Filipinas: Cindy by ExpatInParadise,ExpatInParadise

After I had kissed her breasts all over, and planted a few hickeys on her tender flesh, I moved south again, kissing her tummy and then moving to kiss her through her panties. That drew more gasps and a desperate comment, “I don’t know what you are doing, but I hope you know that I’m a virgin.”

“I didn’t,” I replied, “but I will be gentle with you and only do what you want me to.” That seemed to satisfy her, and she allowed me to pull her panties down far enough that I could kiss her pussy. She was already very wet, and by now, her body was more in charge than her mind. I slipped her panties down her legs to her ankles, and once again she kicked them off.

Now I could devote my full attention to her vulva, licking and sucking her labia, clit and vaginal entrance. Her juices were running freely out of her and her legs were spread as far as she could get them. The scent and taste of her were heady, warm and sweet. I couldn’t get enough, and I was obsessed by her pussy.

I managed to remove my pants and boxer while I feasted at her pussy, and when she went into meltdown from her orgasm crashing down on her, it was simple to slide up far enough to quickly push my cock deep into he pussy. She was so caught up in her climax that she barely noticed whatever pain it caused her.

I was already stroking in and out of her when she said something. “I didn’t realize that we were going to do this. I thought you were going to ask.”

I replied, “You were enjoying yourself so much that I was sure you would want to go the rest of the way with me. I hope it is OK.”

“I guess it will have to be. You’re already deep inside of me. This feels so much different than I thought it would. Everybody said it would hurt really bad, but it doesn’t,” she said.

I started thrusting away, creating a rhythm that she could follow. At first, she just lay there, but after several strokes, her hips were rising to meet mine. Pretty soon, my cock was thrusting full length into her, pressing against her cervix with every thrust. She was heating up again, and soon there was a chorus of ‘Ooo’s and ‘Aaah’s coming from her. I continued like that for some time, and then I flipped her over onto her elbows and knees to slide in again from behind.

My cock was driving into her even deeper from this angle, a fact that she seemed to enjoy. Soon, her vaginal muscles were contracting around my cock as it drove into her. Her orgasm overcame her senses, and I soon joined her, spilling large quantities of sperm into her womb as we jerked and spasmed together. Against all odds, I had found paradise again.

“I had no idea,” she said. “Now I know why God brought us together.”

“We do fit together well, don’t we?” I replied. “Maybe you are right about God.”

We collapsed side-by-side on the bed, and I snuggled against her warm body as we fell asleep. So much for my resolution to not create any more relationships with Filipinas. Maybe this one could work out, if God really wanted us to be together.

We woke in the early evening, and I suggested that we get a shower and go grab something to eat. The shower was fun (as they always are with a Filipina who has never had a real shower before. At first, she was shy to be in the shower with me. Then, she thought we were using too much water. Finally, she was hesitant when I asked her to wash my body (even though I had already washed hers). Showers with Filipinas are always an adventure. You never know what you will get.

We went down the street to a small café for some dinner, and then I asked if she would like to go back to my room. She said that she had to be to work early in the morning. I said, “OK, but come back here tomorrow afternoon at one.”

She leaned up and kissed me on the cheek and said, “OK.” I gave her money for a trike, and put her in one before returning to my room.

I had a hard time sleeping that night. I think I had anticipated having her sleep next to me, and when that didn’t happen, I woke up with my usual nightmares a few times during the night. Somehow, the NVA was always able to find me when I was sleeping alone in a room. I was just glad they hadn’t caught me in the jungle. The nightmares seldom visited when I had a Filipina sleeping in my arms.

The next day was my normal routine at Clark. I checked in, ran ten miles, had breakfast, visited the armory and the range, did my exercises at the gym, had lunch and checked out. I was back at my hotel when Cindy came rolling up in a trike. I had decided to wait for her in the lobby, so she wouldn’t be alone on Fields Avenue. There were just too many guys wandering around looking for women.

I took her up to my room, and we lay down together on my bed. She snuggled her butt back against me, and I turned her head to kiss her. That got her to roll over to face me, and she said, “I love you, Pete. I hope you love me too.”

“I might fall in love, but it might take some time. I hope that’s OK,” I replied.

That disappointed her, but she bounced back. “I have committed everything to you, so I hope there is a future for us.”

“I wish I had the luxury of seeing into the future,” I said, “but experience has taught me that nothing is certain in this life, especially not with my job.”

“What is your job, Pete?” she asked.

“I can’t tell you that,” I said, “but I can tell you that it is in Indochina and it is dangerous. Many have already died doing what I do.”

“God will protect you for me,” she said, as if we had a special lock on God’s protection.

All I could say was, “I hope so.” I had seen too much to still believe that God would protect anybody in a war zone.

With that, she was all over me. Today, I didn’t even have to undress her. She stripped off her clothes and helped me with mine. I wasn’t sure what got into Filipinas when they committed to a man, but it seemed like all or nothing for them. If they had claimed you as theirs, there was nothing they wouldn’t do for you. If you were just an acquaintance, then you were on your own.

When all of our clothes were draped over the chair, Cindy straddled my hips and kissed me as she ground her pussy into my cock. I was rock hard almost immediately. She tried to roll us over, so I would be on top, but I said, “Why don’t we try it with you on top?”

“I don’t know how,” was her reply.

“Well, what you were doing was pretty close to what you need to do. Just adjust so that my cock will slide into your pussy. You can use your hand,” I said.

She looked down between us and reached to pull my cock to where it needed to be. Then, she slowly slid onto my cock, fully sheathing it in seconds. “Oh my God,” she said. “It is so big in me. I love how this feels.”

It started slow, with her rocking back and forth on my cock, but then she squatted over me and started rapidly sliding up and down on my shaft. Cindy was going so high that I almost slipped out, but she kept enough control that my cock remained encased. I was thrusting up into her at the same time, and my cock was so deep in her that it felt like it would come out of her throat.

I couldn’t take that for long, and when my climax came, I pulled her down tight on my cock and held her there, so all of my seed would be sprayed into her womb. That set her off, and she collapsed on top of me quivering.


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