for me.

Still I never imagined I would ever do anything more than flirt and kiss and I have no idea what came over me this night but it certainly felt “right” while it was happening.

When I got next to the bed I was close enough for him to see that my panties and thighs were wet. He put his face on my tummy and his breath was so reassuring. He held me for a moment and then said “My god you smell incredible. You smell so good”.

As he said that he put his arms around my waist and pulled me across his body onto the bed. At the same time he rose up on his knees and the sheet fell away from his body. He was naked and his body looked so beautiful in the light. I lay there trembling in anticipation of what he would do next.

He lowered his face toward my crotch and as he hovered over my tummy I could hear him breathing deeply and then I heard the slightest of groans and then, I don’t believe I can describe to any degree of accuracy what happened next.

I could feel energy coming from his body and as his hands trembled they grabbed a hold of my panties and literally tore them apart. They looked like a fringed skirt ala Josephine Baker. His hands went around the small of back and he raised my hips as he lowered his head.

The threads of my panties fell back as he dove his mouth into my pussy. As soon as his tongue found me I started to come and as he started to eat me he was asking questions.

“How did you get so wet? You taste just like cum. Have you been fucking”? he kept asking me questions like this and when he would ask he would stop to look into my face waiting for my response, but I would only look at him and smile.

His intensity would increase every time he would ask me and I kept responding to his intensity building my own intensity. As I started to ejaculate I could hear him slurping and sucking all my cum.

It always made me so hot when he would let me cum in his mouth and swallow my cum. I pulled him up to me and his cock slid right into my cunt. We fit together so perfectly. His face was covered with sperm and cum and juice and he smelled absolutely terrific.

We kissed and licked and as I licked Eddie and Andy’s cum off his chin he kept firing question after question at me trying to uncover where I had been and with whom.

At one point he said that was just to much cum for one guy and had I been getting it on with two guys or something and I just laughed. So what does that mean he said were you with three guys or maybe even four. I smiled at him as I held his head in my hands and finally spoke and said no.

Okay then, so it was two guys, I smiled. So where were you, where did this happen? Are you ever going to tell me? I smiled again and we kissed. He has the most perfect kisses. I will tell you, I promise. He smiled and kissed me and we fucked and sucked and licked and kissed until dawn.

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