Girlie by tomtom45,tomtom45

“Can I touch you, very gently?” I asked.

With some renewed courage, Nikki responded: “I came to you hoping you would!”

“Well!, I’ll take that as a yes and just get started then!”

My hands were trembling and I had a stern talk with myself. This is certainly not the first pussy I’ve touched!

Gliding my hand lightly up her leg, I asked: “Has anyone ever touched you here before?”

“No, only me!”

I let my hand glide lightly over her vulva and felt an involuntary shudder pass through Nikki’s body. She sighed like a great weight had been lifted from her.

“Now Nikki, these beautiful little lips are your Labia, the outer pair and the inner ones.” I gently touched and stroked as Nikki followed with the mirror.

“Then we have your Vagina here where a penis goes and where a baby will slide down from your womb one day.” I gently slid my finger in to about the second knuckle and felt her slick tightness. A humming sound was my reward and I realised that I was painfully erect.

I slid my now very slick index finger upwards until I felt her bump. “This my little Girlie is your Clitoris. It’s perhaps the most exciting bit for sex! It has a little hood here, and when it gets excited it comes out to play and gets bigger”

“It feels better when you touch it… I think.” She said.

“Well… ” I said, “There’s something I can do very gently to make you realise what a fantastic thing you have here.”

“There is?” Nikki enquired.

“Yes, with my tongue!”

“Your tongue!” Nikki shouted.

I laughed and said: “Just trust me Girlie. I think you are going to love this!”

Quickly I stripped off my shirt and jeans, put a cushion under Nikki’s bum and knelt between her legs.

“You’ll remember this for the rest of your life Girlie.” I said and leaned into her, gently licking from her virgin hole to just below her clit.

Nikki jumped and breathed “Fuuuck!”

I did it again with a small detour into her depths. Oh, she tastes so good. On my next upward sweep, I gently grazed her clit and Nikki grabbed my head.

In a panicky voice, Nikki leaned forward and said quite loudly: “That’s it… that’s the spot. What’s going to happen?”

“I’m going to give you the most pleasure you have ever felt!”

“Ooooh!” was her only response.

From my very close vantage point I watched as her tiny body rippled in pleasure. I dove in again and licked upward several times, stopping just short of her clit. Nikki tried to push down to make contact. Then I started licking above her clit and she bucked her pelvis upward. I renewed my attack on her hole, pushing my tongue in as far as it would go.

I figured we were getting close based on the noises and trashing about coming from Nikki. So, I replaced my tongue with my left index finger, palm upward. She was so tight and as soon as I felt the spongy area of her G spot, Nikki started to trash about so much I had to lay my upper body on her to get her to stop.

“Ssshhh, relax Nikki! This is the moment you’ve been waiting for! Let me bring the pleasure to you my sweet!”

Gradually she calmed and her gasps became deep breaths. I kept my finger motionless, but I could feel the pressure from her rippling walls. Although a virgin, Nikki had little by way of a hymen to prove it! I kissed her delightful tummy and giggles filled the room.

“Now you’re tickling me! Can’t we get back to what you were doing earlier?”

“You mean this…” I said as I licked her labia from my finger to the top of the delightful slit.

“Oh yes! That’s what I mean!”

With a few more full-length kicks I began massaging her G spot and working my tongue around her clit. Suddenly, without warning I closed my mouth around her upper labia and sucked her clitoris into my mouth where I attacked it unmercifully with my tongue.

Nikki wailed, screamed and began to levitate. It felt as if here body was floating. But, in fact, she was supporting her entire body with the top of her head and her heels. Her entire being was “humming” somehow. I had never seen anything like it — an entire body spasm, clamping my index finger so tightly in her body that I doubt I would have been able to remove it!

Gradually I decreased the suction and removed my mouth from her vulva to see a red and extended clitoris bobbing slightly. There was no sound.

Oh FUCK, Nikki wasn’t breathing. I thumped her chest with my right fist, grabbed her arms and lifted her to a sitting position, her head lolling back lifelessly.

Suddenly there was an enormous intake of air, a cough and several rapid breaths before Nikki looked at me and smiled like I had never seen before! I was speechless!

“What was that?” asked Nikki.

“That Girlie was your first orgasm!” I replied.

“When can we do it again?”

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