Edward's Halloween Costume by nudedude03,nudedude03

“Can we just get on with this…it’s somewhat uncomfortable standing here dressed, or more accurately undressed like this.” Edward said.

“Goodness, a grown boy like you, still getting embarrassed in front of an older woman like me. Thank you, that’s a backhanded compliment, even if you didn’t realize it,” she chuckled.

“I can understand some boys shyness about their body’s but you have developed inti quite the athletic handsome young man. You should be proud of your physique. It’s really no different than if you were standing here in a speedo swimsuit.” She said.

She continued trying to ease his anxiety by saying, “Besides I’ve seen young men in here in much less than you’re wearing,” she chuckled.

“WHAT?” He quipped back at her. “Anything less would be…they would be…naked!” Edward said questioning what he had just heard.

“Yes dear, there have been instances in which they would need to be completely undressed in order to fit their clothing properly. The fact that people have to completely undress at times is overstated. Take models during a fashion show, they don’t even wear undergarments most of the time. They are naked backstage while changing outfits during a show.” Mrs. Webster explained.

“Oh…I see,” Edward muttered. This still didn’t quell his anxiety about standing there only clad in his bikini briefs. He concentrated on being finished, dressed and out of this situation.

Mrs. Webster continued measuring his waist and hips. He squirmed somewhat while she took his hip measurement. Her fingers were uncomfortably close to his privates. Being a 19 year old boy, any activity that near his groin produces a reaction.

He felt his penis twitch while she fiddled with her measuring tape. His attention suddenly switched when he witnessed Cora and Beth casually walk into the room. He quickly moved his hands to cover himself, swatting Mrs. Webster’s hands away.

“Oh goodness, what happened?” Mrs. Webster asked. “I haven’t got the final measurement yet Edward.”

“Your daughters just walked in and…I’m…im in my briefs,” Edward announced.

Mrs. Webster laughing said, “Oh that, my daughters are my employees. They always help me in my sewing business. Cora has become just as proficient as me. She takes over for me at times when I’m under the weather.”

“But they have no right to just walk in on me when I’m not dressed,” he complained.

“Well they are a part of the business and this is their home,” Mrs. Webster replied. “I’m sorry if you weren’t aware of that but if you check with your mother she’d tell you she knew. The girls have worked along with me and your mother on several projects. She was very pleased with everything they worked on.

“It’s still very uncomfortable for me…like…like this,” he said.

Cora jumped in with, “Don’t be so self conscious. I feel the same way whenever I go to the beach. I’ll be wearing a tiny bikini, it seems like I’m not wearing anything,” she laughed. “We all have similar feelings about that stuff.”

Beth, standing next to her sister, simply nodded her head in agreement.

Mrs. Webster spoke up insisting, “I know one thing for sure, I’ve got to finish getting your measurements,” as she as she gently pushed his hands apart and away. This gave the girls an unobstructed view of his package inside his briefs.

“Wow, those fit you like a second skin,” Beth commented looking at his briefs. “You could wear most anything with a nice build like yours,” she continued with her compliments.

Edward was loving the compliments but still uneasy with the whole situation. Finally Mrs. Webster said the magic words, “We’re done, you can get dressed now.”

As he turned and headed for the screen the girls noticed his bikini briefs revealed the top of his ass crack. They looked at each other with a smirking chuckle.

“I’ll need you back in a few days for your first fitting,” Mrs. Webster announced as he dressed behind the screen. “I will let your mother know what day.”

Edward asked, “First fitting?”

“Yes as particular as your mother is about these things, I will need at least a few fittings to get things perfect.”

“I guess if it’s absolutely necessary, I just hope there is no conflict with my previously scheduled activities,” Edward smugly answered.

Three days later Edwards mother informed him that Mrs. Webster had called and was ready for a fitting. “Oh crap, do I really have to go back there?” Edward asked.

“Indeed you do. You’re not screwing up my perfect party. I’ve put a lot of work into this thing, and your custom costume goes along with ours,” Janet said. “Mrs. Webster asked if you could be there tomorrow at 2:00 pm.”

“Ok, ok I’ll go,” he said. “I just don’t like leaving my car unattended in that neighborhood. And those daughters of hers are creepy, if you ask me.”

“Now it’s not that bad of an area and besides Mrs. Webster is doing me a favor. She’s working you in because you were too ‘busy’ to get yours done with the rest of us.” Janet said. “Her daughters are a great help to her. They step in when she needs help and the older one is nearly as proficient as her mother.”

“Fine, I’ll go but mainly to get this silly thing over,” Edward said.

The next day he arrived at Mrs. Webster’s home just after 2:00 pm. Before he could knock on the door it opened. Beth, the younger daughter, greeted him saying, “Hi again, mom’s in her sewing room waiting for you.”

Edward followed Beth through the house and into her mother’s sewing room. “Aha Edward, it’s nice to see you again. How have you been?”

He acknowledged her and gave her the standard answer, “I’m fine, thanks.”

Mrs. Webster handed him the costume and began to explain its make up. “As you can see the caveman theme is clearly evident,”she giggled. “The costume is made from fake animal skins designed to mock the real skins. There’s a built in hidden undergarment. You couldn’t wear regular underwear underneath the flaps, it would show.”

Edward scanned the costume and saw that there wasn’t a lot to it. It consisted of a sash, similar to a beauty queens sash but in animal print and a bottom which was only two flaps. He presumed one flap for the front and one for the back with the sides open.

“I’m supposed to wear this?” He asked. “This is what my mother chose for our ‘themed’ costumes?”

“Yes, your family’s costumes are very similar. You’d know that if you had been there when we did them,”Cora popped in to say.

“Come now, let’s see how the fit is,” Mrs. Webster announced. “Take the costume behind the screen and try it on Edward.”

Behind the screen Edward stripped down to his boxer briefs and slipped the costume on over them. He stepped out and before he made it back to where they were, Mrs. Webster stopped him. “Edward, I told you the underwear is built into the costume.”

“I heard you but this is just a fitting. I figured I could wear my regular stuff underneath for this,” he responded.

“Well you figured wrong,” she laughed. “A fitting is just that. I determine the fit of the costume and just the costume. What you’re doing is like wearing a sock to try on a sock to see how it fits.”

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