Edward's Halloween Costume by nudedude03,nudedude03

“Edward, you’re just going to attract attention to yourself with all that banging and yelling,” Cora reminded him.

He glanced behind himself but still didn’t see any movements. He did catch a glimpse of his car. “Great,” he thought, he’d make a run for his car and get the hell out of his current hell. He took another quick scan for any sign of traffic and took off running.

Just as he reached his car, it hit him. His keys were in his pants and his pants were in the house he’d just run from. Still he jumped into the convertible for some kind of shelter. Another realization smacked him when he remembered the hard top he’d take off was in the trunk and of course the trunk was locked. He couldn’t even hide his nudity inside his car. He cursed himself for being such a clean freak thereby leaving nothing to cover himself with in the car.

Cora was so upset by Edwards words and actions she called her cousin Robert who lived just a few houses down the street. She explained the situation to him and was crying by the end of the call.

Robert was 21 years old and had played football in high school. He was now a personal trainer at a local gym. Since high school he’d increased his body mass by nearly half. Robert was a mass of muscle. He was very loyal to Mrs. Webster, his aunt. She had helped raise him after his mother had died.

He had been in the shower when Cora had called and just threw on a pair of sweat pant shorts before flying out the door. In just a matter of minutes he was in front of his aunt’s house. He spied the naked boy hunched down in the driver’s seat of the sports car.

Walking up to the door and leaning in toward Edward he said, “What in the world do we have here?” He said. “Looks like some kind of a pervert to me. Sitting naked in a car waiting to flash a passerby.”

Edward open his mouth to speak but was cut off before he could make a sound. “Your type makes me sick to my stomach. This is a nice decent neighborhood and we want to keep it that way.”

This time Edward spoke up saying, “I’m here like this because of those crazy ass bitches in that house,” as he nodded toward Mrs. Webster’s house. “They stripped me and shoved me out the door…naked. I’ll get those cunts if it’s the last thing I ever do!”

Robert thought for a couple of seconds and asked as sincerely as possible, “Is that so? Why did they ‘strip’ you?”

“My mother commissioned them to make a costume for me and while I was being fitted the youngest cunt spilled a milkshake all over my designer clothes. Then the bitch threw my dry clean only expensive clothes in a washing machine. Everything was ruined and I told them off!”

“Oh my, that’s terrible,” Robert replied. “Those women sound deranged. I can’t believe they’d do such a horrible thing to such a handsome young man like you.”

Edward felt some compassion from Robert until he called him ‘handsome’. One guy calling another guy handsome made him uncomfortable. At least he was beginning to think he’d get some help out of this situation.

“I can’t believe anyone would do that to you,” Robert sympathetically said. “I’m very upset that this happened in my neighborhood. I’m angry too and want you to get to the bottom of what’s happening here.”

With that said Robert opened the car door, reached in and pulled Edward out of his seat. With one arm wrapped around Edwards body, blocking him from covering his privates, Robert walked/drug him back to the front door asking, “Your clothes are inside here, right?” Bewildered, Edward nodded yes. “I’ll get this settled right here, right now,” Robert angrily said.

Robert banged on the door until it opened. He rushed inside with Edward still locked in an body hold and still completely exposed.

“Now I want to know what is going on here? Why did I find this good looking young man totally naked out in his car? Robert demanded from the three women.

All three started explaining what had taken place previously. Each taking over telling the story when one of them would stop to take a breath. This left Edward the opportunity to only get a single word in occasionally. The women were making sense and with Edwards one word interruptions he sounded ridiculous.

When they had finished explaining Robert looked at Edward and said, “I do not like being lied to, even if you’re a handsome rich boy. I think you need a lesson maybe only I can teach you” with that said Robert continued to walk/drag Edward back into the sewing room, sat down and draped him over his knees.

“You can’t be thinking you’re going to…spank me,” Edward said. “I’m a grown ass man and…”

He was interrupted when Roberts’ large muscled hand came crashing down on his naked ass cheeks. The slap was so hard it echoed off the walls.

“F…U…C…K, that hurt!” Edward screamed. “Stop that,you can’t do this to me!”

With that just out of his mouth Robert slammed his hand down again on Edwards bare butt.

“Ouch!, damn, fuck…stop!” Edward squealed.

“Not gonna happen till I think you’ve learned your lesson.” Robert announced as he continued pounding Edwards cheeks. Those once lily white cheeks were turning a bright pink/red mix. Edward could feel the heat through the pain. His ass felt as if it were on fire.

Edward continued to scream out with each swat but they became more muddled and mixed with blubbering to ‘please stop.’ He started trying to evade the slaps by squirming around on Roberts lap. With each movement he was flashing the three women watching.

Finally Edward mumbled, through his slobbering, “I’m sorry…I’m sorry I was so nasty to everyone…I’m sorry.” Crying like a baby with tears flowing and mucus running from his nose, he just kept saying, “I’m so sorry.”

Robert stopped the spanking and stood up bringing Edward up with him to face the three women.

He heard the women gasp, but it didn’t register. He was in too much pain and confusion to realize much of anything. But after a bit he looked up at the women and saw they were fixated on his crotch. Immediately his thoughts were ‘Oh my god, my penis is uncovered and they are seeing it.’ He looked down and saw that not only could they see his penis he had a raging throbbing erection.

Evidently the spanking had triggered something in him that was erotic. That was the only reasoning he could think of for his erection. He started to move his hands to cover himself but his arms were trapped at his sides by Robert’s grip on him.

“Obviously you must enjoy some part of being spanked,” Robert said looking down at Edwards engorged penis. Edward just hung his head in embarrassment.

Cora spoke up and said, “Well at least your embarrassment is limited to just us four in this room…and my and Beth’s friends and neighbors.”

Edward looked directly at Cora with a puzzled expression and asked. “What do you mean by your friends and neighbors? When I was outside naked nobody saw me.”

“Turn your head to the side,” Cora explained.

Edward slowly turned his head to the side, not knowing what to expect. He saw a flock of women outside the glass windows lining the sewing room. They all had a prime view of his naked body and his thriving erection. Taking everything in he surmised that those women outside had also witnessed his humiliating spanking.

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